Republic Trooper - Tumblr Posts
1 year ago
Tags :
star wars
star wars legends
the old republic
star wars eu
old republic
republic trooper
space pirates
imperial agent
swtor smuggler
bounty hunters
bounty hunter
the mandolarian
jabba the hutt
starwars fanfic
star wars fanfiction
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1 year ago
My republic trooper frees Revan (unfortunately video with less fps) She is lawful good alignment
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1 year ago

I love Alderaan, I hope nothing bad happens to that planet...
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1 year ago
Tags :
old republic
the old republic
swtor trooper
swtor jedi knight
swtor smuggler
swtor jedi consular
jedi consular
jedi knight
swtor oc
sw games
starwars fandom
star wars games
republic trooper
star wars the old republic
star wars legends
sw legends
sw eu
star wars eu
star wars
star wars shitpost
1 year ago
So true...
How to relax after stress
(Brought to you by each SWTOR class' default recharge animation)
Trooper: Examine and optimize your relevant toolkit
Smuggler: Fidget with an interesting trinket
Consular: Calm your surroundings by meditating now
Knight: Make yourself comfortable and then meditate
Bounty Hunter: Declutter your relevant toolkit
Agent: Busy yourself in your work
Inquisitor: Review what happened
Warrior: Scream about what happened
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1 year ago
Ahhh I'm on awe

Lord of the Stars by Jake Bartok (not the official name)
The Lord of the Rings × Star Wars
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