Rin And Sesshoumaru - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Four Seasons p. 15

Black and white panel from Four Seasons.

Sixteen or seventeen-year-old Rin and Sesshomaru are surrounded by images of luxuriant flowers.
Sesshomaru: "They bloom without anyone noticing or caring, only to die. Wildflowers' lives are vain, no thought, no power..."
Rin: "And no regret. That's what makes them happy. That's their life choice and they're happy like this".

Since today's my birthday (just the day after Kagome's, feel so honoured) I'll bend the rules and post a panel from Four Seasons although it's not Sunday. This one is in all probability my favorite dialogue by far, because Rin is exactly like that, with this genuine respect towards any form of life of course but for death too. Such is the main difference between her and Sesshomaru. Centenarian daiyoukai though he may be, even with all his vast knowledge of the world, death is the one thought still eluding his mind, and in this regard young woman Rin, as a mortal, more, a mortal who's already died twice before, is much more experienced and thus you may almost say that she is in fact older than him (don't get me wrong, I'm NOT suggesting with that to endorse the whole sessrin thing as if it had no problems, of course you are free to enjoy that if you want to, but not at the cost of having your critical sensibility thrown away for some foolish fandom fighting, because you can't tell me that since by blood and law either Rin is not Sesshomaru's daughter then he has no power over her, my goodness, that girl trusts him completely and has idolized him since ever, how can you possibly fail to see a minefield ahead even taking for good that growing older she would be wiser?).

First lines from "Within the Numbered Days", ao3 sessrin fanfic.

"Rin grasped finality with a grace he could never emulate.
Somethings simply ended"

"Within the Numbered Days", chapter 1, on ao3

Yep, I like a lot seeking such connections with other fanfics. That's what I mean by saying that I enjoy those sessrin fanfics which bring to light aspects of these two characters that you can acknowledge as true even without liking them as a couple.

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