Rwags - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

Greetings !

I created this blog for people to share their headcanons about TSAMS or any TSBS shows.

You can share headcanons about any characters or ships,

I do not tolerate any sort of hate towards someone, no matter what reasons you may have. This blog is meant to be filled with positivity.

Please be patient! I may not have enough time to answer your ask now, but maybe someday i will answer.

No NSFW please.

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7 months ago
I Smell An Endgame Level Event!

🎶I smell an endgame level event!🎶


Seriously, we should all probably start worrying about Golden cause I watched this episode and from the sound of it, Golden is either gonna pull a Ruin and start nuking other dimensions or start hunting down people who bring threats to this dimension i.e. Sun,Moon,Lunar,Puppet,Monty,Eclipse...etc etc

I think this will all turn into some endgame level event where all the shows will team up to stop Golden and any other threats he may bring.

I want an endgame level event for TSBS SO BAD!

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5 months ago
(I Edited The Last Box, It Doesn't Say That)

(I edited the last box, it doesn't say that)

Create a The ultimate TSBS ship Tier List
A TSBS ship tier list with a lot of ships

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11 months ago
Before Watching:
Before Watching:

Before watching:

I smell love in air~


After watching:

Aww man- I would loved this ship!

But if Freddy isn't ready, I understand that!

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10 months ago




(Not mentioning the fact you already broke Sun's heart!)

(I get this feeling a I don't like their channel, but sometimes I go there and watch some random video to see what's going on and if she broke someone's heart again-....I know it's strange: I can't get rid the fact how bad she was in past, even though she's better now, but not fully-.....but at the same time I wanna see drama..

It's a hate-curiosity situation...

Like I said I don't like their channel *cough* especially because of Roxanne *cough cough*....

I guess it's just hate/curiosity that get the best of me..)

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8 months ago
Soooo I Re-watched Some Old Videos, Because I Was Bored, And I Noticed Some Curious Things:

Soooo I re-watched some old videos, because I was bored, and I noticed some curious things:

(In the video upon)

(1:48) Did you noticed that Sun was playing with his hands? In a specific moment, he started joining and detaching his fingers in a continuous and constant motion.

The movement he did with his hands was the same that Earth will do in future videos.

I think she got that from Sun, because she saw him doing when he was stressed and so she interpreted it as a movement to relieve stress or keep it at bay.

And so she tried it and I suppose it worked a little!

(4:58) Did you hear Sun's voice? His tone was like he has been wanting that apology for a while...

I know He said he didn't care, but I think in the deep of his heart he wanted an apology..

(5:47) this isn't exactly a curious thing, but I want to point that out.

Like- how Sun knows how balls are in the bullpit-?? Did he count them??

Did you noticed those things too?

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7 months ago



Also me:

Naahhh-.. We seeing this after we have seen what if Nexus brought Solar back-

(Also me not totally finds this video after three days from when it was released-)

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7 months ago

Thank you!😊




Also me:

Naahhh-.. We seeing this after we have seen what if Nexus brought Solar back-

(Also me not totally finds this video after three days from when it was released-)

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He's shown in the Roxanne and Gregory show, so he exists.

I believe he's just always sleeping when there aren't kids there? Or just minding his own business.

Anyone ever wonder where dj is in the Sam’s universe? Every time they go to the fazcade it’s so empty, and I know realistically they probably don’t have a good way to show dj but it’s still funny to me that the 12 foot tall musical spider is always absent


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