Rk200 - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
Sup, Tumblr People! Haven't Been Here For A While .. Since The Website Changed It's Policy Regarding

Sup, Tumblr people! Haven't been here for a while .. Since the website changed it's policy regarding .. some things, I decided to move to Twitter. Not sure if I'm gonna use Tumblr any longer, so I'm asking you to visit me there instead! ↴ ⭐ https://twitter.com/sweetbutsalty__ ⭐ I'd really appreciate if you'll check my Markus' page as well: ✨ https://twitter.com/Miauta_Mi ✨ Your support matters a lot to me! Love you all ;"**

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10 months ago

Could you do a Fluffy one about Markus (Post peaceful revolution), who's dating the reader, Carl's daughter. So he seek Kamski and ask him for an upgrade, were he can feel physically (tact, taste, smell, pleasure, etc). But he doesn't tell the reader, and he acts awkwardly for months. But when the project suceed, he just want to feel her (her skin, lips, smell) and propose? I know you don't write smut, but you could imply one at the end? If not, its ok. Loooove your work. XOXOXOXO

Could You Do A Fluffy One About Markus (Post Peaceful Revolution), Who's Dating The Reader, Carl's Daughter.

A/N : ANON , IM REALLY SORRY THIS TOOK FOREVER BUT (i think i got your previous ask and THANK YOU FOR SWEET WORDS 💕) I WILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU, this will ALSO be a 2 part series and wanted to ask yall if ya want smut ( Wanna try it out and depending on if anon or anyone want it, I shall comply! Else It’ll be fluff with implied smut at the end. So tell me your thoughts!

Markus x reader - For us 

Markus’ love for you was immeasurable. He loved every aspect of you; your sincere sense of justice, your open arms for anyone in need and the way you accepted and stood by him through literal hell. After the end of the revolution, you and Markus lived together in your father’s house. Despite his tragic passing (for which you continue to blame your irrational brother and whom you’ve banned from the property) inherited the mansion. It was a mutual satisfaction for the pair of you. Every day, you woke up in the arms of your lover, securely bound around your smaller form and the comforting warmth enveloping you. It felt surreal.

However, despite the many kisses, lingering touches and intimate moments the pair of you shared, Markus still felt as if he was not suitable and not worth being you lover due to his inability for physical connection. This obstacle caused the android, to become solemn after your nights of intimacy.

Markus didn’t want you to find out his anxiety, about his feelings of inadequacy, seemed to cloak his mind. You would notice your lover being slightly out of it; his delayed responses were a massive giveaway. You knew better than bluntly confront the male, but you always made sure to shower him with affection. From kisses to the cheek and constant compliments, for a little while it would change his mood for the better. But when night would fall and Markus had you tightly pressed against his chest, his mechanical heart would ache for something more.

And so, he sought out a way to change this. Markus reached out to Connor, who had previously mentioned he had met with the creator of all androids. With that, Markus received the address and the name Elijah Kamski.

‘This is irrational! Why am I feeling this, [y/n] loves me and I love her…yet why do I feel so incapable of love?’ Markus mentally interrogates himself.

‘I must fix this…I’m certain he’ll know what to do’ he told himself, convinced that the founding father of all androids would have the answer to his question.

It was early one winter morning. The sun had yet to rise and warm the earth and deep darkness covered the sky. Markus awoke to find you sound asleep curled into his firm body. Your chest slowly rose and fell as you breathed, deeply unconscious and in a blissful state.

Slowly, the android lifted the covers and slid out under the covers. Careful to not disturb your tranquil form. Markus got dressed and derive a plan.

‘It’ll be a quick trip…or so I hope’ Markus tried to reassure himself, then began to head off.

As the door closed, you began to wake. Noticing, your only source of heat gone you were confused.

“Markus..?” you called out but received no reply.

Skip to Kamski’s place

When Markus arrived at the supposed estate of Kamski, the sun began appearing casting a warm glow upon the earth. With a consecutive three knocks, Markus was greeted by a female android.

“Hello, do you have an appointment with Mr. Kamski?” the flawless android spoke in a soothing tone.

For a moment, Markus hesitated but remained confident.

“Yes. He knows of my arrival if you could please inform him.” He said.

“Of course, follow me if you please,” the android servant said.

Markus was hesitant but followed. He was set to wait in a grand passage.

“Mr. Kamski will see you now”

With that Markus left, hopeful to seek the answers he so desperately wanted to know. Answers that will forever transform the way the android perceives the world and its wondrous sensations. For a while Markus had eternally dreamed of feeling your touches, your hugs and most of all your sweet kisses and now, the moment which will determine the fate of his journey to seek a life-changing upgrade, will be unrevealed. With new found hope and determination, Markus stood taller and passed through the grand doors for which the only man who could aid him in his quest sat and waited.



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2 years ago
Markus RK200
Markus RK200
Markus RK200
Markus RK200
Markus RK200
Markus RK200

Markus RK200

     → From The Dead

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2 years ago
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There
I Dont Know What To Do Anymore, All Of My Options Are Bad Ones. No Matter What I Decide, I Know There

I don’t know what to do anymore, all of my options are bad ones. No matter what I decide, I know there will be blood. What should I do, Carl? They’re killing us. I don’t want to answer violence with violence, but, what choice do I have?

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6 years ago
Figured Id Finally Give Markus A Go Instead Of Just Drawing The Very Side Of His Face

Figured I’d finally give Markus a go instead of just drawing the very side of his face

It’s 3am again - I’ll edit tomorrow as needed

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7 months ago
I Dont Think This Game Will Ever Leave My Brainalso The Higher Quality Ver Is On Twitter (im 1TC900 There

i dont think this game will ever leave my brain also the higher quality ver is on twitter (im 1TC900 there too)

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1 year ago
Some Dbh As Memes Stuff
Some Dbh As Memes Stuff
Some Dbh As Memes Stuff
Some Dbh As Memes Stuff
Some Dbh As Memes Stuff

Some dbh as memes stuff

Of course it's Kara centric, i'm a Kara simp account

source for one of the images so it makes sense lol

Also I chose connor in the last one because I needed someone skinny small/skinny enough for Kara

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9 months ago

I love how Markus and Connor perform basically the same window jump move but the MOST ADVANCED ANDROID is the one to end up on his ass.

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6 months ago

DBH Headcanons: Getting Your Wisdom Teeth Removed

Connor, RK900, Markus, Simon, and Gavin x gn!reader

Some headcanons about what it would be like to be taken care of by some of the characters of Detroit: Become Human while recovering from getting your wisdom teeth removed. Inspired by, well, getting my wisdom teeth removed.

[A/N]: I got my wisdom teeth out a while back and it honestly wasn't as bad as I'd heard from other people. My mouth tasted funny for a while, though.


Chances are, you’ve already briefed him on your wisdom teeth procedure and everything that happens before and after

By the time the actual surgery rolls around, he’s downloaded every bit of information about pre-op and post-op

And he’s not going to hesitate to bother you remind you about everything

“Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes and clothing.” “Y/N, you can’t have any food or water 8 hours before the surgery.” “Y/N, please refrain from strenuous exercise in the 24 hours before your surgery.”

When you come out of surgery loopy on anesthesia, he sits with you in recovery and tries to talk you through it (even though you don’t remember a lick of what either of you said)

I’d say he’s a mother hen post-op, but more like a worrywart type

He’d buy all kinds of liquid foods for you and is constantly asking about your pain levels

Gets a lot of weird looks in the supermarket while he’s checking out the soup aisle

“That’s not a domestic android I’ve ever seen…”

He’s definitely on top of your antibiotics schedule, and if you need it, pain meds

Makes sure you’re regularly irrigating the wounds if you need it 

If you’re ever worried or insecure about swelling and discomfort post-op, Connor is there to smother you in kisses


As a deviant, he isn’t as much of a mother hen as Connor, probably because he’s more self-assured in his ability to take care of you as well as your ability to take care of yourself when you can

He wouldn’t hover as much as Connor but he’d definitely download information about the procedure before you go

Coming out of the operation, you knock out again for a bit in recovery and Nines insists on staying with you, covering you with his jacket and letting you rest your head on his shoulder

If Connor got weird looks while in the supermarket buying things for you and picking up your prescriptions, Nines sticks out like a sore thumb

Like he’s clearly not a domestic/service android so he confuses a lot of shoppers and employees as he browses the aisles and fills his basket with cans of soup, oats, and ice cream

“Why on earth is a police investigator android buying soup on a Friday morning?”

If you’re in pain, he’ll do everything to comfort you

Pain meds, ice cream, cuddles, your comfort movies and shows, anything for you

He doesn’t seem outwardly clingy or affectionate but he’s such a softy


This obviously isn’t his first rodeo

If you’re scared going into the surgery, he’s with you all the way until the nurses put you to sleep

Cruises through post-op no matter what state you’re in due to the sedative

At home, he’s got you covered

No need to break out the cans of mush—he’s got you covered with homemade soups, the softest scrambled eggs you’ve ever had, soft pasta dishes, you name it

With Markus, you’ll never miss a dose of antibiotics

If you’re in pain, worry not

Markus has your pain meds, blankets, and infinite cuddles

He’ll have your favorite flavors of ice cream on hand

Straight out of the tub if you feel so inclined


He might not be a caregiver like Markus but he was once a domestic and childcare android

Calms your nerves going into the operation and when you’re all woozy post-op he’s right by your side

Coming out of the operation, it doesn’t matter if you look like if Alvin the Chipmunk got into a fistfight and lost—Simon’s there to shower you in kisses and envelop you in hugs

Like Markus, you’ll never have to worry about the liquid and soft food diet

If the pain’s too much, Simon will be your arms and legs for the time being

He’s a wizard with chores and errands

It’s like you never even got your wisdom teeth out


Would totally take off work to help you recover

Which, given how competitive he is at work, would probably seem like an anomaly to his coworkers

“I’ve never seen Reed take off for more than a day or two at a time. Shit, he’d come into work sick so long as he wasn’t actively dying,” Says Tina

“I’ve had to wrangle that fucker into his car more times than I can count to prevent him from coming into work injured,” Grumbles Fowler

“Hopefully he’ll take this time to rest as well as take care of someone else.”

Would record the stuff you say coming out of sedative in post-op for the memories (and for you both to laugh at when you recover)

I don’t see him being as great of a cook as Markus or Simon, but he’s definitely able to cook to support himself and you

Of course, he’d get you all the ice cream you want

He knows what it feels like to be in pain and cranky so he does everything he can to either comfort you or give you space to get through it

If you wanted it, he’d cuddle with you while you spend the day reading or watching your comfort shows and sipping on smoothies (no straws allowed, of course)

To anyone getting their wisdom teeth out soon, good luck! To anyone recovering from the surgery, feel better soon! Hope you enjoyed reading this silly little compilation of HCs! See you next time x

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