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5 months ago

Netflix you’re on my black list for cancelling that perfectly deep and gorgeous show

"we didn't matter."

they didn't matter. whatever they did, whatever they accomplished, no matter how good they were, no matter how much they hid themselves; they. didn't. matter.

charles was stuck in this place in time that was on constant egg shells, anything could set him off. his name, his being, his music, his voice. anything. didn't matter what he did. and then with his "friends". they were everywhere, they decided to kill him because he helped another pakistani boy, and he was half. but even then, he was half. it was a hate crime, it was useless, and nothing he did mattered.

edwin was hidden in a place, he hid with his own thoughts, but he never let them travel far. but it didn't matter. people still just looked at him, just one look and they judged him for his femininity. they looked at him with his books, and how he hid in a corner and they decided to drag him out, and they decided that he should be sacrificed because he didn't matter.

charles was too loud, and edwin was too quiet.

thank god they found each other.

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5 months ago

I’ll really lose my shit if Netflix don’t renew this show

i think it's interesting that in episode 3 of dbda when all the ghosts are coming in to get the boys on there case, there's a man who comes in like "hey this painting keeps getting younger and younger while i grow older and older"

like. did we collectively forget that that's the inverse of the plot of dorian gray. dorian commits a faustian deal (sells his soul) for immortal beauty. there's a painting of him that ages instead. for those uninitiated, dorian is a homosexual. he's a gay. the whole book is gay. it was used in oscar wilde's (the author's) sodomy trial, that's how gay it is

look dbda is an incredibly well made show. and there are so many details and i KNOW i'm not picking up on them all, but many of the details i have noticed are all queer-coding in nature.

"orpheus and eyrudice" look obviously charles is comparing them to a romantic story and it's like oooh romance but far beyond that, o&e is a greek myth. greek myths & allusion to them have historically been used by authors -including oscar wilde- to intentionally queer-code characters at a time when they could not write about it plainly

the painting thing i mentioned before? guys oscar wilde was gay as shit. man fuckin' went to jail for it. like it's NOT a coincidence that they're referencing queer media here!!

(and, i would like to note, that i think the fact that (a) edwin immediately knew how to handle the situation, and (b) the man was aging instead of the painting, that symbolizes something. perhaps edwin's lack of vices, seeing as he has not yet given into hedonism and/or homosexuality. perhaps the fact that this story will not end as dorian's did. perhaps that by not giving into homosexual desires, it also wears on the soul. or perhaps it demonstrates how they didn't wanna get copyrighted.)

look i am not SAYING that payneland is cannon or that it is the only valid interpretation. all interpretations are valid. but i AM saying that there is repeated intentional queer coding. they're busting back the 1800s use of subtext and i think that's banger actually

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4 months ago

We’re getting that second season I know it. I have hope

i bet in season two we would have gotten an episode showing edwins first escape of hell and i just know it would have been the most absolutely beautiful sequence storytelling wise and visually. think about the hope edwin must have had in order to do that. how many times he must have failed but refused to give up. imagine the pure relief he must have felt when he finally made it out (after not being able to take a moment to catch his breath for seventy years). thats the indomitable human spirit baby. and i bet in an alternate universe george rexstrew won an emmy for that shit.

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4 months ago


Completely agreed

Dear Netflix,

Go fuck yourself. Seriously, go get fucked, you suck.

Best regards,

Someone who is sick of your shit.

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