Muzan Kibutsuji - Tumblr Posts
i remember when i first watched demon slayer (wayyyyyyytttttttyyyyy back back back ... like covid misery back)
i always thought kibutsuji looked like Michael Jackson and to this day that's the only thing that registered in my head every time he's on screen 💀💀😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
After that me and my dad were talking about demon slayer and the song that played was Thriller...MUZAN WAS FUCKING LISTENING
I'm in a restaurant and it's playing material girl by Madonna and I'm only thinking of my dad telling me this was his favorite song a while ago
EXACTLY!! muzan hates people touching him, even being near him—he hates the entire human & demon population, but he’s soooo touch starved w you. it’s to the point he always needs to be w u somehow, whether that be presence or a simple touch (pinkies intertwined 🙁🤍) and he hates being away from u even if it’s for a minute.
ALSO yes to the comment !! he is a grumpy cat. he’s evil with everyone else but to u he’s Only a cat.. goes out n does his business then nudges u for cuddles. i’m 100% he nuzzles into u and LOVES his hair getting played with
also what’s ur time zone ? mines cst i think
omg yeah !! i love the image of muzan doing his things around you with intertwined pinkies 🥹 muzan is srsly so cat coded man. i bet he likes scratches too idk >_<
mine is cet ( 🇮🇹 )
he looooves hand holding. loves anything to do w u tbh but he’s always holding ur hand, no matter the place. if he’s reading a book and is unable to just use one hand, he intertwines only pinkies with you and uses what he can to flip the page—but he never lets your pinky go. recording his excitements down? pinky. u can tear his dead body off of urs
he definitely has cat blood in him. sometimes when u read to him he has his head in ur lap, and u HAVE to give him head scratches, even if ur just reading to urself. he demands the attention, nudges ur hand when u stop. bro even purrs
muzan black cat canon 🥺 i need to pet him so bad help
i also figure if r is golden retriever coded it would end up like one of those cute pairing, the golden retriever s/o x black cat s/o and it’s just you and muzan
it’s real to me toooo 😔 that man is my man
shh it’s okay he loves getting pets from u (caresses on his cheek like he’s a cat) but u can’t tell anyone
GOD if it was that trope muzan would just. like his entire being wojld scream Protect. ur a cute little angel and he’s a monster, but he’s Your monster and all he does is wanna keep u safe. prob a menace with everyone else but when he’s with ur golden retriever ass he melts and just wraps his entire body into urs.
(maybe, just MAYBE an upper moon has walked into him all curled up on u, whether that be on ur lap or buried in ur neck/chest.. safe to say they didn’t enjoy ((barely survived; saved by you)) the aftermath)
( i’m so sorry !! it didn’t appear in my notifications center, i had to check the inbox smh )
ANYWAY. i totally agree, he would put you on top, his main priority fr and what he gets in return? cuddles with his favourite human >_<
i agree on the final part. whoever it was, they’re scared whenever muzan is around and they try hard to act like the completely forgot about what they saw hehehe + of course we’re the kindest on earth we asked muzan to spare their life
Very very unpopular opinion: I think in some way both Dōma and Muzan did deserve better.
Before anyone tries to jump me, hear me out.
Muzan was terminally ill and i'm pretty sure he was be bound. Just like most people he was afraid of dying and wanted to live.
He ended up being turned into a monster by a doctor who used him as some kind of experiment for his medicine. I don't believe sick people deserve to be used as some kind of guinea pig and loose their humanity because they just wanted to get better and I don't fault him for killing that doctor. I would have gone crazy too and probably done the same thing.
On the other hand Dōma was just a child who happened to be born different (rainbow eyes and lacking emotions). His parents made someone who was not fully developed a cult leader. If he had had normal parents he would have been able to develop a bit more normally. I don't think he would have been able to fully understand human emotions though.
My point is: from a young age he spent his time listening to people's troubles while not even being able to fully understand them. Adding on top the fact that he was seen as a god/semi god. He had 0 chances of being "normal". Him being fucked up is expected.
That being said this is not me trying to defend them. While they are not responsible for these circumstances they are very much responsible for what they choose to do after. They deserved the death they had and honestly even worse.
"My My, Aren't You Adorable -Alastor with a Nezuko Reader

🎙Alastor was a little surprised when he met you for the first time. You still retained your human appearance, but he could smell that you were a demon, but different. You looked very young, which made him feel some pity for you since you had died at such a young age. He did find you very adorable when he met you, finding your expressions to be so innocent. "My my, aren't you simply adorable?" as he patted your head.
🎙Your attire confused him greatly, he couldn't tell if you were wearing a dress or some type of odd suit. Niffty, surprisingly, was able to tell him it was a traditional Japanese kimono, and they were commonly worn in Japan. He still found it odd, but said nothing else. He found out that you could change your size, when he saw you shrink down to Niffty's size and gave her a hug. Well that certainly was an interesting power.
🎙The muzzle on your mouth angered him a bit. He prefers to see a smile whenever he is conversing with another, so why cover it? You tried to explain it to him, but it didn't go well, since you could only say "mmm mmm" with the muzzle covering your mouth. Charlie kindly gave you a piece of paper to write down your responses to make it easier for everyone to understand. They understood now that you wore the muzzle to control you from biting anyone, which answered Alastors question, but it still annoyed him.
🎙Al slowly got use to you as time went by. True, he couldn't speak to you normally, but you were very expressive with your face and hands. You were naturally friendly with him, which shocked him a bit, since given his status he is use to being feared, but you weren't. Quite a strange demon you were.
🎙He learned later on that you were a very affectionate creature, as whenever he appeared, you would run up and hug him, or pat his head. He abhorred being touched by anyone, yet when it came from you and gazing into your sweet eyes, he couldn't find it in him to push you away. Goodness, he hoped he wasn't going soft.
🎙During one of Charlie's group exercises, she wanted everyone to explain their past, if they wanted to. Once it was your turn, you wrote down your tragic past. That once peaceful winter morning with your family soon turned into a nightmare as they were all slaughtered by another demon. Only you and your brother survived, but the attack, instead of killing you, turned you into a demon. Somehow, you were able to control your urges, and still retain some of your memories when you were human, which help prevent you from hurting others and those you cared about. Everyone around you felt heartbroken once you told them, resulting in a group hug from everyone, except Al, but he was kind enough to place a warm hand on your shoulder.
🎙Alastor appeared like your story didn't bother him that much, but inside he was fuming with rage. Once he heard the name of the demon who orchestrated the death of your family, "Muzan", he made a long list in his mind of how he could torture/kill that bastard. Oh how he was going to enjoy his screams.
🎙During one of his outings with you, clothes shopping for new attire, he, unfortunately, ran into his sworn enemy, Vox. "Well well, if it isn't the piece of sh✪✪ television!" Alastors eyes, glared at the walking TV, wishing to rip it right off. Vox walked closer to the both of you, wearing a cocky smirk. "Hahaha! Finally come to your senses, and decided to join my team!" Alastor rolled his eyes, letting out a "Ha! No!"
🎙Vox's hypnotic eyes soon locked on to you, causing you to let out a growl, that caught Al's attention. "Well who is this pretty little thing? Your new to-POW!!!" Vox could barley finish his sentence as you gave a roundhouse kick straight into his screen, sending him flying back." Alastors eyes widen at that, shocked by your strength. He soon watched as you began to transform.

🎙The muzzle on your mouth was bitten off, allowing him to see your fangs. Your body had grown in height, along with leaf like markings appearing on your skin, and large horn protruding from your forehead. Your once sweet innocent eyes were now in slits and veins were protruding from your face. Breathtaking was the first thing Al thought of, upon witnessing your full demon form.
🎙Vox was still alive, even after that strong kick, but he was feeling enraged. "WHY YOU LITTLE BIT✪✪!!!" Wires began to protrude from his head, launching at you like snakes. Vox managed to cut one of your limbs off, but his mouth was left agaped that you were able to regenerate it back. Throwing some of your blood at Vox and his wires, you activated your blood art power, sending him and the wires ablaze, burning them in hell fire.
🎙Realizing you were a much powerful foe, he retreated. Now it was only you and Al alone again. You slowly transformed back into your normal form, looking back at Alastor, without the muzzle this time. Alastor was a bit stunned at what had just transpired. He didn't expect you to defend him like that. What tremendous power you possessed.
🎙Walking closer to him, you smiled at him for the first time. It made his black little heart race, seeing such a pure smile on your face. "Are you okay?", he heard you say. Your voice was so soft-spoken, that it shocked Alastor even more. Shaking his head to clear his mind, Al walked closer to you, placing a hand on your head, ruffling your hair. "Quite alright my dear! I must say, that was an amazing show of power. You are full of surprises aren't you!" Alastor smiled down at you, giving you a soft smile, then his regular joker-like smile.
🎙Snapping his fingers, he repaired the bamboo muzzle that you had broken. "Here you go, my dear! Though I prefer you without it! That smile of yours is quite lovely." After that whole incident with Vox, Alastor became much closer to you. He now saw you as a close friend, and loved you like a daughter. Anyone who dared harmed you, would have to suffer the wrath of the Radio demon.
@pepperycookie , @yourdoorisunlocked, @ghostdoodlen, @aceofcards0-0, @jyoongim, @saturnhas82moons, @unholycheesesnack , @luujjvi, @forbidden-sunlight, @pinkcrystal44 , @veethewriter , @rains-sleeping@danveration , @demoarah, @cookiekyo , @iiotic, @delectableworm , @91062854-ka , @alastorsgoldie , @lokis-imaginary-friend , @themysteriousslenderman
Reader who wants to confess to Zenitsu but thinks he has no chance with him because he sees Zenitsu only flirting with women (mhmhmhmhm this can be fluff or angst 🫡) - 🗿
Tw: Manipulation, Homophobia, Slurs, SH, SUICIDE, Muzan x reader, soulmate stuff

Zenitsu had never seen you as more than a friend, and you knew that, logically, you knew that. You had only seen him flirt with women, never non binary or male identifying.
You knew you knew so so much, yet you still tried to shoot your shot. You wished you hadn't.
He looked at you, disgusted by your sheer existence near him. He told Inosuke and Tanjiro you had harassed him when in reality he called you a faggot and yelled at you until you were sobbing.
Tanjiro started doing the same, immediately taking Zenitsu's side and believing him. Nezuko, of course, followed behind Tanjiro's example and started harassing you, but physically. (A line neither of the boys dared to cross)
The only one on your side was Inosuke. After all, he knew you the longest, and despite his. . . Questionable personality, he was very supportive and caring.
He bandaged you up after being assaulted by Nezuko. He comforted you, too.
Yet, life never seemed to get better. It all got worse. All the time. You started to cut yourself a few months after it all started.
The longer and longer it went on, the worse it got, the bullying became more intense, the abuse was worse, leaving you begging for mercy, and Inosuke started distancing himself.
He'd “Gotten tired of your bullshit and I miss my real friends.”
A month later, you tried to end it all in the woods. Zenitsu was taking a walk and found you. He screamed and immediately ran to get someone. He didn't make it back in time.

When you woke up, you were so overwhelmed you started crying silently.
Muzan came up to you and sat beside you on the bed. He silently wiped your tears and comforted you. You felt so safe in his presence.
You knew who he was, what he was, what he did. You swore you hated him, yet you felt so safe and comforted with him.
He had nothing but pure adoration and love in his eyes. When he finally spoke,
“My dear soulmate, please allow me to own you. Obey me, love me, and let me love you. Allow me to turn you so we'll never be separated. I need you, my dearest. Allow me to kill those damn slayers whilst you are in my arms. Allow me to keep you from others' gazes until the day I inevitably bring death to those slayers' doors. I'll let you be their last sight. They'll regret everything. I promise, I'll be kind. I wish to spoil my lovely soulmate. I wish to break those slayers down until they are begging for mercy and forgiveness. Please, allow me this..”
if you’re requests are still open at the moment that can I order off the menu a part 2 of the zenitsu x male reader thing you did
Absolutely! I was very excited to do a pt 2 of it!

It had been a year and a half since you agreed to be Muzan's, and life had never been better. You felt loved, comfortable, and spoiled.
He was surprisingly loving, always wanting to have physical contact with you. He never let you out of his site unless he had to, then he put you under very trusted protection.
You wore a very beautiful, more feminine suit that matched your lover's. He basically told you everything, soulmates, demons, etc.
You let Muzan turn you. It was painful but worth it. Now, you and your soulmate could share meals, feed each other, and not worry about getting too injured.
Muzan never let you out of the Infinity Castle, too nervous someone would take you away either by death or kidnapping. But you were still content. You had all the books, games, entertainment, and love you could have ever asked for.
You were holding Muzan's hand as he led you into a manor. What neither of you had known was that some villagers asked demon slayers to check out that same manor.
But this time, Muzan wanted you to try and hunt and kill on your own for the first time. He said he wanted you to be able to do that as soon a war would most likely launch against demons and humans. He wanted you to survive even if he couldn't or didn't.

A wooden board creaked as you and Muzan walked in the manor. He was guiding you towards a training room he had created years prior, at least prior to the manor being abandoned.
You two stumbled upon a stray demon that your lover took care of quickly. You had been hearing voices, but you weren't very trained with your powers, so you assumed they were from villagers.
When you finally got to the training room, you came face to face with slayers. Specifically; Tanjiro, Nezuko, Inosuke, and Zenitsu. They were all shocked, open-mouthed, and eyes wide. But some; Nezuko and Inosuke, were mad too.
“(Name). . . How— How are you still alive—?!”
“My dearest's survival is not important to mortals like yourself. Now leave my home, I must spend time with my dearest soulmate.”
Muzan kissed your forehead as he spoke. Everyone besides him having a 'deer in the headlights' sort of look.
Good now draw Yoriichi and Muzan doing the deed 😈

fly high Muzan 🙏

✧*。❣️Muzan moodboard❣️ ✧*。
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Zenitsu has the CharacterDevelopment™ vibes he's going to slay in the next arc OMFG I can't breathe–
Inosuke and Muichiro look absolutely majestic (so do the others haha but can you tell that I'm picking favourites?)
I saw this one video on Insta the other day with Muzan's entry having the 'ami je tomar' bg music and it fits so well I wish he gets the Monjulika treatment

⌕ kimetsu no yaiba - ep 55 • muzan.
like or reblog if you save/use.
I suddenly remembered this author who wrote a knyxreader fic, but when I opened their acc link on my notes it won't open anymore (I dont have tumblr that time when I was accessing their fics)
All I know is that the name of their tumblr is hanakages tumblr? YEAH THAT and they had Kyojuro's mother as their pfp if I'm not mistaken.
I know that the last time I've read their fics is in 2021 but, if you can, can you pls help this dear reader to find that user? I really want to check out if that fic of theirs is still up and ongoing or if their acc is still active cause I want to follow them+their works(I think they have an alt acc if I'm not mistaken, but idk what's the name) T-T
Sadly, I can't remember its title since the last time I read their fic is in 2021 :(( but I could describe it. The reader is Tanjiro's big sister in the fic and uses a breathing technique that is kinda similar to Zenitsu's (I think it's thunder if I'm not mistaken)
If some of you are also trying to find this fic (along with its author), the updates are in the comments/notes :)) 🩵
The author has an ao3 acc, you guys can check it on the comments if you're interested 🩵
I just realized something about kny
Why did Muzan stay in Japan? The demon slayers only exists in Japan as far as we know so couldn’t he just move? Idk as soon as his upper moons started falling he should’ve left, he doesn’t seem to have anything against escape or hiding so why not? Just take one looooong vacation in a country where demon slayers aren’t even a thing? I don’t think the demon slayer corps would even notice considering that they probably only monitor Japanese news, and even even if they managed to locate in witch country the demon activity moved to, what are they gonna do? Move the whole thing? That would require so many resources And the swordsmith village? Would they move too? Or would all the swords need to be shipped abroad? With the average level of schooling among slayers most of them can probably barely even speak Japanese let alone a language with a completely different structure. And Muzan could probably blend in and become indistinguishable from a local in mere months thanks to his giga-brains and shape-shifting skills.
Maybe I’m overthinking this

Did this 2 months ago.

Muzan @ everyone
but also,
everyone @ muzan

Rare photograph of Muzan Kibutsuji with straight hair 😪