Rosekiller Microfic - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

July 1 - prompt: losing - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 190

Barty was losing. He was losing the fucking game and it wasn’t his fault. Honestly who could blame him with Evan sitting across from him eyes twinkling, fingers tapping against the table looking all pretty and soft with his sweet smile

Who could blame him for the way his eyes tracked Evan’s movements as he turned towards Pandora to crack a joke with a wide grin, his adorably imperfect teeth on fall display. A single expression had no right to be that attractive and should definitely be against the rules of chess.

So yeah he was losing but Evan was basically cheating looking like that and being all… Evan. Of course he was losing, who wouldn’t?

At least he managed to claim a pawn, at least that he could be proud of. Before he could grab the piece Evan plucked it up instead placing it in Barty’s hand and grazing his fingers across his palm with an unnervingly sweet smile. Barty couldn’t take his eyes off those perfect lips.

“Hey love?”

Barty only hummed in response, eyes still transfixed by Evan’s mouth

Evan flashed another unfairly attractive grin


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7 months ago

Hate - Word count: 481

Barty snaps, he yells there’s something ferel in him and he hates it. Hates the way his teasing smile turns to a bared tooth scowl in seconds. Hates the way his emotions change as rapidly as the shadows on a windy day. He hates, hates, hates. But most of all he hates the way he can’t change it. Hates the tired expression on Evan’s face as he pulls him away from another terrified first year who talked just a little too loudly. All the anger drained out of him before Evan could even sit him down in the empty classroom he dragged them to. He hated how weak his voice sounded when he spoke.

“I’m sorry”

“You’re always sorry” he didn’t sound angry, just tired, so tired and Barty hated it.

“I know” it was weak, it wasn’t good enough and Barty hated it. He wasn’t good enough, he should be better, needed to be better-

When Evan spoke his eyes were sad. It grated at Barty like a rusty file. “You need to talk to someone Bee, you need help.”

“I talk to you” it was a lame excuse and they both knew that

“You need to talk to someone who can help you, not me.”

And there it was again that hot rage, the same rage that came from nowhere that stopped at no one. But Evan was used to it, too good at dealing with it, gentle hands pulled him into Evan’s side rubbing at his back and Barty hated it.

“I can’t help you Bee, all I can do is love you”

The words hit him like a stray body binding curse because they were true, he knew they were true. This wasn’t fair, not to Evan, not to the unsuspecting classmates that got in his way, not even to him.

“I need help” the words were so faint it was a miracle Evan even managed to hear them, he hated it.

He hated the way Evan’s face lit up when he heard them, hated how desperately he wanted that perfect smile to stay, hated how he really did want to change not just for Evan, but for him.

“I’ll go with you, I won’t ask for you but I’ll walk you there” Evan’s voice was soft and the hand on his back snaked around his shoulders and squeezed just a little.

“Okay” Barty mumbled as Evan pulled him to his feet.

“Okay” he told himself as Evan slipped his hand into his.

Okay he thought as stood in front of the hospital wing. He hated that door, he hated that Evan didn’t follow him, he hated the way the words sounded as they fell from his mouth, a plea.

“I need help”

But as madam Pomfery wrapped him in a warm hug he thought maybe all he ever hated was himself.

“I’m glad you came love.”

Woooooo this was not meant to have a happy ending but this is where it ended up and I’m glad it did :]

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5 months ago

Drunk - 01/10/2024 - @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 469

Warnings: none

Themes: mild angst

It was late, well, at least Evan thought it was, but he wasn't going to check. The alarm clock on his bedside table was ticking obnoxiously loud. It had been the whole time he'd been laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He'd convinced Regulus to sleep somewhere else for the night, who knows where and to take the two other slimy gits they shared their room with away with him. Evan waited. It felt like it had been hours - maybe it had been. Barty didn't come on time. He never did, and it had gotten to the point where Evan would tell him a time that was 30 minutes sooner than he wanted, but he was never this late. Evan looked at the clock. It was 2 in the morning, he'd told Barty to get here for 11PM. Evan was just about to call quits and go to sleep when the doorknob clicked and someone stumbled into the room, Evan jumped up on high alert - scolding himself for getting lost in thought. Barty stumbled across the room smiling like an idiot but something was off. Something was wrong.

"Heya Ev," he slurred out, eyes barely open "sorry'm late," he reeked of firewhiskey and smoke. Evan rolled his eyes at him, beyond pissed off. Barty kept talking because the Lord knew he didn't know when to shut up.

"I'm so fucking pished" he mumbled as he leant against one of the posts of the four poster bed "but I'm here, cause I love you" he slurred, Evan felt sick. This wasn't supposed to be a feelings thing, and now Barty was drunkenly confessing. Evan cleared his throat pushing away that disgusting feeling of hope - maybe Barty felt the same way, but it was too risky to assume especially when he's spouting it in this state.

"You're drunk, Bat," He managed, his voice small and cracking just slightly. Composure slowly dripping away from him; Evan folded his arms defensively. It was easier this way, he told himself.

Barty blinked slowly but just giggled, not even registering Evan's annoyance. "If I'm Bat, you should be ball cause we belong together," Barty slurred, throwing himself onto Evan's bed with the grace of an elephant on cocaine. It sounded like a pick-up line. Was it a pick-up line? Evan didn't know. His stomach felt like it had been twisted violently. Was Barty in love with him? Or was this just Barty's usual drunk antics? Evan didn't know. He tried not to care either.

"Good night, Bee." Evan whispered, his face and voice still portraying mild annoyance. He crawled under the covers, refusing to face Barty, but Barty crawled right under them beside him despite the fact he was still in full uniform. He draped an arm around Evan. "g'night," Barty slurred, hot, sticky breath on the back of his neck as Barty fell asleep holding Evan in an almost vice like grip. Evan didn't sleep. He just stared at the wall all night.

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5 months ago

Prompt - Spell 03/10/24 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 336

"Whatcha doin'?" Evan drawled out, curious and nosey as always as he leant over Barty's shoulder to catch a glimpse of the parchment he was feverishly scribbling on. He was writing like a mad man. The ink scribbled and smudged across the page incoherently. Barty tried to cover it with his arms before he blotted it leaving inky imprints of words over his pale skin and the page nothing more than a smudged mess, he balled the parchment up and threw it into a pile with countless others; balled or torn and some of them even burnt on the edges. Barty grimaced. "Piss off, Rosie," he grumbled through gritted teeth - he noticed his jaw was hurting. How long had he been clenching it? He didn't know, maybe since he'd started this endeavour. The last thing he needed right now was his boyfriends judgement. He attempted to shoo him off with a dismissive hand. It didn't work. Instead, the idiot plucked up the balled up parchment and cleared his throat in a stiffled laugh.

"Dear Fater. I, you're son, is writing to infirm you tat I will not be returning home this sumer" Evan burst into laughter while Barty could only hide in his hands, Evan nudged his hands away cupping his face tenderly "Merlin you can't spell" he muttered before holding the crinkled parchment up once more. "I also need to tell you that I am a humo homoseg gay. I don't care what you think, shove you're upinyon up you're arse. From Barty"

Evan put the letter down gently with a bemused expression, clearly getting a kick out of how terrible it was. Barty prepared himself for cruel words and taunting but instead he sat himself down on a chair beside Barty and plucked the quill from his fingers "you tell me what you want to say and I'll write it nicely for you love" he murmured as he dunked the quill into the ink well. And oh... oh Barty fell in love all over again.

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4 months ago

Prompt: Candy 06/10/2024 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 225

Barty had never had a sweet tooth. It's not that he disliked sweet things more, just they weren't his thing. He preferred salty or savoury or sometimes sour or bitter. Lemons or salted cucumber slices or popcorn with enough salt the ocean was endangered. Black coffee and liquorice. That's just how Barty liked things, just his taste.

Evan was the complete opposite. He hardly ever detached his mouth from a Lollipop, or bubblegum, or some sort of hard-boiled sweet. He reeked of all things sweet, toffee, and hot cocoa. Like walking into honeydukes on a summer day; that's what his jumpers and robes smelt like. Sugared tea and candy hearts. That's how Evan liked things, his taste.

That's what made them such an unlikely pair. Hardly anyone would believe how much they loved each other. That Barty would willingly mash faces with the embodiment of a sugar cube or that Evan would agree to do the same with someone who would probably enjoy a salt lick as a birthday gift.

If you looked closely, you'd see salt and sugar grains aren't so different, easy to mistake. That's Evan and Barty, so different yet so similar. Bittersweet, like candied peel or burnt sugar. Sweet and salty like salted caramels or popcorn from the cinema. They just complemented one another in a way no one could quite understand, not even themselves.

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4 months ago

Prompt: Gown 08/10/24 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 330

Evan hated hospitals, he would never willingly set foot into one normally. But this was not a normal situation. He walked down the corridor, bright lights and antispectic. He followed a Healer towards a ward. He felt sick.

Intensive treatment: dark magic and curses

Evan stepped over the threshold, not hearing the words the Healer was jabbering on with. Trying to explain the treatment plans and such or whatever. All that was on Evans mind was seeing Barty alive. He wasn't well, but he had to be alive.

A paper curtain was pulled aside, and there he was, breathing but unconscious and in one of those stupid gowns they gave you when you are an inpatient. Barty Crouch Jr. Looking hardly alive. Too pale, too thin and distinctly not himself.

"I uhhhh." Evan tried to speak but wasn't even sure what he was saying. "Is he gonna be okay?" He managed to choke out, standing awkwardly a fee feet from the bedside, as though if he got too close, he might hurt Barty even more.

The healer looked at him, face twisted with pity and something condescendingly.

"He's been subjected to the imperius curse far too much. There will be long-term damage to his senses, but he will live. Time will tell which senses are worse affected, " the woman explained, probably not for the first time, but at least Evan was listening this time. She gestured to the chair on the bedside. "Sit, I'll bring you some tea." she smiled and scurried off, leaving Evan to stare at the borderline corpse before him.

Barty did not make a very pretty corpse he decided, normally cadavers were enticing and interesting but now Evan just wanted to grab his shoulders and shake until his eyes opened and he made another snarky comment or something. Anything.

"Wake up dickhead" Evan whispered, his voice cracking and tears welling in his eyes. Barty would live, that's what he repeated to himself.

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4 months ago

Prompt: leaves 10/10/2024 @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 350

Evan was not unfamiliar to the future. He and his twin sister were both cursed with sight. Being able to see a glimpse of what the future held if it stayed on its current path. He'd wake up in a cold sweat, huffing and panting, and he'd just know something. Something he wasn't supposed to.

He was lucky. He didn't see visions like his sister did. She'd zone out and come around teary-eyed and horrified, having seen the horrors that the future held. Some disrupted sleep and an inkling of an idea, an instinct of what would happen. That was nothing compared to seeing.

Tonight was one of those nights, he was just drifting off tucked safely in Barty's arms and listening to him breathing steadily, he didn't even get to fall asleep properly before he had that disgusting feeling in the pit if his stomach. His heart rate increased. It was like some invisible force was squeezing his lungs and not letting him breathe properly.

Barty shifted in his sleep, and Evan jerked violently, the smallest motion making him jump in fear like a cornered animal. And there it was, that tiny whisper within him - the future itself muttering sweet nothings into his ear. Forming facts that felt like they had happened in the past but wouldn't happen until who knows when. Cynical nonsense that had to be dissected to be understood. Tears fell from Evan's eyes and pattered onto the pillow. He was so scared. Terrified.

Heart racing, hyperventilating and filled with so much adrenaline, he wanted to peel himself away from Barty and run. Run from his own body, his own thoughts.

"You alright, Rosbob?" Barty mumbled still half asleep and roused by Evan's panic. Barty pulled him closer and held him tighter.

"Fuck Bug" Evan breathed the words out tearfully "he leaves... he leaves and he doesn't come back" Evan could hardly process the idea. He just knew now. Knew that Regulus was gone, wasn't coming back to Hogwarts when easter holidays ended. He was going to leave, and they'd never see him again.

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| Rosekiller Microfic | Word count: 818 | We love forced proximity <3 |


“Barty, if we get in trouble for something as stupid as this—”

“Shhh,” Barty interrupted, placing a finger on Evan’s lips. Evan swallowed, hard. “It’ll be fine, no one comes in here during this period.”

Evan placed a hand on Barty’s wrist and pulled it away from his mouth. That out of the way, he was free to speak.

“Okay, but what about janitors and other students and stuff?”

“It’ll be fine. We’ll just find my phone and be out of here in no time.”

Evan had his doubts, but he pushed them aside for now. They wouldn’t do him any favors if Barty was this dead set on what they were doing.

“Fine. Where would it be?” Evan asked.

Barty looked around the room, gaze roaming over the rows of chairs and desks.

“I’ll take the teacher’s desk,” he decided. “You take those cabinets. I’ll join you over there when I’m done.”

Evan nodded and made his way to the far end of the classroom, where a row of cabinets stretched from floor to ceiling. Why an English teacher needed this much storage space, he would never know, but he started opening doors anyways. The first one contained a coat, scarf, and several stacks of books and… no phone. Evan closed the door.

The next one was a bit harder, as it was filled with shelves of various objects. Evan was in the middle of inspecting a pile of board games when Barty appeared at his side.

“Find it?” Evan asked. Barty shook his head. “Okay. Then you can go look in the next cabinet, I guess. We have to find it eventually.”

Evan had just finished up with the last of the shelves, closing the door with a high pitched squeak when they heard footsteps from outside.

Evan froze. Next to him, Barty did the same.

“I thought you said that no one comes in here during this period?” Evan said out of the corner of his mouth.

“First time for everything?” Barty smiled weakly.

The handle on the door moved, and Barty moved like a flash. He snagged Evan’s shirt in his hand and dragged him into the cabinet he had been looking in, closing the door behind him as soon as they were both in.

And this? This was not ideal. The space was shallow and not very long across, allowing only for mere inches between their two bodies. Evan, at least, could recognize that as the danger it presented.

“This is cozy,” Barty whispered, mouthing the words more than speaking them. Evan wanted to strangle him. Could he not hear the person walking around the classroom? Was he not at all worried about getting caught?

His answering glare caused Barty to grin and nudge Evan’s foot with his own.

“Come on Rosie, don’t be like that.”

“We’re stuck in a closet right now,” Evan shot back. Barty’s eyes gleamed.

“Interesting choice of words.”

“Shut up.”

“Make me.”

Evan eyed Barty warily. He didn’t like the way that Barty had swayed closer, taunting him. He doubted that Barty realized the effect he was having on him, doing things like that, saying things like that, when they were so close together. It wasn’t fair.

Something must’ve shown on his face, because Barty’s expression took on a concerned edge.

“You okay, Evs? You’re not claustrophobic or anything, are you?”

Evan shook his head. No, not claustrophobic. At least, not usually.

“Then what’s wrong?”

“You’re just, uh, very… close. Right now.” The words came out awkwardly, and Evan’s face burned. Oh, he hoped Barty didn’t realize what lay behind those words.

“Am I making you nervous?” Barty murmured. Evan sucked in a sharp breath.

Yes, he thought, but didn’t say it. You always make me nervous when you look at me like that, because I don’t know what I might do in response.

He shook his head.

Barty huffed a disbelieving laugh, and Evan felt a hand tug on the edge of his shirt. He looked down as if the culprit wasn’t obvious, but when he looked up, Barty hardly seemed aware of what his hand was doing.

“If that’s the case,” Barty whispered, “then come closer.”

Evan’s heart stuttered in his chest.

“What?” he managed, sounding just as breathless as he felt.

Barty leaned in until his face was hardly an inch from Evan’s own. Evan felt his gaze drop to Barty’s lips as he spoke.

“Come closer.”

Maybe it was the adrenaline from almost being caught. Maybe it was the years of wanting to do just that. Or maybe it was simply the way that Barty was leaning in to him, practically begging for it.

Evan couldn’t help it. He closed the distance between them and crashed their lips together, kissing Barty like his life depended on it.

And funnily enough, they never did end up finding the phone that Barty had been looking for.


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song - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 79

"What song reminds you of me, James?" Regulus asked as music warbled from the record player sitting in the middle of the little flat.

James sat deep in thought for a moment before answering. "Yellow. By Coldplay."

Blushing, Regulus smiled softly, hiding his face by turning away.

Evan, however, turned to Barty and said thoughtfully, "You know the song 'Toxic?'"

James and Regulus both burst out laughing while Barty gasped and hit Evan with a pillow, cheeks bright red.

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Spell - Oct 3 - @rosekillermicrofic - 1,041 words - Warnings: none, just Barty being a little freak

Contrary to popular belief, Barty actually loved attending his friends’ shows. Of course, he was obliged to bitch and moan about having to attend, and he had to act like it was the utmost inconvenience to make his way to whatever venue they had secured that Saturday night. Deep down, he was sure his friends knew he loved coming, because they never stopped inviting him, and he, for his part, never stopped showing up for them.

But his least favorite show was always the Halloween show. It was probably the band’s favorite, or at least the manager’s favorite, because the crowd was always the biggest on Halloween. Something about the holiday made people excited to see live music, even if they had no idea what band was playing, which was beneficial for Emerald Envy. But the crowd was always too drunk and too pushy, so Barty typically had to stand further back than he usually would.

His solution was to come early that Halloween, so he ended up at the venue a full hour before the show was supposed to start. The bar was mostly empty, as it was only 8:00 p.m. and most people wouldn’t be here for another hour or more, except for the band setting up and doing soundcheck. Pandora, as always, squealed excitedly upon seeing him.

“Bartemius Crouch, Jr.!” She called out, and Barty winced at the use of his full name. “It has simply been too long since I’ve last seen you!”

Barty only chuckled, splaying his arms wide as she ran up to him to pull him into a tight hug. “I missed you too, Miss Pandora Rosier.”

“I’m so glad you’re here,” Pandora gushed as she pulled back, already heading back to the small stage. “You’ll stay for the whole show, right? Oh, you’ll have to meet my brother, he’s coming today!”

“Ah, the elusive brother you always speak about,” Barty mused, following her retreating form. On the stage, Regulus and Dorcas were each tuning their instruments, ignoring the two of them completely.

“Yes, he’s finally back from studying in France,” Pandora said excitedly. “I told him he just had to come tonight, not that he’s very excited to stand in a crowd of people tonight, but he’ll show up for me.”

Barty snorted. What she meant was, I will make him show up for me. Pandora was lovely, but one did not simply deny her anything.

“I hope I run into him later, then,” Barty said, having no idea how true that would be.

Barty’s original plan did not work. Coming to the venue early meant he had time to hang out with his friends before the show, but it did not mean that the people who showed up later than him wouldn’t shove him out of the way, which was exactly what had happened. He ended up in the very back of the bar, leaning up against the wall as he watched his friends perform. It was a rare song in which Dorcas joined Pandora in singing, and their lovely melodies filled the air.

If he’d had a drink for every drunk woman dressed as a witch, he would be shitfaced already, and it had only been an hour. As it was, Barty was nursing his second drink of the night, glaring at anyone who tried to approach him. Somehow, some guy still ran into him, even with Barty leaning out of the way against a wall, and sending out the general aura of don’t fuck with me. He spun to the right to confront the man, but the words died on his tongue as he took in his appearance.

It had to be Pandora’s brother. He had the same chestnut skin against white-blond hair twisted into dreads, the same sharp cheekbones and unnervingly bright blue eyes. Except on this man, the combination of those features was utterly lethal. Barty felt as if he’d been punched in the gut, and the guy hadn’t even said a word yet. Barty was well aware he’d just spun around dramatically only to gape like a fish, but he honestly felt as if he could do nothing else. The blond man, Pandora’s brother, the fucking god, had the audacity to raise his brow at him.

I put a spell on you, because you’re mine

Distantly, Barty could hear Dorcas and Pandora singing together, but he couldn’t hear the words. He was enraptured by the angel in front of him. Literally an angel — as in, he was dressed in too-tight, white jeans, paired with a nearly-see-through white t-shirt. Then there were the feathery little wings strapped on his back and the halo sitting daintily on his head, both clearly made for a child. Barty hadn’t dressed up, but he wished then that he was wearing all red.

“Uh, hi?” The man said, raising his brow even higher when Barty did nothing but stare at him.

“You bumped into me,” Barty said rudely, stupidly. “I’m Barty.”

“Sorry,” the man said, but the corners of his lips lifted in a smirk, which suggested he wasn’t feeling any remorse whatsoever. “You must’ve been in the way.”

The gall of this man. Barty was going to eat him alive. “My name is Barty,” he repeated, taking a step closer. “What’s yours?”

The man stared at him for a long moment, eyes tracking every movement of his face. Barty caught a flash of silver when he opened his mouth, and he had to hold back a moan when he realized the man was fiddling with his tongue piercing. Barty wanted to feel that piercing with his own tongue. He wanted to feel it on the underside of his—

“Evan,” the man — Evan — grunted. “I’m Evan.”

Barty grinned like a shark, chancing another step forward into Evan’s space entirely, pressing them together chest-to-chest. “Hello, Evan.”

I put a spell on you, because you’re mine

Barty heard the words loud and clear this time. He swore he caught Pandora’s eyes sparkling all the way across the bar. She had planned this all along, the little minx. As Evan leaned forward to nose along the line of his neck, his breath hot against Barty’s skin, he couldn’t find it in himself to care.

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4 months ago

This becomes more precious and maniacal every time I reread it.

candy - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 190

"Trick or treat!" Tiny voices signaled to Barty and Evan that it was finally, finally time,

When Regulus had patiently explained to them the Muggle tradition of dressing up and knocking on doors for Halloween, they'd been thrilled. They'd spent weeks perfecting their years, their costumes, their entryway, making sure everything was ready for this moment. And now?

"AHHHHHHHH!" Barty screamed, popping out of the coffin he was hiding in, fake blood flowing from his pale, makeup-covered mouth, his zombie costume perfected after hours of work.

Two children, barely older than seven, stared wide-eyed and frozen at him.

But then, Evan jumped at them from behind.

Chainsaw in hand, transfigured meat to look like severed limbs hanging around his neck by bloody ropes, mask over his face, he cackled madly, waving the chainsaw above his head, red lights flashing from their house. "HAPPY HALLO-" he began to yell.

But with high-pitched, terrified screams, the children ran, not stopping even as they left the yard, hurling up the street.

Immediately, Evan cut out the chainsaw and turned to a confused-looking Barty, tilting his head to the side. "But....they forgot their candy?"

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8 months ago

soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)

"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.

Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.

"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"

But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.

He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.

And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.

Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.

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8 months ago

soft - @rosekillermicrofic - word count: 178 - NSFW (suggestive)

"Oi! That's mine!" Barty yelled indignantly, pouting at Evan as he took the last sweet from the pile they had between them on Evan's bed.

Regulus was gone with James for the evening and they had decided, as revenge for him leaving them, they would eat all the candy.

"Yeah?" Evan challenged, eyeing Barty with a smirk. "Come get it, then!"

But before he could move, Barty lunged forward, soft lips enveloping Evan's fingers and the candy he held between them, their eyes locking as the air turned thick.

He made the decision without thinking. Moving his fingers back a bit, he grinned salaciously as Barty began to suck, pupils growing larger, expression almost submissive. Heat coursed through Evan's body at the sight of Barty, on his knees, sucking on his fingers.

And before he could lose the nerve, Evan moved forward so he could whisper into Barty's ear. "Taste good, baby?" he muttered to the other boy, who only moaned a bit, pulling back and panting.

Fuck. Maybe it was good Regulus was gone for the night.

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