Ritsu Shinjo - Tumblr Posts
this is so funny to me. he rlly acts like he's about to summon some crazy magic only to beat the anomaly up with his book 😭
Rating the ghouls reactions in EP 7 ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・⋆.ೃ࿔*:
" she turn into anomaly1!1!! "

Frostheim package deal : 8/10
Lucas honestly looked so confused because my pure boy really wanna help out MC cure this curse of hers and for the only piece of information he knows to turn out to be completely false probably got him even more concerned and Kaito looking hella terrified is just so relatable cus imagine one of your bffs turning into one of the things you are afraid of

Bandana food truck guy : 7/10
that concerned look please he still cant believe there's a possibility his poor inspector , that " airhead " , gonna turn into something dangerous at some point . -1 costumer i guess

Bubblegum tiktoker : 6/10
either he's thinking " well that's interesting " or " is this vampire spitting nonsense " . am not sure what to expect from this guy to be honest

Shark dude : 9/10
being in Jabberwock probably scarred him for life and when he though he finally saw all the terrifying things you could think of , some vampire decide to go cute reminder humans can actually turn into anomalies

"cus i said so your honor " : 9/10
" my recorder you hearing this shit? " . decided from now on every time a bad event occur ill just pull out a recording app and go like " this atrocious statement have been said by xxxx"

Ghost-seeing flutist : HUH/10
LIKE??????????????I DONT KNOW AT THIS POINT MAN . not sure if that a " ... i knew it " expression " or a " wow am speechless " one but i really expected at least a word, not really sure what to make of " ... "

Taiga: quit alan's turf
Sho: why
Taiga: join mine
Sho: what's the other guy here for
Ritsu: i am here to assure your contract with our house goes smoothly, mr haizono
Sho: you guys sure are fancy...
Taiga: who the fuck are you
Sho: ...
Sinostra wearing masks 😷
Gahaha, don't mind the machine translated Japanese, just wanted to help my moots understand it better--

Sinostra 🎰 based on this tweet

Any1 fw this ship...? No...? Just me...? Ok
Everyday life in Sinostra: vices and throbbing hearts among gaming tables

The meow-fia of Sinostra

Sinostra as kitties

Wc: ~660
Reddish bengal who got put in adoption because of his aggressiveness and his former owner had kids.
Doesn't even look at kibble, only eats raw meat, preferably one from prey he hunted but beef makes do. You have to clean his face though, he is quite a messy eater and ends up having blood over his whiskers.
On a similar note, he has a thing for mouse shaped toys that run around. He does end up breaking them in a week or less (that is why he always tries to steal Haru's peekaboo but never for long enough to break it).
His hunting drive is still sharp, running after pigeons and little animals to sink his claws in and he is fairly successful. For the sake of your local environment keep him locked up.
His relationship with Romeo is quite strange, sometimes he acts like he will start fights, hissing and arching his back, with him before stopping and start licking him, even if Romeo pushes him away.
Will make you believe you can touch him but will bite and scratch your hand as soon as it's anywhere close. He doesn't like it if any of the other cats do it and will start attacking them roughly enough for you to get in and separate them.
He is quite a playful cat when he isn't on one of his violent moods attacking you, whatever simulates chasing prey or even enrichment toys where he guesses where the treat is.
Romeo Scorpius Lucci
A fluffy and pompous black Persian who grooms himself constantly.
A competition cat whose original family went broke and didn't have enough money to keep going to competitions or even keeping pets, so he was given to you.
Because he is quite particular about his food, not liking any dry kibble and barely eating some wet foods, so you feed him the same as taiga, raw meat and some veggies.
He spends his whole day perched on the highest point of the cat tower, looking down at you and the other cats. When Taiga usurps his place he hisses but never dares to do anything else.
If you have any kind of jewelry like rings, necklaces or earrings he likes to snoop around the shiny things. If you do makeup he perches himself on your lap when you start doing it, and even meows loudly reproaching you when your eyeliner smudges or you use the wrong color.
When he sees how much attention you give to Ritsu because he is the only one who listens he feels slightly jealous and might push him away when you start to compliment him and take his place. Otherwise he sits on your chest when you sleep weighing you down when you try to get up.
(I'll admit I didn't know what cat would fit best but because of looks this one feels good) a very small Burmese kitty who accepted really quickly any rules inside the house.
He keeps your rules being enforced, meowing at taiga for hunting wild birds or Romeo for sleeping in your bed/stealing jewelry. Because he is so annoying they swat at him but he is just quick enough to evade them without a scratch.
The same way he does chime at you if you do something incorrectly in his eyes like closing doors or feeding them the wrong kibble.
If you want to touch him, put out your hand and wait for him to plop next to your leg, otherwise he will dislike it and hiss and run away and next time you see him he will stand a few meters away, face slightly scrunched in annoyance.
He does really like praise though so he is really easy to train, his eyes go wide at the soft words and the little treat. But he will do it even without the prompt and still expect praise.
Sometimes he slips under your blanket and makes biscuits on your tummy. The seller told you that his mom was unable to finish caring for him so he might have taken you as a caretaker too.
Ritsu had politely requested some of your personal time after the end of the workday. Despite establishing a tentative relationship, he always made formal requests like this. Perhaps it had grown to be charming, or perhaps you were simply used to it. Nonetheless, you agreed and were invited into his dorm room.
Ritsu kept a rigorous schedule whenever possible. He reviewed his coursework and the day's recordings, he took notes on everyone he'd encountered or beheld that day into neat profiles and behavioral models that were surprisingly accurate for most of their subjects. When all of that was done he watched opera performances before he went to bed. This overlapped with the requested personal time, and so you sat beside him at his personal laptop, taking in the performance with him.
While he demanded silence while he worked, he didn't mind some conversation during this down time, despite saying he used it to gather his thoughts. What was more unusual was that this time he spoke first.
"May I kiss you?"
That wasn't exactly what you were expecting. You were expecting commentary on the performance or questions about your feelings or your day. "What?"
"I'd like to give you a kiss. To clarify, that would be on the cheek, for no longer than three seconds."
"You--yeah, of course you can. . . ." Ritsu extended his thanks, leaned towards you, and gingerly pressed his lips against your cheek. "You're my boyfriend, you don't really have to ask me that. . . ."
As he said, the kiss lingered only briefly. If you'd been counting, he cut it close at 2.75 seconds. However, the lightly frustrated look he gave you told you he disagreed.
"Unwanted sexual conduct is--"
"It wouldn't be unwanted though!"
"Please don't interrupt me."
"Sorry." But you continued. "But it wouldn't be unwanted. I'd like it if--I consent to you kissing me, even without asking me first. As long as you stop if I tell you to."
Ritsu didn't look convinced, but considered this quietly, observing you as if seeking signs of malice. You let him analyze you before deciding the spontaneity wouldn't kill him--if you were gentle anyway--and you leaned in close.
When he jumped, you froze. You wouldn't do it if he didn't want you to. A look of conflict crossed his features.
"Body language can be consent too, you know." You remind him. "Not everything can be verbal."
Ritsu made a small sound of frustration. Then he leaned in as well. When he stopped short of your lips touching, you stopped as well. He gazed at you, uncertain and serious.
"If you truly intend to give me advance consent, I would like it formally in writing, and signed, as soon as possible."
Cool. Relationship homework. You weren't certain if you wanted to laugh or roll your eyes.
You settled for bumping your forehead against his, and pressing your lips together when he didn't pull away.
Ritsu kisses you nonconsensually(read: spontaneously and without gaining your verbal consent) and he just. Makes a face like he bit into something bitter. He feels gross about it. Even if you say you're okay with him being spontaneous he just can't it feels so. . .criminal and wrong. Like you're going to press charges against him for it.
You have been married for two years.
Usual Sinostra’s exchange
Sinostra in B's-log's magazine's cover!

SSR release for chapter 8 right? The outfits match

Our Lulu plays the bad guy on the front with chains, belts & harnesses and the old time diva on the back with strings of pearls and a stole (looks like he’s got one as well like a wide scarf loose on his elbows). Between skincare routine, makeup, hair styling and dressing up he probably needs a few hours to get ready. But what a sight!
lol Pope Shinjo! He looks fine af, if he wants to cosplay the pope he’s welcome. Yes I love the looks of all of them as well.
I’m so happy Sinostra’s stole the spotlight!
The new chapter was already enough, I just did not need another reason to boost my hype
SSR release for chapter 8 right? The outfits match

Our beloved Sinostra boys in all their glory

SSR warding cards "Final Defense"(jp: "最終弁論" "Closing Statement") and "Twilit Syndicate"(jp: "クライムシンジケート" "Crime Syndicate")!
They can be earned through doing more higher star level Nightmare Raids over the next 7 days!