Twistedwonderland - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Kitty Grim searching for The Prefect.

Kitty Grim Searching For The Prefect.

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11 months ago
There Is A Character In Black Butler By The Same Name, They Look Like Kalim But The Roles Are Reversed

There is a character in black butler by the same name, they look like kalim but the roles are reversed but then again its by the same creator.



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1 year ago

If I had to choose an FC to represent what Leia (the female version of the knight of dawn in my AU) would look like, I would choose Haruka Tenoh.

I feel that they share many physical similarities and I would like to think that this is how I would act if it were not for this tragic end.

And also... should I explain more? But please, SHE IS JUST BEAUTIFUL!!! 😍😍


Si tuviera que elegir a un FC para representar como se verĂ­a Leia (la versiĂłn femenina del caballero del alba en mi AU), escogerĂ­a a Haruka Tenoh.

Siento que comparten muchas similitudes fĂ­sicas y me gustarĂ­a pensar que asĂ­ actuarĂ­a si no fuera por su trĂĄgico final.

Y además... debo explicar más? Pero por favor, ELLA ES SIMPLEMENTE HERMOSA!!! 😍😍😍

If I Had To Choose An FC To Represent What Leia (the Female Version Of The Knight Of Dawn In My AU) Would
If I Had To Choose An FC To Represent What Leia (the Female Version Of The Knight Of Dawn In My AU) Would
If I Had To Choose An FC To Represent What Leia (the Female Version Of The Knight Of Dawn In My AU) Would
If I Had To Choose An FC To Represent What Leia (the Female Version Of The Knight Of Dawn In My AU) Would
If I Had To Choose An FC To Represent What Leia (the Female Version Of The Knight Of Dawn In My AU) Would

What do you think? Would you choose another FC or does it fit like a glove? / ¿Ustedes qué opinan?, ¿escogerían otro FC ó queda como anillo al dedo?

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1 year ago

No sería tierno pensar que sí Silver fuera hijo biológico de Lilia, este tendría la costumbre de dormir boca abajo colgado en un årbol, costumbre que heredó gracias a sus genes fae murciélago.

Es una escena tierna para sus padres, pero nunca se separan de él por miedo a que caiga, y sí por alguna razón no pueden estar junto a el, los familiares de Lilia siempre estån para cuidar del pequeño murciélago albino.


It would not be cute to think that if Silver were Lilia's biological son, he would have the habit of sleeping face down hanging from a tree, a habit that he inherited thanks to his fae bat genes.

It is a tender scene for his parents, but they never separate from him for fear of him falling, and if for some reason they cannot be with him, Lilia's relatives are always there to take care of the little albino bat.

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7 months ago
TWST OC!Igino Jabber

TWST OC! Igino Jabber

Profile: Gender: Male Age: 17 Height: 5'5 Homeland: Scalding Sands

Dorm: Scarabia School Year: 2nd Class: 2-A Club: Science Club Best Subject: Ancient Curses

Dominant Hand: Right Favorite Food: Double-patty burgers Least Favorite Food: Seafood Dislikes: Math, bugs, mud Hobby: Shoe-shining Talents: Finding lost items

Other Notes: - Friends with Jamil since childhood - In a relationship with Jade - Asexual + Pansexual More Images:

TWST OC!Igino Jabber
TWST OC!Igino Jabber
TWST OC!Igino Jabber
TWST OC!Igino Jabber
TWST OC!Igino Jabber
TWST OC!Igino Jabber

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6 months ago

More IGINO stuff!

BABY!Igino and an outfit for the Stitch event! (Base by Heliodopts on DA)

More IGINO Stuff!
More IGINO Stuff!

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6 months ago
Yes The Last Row Is All Riddleyes We're Both 5'3''yes We Both Have Blue-grey Eyesyes We Both Have Mommy

yes the last row is all riddle yes we're both 5'3'' yes we both have blue-grey eyes yes we both have Mommy issues YES we share the EXACT same birthday (8/24)* *this is my biggest flex tbh

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6 months ago

More! Outfit for the Cloudcalling event!

(Base by Heliodopts on DA)

More! Outfit For The Cloudcalling Event!

More IGINO stuff!

BABY!Igino and an outfit for the Stitch event! (Base by Heliodopts on DA)

More IGINO Stuff!
More IGINO Stuff!

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3 years ago

I'm reposting my riddle rosehearts doodle from twitter~cuz y'all had asked.

I'm Reposting My Riddle Rosehearts Doodle From Twitter~cuz Y'all Had Asked.

I couldn't help it!! I was thinking about baby Riddle Rosehearts escaping to Trey's house to play with Trey and Chenya when it was raining.He's knocking on your glass Trey,open the door for the baby,poor thing is drenched,he might catch a cold.

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3 years ago


A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.
A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.

a brooklyn 99 reference that went wildly out of control.

(the first bit is word-for-word from the episode so please don’t do translations/dubs/reposts/etc. of this one, thanks guys!!)

A Brooklyn 99 Reference That Went Wildly Out Of Control.

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2 years ago
Yeah, You Most Probably Die Before You Get To The Top.

Yeah, you most probably die before you get to the top.😀

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1 year ago

The Pollen Dilemma

The Pollen Dilemma

Pairing: Leona x Fem!Reader

Pronouns used: She/Her

Warnings: NSFW, MDNI, 18+, smut, dedagration, praise, p in v, cussing, unprotected!sex, fem!reader, f!ngering, oral!giving, the reader is called "yuu".

Summary: With the ADeuce Duo and Grim, assignments are sure to go wrong. This time around, you earned a memorable encounter with a grumpy lion man.

A/N: based on a request, hope you enjoyđŸ«¶

Leona was pissed.

And no, it wasn't because his nap was ruined, it wasn't from being pestered by teachers, it wasn't even because of his family. The reason for his foul mood was simple and complex

You. His herbivore. His bunny.

Everything began with a science project with the ADeuce Duo and Grim. Things were fine until they weren’t, on top of having to clean and help restore the alchemy lab to its former state, you now had to redo the assignment from scratch and within the day. It seemed Crewel was angrier than usual this time around. (but who could blame him when his pups always cause trouble.)

It fell to you, once again, to make sure everything was done correctly. If you were to be honest with yourself for once, it was exhausting. Cleaning the alchemy lab had taken a good 2 hours even with multiple people, 2 of which attempted to slack off. 

“Okay, now that everything is clean
 We should start doing our project.” You sighed wearily and began to turn to face the designated cauldron that Deuce conveniently summoned.

Ace and Grim were sitting and slouching across the table and watched as you began gathering the required ingredients. 

“Come on, can’t we have a small break?” The ginger groaned as he began to spin his magic pen around. Grim added onto that with a whiny agreement which only added to your foul mood.

Deuce’s eyes flicked between the slouchers and his stressed friend. “Come on, the quicker we get this done the sooner we can relax. It’s our fault we are here anyway.” His attempt to ease the stress off your back by reminding his friends had made you smile faintly. Deuce was always intuitive and emotionally like that, even if he was just a tad delayed in getting the big picture. You nodded to him with thanks, something he mimicked.

The project was going smoothly again, the ingredients were added correctly, and the heating temperature was maintained perfectly. In a way, it reminds you of cooking. Eventually, it came down to the final stretch, adding pollen from a mystical flower said to have great regenerable abilities. The trick was having to add the mixture consistently and slowly at a set boiling temperature. Easy enough right? Wrong.

“Wait Grim don’t, that's the wrong side of the lid!” You shrieked, seeing the container pointed down at the cauldron on an open spout rather than a sprinkle. Grim had yanked back the pollen but it was too late, a big chunk of the flower dust fell into the cauldron. Seeing how this could go wrong from previous events, you ran towards Grim, grabbing him by the collar and tossing him to Ace. Ace caught him, eye widening seeing the cauldron bubbling and sparking.

“Get down!” Someone yelled as you pushed your friend to the ground and shielded them, your back facing the cauldron.


Turning around you saw that yellow dust had exploded and landed in the areas close to the cauldron. The cleanup didn’t look like it would be too bad. But the project surely had to be redone. Again. 

“DAMMIT GRIM!” You bellowed, the stress rage finally snapping. You know it wasn’t his fault, it was an accident sure, but that didn’t stop you from taking it out on your friends. “How is it so damn hard for y’all to just complete one lesson without screwing it up!”

Grim looked dejected, his ears pinned and eyes wide which made Ace step in. “Woah! Prefect, it was an accident so chill out. We will just redo it and be extra careful this time, no need to yell.”

“We wouldn’t have to redo it if y’all would stop being so careless. Just get out and go.” You seethed, crossing your arms, “I will complete the project myself, and we will all get the same credit. Just. Go.” 

Deuce was quiet, and began ushering the other two out of the room. He at least understood your anger but it didn’t stop him from feeling a bit hurt at your harsh words.

In the silence of the lab, you sunk to your knees with a frustrated groan. You would apologize later, but as of now, you had to clean up and redo the project. When you grabbed the broom from the nearby closet, you noticed some of the pollen mixture had landed on your sleeve. On closer examination, you noticed it trailed all across your lab coat and your whole backside. 

“Fucking MARVELOUS.” Your biting sarcasm echoed around your lone figure as you tossed 

It had been 10 minutes when the mess was cleaned up and the ingredients were all lined up by the order they went in. The footsteps of someone grabbed your attention, and without turning to look at who it was you just assumed it was one of your friends. “Didn’t I say to leave? I said I would handle this.”

“Ahh... That explains it then.” The voice was too deep and rich for it to be the others, and even without turning, you knew who it was. Spinning around you saw Leona leaning against the doorway, his eyes seemed dilated compared to their usual slits which had thrown you off for a second. 

“Explains what exactly?” You huffed, not ready for the teasing comments of your crush.

“Why your buddies seemed to be walking to the mirror chamber like scolded dogs. Now it makes sense why
” His eyes lingered on your curves before he met your eye contact. “What happened?” 

You sat on the nearby desk and rubbed your eyes. “Healing flower pollen potion went wrong not once, but twice. It got all over me.”

“I know. I can smell it, I mean.” Leona cleared his throat and shifted his weight. “Do you... Need help?” He offered, which made your eyebrow raise. It wasn’t like him to make more work for him. Though when you attempted to comment he added with a sleazy smirk, “Ya just look stressed and what kind of housewarden would I be if I didn’t help out my freshman?” 

“We’re nearly the same age.” You deadpanned which he only smirked at and walked past you towards the cauldron. His posture and movements seemed tense, maybe the smell of the pollen was causing his senses to be overwhelmed. “You don’t have to help if the smell is too strong, I can handle it.” You grabbed his arm to stop him but he let out a low chuff when your fingers grazed his skin which made you pull back. 

 fine. Let’s just get it over with then.” Leona quickly lit the fire under the cauldron with a wave of his pen and began to silently add the ingredients. He barely let you help or get near to the cauldron, the help was appreciated but at the same time, it felt like he thought you would mess up.

“I can do it, you know?” You sighed. His ears twitched and he glanced at you then focused on the potion again. This was just confusing, he was confusing, just wasn’t acting like himself and seemed more jumpy. His voice cut you off just as you were going to ask him if he was fine.

“What exactly happened, Yuu?” Leona muttered, the tone of his almost seemed angry like he was holding himself back.

“Grim accidentally dropped a big chunk of the pollen at once.” You answered which caused Leona to pinch his brow and whisper something. “...Why?”

“Well, that explains the aroma. As soon as we are done here, you are going to Ramshackle and taking a long shower.” Leona replies as he finishes up the potion, this time sprinkling the pollen in controlled consistent amounts.

“What? Why? Does it smell that bad?” You took a whiff of your clothes yet nothing smelled strange, if anything the scent was sweet.

Leoma seemed to groan and leaned his head back. “Just- Don’t be a brat. Be a good girl and listen for once, ya?” His eyes dilated again as he finally faced you to hand over the potion. Now that you could see his full figure it seemed that he looked flushed in the face and panting. Maybe he was sick? However long you stared at him with a confused glower was a moment too long for his temper. “For fucks sake,” taking a few short steps towards you and forcing the bottle into your hands, a low growl formed in his throat, “Please, Bunny. Go straight to your dorm and wash that scent off you.” Leona disappeared past you, yet again cutting you off from speaking.

What the fuck just happened?


Of course, you wished you had listened to Leona but in your defense, he never warned you what was so bad about whatever substance was on you. By the time you finally finished filling out the lab part of the assignment, it was nearly time for the deadline that Crewel set! You had to rush across campus to Crewel’s home class to deliver the potion. After explaining that you had sent your friends to their dorms to respect curfew he just nodded and sent you on your way.

You had been crossing the courtyard when you heard a few hushed voices around a corner. Upon squinting and getting closer you realized it was some Savanaclaw students.

“Wonder why Housewarden was acting like that today?” One of them huffed.

“I Know. Odd enough he showed up for Spelldrive practice but then he actually started to play. He was acting strange for sure.” The other validated your own experience.

“I feel like I am gonna be sore for weeks, maybe the Housewarden just needed to blow off steam or something?” The third groaned, rolling his shoulders.

“Wait, do you guys smell that?” The first one seemed to almost purr, his eyes dilating much like Leona’s did.

Damn beastman’s sense of smell.

Something wasn’t sitting right with you, like your gut instincts were kicking in. You quickly exited the area and began rushing back to the dorm with a brisk walking pace. After listening to the conversation you decided to visit Leona. I mean he had to explain what was going on.

Entering the mirror of Savanaclaw you were welcomed by the dusky arid landscape. In its own dried-up aesthetic, it was quite beautiful. Crossing the familiar tiered building, you noticed the wandering eyes of a few students. They all seemed to grow stiff, twitchy, almost agitated. A few of them even began to walk closer towards you. You quickly headed to Leona’s room, getting the feeling that the beastmen were not being their usual territorial selves. When you got to the door of Leona’s room it swung open and you were pulled inside.

“What the hell did I tell you, Bunny?” He growled, slamming your body into the door and caging you against it. Getting a good look at him, he looked downright sick or like he had been fighting someone.

“What’s going on?” Was all you could muster. He laughed darkly as he inched closer to you, though his muscles tightened and he pushed away from you. His eyes darted to the wood door you leaned against, another growl and he was back to dragging you away. He shoved you towards the bed with a restrained roughness.

“Why didn’t you listen to me like I said?” He covered his eyes with a hand and let out a groan of annoyance.

“I didn’t have time! When I finally finished the lab portion of the assignment it was nearly Crewel’s due date so I had to rush to his class.” You defended, gesticulating to emphasize your point.

Leona took a long breathy sigh and then pivoted to turn away from you. “That doesn’t explain why you came here.” He hissed.

What the hell was his deal? Or anyone’s for that matter. “I heard some students saying you were acting weird after you helped me. I was worried- what the hell is going on Leona?” 

The beastman inhaled slowly before walking towards his couch and leaning on the back of it, when he faced you again it was clear he was thinking of what to say. After a few heavy moments of silence, he slowly approached the topic. “The potion mishap didn’t just explode but created another substance altogether. Heavy amounts of the pollen can
 be used as a... Aphrodisiac.” By the end of his sentence, he pinched the bridge of his nose and shifted his legs.



“Well, fuck. So the beastmen?” You started then he nodded, finishing the thought for you.

“More sensitive to the smell than others. Which is why I told you to get it off you.” Leona peaked through his fingers to gaze at you, his tail swished and thumped against the couch in a steady rhythm. The explanation certainly explained things, but now you were in the den of the king of beasts. “Why didn’t you just tell me earlier..?” 

“I was trying to be respectful. I didn’t want ya to be afraid or paranoid. In hindsight, it was foolish to not warn you. I'm sorry.” He crossed his arms and met your eyes with an apologetic emotion.

“Is that why you went to blow off steam at practice?” You questioned, and he nodded. Then a sort of courage washed over you. Leona certainly was charming in his own ways, and strongly misunderstood by the majority of people. Perhaps that's why you always found yourself orbiting around him, he was intoxicating. The next words out of your mouth were formed from the heat of the moment, you didn’t want to pass up a good opportunity to release tension for yourself either. “Why not just ask me? I certainly could give you a hand, you helped me after all.”

Leona’s head pivoted and he looked straight at you. “You ought to be very careful with what you say.” He shifted his weight and adjusted himself subtly.

Pushing off from the bed, you made a few steps towards him, each step making his tail thrash quicker. “I mean it, Leona. Let me help you.” 

Suddenly you were back on the bed, back pressed against the bed and Leona hovering over you. He pressed his thighs between your knees and then asked, “Do I have your consent?”

You nodded, parting your legs for him, he only shook his head and pinched your chin between his claws. “I need a verbal answer, Princess.” He cooed.

Damn. That’s hot. “Please, Leona. You have my consent. I want this.” Your voice came out quietly, enough so that he asked to repeat yourself, but slowly inched his knee between your legs within seconds. “Please-! Fuck me.”

“Good girl” Leona whispered, placing a kiss on your cheek, slowly his mouth trailed down your jaw to your neck where he began to nibble and suck on the soft skin there. He grunted and rolled his hips into yours, delighting in the way you gasped. “Such a dirty little Bunny.” He growled, nipping your neck once more before he pulled away. “Sit up.” He ordered something you obeyed. When he began to tug at his belt, your thighs clenched together. His movements were so passionate that the belt made a cracking sound in the air. It made you flinch and wet at the same time, the fact that he wanted you, wanted this. Maybe it was just the pollen, or maybe all the bantering that convinced you of shared chemistry was in fact real.

Leona didn’t hesitate to tug down his jeans and boxers in one swift movement, his cock spring free and twitching desperately. Your eyes widened and he chuckled petting your head. “Might need more than just a hand dontcha think?” He smirked. Slowly the hand petting your head was firmer and guiding your lips to the tip of his cock. “Just tell me now and I’ll stop, okay? But- fuck
 Once we start, I don’t think I can stop.” He groaned, looking down at you for any hesitation.

You looked up at him, keeping eye contact as you inched forward of your own accord to deliver a tiny lick to the slit of his cock. Leona’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths, the green glint of his eyes signaling his pupils dilating again. “Go on then. Suck me off like the good slut you are.” 

Giving another kitten lick to his tip, you slowly began to wet his dick with your mouth. The soft grunts and growls emitting from his throat only encouraged you to continue. Bobbing your head up and down on his length triggered your gag reflex a few times, soon enough you found a good rhythm. Anything you could fit down your throat you were using both of your hands to stroke and fondle the rest. 

“Oh fuck! Fuck yeah, just like that. Oh by the seven
” He moaned, grabbing your head tightly and thrusting against your lips with his own brisk pace. It had you gripping his thighs and tearing up, he pulled completely back so you could gasp for air before he was back to fucking your mouth. 

“Oh, shit baby! I am gonna cum.. Lemme cum in your throat ya? That okay?” He panted, holding still with a grunt. You gave him a thumbs up through your tears, which he purred at. Leona’s jaw went slack as he roared in pleasure, his hips thrusting and shuddering a few times as he spilled into your mouth. 

Leona pulled back and looked down at you with a surprised expression when he saw your cheeks puffed up. “Good job little bunny, now swallow.” He purred, pressing his thumb to your lip as you obeyed his command. He bent down to capture your lips in a heated kiss, slowly pushing you down to the bed again. His canine nicked your bottom lip followed by his tongue, he prodded around before pushing into your mouth and savoring your taste mixed with his. Leona pulled back, the rest of his clothes were gone and you quickly realized you were too. “Magic.” He answered your unspoken question and was back to kissing you.

You wrapped your legs around him, tugging him closer against your bare form. As you did this he grinded into your core, both of you gasping and panting as you traded kisses. Leona’s hand slowly cascaded down your side, squeezing the skin with a gentle touch. He slowly pulled back with a heavy gaze and shifted down to your legs. The loss of him left you whining which he quickly remedied with a long lick to your cunt.

“Please, don’t stop, please..” The words spilled from your lips with an eager cry. His eyes found yours and he didn’t look away as he delivered another lick right along your core. You parted your legs as an invitation for more, he gladly accepted and dove into your core. Leona pushed a finger into you and slowly began pumping in and out, his finger curling which caused you to moan. He ate you out like a starved man, the whacking of his tail against the bed sounded like music when mixed in with your moans. He added another finger, slowly working you open, then the third as he sucked on your clit. Your lips parted and back arched, hands gripping onto the sheets for salvation.

The loss of his contact made you cry and prop yourself on your elbows. “W-wait..” Your voice came out like a plea, your hands grabbing at his braid to tug him closer. His lips were wet with your slick, and his eyes narrowed on you with hunger. You were his prey, his herbivore, his bunny.

“Use your words, Princess.” He cooed, curling his fingers inside you. He was cocky and sure of himself and his abilities.

“Please.” You breathed, too fucked out and needy to say much else. Leona seemed satisfied and began to thrust his fingers into you again, his mouth and tongue working in tandem with his fingers. Your lower body bucked into his touch as you felt your core tighten. Even before you could say it, Leona knew you were close. “So close! Imma- Leona
” Your voice hitched as a white-hot shattering jolted up your spine into your mind. Your back arched as you came, your hands gripping his hair to ground yourself from ecstasy.

Leona crawled back over you again, pressing another hungry kiss to your lips. He guided his cock between your folds, collecting the mixture of your orgasm and his spit along his shaft. The soft growls that leave his mouth are in sync with his strokes, he grabs your waist and hip before slowly prodding and pushing all the way in. You winced and grabbed the sheets as he began to move his hips in gentle motions. “That’s it, such a pretty bunny. Doing so well for me.” He moaned. When you gave him a nod he began to pick up the pace of his thrusts.

“More.” You gasped, lifting your arms above your head to grip the material there. “Don’t hold back, give it to me.” You whispered, knowing well that he was holding back. 

Leona smirked, his pupils dilating with lust and excitement. He began to move his hips faster, harder, more forcefully. His grip on your hip slid to your left leg and lifted it onto his shoulder, allowing him to reach the deepest parts of you. Your lips parted as you gasped and attempted to find oxygen again, the wind was knocked out of you as he rutted into you with abandon. Leona leaned down to kiss your neck, whispering along your skin, “Gonna fill you up nice and full
 Mark you as mine.” He purred as you clenched around him in response. “Ya, you like that? Like being claimed? Don’t worry Bunny, no one will even try once they know you’re mine, and I, yours.” 

The smile that sketched onto your features from his words was enough to edge him towards euphoria. Leona picked up the pace with a growl, your eyes shut as you focused on the feeling of him fucking you. The climax building in your lower gut had your back arching. Your eyes focused on the foreign weaving of a tapestry along his wall just as the familiar fire burned your core. 

“L-Leona! Cumming.” You whimpered, tightening your hands into fists as you reached heaven.

“Fuck- me too.” He followed after you, his hips speeding up before stopping and quivering as his cum seeped deep into you. Leona held himself above you, his body shaky and eyes glossy with a hazy pleasure. He waited for a few moments before stepping away. He quickly returned with a clean towel and began to clean the slick of your cunt and body. He tossed it to the ground once he was done and pulled you into an embrace as he laid down.

The soft peck of his lips against your neck and his hand massaging your hips eased your mind into relaxation. “Do you need anything?” He whispered. You shook your head, already falling asleep. Leona smiled and nuzzled into your shoulder. He waited for you to fall asleep, and he knew then just how true his feelings had been. He whispered, pressing a kiss to your head. “Love ya, Princess.”

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3 years ago
A Present For @oiseaunoir11 !

A present for @oiseaunoir11 !

You have really no idea how much I love this lava boi, my friend

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3 years ago
My Part Of The Art Trade With The Lovely @hibiscuscoscus !

My part of the art trade with the lovely @hibiscuscoscus !

click for better quality

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2 years ago

Deuce, while studying: Huh. Did you know your skin is your biggest organ?

Ace: Pff-

Deuce: Don't you dare-

Ace: Not MY biggest organ.

MC: What the fuck you mean 'not my biggest-' liKE BRO DOES IT NOT HAVE SKIN ON IT.

Ace: MC, it's just a-


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4 years ago
My True Love Appeared To Be.... Malleus
My True Love Appeared To Be.... Malleus

My true love appeared to be.... Malleus 😳

I'm a bit surprised, cause I mostly simp for Octa trio, especially for one hell of an eel.

...that got me thinking

My True Love Appeared To Be.... Malleus

💖Twisted Wonderland: True Love TWST Boys Quiz💖

Twisted Wonderland: True Love TWST Boys Quiz
Hello, everyone! I have decided to take it upon myself this time and try to decipher a large question we all must share- who would our True

Here you go, everyone! Hope you all enjoy this cute little quiz I made! Enjoy~ đŸ’–đŸ€—

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3 years ago
 Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
 Happy New Year, Everyone!!!
 Happy New Year, Everyone!!!

💚💚Happy New year, everyone!!!💚💚

Bonus sketches:

 Happy New Year, Everyone!!!

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