Rras Was Tagged - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

4 years ago
Im Laughing But Deep Inside I Feel Guilty

I’m laughing but deep inside I feel guilty 🤡

Im Sorry I Should Have Told You Sooner I Dont Hate You, Please-! Please Stay!

“I’m sorry… I should have told you sooner… I don’t hate you, please-! Please stay…!”

haha TakoTsuki angst go brrr

(i feel so bad for drawing this after the fluffy wedding drawing i did yesterday but it had to be done)

@rrasado my child i love you but it wouldnt let me sleep  

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4 years ago
No Context Just- Clown Court And Marriages

No context just- clown court and marriages

Made For The Darling @rrasado For The Twisted Friends Server

Made for the darling @rrasado for the Twisted Friends Server💖🌹

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4 years ago

I can feel a wave of discord peeps tagging me in takoyaki content 🍵


Keep reading

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4 years ago

Luvi X Bread Dress still reigns supreme don’t change my mind

Context: A Long Series Of Discord Shenanigans Led To This. But Basically Were Having Ship Wars. People

Context: A long series of discord shenanigans led to this. But basically we’re having “”ship wars””. People keep shipping me with Leona but there are much better server ships.

@un-beel-ievable @rrasado @twstpasta

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4 years ago

Thank you for tagging me Momther and Empress!

I- honestly this could’ve been worse

Thank You For Tagging Me Momther And Empress!

Chaos child is now the Diety of Order huh

Tagging anyone cause I want all of you to try it 😂👏

here’s a random word generator–whatever word it gives you is now the thing you are the deity of

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4 years ago


Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado
Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado
Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado
Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado
Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado
Maligayang Pasko, Mga Kababayan @blueskywater-happiness @rrasado

Maligayang pasko, mga kababayan @blueskywater-happiness​ @rrasado​

The wait is over. He’s finally here.

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4 years ago

Ok but the fact that this almost became my first 2021 reblog

Ok But The Fact That This Almost Became My First 2021 Reblog

How dare y’all 🤣, and now all I hear is blubblub

☠Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships☠

(Slowly walks in with boombox. Peers around. Places over head. Monster High Intro begins to play~)

Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships
Twisted Wonderland: Monster High Theme Song Ships

((This was just a joke and a sudden idea I had for the Twisted Friends server come to life

@leviskokoro-main @leviskokoro @sherbet-shark @rrasado, you guys know what to do~ 💕😂💖

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4 years ago

Y’all are reaaaally gonna have to fan me once the ignihyde arc drops 👏🤣 vroom vroom mf.

🏰Force's Random Twisted Wonderland Thoughts🏰

Force's Random Twisted Wonderland Thoughts

Legit just thought of this randomly and I am now giggling like mad 🤣😂💖💕


💙Ignibots vs the Diasomnicons💚

@sherbet-shark @rrasado ((Here you two go lolololol💖💕

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4 years ago

I’ll take Beel bb anyday ✨💙

(yes I have considered the mop)

I’m gonna trust your word on this one: (normal match up please)

I’m INFP-T, Hufflepuff, Recklessly analytic and won’t hesitate to sacrifice myself for my loved ones. (Cliche as it sounds). I love drawing and reading crime fiction books in my free time. Facts about myself is that I guess I have an unnaturally sharp canine, I love meat foods (katsudon my love-) and I guess I’ve been called charming..? Idk even I’m not sure.

Have you considered your true love possibly being...✨the mop✨?

Kidding...or am I? 🤔

Your match-up result: Beelzebub🍔

Bold of you to assume that you will be sacrificing your life for anyone —this gentle giant assumed the role of your protector ever since he became a part of your life. This protection, of course, extends to your loved ones; if it comes down to it, he'd much rather be the one to take the fall if that's what it takes to keep you from getting hurt —physically or otherwise.

He's never taken an interest in books in the same way that Satan has, and his appreciation of the arts generally only extends to aesthetic looking food, but if it makes you happy he's happy to take a shot at loving the things that make you happy. After all, you've always supported him at his Fangol games —it's only natural for him to extend his support towards you and your interests as well. He's happy to have you curl up in his lap with a book and read over your shoulder so that you can discuss the book with him later (...Beel will attempt to follow the plot to the best of his ability, but you may find that he's easily distracted by any and all descriptions of food), or pass you art supplies to save you the trouble of having to leave your seat while you're working pssst...if you ask, you'll find that he's more than happy to be your muse. But if you find that you'd rather be left to your own devices while you read/draw, Beel will support you from afar —by dropping by periodically with snacks and a drink and reminding you to take breaks.

Hm? You have an unnaturally sharp canine? Beel thinks that's pretty cool —after all his teeth are sharp too. He may want to know if it helps or hinders you at all while your eating, though...

Meat...Beel loves meat too! Actually he has a love for most types of foods, but meat! Meat is good!

Beel tried to cook a meal for you after learning about your love for katsudon, but the ingredients didn't survive to the end of the meal preparation process (He's very sorry...but it all looked so good. He couldn't help himself. 😓). He settles for bringing you out to dinner instead; even with the differences between Human World and Devildom cuisine, Beel has no trouble recommending meat dishes that suit your tastes perfectly ^-^

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3 years ago

Mine is literally “Prophetic Moon Titan”

...Would my quirk be getting sporadic prophecies every time I’m under moonlight I-

Tagging anyone who’d like to take a crack at this 💙♠️💙

okay new game - horikoshi tends to name his characters after traits of their quirks, so based on the meaning of your name, what would your quirk be? 

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3 years ago
This Is A Cool Thing To Play Dkdjdj Thanks For The Tag!
This Is A Cool Thing To Play Dkdjdj Thanks For The Tag!

This is a cool thing to play dkdjdj thanks for the tag!

Pspspspsp @mintystale @twistedly-sour @forcebewitht @luvielle @pancaketachi @sherbet-shark and the others that I can’t tag why is tumblr being a prissy bi-

Overblotting! Overblot form!

Overblotting! Overblot Form!
Overblotting! Overblot Form!


Overblotting one

Overblot form!

@knaverrie @rrasado @coffeeleafdepression

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3 years ago

Been tagged twice djdjdjjd thanks @sherbet-shark and @forcebewitht

Fluently bilingual in English and Tagalog, currently learning Italian and have a decent amount in Spanish due to cough APH cough

Pspspspsps @twstanmu @divinity-infinity @shaine26 @thelazystrawberryboi @princessozerareblogs @smeraldo-flowers-for-you and every other peeps that see this, no pressure tho!

New game! What languages do you speak? I'll start: English, Urdu, a little bit of Arabic :3

@lokis-right-nut @localgreekmythologywh0re @wh0reforhekate @a-chaotic-dumbass @call-me-gibby @corvidonia @hermes-left-nut @greek-myth-bitch @rurifangirl @possiblyhomer

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3 years ago

Thanks for the tag 🤎!

Thanks For The Tag !
Thanks For The Tag !

I just realized that the first one was made on December 19 so almost one year ago while the other one was well- November 30th dkdbdkbf

I think my anatomy became a bit more bearable along with overall rendering and coloring so kudos to that ^ ^

Tagging everyone who sees this !

Post your art improvement over the year (saw this on Instagram)

Honestly it’s amazing what a year can do😭

Post Your Art Improvement Over The Year (saw This On Instagram)
Post Your Art Improvement Over The Year (saw This On Instagram)

Tagging : @crestbaby @just-an-otakus-blog @lamentationisle @ruki-nozaka @rookvonhunt @in-that-deep-blue-sea @inexplicablz @katkk1 @charlotte-avason that wants to join

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2 years ago

I'm honored by the tag > <, honestly when it comes to writing I'm biased towards my accidental angst fic for Obey Me [ The Snapping ] (this baby is more than a year old now my gosh-), it's a sentimental reason since it sort of sparked my writing spree. Up until that point I've been purposely avoiding writing due to my unnaturally low confidence TwT. Yet when it comes to TWST specifically I'd say it's (don't come for me) the [ Jamil Fic ], solely because I'm a sadistic sucker for playing with morals within writing.

BUT when it comes to art I think my favorite would have to be this [ Squid Game Guard Floyd.] fanart. It was the first time I began trying out render techniques (?) That and I just like the glowy feeling n.n

Tagging my moots who see this! I'd like to see your personal masterpieces :D

Y’know what Twst Fandom.

Contact every artist/fanfic writer by sending an ask or a reply to this chain and ask them what their favorite piece (doesn’t have to be of twst either) they’ve made is their favorite work is. 

Tagging: @rrasado @wolken-himmel @raven-at-the-writing-desk @twstedstoryshop @jessamine-rose @luvielle @zackcrazyvalentine @anevilbunnyinthehat

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2 years ago

Everyone is free to believe me or not ToT. Thanks for the tag nikkiiiiii

— I've never had an Eggs Benedict before

— I'm generally short IRL (157cm)

— I used to be a regular dancer for school programs and independent organizations :D.

Tagging 🔖:: @anevilbunnyinthehat @amora-ledezma @princessozera @legalize-arson and my other moots here on Tumblr!

🌻 If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let's get to know the person behind the blog 🌻 ( no pressure, you don't have to!! )

*chuckled* Oh boy.

1. I have short attention spam that means I get distracted a lot

2. I’m a high school graduate

3. I’m very creative girl but..I HAVE CREATORS BLOCK 😭😭

@harmonys-tune @aphrodites-letters @raix-lv @jackplushie @honey-milk-depresso @ellovett

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