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4 years ago

I don’t know if someone already noticed this but Ten relationships with his companions have the exact same dynamic as Four with his companions

Ten and Rose = Four and Sarah

when they met for the first time the doctor was in a previous regeneration.

They Doctor becomes really angry when one of them gets kidnapped/Hurt.

They care about each other and have feeling for each other but they never talk about it.

Sarah and Rose would have liked to travel with the Doctor forever.

The Doctor had to leave them behind.

Sarah and Rose grew out of their ‘omg it’s an alien’ phase while traveling with the Doctor.

Both Sarah and Rose never listen to the Doctor when he tells them to stay behind and out of danger.

Ten and Martha = Four and Leela

At the beginning the Doctor didn’t mean for Martha and Leela to travel with him for a long time.

The Doctor often treats them rudely.

Martha and Leela always try to impress him but he’s always like meh :/

Martha and Leela both decide to leave the Doctor. ( in the end they part on a good, if not sad, note.)

The girls are both badass without him.

Ten and Donna = Four and Romana

They have the most fun together

They’re besties really

Romana and Donna don’t GIVE A SHIT about anything that Doctor says (love that from them)

This time it’s the Doctor that tries to impress them and they’re like meh :/ (karma is a bitch)

Romana and Donna are so smart and keep up with the Doctor really well (even if Donna is a little more insicure than Romana)

They couldn’t be pushed around by the Doctor.

Chaotic energy really.

Jack Harkness is Harry

Nothing really they just give pan/bi energy.

Their friendship with Rose/Sarah 🥺

The Doctor brings them on trips but he always cares about his female companions more

They don’t really get a big goodbye (crying about Harry being on the show for so little)

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This post is what caused me to put this book on my Christmas list this year. I got it and I’m not super far in yet (I’m in Chapter 5, shortly after the bit with Borusa, actually) but it is entirely as fun as advertised so far! :) 

Honestly I just get so excited whenever they go to Gallifrey, despite the Doctor and all intergalactic tour guides’ apparent consensus that it is a hopelessly dull place. But it’s a place replete with backstory and that’s why I love it. I have an academy-era fic I’ve been working on and I’m already thinking how I’m going to have to revise my portrayal of Borusa based on what I’ve learned in this book. 

And, of course, it does have that distinctive Douglas Adams tone. My dad was surprised to learn that Adams had written for Doctor Who, actually, so that was a fun bit of knowledge to impart. Very fun book :) 

Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book
Guys I Have A New Favorite Doctor Who Book

Guys I have a new favorite Doctor Who book

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