Sw Legends - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Talon Karrde: What are your concerns? Luke Skywalker: Well, you’ve kidnapped me. Talon Karrde: Hmm, noted. Go on. Luke Skywalker: And you threw me in this dungeon. Talon Karrde: I see. Anything else? Luke Skywalker: Uh, no. But... hmm. No, I guess those are the main two. Talon Karrde: Thank you. Your feedback is a gift.

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10 months ago

My thoughts on Sith Philosophy

There certainly is something romantic about the sith, they basicly seek emotional and sometimes literal freedom. And that is in my opinion something everybody can more or less relate to.

My Thoughts On Sith Philosophy

Many Imperials view the war with the Republic as a war for survival rather than conquest. Like the Sith, the Imperial citizens are educated about the end of the Great Hyperspace War and the carnage from the Republic and Jedi holocaust of the Sith people, that resulted in the indiscriminate massacre and near extinction of the entire Sith civilization. The people of the Empire have not forgotten the horrors inflicted on them by the Republic, and Sith and Imperial alike believe that if they don't wipe out the Jedi and Republic first, then they will be wiped out by them. And this time the Jedi might succeed in destroying all traces of the Sith Empire.

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9 months ago

I love Revan and for me he is the winner. If had to choose only one star wars' character, I would have chosen Revan. Becouse Revan is character which has best storytelling traits similar to other sw characters.

For example:

Revan is tactical genius like Thrawn.

Revan helped his loved one to turn away from the dark side like Luke helped Mara Jade.

Exar Kun started empire and his aprentice betraied him which lead to his downfall of his rule, so does Revan was betraied by Malak.

After Revan other star wars characters was based on him.

For Example:

Design of Kylo Ren was based on Revan.

More star wars characters started using two lightsabers: Ahsoka Tano, Starkiller, Ventress.

Whole swtor game in may opinion especially imperial agent with indentity problems was inspired by Revan.

Revan is so uniwersal and influensial character.

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8 months ago

The Medieval Darth Malak

The Medieval Darth Malak
The Medieval Darth Malak

I study art history and this is one of the reliefs we discussed.

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