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Crack Fic Idea (dp x dc)
Danny gets de-aged coz of Youngblood and the box ghost (he stole a box containing a trinket that was in fact a Big Deal since it contained some sort of Fountain of Youth serum and Danny got doused). So now, the problem is Danny’s stuck as a kid (I’m thinking older than a toddler, younger than a pre-teen) and can’t control his powers very well. Jazz told the parents Danny got de-aged coz of a ghost and brought him back to the house but there were a lot of near-misses so she’s worried about Danny and doesn’t want to keep him there.
Sam, Tucker and her decide to contact clockwork for help and he tells them Danny will turn back eventually. Jazz insists he’s in danger. Clockwork, coz he wants to teach them the lesson of ‘don’t bother me with dumb shit’ says "there is something I could do. Send him to a different universe but he will be out of reach until he is made normal again."
Jazz being like perfect! This is exactly what we want. I’ll go with him no problem, it’ll be babysitting: hard mode.
Tuck and Sam are like yeah uh, why don’t we can go. "Jazz, no offence but if both of you disappear, I think your parents will raze Amity to the ground. Meanwhile if it’s us three you can just say we were hanging out and got sucked through a natural portal." Jazz agrees, though she's not happy about it.
Clockwork smiles like the troll he is and says "very well."
So the three are all sent to the dc universe. But, the thing is they don’t end up in the same place.
Danny ends up with Wonder Woman. She finds the boy on his doorstep, all big blue eyes and dark hair. He’s got some super strength and he can fly, so obviously she’s like "this child is of the gods, he’s my brethren." So she has a kid now. "I gotta comm Batman." (Also I just learned that Wonder Woman has a twin sister, Nubia, so like I know she’s on Themiscera but this is a Big Deal so I think she would probably get granted a trip to help her sis and be an aunt? This would get us 2 amazon demigoddess going gaga over this cute-as-shit toddler who’s also coincidently a menace, which is pretty cool?)
Anyway, I'm sure now we're all wondering where would Tucker and Sam land? Well, I am glad to tell you they are going through their own personal hell: Tucker ends up with the bats. Sam ends up with the Kents.
Now, Let me explain:
Tucker -Tuck appears in the manor and Tim just walks by him, prob exhausted and all and just says. ‘Jesus Christ, Bruce another one?’ -People keep sneaking up on Tuck and he is getting twitchy -Cass just appears at his side and he just shouts ‘JESUS FUCK’ -He’s doing his best to hold it in, because god fucking dammit, these guys probably smell fear -At some point he mentions his parents in the past tense like, "oh my parents used to buy that brand." And, Dick and Steph or smt exchange a glance before Dick asks, all empathetic and stuff, "I’m so sorry about them, how did they die?" -Tuck just stares at the tabletop and tries not to let out the internal screech that has been building up. Meanwhile the two are thinking he’s trying not to cry. -Oracle uses the all-around sound system to warn him against eating the sugary cereal coz they’re Dick’s favourite. Tucker is scared shitless. -Duke shows up all "I’m so sorry about them they’re a little intense" and Tuck thinks he’s found the only sane one. They start talking and then Tuck notices Duke is limping so he’s like "oh are you ok?" And duke answers, "Oh this is nothing, just a little stab wound, nothing like jumping off a bridge haha". Tuck is like never mind they’re all insane. -Tucker waits until mostly everyone is on patrol to use his PDA to short-out the security of the manor very briefly to sneak out and get the fuck out of there.
Sam -She shows up through the green glowing vortex and everything while in full view of the Kents. The two act like this is absolutely normal, Martha invites her inside immediately. “Would you like some breakfast dear?” -“Do you want some more hash brown, sweetie?” “Thank you mrs Kent” “Please call me Ma, dear” -Sam is trapped in a hellscape. These people are kind and so fucking polite. Her need to rebel and be an absolute demon child is being ruthlessly squashed in the face of these two midwesterner making small-talk over home-made breakfast. -she ends up in the fields, with no idea how she got talked into it, like why can’t she say no? -She’s working under the sun. Her skin starts getting this nice healthy tan. It’s a nightmare -She catches herself swearing like, ‘Corn Nuts!’, then stops, horrified. She has to get out of there. -Sam tells them her friend is waiting for her and she has to go, but of course it's not this fucking easy -After an exhausting battle of will, she finally manages to extricate herself from the endless small-talk they are doing at the door and barely manages to stop herself from running as she walks away with a casserole dish Ma Kent made her take. -She ends up in Metropolis, and mistakingly thinks she is safe -She gets saved by Superman who catches a car flying at her and goes "ope, let me get that for you." Sam is getting Vietnam flashbacks and immediately nopes out of it and runs away.
As Sam is running away she runs into Tuck who took a ticket for out of the hell-city. So they meet-up in Metropolis by chance, both traumatized in different ways. They’ve barely started talking and trying to figure out how to find Danny, when a whole slew of bat-vigilantes drop in, like they’re crawling out of the woodwork, going "hey dude where’d you go?" Tucker whimpers and hides behind Sam "Sam please, please don’t let the scary furries take me away again." Then, Superman shows up to check in on Sam "Hey, I just wanted to check in, since you seemed a bit shaken up." Sam feels her face spasm into a smile involuntarily at the sound of his voice and something inside her is dying.
Then, batman shows up coz he thinks there might be an emergency coz like all the bats are in Metropolis. Following him, is Wonder Woman who wanted some tips. She walks in holding Danny by one ankle, upside-down (like that one meme) and Danny is squiggling and giggling like mad. He goes intangible and slips out but Diana catches him just before he crashes his skull to the ground, then coos at him "hm, you are a slippery one, aren’t you? Aren’t you, my little warrior?"
In short: Pure Chaos
Green thumb (dp x dc)
“Why won’t you grow?” Danny asked the little corner of fresh dirt he’d been allocated when he’d signed up for the community garden project. Sam had been the one to suggest it, and with significantly less ghost-fighting to do now that he’d moved away, it had seemed like a great new hobby.
“I gave you water, and all the other things Sam said to do, what more could you have wanted,” Danny said as he poked the desiccated stalk despondently.
Somewhere far off, there was the echo of screams, and something like a crash. Danny paid it no mind, thinking it might be an event or something starting. Gotham was a big city, and there was always something going on.
“I can’t tell Sam about this,” Danny sighed as he put his face in his hands. “She’d laugh at me.”
He sat in front of his failed tomato plants for a while longer before getting to his feet with a sigh. As he did, he turned to walk away, only to see a woman with bright red hair and greenish skin standing a few paces away. Behind her there was something like a cloud of something and Danny immediately stopped breathing.
Not having to breathe was definitely his favourite power ever, he hated hay fever.
“Hey,” Danny said with a little wave.
In response the woman raised an arm and a thick vine-looking thing shot out of the ground.
“Holy shit!” The halfa exclaimed. That was pretty cool. Controlling plants was seriously an awesome power, and majorly underrated if one listened to Sam’s rants.
Wait, controlling plants?
“Can you revive my tomato plants?” Danny asked the woman enthusiastically, before remembering himself. “Uh, please?”
The woman stopped moving and frowned.
“It’s just that I really tried to keep it alive, but this is the first time I’ve taken care of plants and I was really looking forward to fresh tomatoes,” the halfa babbled.
She tilted her head.
“Please? I can get you a smoothie in exchange, I know a great place, they also do ice cream.”
The woman’s lips twitched and then she waved her hand and continued walking.
Danny turned around to find his tomato plant green and alive.
“Oh my god, thank you!” He yelled, but she was already leaving.
Danny owed her the best smoothie in town.
Mote in your brother's eye (dp x dc)
Danyal Al Ghul was born part of a set. Twins were a blessing he’d heard people say, but Mother’s face said otherwise. And Danyal had started seeing why when he turned four. When their instructors started praising one over the other, favouring, comparing one against the other.
It hadn’t stopped there. As they grew, it seemed everyone had decided one twin was superior to the other and though Danyal knew it wasn’t true, and he knew it wasn’t fair, it seemed nobody cared. Damian and him tried, they really did, but there was nothing to do about it and the Twins turned into the Heir and the Spare.
And when one night, Mother’s spymaster came to report that Ra’s was looking for the spare, Danyal knew it was over. Mother was a flurry of controlled movement, and his own mind was whirling at breakneck speeds, but Damian was calm. And that broke Danyal’s heart.
"Put this on," Mother said, handing them identical robes. Danyal and Damian were always given different sets of clothes, to make them easily distinguishable. It seemed Mother was banking on their identical features for additional protection.
Danyal put it on, and Damian followed, albeit more slowly.
"Grandfather is only looking for one of us,". his twin said calmly.
"Damian," Mother said warningly.
"Mother, there is no choice, we hav-"
"I will not hear of it," she interrupted Damian ferociously. "Now, follow me."
Dayal looked to his twin’s hard features and pale face and his eyes began to burn. It wasn’t fair.
They followed after their mother’s, silent footsteps in the high hallways.
"We will not make it out," Damian said quietly to himself, "not like this."
Danyal took a deep, steadying breath, painfully aware his twin was right.
"Damian," he started and his twin turned to him to raise an imperious eyebrow. "Damian, I’m sorry."
His twin scoffed and turned away, hurrying towards their mother who was opening up a corner of the wall, which she had told them held a passageway leading to the outside of the compound.
"Quick," Mother said and gestured towards the hole in the wall.
Damian went in first, looking like he wanted to grumble but was too well-trained to do so.
Once he had disappeared into the darkness, Mother looked over at Danyal. But he did not move.
"Danyal," she started.
"Mother," he said and stared back and he saw the understanding in her eyes. Her eyes flashed.
"I will go," she said.
"You cannot."
"There is no time to argue," he said. "Grandfather is not a patient man."
She held his gaze for a second longer, before her shoulder lowered. She reached for Danyal’s nape and brought him in close to kiss his forehead.
"Be quick, dearest," she said as she stroked his hair. "Make me proud."
"I will," Danyal promised. He gave her a fragile smile. "Tell Damian I love him.’
"I will," she swore and then she was gone.
As Danyal walked towards his Grandfather’s quarters, there were people stepping out of his way in the halls. The boy ignored the stares as he fixed his eyes into the distance, his chin up and proud.
He arrived in front of his Grandfather’s intricately ornamented doors much sooner than he would’ve hoped and was let in immediately.
Grandfather was standing, his back to the door, standing in front of a desk.
"I had begun to believe you would not show, child" Grandfather said.
Danyal bowed his head deferential and did not answer.
"You are not a coward at the very least," the man said as he turned back, his piercing stare settling on Danyal. The latter had to stifle the urge to flinch.
Grandfather then turned back towards the table to grab a dagger off the desk and at this, Danyal stepped back, his own hand going to his knife.
The man smirked, seemingly amused. "Do you believe I will kill you?"
His hand still over his knife, Danyal shrugged carefully. "I do not know what to believe."
Grandfather let out a chuckle and then he moved and Danyal reacted, his hand going for his knife and in the same movement towards Grandfather’s neck when he was stopped dead by his grandfather’s dagger in his gut.
A pained grunt escaped him and he struggled to stay to his feet, but he was already unbalanced from the attack and he crumpled to the ground with a cry of pain as the dagger buried itself deeper.
"What a waste," Grandfather’s voice cut through the haze of pain. "You were a disappointment to the end, Damian."
"Get him out of my sight," was the last Danyal heard of it before he was lost to oblivion.