Rras Cries - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

I wasn’t expecting to even gain another 50 after that but not even a month later ya’ll went whoosh-


(Y’all can literally reblog this with the word ‘bread’ and your automatically entered 😂)
Anyways yeah deadline is December 15 11:59 pm Philippine time so enter while y’all still can! 💙♠️💙
Flight class gone wrong

(It’s obvious I’m brainrotting over an octopus)
Imagine This!!!!!
MC having celebrating here milestone!!! (Congratulations!!!)
And was held in Mostro Lounge(idk how it spell) by Azul by threatened .
It was celebrated as a ball.
Thennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....... Jade come up to MC asking for a dance????
Of course, a certain octopus was jelly....
And Floyd chillin watching them.
Would they accept the dance ?
Or go to the jelly octo??? 👀👀👀

lavaovaoavivaiwvaiabakbaia even my kohai is aware of my pining Great
(cue the two of us snickering as we share information while azul is left with Floyd andausvajvaia)
I needed to answer that last ask ASAP it was too glorious ok
hello hello! i hope you're doing well this fine,,,,day,,,,evening,,,,night?? time zones are hard lmao-
today's random!
just kidding.
congrats on your follower milestone!! wooooooo!! i'm very proud of you :)!!

YES I AGREE TIMEZONES aRE WEIRD AF SENPAI! And thank you as well for being one of my active mutuals your submissions are the highlight of my week 💙♠️💙
| A Pathetic Laughing Matter |
(Business or Greed pt 4)
Here’s part part three
Well crap there goes the brief moment of relief.
“I’ve been summoned by your fellow rascal during my rest time to tell me that the prefect is out of commission! ASHENGROTTO!”
The infamous dormhead immediately stiffened as his name echoed throughout the gymnasium. The prefect and him usually glared like this but seeing Crewel-Sensei , he won’t be seeing graduation anytime soon is he?
“I’m wholeheartedly disappointed that a refined pupper like you would do something beneath you like this!”
Crewel didn’t even spare a glance at the octo mer folk as he swiftly wrapped the still coughing prefect with his fur coat, deeming it more beneficial if they wore it rather than him.
“You do know your going to be held accountable for endangering a magic less person correct”
Jade’s statement didn’t even help the slightest while azul continues to look away out of fear of invoking even more wrath from the alchemist professor.
In the corner of his eye tho...he saw the drenched prefect glaring at him the most fierce glare she’s ever given him in their entire knowledge of each other. But what shocked him more was the single tear that ran down her pale cheek.
“Hey...are you feeling any good?”
Grim was on the side munching on whatever sandwich he got a hold of as the Adeuce duo played cards with the prefect, currently sitting on the white sheets of the infirmary.
“As far as I’m concerned, I’m still alive and kicking aren’t I?”
Despite the playful tone, the prefect winced at the memory of being thrown into those deep, shallow waters.
“...I’m pathetic aren’t I?”
Ace stopped shuffling the cards as he looked at the prefect in concern, Deuce on the other hand is still dazed by everything that went down.
“Prefect...no MC we-“
“Admit it, if I only knew something as basic as swimming then i didn’t had to...”
The memory of the dark pool surrounding her came back in split seconds, the cold embrace of the ice cold water left her more shook than she’d like to admit.
“...I didn’t had to worry you three, I didn’t had to interrupt Crewel-sensei’s rest time, I didn’t had to sprain my ankle for hitting the edge, I didn’t had...”
The image of the octo bastard’s taunting grin passed in her mind and it pissed off the already edged prefect.
“...I didn’t had to look weak and pathetic in front of that bastard”
Deuce rubbed her back trying to comfort.
“Why does it matter what dormhead Ashengrotto thinks? Your safety is more important here”
“It matters because he’s gonna use it against me and won’t leave my back about it”
She slowly moved her fringes to the side pinching the bridge of her nose.
“I’m already busy with the budget plan and having to fulfill my duties as prefect...I don’t need him clawing at my case for his damned amusement”
She had to take a deep breath, letting the scent of the infirmary fill her senses while Ace sighs in defeat.
“As if we’ll let him bother you, he’s annoying to us to you know?”
“I’d have to agree with Ace...it’s honestly tiring to keep patching you up every time you and him go fist to fist because of some...disagreeing views”
“That’s rich coming from you”
“All I’m saying is that you two are more mature than this”
“Not my fault I have to call out his bull crap every 10 mins...”
The sound of the infirmary doors opening caught everyone’s attention , noticing the blur of teal hair heading towards the prefect’s bed ace and deduce immediately went on guard but were backed down the moment they saw who it was.
“Shrimpy~! Your still alive!”
“Hehe yeah I am...”
“Ne shrimpy~ don’t look so down now! Your still breathing so don’t worry about dying yet!”
Weirdly the words Floyd said gave the prefect some comfort but then reverted back to anxiety at the thought of Ashengrotto knowing one of her weaknesses.
“Hey Ace...can you do me a favor?”
“What’s in it for me-“
“I’ll treat you to cherry pie for one week”
“Aight what do I gotta do?”
The prefect could only sigh at her friend’s antics but nevertheless abiding.
“Tell Crowley-sensei that I won’t be attending the Budget plan meetings anymore, I’ll still give my insight from time to time but other than that I’m leaving everything up to the Takoyaki Bastard”
“I can understand you and Deuce are shocked, but why are you surprised Floyd-senpai?”
“Shrimpy fought tooth and nail with Azul because of your disagreement~ Not everyone can do that y’know~? So seeing you dropping it kinda disappointed me...”
“Look If the bastard would go as far as to drown me because I opposed his so called ‘business standpoint’ then fine I’ll let him take over...”
“Ne~ Shrimpy does have a point~...”
“Besides, wasn’t this his goal all along? To finally do everything his way? If that’s what he so desperately wants then fine so be it..”
The prefect stood up from the infirmary bed with blazer hanging from her shoulders, now dry due to magic.
“C’mon grim...it’s already late, we should get back to ramshackle immediately before anything else happens”
“Wait prefect let us accompany you-“
“Deuce it’s fine really, I don’t wanna be a bother than I already am.”
Her expression betrayed her sentiment as she took grim by the collar, strutting out the infirmary not before looking over her shoulder.
“Floyd senpai...congratulate the bastard for me for finally getting what he eagerly wanted”
And with that she left the boys to there own thoughts...not noticing the tuff of silver hair that was so intently listening at the next turn.
Our Journ Teacher: Ok so our topic for the month is Sports article writing
Me with my knowledge of KnB, Haikyuu, Prince of Stride and Yuri On Ice: I’m prepared
Rras questions her family pt 1
My mom: oh since you perfected your last math quiz heres 20 pesos!
Me: wow thanks mom!
My mom: oh by the way how much more money do you still need for the thing your saving up for?
Me: uhh 200 pesos I think?
My mom: Aight bb go get 200 pesos from my wallet *then she walks out of the room, not even watching if I took the right amount*
Istg my mom is a god sent angel she trusts me too much 👉👈
Can y’all send stuff in my inbox...? School is really testing my patience and I wanna cool off later at night
The voice in the dvd specials gave it away 😂
Anime Jolli Gang
I was inspired by the Colonel Sanders anime game designs so I drew the Jollitown Gang/Jollibee fast food chain mascots (Yum, Jollibee, French Fry!Zenitsu aka Popo, Hetty and Twirlie) as anime boys and girls haha (I drew this weeks ago but I have yet to post it here haha)

The Gang (There used to be a lot more of them during my childhood haha)

Pfft- why can I imagine Azul losing a bet to Jade and Floyd and he had to be a Butler to Prefect for the whole entire week and he has to be like Sebastian the whole time!! Haha!!
Your giving me ideas that shouldn’t be given to a sadist 👀
Aight time to add that to the list
I’m trying to avoid the obey me fandom for now because I haven’t caught up with the new lessons and I’m serious. Pls. Don’t. Tag. Me in said spoilers
o(`ω´ )o 💌📭📫 the person sending you this wishes for you to have a great week! to spread some positivity, list 5 things that you've done recently that made you happy 🥰 spread the love to your favorite mutuals! 🧸✨🌼🌼🌼

Right back at you Lazy Senpai💙
BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. If you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone think you're beautiful inside and out! 💚🌹💚🌹💚🌹💚🌹
P.S I'm coming.
I was scared for a hot minute 👏😂
Right back at you Senpai! 💚♠️💚
(I’m prepared)
Be thankful i didn’t post the angst continuation of The Snapping fic on New Year’s Eve

The one new Year’s gift I received that I’ll forever treasure, my uncle is godsent istg
💌 send this to the twelve nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get five back you must be pretty awesome 💌
:) I hope your doing well and you're happy.

Honestly this came at a very crucial time with first day of tenth grade and all the shebang so I really appreciate this ngl TvT