Rosekiller Prompts - Tumblr Posts
Drunk - 01/10/2024 - @rosekillermicrofic
Word count: 469
Warnings: none
Themes: mild angst
It was late, well, at least Evan thought it was, but he wasn't going to check. The alarm clock on his bedside table was ticking obnoxiously loud. It had been the whole time he'd been laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He'd convinced Regulus to sleep somewhere else for the night, who knows where and to take the two other slimy gits they shared their room with away with him. Evan waited. It felt like it had been hours - maybe it had been. Barty didn't come on time. He never did, and it had gotten to the point where Evan would tell him a time that was 30 minutes sooner than he wanted, but he was never this late. Evan looked at the clock. It was 2 in the morning, he'd told Barty to get here for 11PM. Evan was just about to call quits and go to sleep when the doorknob clicked and someone stumbled into the room, Evan jumped up on high alert - scolding himself for getting lost in thought. Barty stumbled across the room smiling like an idiot but something was off. Something was wrong.
"Heya Ev," he slurred out, eyes barely open "sorry'm late," he reeked of firewhiskey and smoke. Evan rolled his eyes at him, beyond pissed off. Barty kept talking because the Lord knew he didn't know when to shut up.
"I'm so fucking pished" he mumbled as he leant against one of the posts of the four poster bed "but I'm here, cause I love you" he slurred, Evan felt sick. This wasn't supposed to be a feelings thing, and now Barty was drunkenly confessing. Evan cleared his throat pushing away that disgusting feeling of hope - maybe Barty felt the same way, but it was too risky to assume especially when he's spouting it in this state.
"You're drunk, Bat," He managed, his voice small and cracking just slightly. Composure slowly dripping away from him; Evan folded his arms defensively. It was easier this way, he told himself.
Barty blinked slowly but just giggled, not even registering Evan's annoyance. "If I'm Bat, you should be ball cause we belong together," Barty slurred, throwing himself onto Evan's bed with the grace of an elephant on cocaine. It sounded like a pick-up line. Was it a pick-up line? Evan didn't know. His stomach felt like it had been twisted violently. Was Barty in love with him? Or was this just Barty's usual drunk antics? Evan didn't know. He tried not to care either.
"Good night, Bee." Evan whispered, his face and voice still portraying mild annoyance. He crawled under the covers, refusing to face Barty, but Barty crawled right under them beside him despite the fact he was still in full uniform. He draped an arm around Evan. "g'night," Barty slurred, hot, sticky breath on the back of his neck as Barty fell asleep holding Evan in an almost vice like grip. Evan didn't sleep. He just stared at the wall all night.
Prompt - Spell 03/10/24 @rosekillermicrofic
Word count: 336
"Whatcha doin'?" Evan drawled out, curious and nosey as always as he leant over Barty's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the parchment he was feverishly scribbling on. He was writing like a mad man. The ink scribbled and smudged across the page incoherently. Barty tried to cover it with his arms before he blotted it leaving inky imprints of words over his pale skin and the page nothing more than a smudged mess, he balled the parchment up and threw it into a pile with countless others; balled or torn and some of them even burnt on the edges. Barty grimaced. "Piss off, Rosie," he grumbled through gritted teeth - he noticed his jaw was hurting. How long had he been clenching it? He didn't know, maybe since he'd started this endeavour. The last thing he needed right now was his boyfriends judgement. He attempted to shoo him off with a dismissive hand. It didn't work. Instead, the idiot plucked up the balled up parchment and cleared his throat in a stiffled laugh.
"Dear Fater. I, you're son, is writing to infirm you tat I will not be returning home this sumer" Evan burst into laughter while Barty could only hide in his hands, Evan nudged his hands away cupping his face tenderly "Merlin you can't spell" he muttered before holding the crinkled parchment up once more. "I also need to tell you that I am a humo homoseg gay. I don't care what you think, shove you're upinyon up you're arse. From Barty"
Evan put the letter down gently with a bemused expression, clearly getting a kick out of how terrible it was. Barty prepared himself for cruel words and taunting but instead he sat himself down on a chair beside Barty and plucked the quill from his fingers "you tell me what you want to say and I'll write it nicely for you love" he murmured as he dunked the quill into the ink well. And oh... oh Barty fell in love all over again.
Prompt: Candy 06/10/2024 @rosekillermicrofic
Word count: 225
Barty had never had a sweet tooth. It's not that he disliked sweet things more, just they weren't his thing. He preferred salty or savoury or sometimes sour or bitter. Lemons or salted cucumber slices or popcorn with enough salt the ocean was endangered. Black coffee and liquorice. That's just how Barty liked things, just his taste.
Evan was the complete opposite. He hardly ever detached his mouth from a Lollipop, or bubblegum, or some sort of hard-boiled sweet. He reeked of all things sweet, toffee, and hot cocoa. Like walking into honeydukes on a summer day; that's what his jumpers and robes smelt like. Sugared tea and candy hearts. That's how Evan liked things, his taste.
That's what made them such an unlikely pair. Hardly anyone would believe how much they loved each other. That Barty would willingly mash faces with the embodiment of a sugar cube or that Evan would agree to do the same with someone who would probably enjoy a salt lick as a birthday gift.
If you looked closely, you'd see salt and sugar grains aren't so different, easy to mistake. That's Evan and Barty, so different yet so similar. Bittersweet, like candied peel or burnt sugar. Sweet and salty like salted caramels or popcorn from the cinema. They just complemented one another in a way no one could quite understand, not even themselves.
Prompt: Gown 08/10/24 @rosekillermicrofic
Word count: 330
Evan hated hospitals, he would never willingly set foot into one normally. But this was not a normal situation. He walked down the corridor, bright lights and antispectic. He followed a Healer towards a ward. He felt sick.
Intensive treatment: dark magic and curses
Evan stepped over the threshold, not hearing the words the Healer was jabbering on with. Trying to explain the treatment plans and such or whatever. All that was on Evans mind was seeing Barty alive. He wasn't well, but he had to be alive.
A paper curtain was pulled aside, and there he was, breathing but unconscious and in one of those stupid gowns they gave you when you are an inpatient. Barty Crouch Jr. Looking hardly alive. Too pale, too thin and distinctly not himself.
"I uhhhh." Evan tried to speak but wasn't even sure what he was saying. "Is he gonna be okay?" He managed to choke out, standing awkwardly a fee feet from the bedside, as though if he got too close, he might hurt Barty even more.
The healer looked at him, face twisted with pity and something condescendingly.
"He's been subjected to the imperius curse far too much. There will be long-term damage to his senses, but he will live. Time will tell which senses are worse affected, " the woman explained, probably not for the first time, but at least Evan was listening this time. She gestured to the chair on the bedside. "Sit, I'll bring you some tea." she smiled and scurried off, leaving Evan to stare at the borderline corpse before him.
Barty did not make a very pretty corpse he decided, normally cadavers were enticing and interesting but now Evan just wanted to grab his shoulders and shake until his eyes opened and he made another snarky comment or something. Anything.
"Wake up dickhead" Evan whispered, his voice cracking and tears welling in his eyes. Barty would live, that's what he repeated to himself.
Prompt: leaves 10/10/2024 @rosekillermicrofic
Word count: 350
Evan was not unfamiliar to the future. He and his twin sister were both cursed with sight. Being able to see a glimpse of what the future held if it stayed on its current path. He'd wake up in a cold sweat, huffing and panting, and he'd just know something. Something he wasn't supposed to.
He was lucky. He didn't see visions like his sister did. She'd zone out and come around teary-eyed and horrified, having seen the horrors that the future held. Some disrupted sleep and an inkling of an idea, an instinct of what would happen. That was nothing compared to seeing.
Tonight was one of those nights, he was just drifting off tucked safely in Barty's arms and listening to him breathing steadily, he didn't even get to fall asleep properly before he had that disgusting feeling in the pit if his stomach. His heart rate increased. It was like some invisible force was squeezing his lungs and not letting him breathe properly.
Barty shifted in his sleep, and Evan jerked violently, the smallest motion making him jump in fear like a cornered animal. And there it was, that tiny whisper within him - the future itself muttering sweet nothings into his ear. Forming facts that felt like they had happened in the past but wouldn't happen until who knows when. Cynical nonsense that had to be dissected to be understood. Tears fell from Evan's eyes and pattered onto the pillow. He was so scared. Terrified.
Heart racing, hyperventilating and filled with so much adrenaline, he wanted to peel himself away from Barty and run. Run from his own body, his own thoughts.
"You alright, Rosbob?" Barty mumbled still half asleep and roused by Evan's panic. Barty pulled him closer and held him tighter.
"Fuck Bug" Evan breathed the words out tearfully "he leaves... he leaves and he doesn't come back" Evan could hardly process the idea. He just knew now. Knew that Regulus was gone, wasn't coming back to Hogwarts when easter holidays ended. He was going to leave, and they'd never see him again.
soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)
"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.
Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.
"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"
But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.
He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.
And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.
Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.
soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)
"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.
Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.
"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"
But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.
He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.
And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.
Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.
soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)
"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.
Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.
"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"
But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.
He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.
And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.
Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.