Resulting In Yang's Whole: I Will Take A Bullet For These People At The Drop Of A Hat - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

It is interesting that when Yang was leaving in volume 4 it never even seemed to be a question between them whether Tai was staying or not. I mean both of his daughters, his ex-wife and his brother-in-law were either in, or heading to anima. From what Oobleck and Port said during their visit the situation in Vale was... not exactly great, but under control. No one would've faulted Tai for going after his family, but he didn't.

And as enjoyable as theories about the relic of choice being hidden under the house and guarded by Tai are, I find it much more moving the idea that he stayed simply to make sure everything was still standing when they got back. That this man who has lost some of the most important people in his life is capable of tamping down on his own overprotectiveness and trust his family to look after each other when he's not there. To stay at home and try and actually improve the situation in Vale while everyone runs off on their big-picture save the world journey.

And it makes sense that its what he'd do, he's been doing the same thing for Qrow for years at this point. He's used to it, no matter how much the worry must eat at him.

Its definitely a trademark xiao long "this is definitely hurting me but its also the thing the people I care about need, so I'm gonna do it anyway" move.

both yang and especially ruby have this thing where they... not quite ignore but definitely shove their own problems aside for the moment to be there for others, even to the point of traveling across continents if so required. it's all about staying by others' side. 'until the end', a ruby song, says it best for ruby; i promise i'll be here until the end.

i can near guarantee they did not get this trait from summer or raven or qrow, all three who have either left and kept their distance; all either confirmed or heavily hinted as a way to protect their family.

no, this is a trait they got from taiyang, the depressed single father who worries about his daughters a lot. the one who stayed, no matter what, doing his best to be there for ruby and yang, even when his emotional state wasn't the greatest.

(and that's something ruby and yang definitely picked up on; those little changes, when his smile turns almost sad at something they said or did, when all the memories come flooding back, a reminder of a time that once was but can never be brought back)

like, tai stayed, so much so that even when everyone else left, he's still home, taking care of everything so that his kids have a home to return to.

to sum it up; the whole "there's no time to deal with our own problems there are others depending on us" is a certified xiao long trait and gods they need therapy.

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