Barty Crouch X Evan Rosier - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Regulus black undoubtedly likes to cuddle.

He’s a stoic, noble boy man, he’s quiet and his etiquette is impeccable. You’ll never catch him with his elbows on the table, or god forbid gifting an informal hug to somebody upon meeting with them.

But with you? Oh, you. Regulus melts. The second he sees you sitting down or laying down, he almost subconsciously begins to search for places he could squeeze in. The only people he’d ever trust to watch this happen is Barty, Evan, the rest of his slytherin accomplices and Sirius. (Sirius only because he’ll sometimes cuddle up to his older brother, after their conflicts resolved.)

He noticed you sitting on his bed, you’d usually come over to hang out in his dorm because you liked it better than yours. Evan and Barty were both laying on barty’s bed, talking to each other quietly (as quiet as Barty could manage, which, let’s be honest, isn’t very quiet.) and you were sprawled on his pillow lazily with a book in hand.

Regulus dumped down his bag and flopped onto you, head thumping onto your chest. A low growl left his throat as he nuzzled his head against you. His arms folded in, locking you into place, like he was scared you’d leave. Giggling quietly, you put your book down, and moved your hand to sift through his neat black curls, tousling them up just how you liked it. His chin was resting on your chest now, and his dreamy silver eyes were heavy and dopey, filled to the brim with nothing but undeniable, obsessively intense adoration. “You okay, Reg?” You mumbled. He replied with a pathetic low whimper, and squeezes you tighter, moving to close his heavy eyes and rub his cheek into your chest like a cat.

“…ev, are you fucking seeing this?”

“Yes, Barty, but that was literally you when we started dating. You can’t blame Reg.”

“Well, yeah, but… it’s regulus!”

You hissed a playful “shhh” towards Barty, raising your eyebrows while you pet the (almost asleep) Regulus’s hair, with his cheek smooshed against you and his back rising and falling softly with each calm breath he took. He murmured something incomprehensible into your shirt before he was unconscious.

“Oh… my… god. Does this not just disgrace the Black family name?”

“Barty, come on!”

“I know, Ev, I’m kidding. I guess it’s cute. After I’ve finished retching and gagging, I guess it’s cute. Ev, will you hold my hair back?”

Barty said, before dramatically pretending to throw up over the side of the bed. Evan laughed and scraped back his boyfriend’s straight black mess of hair, petting his back. Finally, Barty fell back onto Rosier’s chest and wiped his dry mouth, panting for extra effect. He smiled widely and gave you a thumbs up. “Yeah! Super cute!”

You scoffed. You loved your best friends.

But there was nothing you could love more than the peacefully sleeping boy on your chest.

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7 months ago

@rosekillermicrofic | Rosekiller | Date: 8 July 2024 | Prompt: Sunset | Word count: 521


Evan sat on the wooden bench, contemplating the dives that Regulus executed with his light broomstick. The sky was closing to a sunset. Regulus had made both Evan and Barty promise that, they would come to see the yearly selections of the Slytherin quidditch team. The few chosen young students were poorly trying to plunge into the air. Some of them went an extra mile by trying to copy the curves performed by Regulus.

Evan sighed. He was sitting all alone in the middle of an abyss.

'Where the hell are you?', Evan asked himself, imaging a tall torso of Barty.


The voice caught Evan off-guard. It was shrill, as if someone was chocked to draw out that voice. Evan turned behind like a spring.

"Someone's bored?", Barty said, maintaining the shrillness. He scrunched his nose and squatted beside Evan, pulling up a sock from his breast pocket.

"Where were you and what the hell is that?", Evan raised a brow, eyeing the sock.

"Look", the piping voice instructed inside the sock.

Evan peeped into the stretched opening of the sock. A hairy twig like creature jumped out.

Evan gasped, not for the creature that leaped out but for the creature itself. It was a tarantula, with a palm sized body and tentacles spreading like the fingers. It was a handful.

Evan looked at the tarantula that he sized inside his palm, confining it from escaping, then he looked at Barty and then again he turned back to the black creature.

"Where did you find it?", Evan said, without lifting his eyes, already been attracted to the spider.

Barty, who was looking at Evan rather than at the spider, felt like been caught in an illusion. And the trick was the sun rays, the golden tint, that glided through his eyes, highlighting their brown into a hue that matched the sky in the west. Evan looked beautiful, as if he was made to look like that.


Barty woke up from his fantasies with a sudden jurk from Evan, he was perplexed. "What happened?"

"What do we name it?", Evan asked.

Barty thought, but he already had names ready, "Blood-poison. Or Scarlet-thirst. Or Famertiano."

"What's Famertiano?", Evan asked, scrutinizing the brown fur of the tarantula.


"Okay then. Famertiano", Evan pressed his lips in a thoughtful manner and ultimately concluded. "Anyways, where did you get this from?"

"I bought it at the cost of winning an arm wrestle with two seniors from Ravenclaw. This is the prize I got. For you."

The last two words seemed to have an effect on Evan. His eyes softened and even though he didn't reply anything back, Barty could comprehend those sun kissed eyes, they were saying love.

"Do you think Famertiano would be able to pull up a melodrama in Regulus's bed?", Barty asked as he a swaying figure in the sky caught his attention.

"I don't see how he could fail, if we teach Famertiano how to execute the melodrama", Evan replied in a single song voice, already hooked up by the thought of mischief.

"Let's plan, should we?"

"Plan A?", Evan asked with a smirk that lifted the corners of his mouth.

Barty saw that beauty, the dark beauty in him. And he knew it at that moment that Evan was not a thing meant for prize, he was a treasure, hard to get, and ever harder to lose.

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7 months ago

@rosekillermicrofic | Promt- Smile | Date- 22 July | Word Count: 425 | slightly NSFW


"What are you writing?"

Evan wheezed back at the sudden voice. He didn't look behind at the source, instead he hooked the parchment close to his chest and hid the scribbled letters against him. He closed his eyes and huffed.

"Barty. Get out of here", he said.

"N-No. Not before you show me what you wrote", Barty replied flatly as he inclined forward, peeping his eyes into Evan's lap. "Show me, will you?"


"Don't grudge, show me", Barty insisted.

"It's mine. Not yours."

"But, sweetheart, I saw my name in that parchment."


"Why did you write my name?"

"I didn't."

"Then prove it. Show me."

"I don't have to prove you."

"You need to."

"Or else?-"

"I will snatch it."


Barty craned forward, matching his weight with his strength over the parchment, pulling it stressfully.

"GO. Away", Evan tried forcing his legs forward. He thrusted a kick, but Barty had an untraced strength, which was not easy to kick off.

"Show me", Barty hissed.


"Fuck you", Barty stressed further as Evan pulled the parchment closer to his chest.

"Thanks. Now leave."


The grained leaf of the paper, came flopping out like gift wrappers. It was torn without shape.

Barty hooked that parchment infront of his eyes and read, "Bar-he-hip." He put that sheet down and eyed at what Evan was doing as he heard him move.

Evan forcefully crunched the paper in a ball and swiftly threw it over the fireplace. The red strokes engulfed the parchment in a hug and the last ashes burnt fiercely.

"What did you write? Tell me, please", Barty cooed.

Evan smirked, "Never." Then he stood up and left the dormitory while singing, "Chicky chicky had no kicky in him."

Barty sat down on Evan's desk and smiled wickedly as he rehearsed the lines on the parchment, quoting them word by word, "Evan doesn't worship Bartemius. He wisely whips him."

Then he slowly added, "You do both, Evan. Both."

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7 months ago

Barty: I need someone to match my freak.

Regulus: No.

Evan: You actually need someone to 'watch' your freak.

Regulus: Yes.

Barty: I think I just found that person.

Regulus: Freak!

Evan: And I am actually watching that.

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7 months ago

Regulus: Happy. Birthday.

Barty: Dear Rosy.

Evan: Thank you.

(Barty handing Regulus a dead frog. Regulus floating a candle on top of it. Barty lighting the candle. Regulus handing it over to Evan.)

Regulus: Blow it.

Barty: Then blow me.

Evan: ...

Regulus: (blinking in rosekiller)

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6 months ago
LUNCH - Billie Eilish, But It's Gayer; Feat. Barty Crouch JUNIOR

LUNCH - Billie Eilish, but it's gayer; feat. Barty Crouch JUNIOR

(I suck at instant sketch, but here's an idea.)

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6 months ago

Evan: If I were an ice cream, would you bite me or lick me?

Barty: I would like to lick you. But-

Evan: But?

Barty: But if you are hard as fuck, biting you wouldn't hurt, would it?

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6 months ago

Unlike other wizards, when Rosekiller enters a muggle house, Regulus has the right to say that "it's in shreds", because it is. Every screw, every ply, every grinder, every metal joiner, every shit is broken, 'cause it's Rosekiller babe.

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6 months ago

I have a Marauders Headcanon

I think Barty would totally dye his hair to make his dad angry and Evan would help him do it, Evan would also help pierce Barty’s ears and stuff, it’s their form of bonding and Regulus walked in on it one time and thought they had committed a murder when Evan was piercing Barty’s tounge

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5 months ago

Drunk - 01/10/2024 - @rosekillermicrofic

Word count: 469

Warnings: none

Themes: mild angst

It was late, well, at least Evan thought it was, but he wasn't going to check. The alarm clock on his bedside table was ticking obnoxiously loud. It had been the whole time he'd been laying on his bed staring at the ceiling. He'd convinced Regulus to sleep somewhere else for the night, who knows where and to take the two other slimy gits they shared their room with away with him. Evan waited. It felt like it had been hours - maybe it had been. Barty didn't come on time. He never did, and it had gotten to the point where Evan would tell him a time that was 30 minutes sooner than he wanted, but he was never this late. Evan looked at the clock. It was 2 in the morning, he'd told Barty to get here for 11PM. Evan was just about to call quits and go to sleep when the doorknob clicked and someone stumbled into the room, Evan jumped up on high alert - scolding himself for getting lost in thought. Barty stumbled across the room smiling like an idiot but something was off. Something was wrong.

"Heya Ev," he slurred out, eyes barely open "sorry'm late," he reeked of firewhiskey and smoke. Evan rolled his eyes at him, beyond pissed off. Barty kept talking because the Lord knew he didn't know when to shut up.

"I'm so fucking pished" he mumbled as he leant against one of the posts of the four poster bed "but I'm here, cause I love you" he slurred, Evan felt sick. This wasn't supposed to be a feelings thing, and now Barty was drunkenly confessing. Evan cleared his throat pushing away that disgusting feeling of hope - maybe Barty felt the same way, but it was too risky to assume especially when he's spouting it in this state.

"You're drunk, Bat," He managed, his voice small and cracking just slightly. Composure slowly dripping away from him; Evan folded his arms defensively. It was easier this way, he told himself.

Barty blinked slowly but just giggled, not even registering Evan's annoyance. "If I'm Bat, you should be ball cause we belong together," Barty slurred, throwing himself onto Evan's bed with the grace of an elephant on cocaine. It sounded like a pick-up line. Was it a pick-up line? Evan didn't know. His stomach felt like it had been twisted violently. Was Barty in love with him? Or was this just Barty's usual drunk antics? Evan didn't know. He tried not to care either.

"Good night, Bee." Evan whispered, his face and voice still portraying mild annoyance. He crawled under the covers, refusing to face Barty, but Barty crawled right under them beside him despite the fact he was still in full uniform. He draped an arm around Evan. "g'night," Barty slurred, hot, sticky breath on the back of his neck as Barty fell asleep holding Evan in an almost vice like grip. Evan didn't sleep. He just stared at the wall all night.

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5 months ago

Rosekiller I fear

 {Words By Jos Olivarez From Citizen Illegal /@fatimaamerbilal , From Even Flesh Eaters Don't Want Me.}
 {Words By Jos Olivarez From Citizen Illegal /@fatimaamerbilal , From Even Flesh Eaters Don't Want Me.}

{Words by José Olivarez from Citizen Illegal /@fatimaamerbilal , from even flesh eaters don't want me.}

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