Sailor Moon AU - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Based on anonymous asks I saw on someone’s blog and decided to make them moodboards for it so here you go dude

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Billy Loomis-Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Arnie Cunningham-Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Nancy Downs-Rei Hino/Sailor Mars

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Ginger Fitzgerald-Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Jennifer Check-Minako Aino/Sailor Venus

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Stu Macher-Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask

Tags :
1 year ago
Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Deena Johnson-Haruka Tenou/Sailor Uranus

Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Samantha Fraser-Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune

Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Sam Winchester-Setsuna Meiou/Sailor Pluto

Sam Carpenter-Chibiusa/Sailor Chibi Moon

Carrie White-Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Based on anonymous asks I saw on @screechwhisper blog and decided to make them moodboards for it so here you go dude

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Billy Loomis-Usagi Tsukino/Sailor Moon

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Arnie Cunningham-Ami Mizuno/Sailor Mercury

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Nancy Downs-Rei Hino/Sailor Mars

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Ginger Fitzgerald-Makoto Kino/Sailor Jupiter

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Jennifer Check-Minako Aino/Sailor Venus

Slasher Teens Sailor Moon Au

Stu Macher-Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask

Tags :
3 years ago


Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!
Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!
Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!
Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!
Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!

yall have been asking for nino so here you are! hes filling sailor Jupiter’s role! 

Yall Have Been Asking For Nino So Here You Are! Hes Filling Sailor Jupiters Role!

Tags :
4 years ago

Sailor Moon Au

“You good?” Jane asked poking M’s dimple to get him to pay attention to her. “You kinda zoned off on me there,” she said pouting. M laughed, a muttered apology escaping his lips.

They were sat in their, well Jane’s booth at the arcade, Tara had managed to drag Enzo along to the library, Lucas was sat at one of the racing games surrounded by his fans. Minah and Tyler were sat two booths behind them spying - well trying to spy, M was pretty sure if the people you were spying knew you were there it wasn’t too effective.

Jane hummed taking a sip of her iced tea, she looked at M with a small frown on her face. “But seriously M if something is bothering you, you can tell me,” Jane said softly, wrapping her hand around his and squeezing softly. “We are a team,” she said. M smiled kissing the top of her head, memories of her giving up on - well delaying - being the new ruler of the Silver Millennium to stay on earth with her friends, with him.

“Its nothing serious,” M said as Jane’s eyes narrowed. “Really,” he said with a laugh, “I guess i just -” he said pausing trying to figure out how to explain what he was feeling, he was still trying to process everything that had happened over the last couple of months.

“M i wouldn’t care if you were upset because Tyler ugly Gucci sweater was hurting your eyes, I would want to know,” Jane said as an affronted hey could be heard behind them. “Now tell me before i steal the rest of your fries,” Jane threatened.

“I just… wonder what happened to the rest of them,” He said, he didn’t need to say who the them was, especially not with prying and disapproving ears nearby. The only reason Enzo managed to sneak back into the fold was because Tyler was weak for his pseudo younger sister and still held onto a lot of guilt of what happened to her during the silver millennium.

Jane sighed pressing a soft kiss into his skin before lifting her head. “I am sure they are okay,” she said giving him a small smile. “They get to live their lives out as normal people, its what they deserve after being effectively brainwashed for over a century,” she said. M nodded, thinking about his knights was hard because he missed people he barely knew. “If you are meant to find each other, I am sure it will happen just like it did with us,” she bopping his nose. “Trust me, earth boy,” she said with a grin. “I am Sailor Moon after all,” she boasted.

“Of course if the Sailor Moon tells me to trust her then what choice do i have,” M teased. “Anyway we better get you home,” he said. “It’s the first day of your senior year tomorrow,” M said laughing as Jane’s face scrunched up in disgust.

“Don’t remind me,” She huffed. “Why can’t summer last forever,” she whined.

“I think it might be bad for the planet, you know ice caps melting and all,” M teased as Jane huffed. “But seriously it will be fine,” he said rubbing her back. “Before you know it the year will be over and you will get to graduate with your best friend… and Tyler,” he said.

“I won’t see you as much,” Jane pouted. “Are you sure you have to go university?” she whined. “You could just work at the arcade full time and be there in the afternoon to make my day better,” she said, “Or better yet you could work at the school, i think you made a great gardener, the perfect distraction for when i don’t want to pay attention in class,” she grinned.

“You’ll still see me,” M assured her. “And maybe you could just study hard so you can go to the same university as me next year,” M offered.

“Well that is a given,” Jane said as if it was the most obvious thing the world. “Us going to university together was never in question it’s just can’t you do a gap year so we can start together,” she said as her phone rang out, she picked up and rolled her eyes. “It’s Etienne,” she said her nose scrunching up. “I better get going,” she frowned. “We are still meeting at our normal spot tomorrow morning right?” she asked ignoring her phone completely.

“Of course,” M nodded smiling softly, “I’ll bring the coffee, you bring the croissants,” he said. Jane grinned pecking his lips before getting up. “Text me when you get home,” he said standing up as well to walk her out.

“I will, I will,” she said doing a mock salute. “Tyler and Minah our date is over so you can come out now,” Jane called out to her two friends who stood up looking annoyed.

“And we care because?” Tyler said rolling his eyes. “We were on our own date,” he boasted as Minah turned to look at him with a disgusted face.

“You wish you overgrown chipmunk,” Minah with an eye roll. “And i’ll take a caramel frappuccino M, since you are offering to bring coffee tomorrow, it’s my first day of senior year as well you know,” she said turning to face M, a smirk that had bought many a man to their knees on her face.

“Oh, I’ll have -” Tyler started.

“Don’t even try it, Lee,” Jane said with a glare. “Should we tell Lucas we are leaving?” she said looking over towards the small crowd that had gathered around the younger boy. Minah scoffed looking over at the group, shaking her head as she glared at the group of girls.

“Pathetic,” she spat. “I better go save him before he is stuck trying to appease those idiots,” she said with a scowl. Minah wasn’t exactly a fan of Lucas’s mini fan club, in fact, she had called them rabid vultures on more than a few occasions. “Honestly he is too nice to his own good,” she muttered.

“He got it from me,” Tyler said boastfully as Minah once again rolled her eyes. “What? i taught him everything he knows,” Tyler said proudly. Jane had told M about how Tyler had pretty much adopted Lucas after he was revealed as the third Sailor Scout, even changing schools to guide him.

“You taught him nothing,” Minah said rolling her eyes. “If anything you’ve been a bad influence on him, poor baby looking up to you,” she said. “But since you care so much about your protege go get him,” she said pushing Tyler forward. Tyler stumbled turning only to glare at Minah before marching forward to Lucas.

“You know M we are friends,” Minah said out of nowhere causing M to look at her as if she had grown a second head. “I am just saying if you are lonely you don’t need to find-” she started but stopped a frown. “We are you, friends, as well,” she said. M didn’t need to look over at Jane to know she was beaming, her best friend and her boyfriend being friends was all she wanted. M was saved from replying when an annoyed Tyler returned with a laughing Lucas.

“What happened?” Jane asked looking at the two amused by their respective moods.

“Well Tyler came over to get me,” Lucas started, “And you know Tyler, he was being nice and most of the girls were charmed by him but - “ he said before breaking into a fit of giggles, M had to chuckle there was something funny about this deep voice giant boy giggling. “But Stephanie, you know the girl with glasses, she said -” he continued to speak. Tyler scowled beside him, elbowing him. “That she wasn’t interested in old men and that he should be home at the nursery home instead of bugging me,” Lucas said.

Jane and Minah began to giggle before Tyler narrowed his eyes. “You two shouldn’t laugh, she called you two hags who are clearly trying to hook up with Lucas,” he said. M tried not to laugh at the way both Jane and Minah’s face fell and morphed into a pure murderous rage.

“As if!” They both said at the same time. “No offence Lucas, you are very cute but i already have my man,” Jane said kissing M’s cheek as to prove a point.

“And i would never,” Minah said a look of pure disgust on her face. “You are like a brother to me, that is just no -” she said shaking her head. “As the leader of the Sailor Scouts, i say no more Stephanie,” she huffed. A chorus of agrees came from Jane and Tyler respectively.

“Let’s just get going, I don’t want that deluded woman’s words to ruin my night,” Minah said linking arms with Lucas. “And you and I, my sweet boy are going to have a long discussion about why you shouldn’t let those idiotic kids leach off you,” she said as they walked off.

“I think we should go to my grandfather’s temple tomorrow,” Tyler said following after them. “Do some sort of spirt cleanse to make sure you don’t attract any more bad vibes,” he added. M watched after them with an amused smile, Jane’s friends were certainly something.

“I guess this is where we part old man,” Jane said turning around to face him.

“Yeah, if Tyler is an old man then i bet get going back to the crypt,” M joked. “You better get going, i heard little old ladies like you need their beauty sleep,” he said causing Jane to glare playfully. “But seriously between Etienne and Luna if you don’t get home soon, I’ll seriously fear for my life,” he joked.

“Fine,” Jane sighed. “I guess i will have to go home to save you from my stepfather and cat,” she said in mock seriousness. With one final goodbye kiss, Jane raced off after her friends leaving M to go in the opposite direction back to his own apartment.


M sighed as he walked into his apartment block, he had finished a quick grocery shop for the basics and was ready to curl up on his couch and read a good book or maybe browse Netflix and see if they finally recommend him something he actually wants to watch. He considered walking up the flight of stairs, recently he had been taking the stairs because it was ‘healthy’ realistically he had been wearing shorts more often and as sad as it was he wanted his legs to look good but he tonight he is just going to take the easy way out and go on the elevator.

Stepping into the elevator, he pressed his floor number and moved into a corner, placing his shopping bags on the ground. He leaned back relaxing his little corner as the doors started to close when he saw two people racing forward to the elevator shouting for him to keep the door open. M stepped forward stopping the door from shutting just long enough for the pair to get into the elevator.

M stepped back letting the door close with full force. “Thank you so much,” a female voice called out. M turned to look at the panting pair in front of him, his eyes widening with recognition there in front of him was Daehyung and Eunha. While they look almost identical to their previous incarnations there were a few subtle differences, the biggest being the blonde hair that Daehyung always had has been replaced by light brown locks. Eunha perhaps looked a year or two younger then her past version had.

“Ah yeah no problem,” M said awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. “What floor?” M asked unable to stop staring at the twosome. It was a peculiar sensation to be in such a small space with them given his last actual memory of them was fighting against them (there was, of course, his very last memory of seeing them die but he was under Beryl and Metalia’s control so everything was fuzzy and honestly was that memory even he is own, he wasn’t sure).

“The Ninth,” Daehyung spoke eyeing M curiously, M wondered momentarily if there were some remnants of his past memories left maybe he recognised him somehow. “Is that your package?” Daehyung asked cocking an eyebrow as he eyes raked over M.

“Daniel,” Eunha said, it sounded like a warning. “Stop it,” she said with a roll of her eyes.

“I was talking about that,” he said nodding to M’s groceries. “Though if our elevator saver would like to show me any of his other packages i wouldn’t mind,” Daehyung said, well Daniel said, winking at M. M blinked in response, he’d never known Daehyung to flirt with him, he was in whatever it was with Sungjae before and from his rather limited memories of the silver millennium he was more interested in Tyler.

“Daniel,” Eunha repeated shaking her head. “Can you please stop flirting with every guy we run into? Wasn’t it bad enough you got rejected by that one guy just before?” she asked. M had to stop himself from laughing at the face Daniel pulled in response.

“I do not flirt with every guy,” Daniel huffed, “I have standards, thank you very much,” he said very much affronted and offended. “And i wasn’t rejected, that other guy just didn’t understand me,” Daniel said, “stupid shortie,” he muttered under his breathe. “And our saviour over here hasn’t said no,” he said wagging his eyebrows at M causing M to break out into laughter. “Well that’s rude,” Daniel said, stepping back as Eunha patted his back sympathetically.

“No its not like that,” M said quickly, “I am very flattered and if i was single and gay i would definetly take you up on whatever you were offering,” M said as Daniel looked at him with a confused look on his face. “But i am straight and taken so -” he shrugged.

“What a waste,” Daniel said rolling his eyes.

M coughed, “And since we live on the same floor I should introduce myself, Hi i’m M,” he said with a small wave.

“We have to introduce ourselves to everyone who live on our floor?” Daniel questioned. “Ah how exhausting,” he whined with a pout. M tried not to smile at the difference, just a few seconds he was a confident flirt and now a cute whiny baby. “Fine,” He sighed. “I am the Daniel Choi and this is my cousin Emily,” he said, gesturing to Eunha who was staring down, the tiniest hint of a blush on her face.

“The Daniel Choi?” M asked curiously. The previous version of Daehyung was very arrogant, always boasting how he was better than well everyone, so he wouldn’t be surprised if Daniel was the same.

“Yes the Daniel Choi,” Daniel said, rolling his eyes. “I am a model, a very famous one at that,” he said sounding offended. “But i don’t suppose you would know that,” he said looking at M, “I should figured out anyone who would wear that shirt wouldn’t know anything about fashion,” he huffed.

“Daniel,” Emily said shaking her head. “I am sorry about my cousin, he doesn’t do well with meeting new people,” she said glaring at her cousin who only rolled his eyes in response . “It’s nice to meet you M,” she said, turning her attention back to him. “I am assuming M is short for something?” she questioned.

“Ofcourse it is,” Daniel exclaimed. “Who would name their child after a letter?” he said with an eye roll,,” And if they were why would they choose M and not a better letter like A or Z or Q,” Daniel said. “M is not a top 10 letter is all i am saying,” he ranted.

“You have ranked the alphabet?” Emily asked looking at her cousin incredulously. “And again i am sorry about my cousin M is a perfectly acceptable nickname,” she said politely to M.

“Not really but i figure a lame letter E would be last,” Daniel said as if it was something important, “Or like W, i don’t know? but D would definitely be at the top,” he said matter o’factly.

“Why is E last?” Emily whined childishly, “Lots of good things start with E?” she said pouting.

“Sweetie,” Daniel said condescendingly, “You are an expectation to the rule, name another good thing that starts with E?” Daniel challenged.

“Earth?” M interjected, “It's a pretty good place if you ask me,” he added as Emily turned to Daniel a victorious look on her face. A mumbled no one asked you escaped Daniel’s mouth. “And to answer your question yes M is short for something,” M said to Emily.

“Shock horror,” Daniel said mockingly.

“Anyway to apologize for my cousin being rude … again,” Emily said, sounding very tired. “Would you like to have dinner with us?” she offered sweetly.

“Emmy,” Daniel warned with an almost growl, “Sweetie, my lovely baby cousin, you can’t just invite random men to our apartment,” Daniel says in a sarchaningly sweet tone. “Especially not straight ones,” he practically spat. “And you don’t even think of accepting, she is a highschooler,” he said to M. From the murderous look he was receiving M felt like Daehyun was back in the room with him.

“Daniel,” Emily snapped, “Firstly I am not inviting a random man, I am inviting M, one of our new neighbours, to dinner. Secondly you invited random men to our house all the time, all types of men , “she said, putting particular emphasis on all types of men. “And lastly you are high schooler too Einstein,” she huffed.

“Excuse us,” Daniel said to M, before pulling Emily to the opposite side of the elevator. M watched as the pair had what looked like a very intense conversation, given the confined space they were in he was impressed with how much he couldn’t hear. The discussion ended with Daniel pulling a face before stomping back over to M head hung low.

“Would you like to come to our apartment for dinner because apparently we need to have some friends in this apartment,” Daniel grumbled reluctantly. M looked over Daniel’s shoulder to see Emily giving him a thumbs up.

“Uh well I would love to but i’ve already eaten,” He said, frowning at how that sounded like a lame excuse, “But I could hang out for a little bit, if you want?” M offered. “It might come as a shock to you since we just met but I don't exactly have many friends in this apartment either,” he said. A voice from the back of his head sang out that he didn’t have many friends in general but no one needed to know that.

“Ofcourse,” Emily said with a nod just as the elevator dinged signalling they were on the ninth floor.

“Great, I’ll just drop these off in my apartment first,” M said, lifting up his groceries bags. “Would you like me to bring anything over?” M offered.

Daniel and Emily shared a look, before sheepishly grinning at M. “Well you see we haven’t really finished unpacking,” she said scratching the back of her neck. “So maybe you could bring some plates?” she said, looking down trying to hide her embarrassment with her hair.

“Sure no problem,” M said with a smile. “If you ever need help unpacking I am a pretty organized person,” M boasted as he stepped out of the elevator, Daniel and Emily followed suit stepping out. “By the way what apartment are you?“ he asked.

“906,” Emily answered. M nodded in response, he should have figured that out Mrs Bennett, a nosey old lady who M was not fond off in the slightest had moved out to live with her daughter and her ‘adorable’ grandchildren, a bratty pair of four year olds who once broke the apartments elevator with their experiments.

“Okay i’ll see you guys in a few minutes,” M said as he stepped in front of his apartment, Daniel spared a second glance before sauntering down the hallway. Emily gave her an apologetic smile before following after her cousin.

M stepped into his home, a cozy (read small) one bedroom apartment, reaching out and flicking the lights on M moved to kitchen area dropping his groceries on the bench. He pulled out his phone contemplating whether he should message Jane about the latest developments. It seemed his choice was made for him when his phone chimed letting him know he had a message.

moon princess🌙 : got home safely ✌️

moon princess🌙 : minah says she got home safely as well.

M pulled his lip between his teeth as he tried to figure out how he should tell Jane about Daniel and Emily. He briefly considered not telling her just yet, after all what would be the point of potentially stressing anyone (Tyler) out but Daniel did mention Emily was a highschooler so there was a very slim chance she would end up at the same school as Jane and her guardians.

tuxedo m 🌹 : did entienne give you a hard time?

tuxedo m 🌹 : and that is good to know ….🤨

tuxedo m 🌹 : i have some news…

moon princess🌙 : he did 🙄 sometimes he is such a hypocrite

moon princess🌙 : and it is!! I was very worried about her, you know after she put her arm around lucas i seriously thought stephanie might have followed her home..

moon princess🌙 : hmm is it good news?

tuxedo m 🌹: he is just trying to look after you, he is a little misguided but he means well

tuxedo m 🌹: and true you hags wouldn’t be able to handle an attack from her

tuxedo m 🌹: i am not entirely sure… maybe

He didn’t get a chance to finish responding when his phone started to ring. M sighed, pressing answer, “M are you okay? What is going on? Do I need to come over?” she asked in a rush, M smiled imagining Jane ready to fight whatever imaginary enemy she thinks M had run into.

“Jane, I am fine,” He said loud enough to get Jane’s attention. “It is just,” he said taking a breath, “ you know how i said if i was meant to find the shitennou i would, well i did,” he said glancing towards the door. “Well two of them anyway,” he added.

“Oh,” Jane said, “Hang on a second i have to put this on speaker Luna is demanding to know what is going on,” she said, M could hear the eye roll through the phone. “Okay done,” she said, in the background M could hear Luna telling Jane off. “Anyway, so which two? Please tell me its not Sungjae and Daehyung,” Jane whined. “If they are a couple again I swear,” she growled.

“She means because they were pretty dangerous last time,” Luna said seriously. M put his own phone on speaker moving about his kitchen, putting the perishables in the fridge.

“Well yeah but also if i see Minah sad it’s on sight and also i don’t need to remind anyone here how annoying Tyler Lee can be,” Jane huffed. M winced as memories of the Sungjae and Daehyung romance came to mind, from what he could recall from his time on the ‘dark side’ was that the relationship was toxic and actually left him feeling sorry for Daehyung.

“Well you got one of them, it’s Daehyung and Eunha,” he said as closed as his fridge. “But they go by Daniel and Emily now,” he said. “Apparently Daehyung, well Daniel, is a model these days,” he said hearing Jane snort in the background. “Still cocky as always but seems nice enough,” he said. “He even hit on me,” he said.

“He did what now?” Jane said. “Should i be worried?” she asked, it sounded like she was joking but M heard the tiniest hint of panic in her tone.

“Of Course not, “ M said softly. “And yeah I think he just flirts with a reasonably attractive guy,” he said with a shrug knowing full well neither Jane nor Luna could see him.

“I am gonna ignore that reasonably attractive guy comment because we both know you are hot,” Jane said causing M to laugh. “So Daehyung, i mean Daniel is a model and Eunha?” she questioned.

“Emily seems pretty nice to be honest,” M said, “which isn’t that surprising all things considered,” he shrugged. She had only joined the shitennou because Daehyun was did, technically she wasn’t even a shitennou. Even as a villain she was more mild, she wasn’t nearly as ruthless as the others. “She is a highschool student, I am not sure which school she will be going to so i figured i’d give you a heads up,” M said.

“So they don’t have any idea about who they were before?” Luna interjected, “Are you sure they aren’t acting?” she asked.

“Well i am pretty sure they aren’t,” M said, “I am going over to their apartment now to see what they are like,” he said.

“Are you sure that is a good idea?” Jane asked, sounding more than a little concerned. “You don’t have to rush into this friendship,” she said. “You don’t have to be friends with them just because they came back,” she said.

“I know,” M sighed, “but I want to get to know them, they are different from how they were before I am sure,” he said. He just knew deep down they weren’t evil anymore, Enzo wasn’t so there was no reason for them to be. They were just two people who looked like someone he used to know. They weren’t Daehyun and Eunha, they were Daniel and Emily and he wanted to know them.

He could hear Jane sigh and what sounds like Luna being muffled by a pillow, “Okay,” she said. “But stay safe and keep me posted,” Jane added. M could tell she didn’t really agree with what he was doing but he was grateful she wasn’t pushing it. After that there wasn’t a lot to be said so with one last ‘love you’ the call ended and M grabbed some plates and headed to apartment 906.

He was about to knock on the door when it swung open and Daniel stood there leaning against the door frame. “Emily is cooking,” he said simply before giving M the once over. “Look i am sure you are nice but there are a few things we have to go over before you are allowed in,” he said pushing himself up and letting the door close behind him.

“Firstly and most importantly if i even hear a whisper of you trying to anything with my cousin i will destroy you,” he said cooly. M nodded ready to bring up the fact that he had a girlfriend but was cut off by Daniel. “Secondly, don’t bring up our family situation infront of Emily,” Daniel said. M frowned nodding, now that he thought about it was a bit peculiar that they were living together with no actual adult figure. “Look, her mother isn’t the greatest and i don’t need some noodle shaped man reminding her off that,” he said.

“I won’t,” M said. Daniel hummed a muttered ‘you better not’ escaping his lips. “Is there anything else I should know before you let me in?” he asked hoping that didn’t seem rude, he was pretty sure it looked a little odd, him just standing there with plates in his hands while Daniel in his Celine shirt and fitted black slacks told him off.

“She is never about going to school tomorrow so maybe keep the school talk to a minimum,” Daniel said with a shrug. “And that is all i can think off right now,” Daniel said, scrunching his nose up as he thought. “Just be cool, Em for whatever reasons thinks we need more people in our life so you know don’t mess that up,” he said.

“You know she is lucky to have a cousin like you,” M said trying not to laugh at the way Daniel’s face suddenly change, the tiniest hint of a blush made its way onto his cheek.

“You don’t need to suck up, “ Daniel said as he composed himself, his confidant mask back on. “Come on in, we need the plates,” Daniel said with eye roll as he opened the door. M grinned stepping into their apartment. Yes he knew he was meant to be here.

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4 years ago

Epilogue Moon

sailor moon au 

Epilogue : Moon

“Daniel calm down,” M, Jane, Minah and even Maude followed after Tyler and Daniel. “Tyler isn’t bad -” he said, frowning as he looked over at the younger boy.

“Just stupid,” Jane finished him with a cheeky grin. “And trust me Lucas isn’t anything like him regardless,” Jane said to Daniel. “Plus Tyler doesn’t even have one girlfriend -” she said shrugging as Tyler turned to glare at her mouthing a shut up.

“So he is a liar?” Daniel questioned. “Why is that not surprising?” he said with an eye roll. “But then why did those two girls agree to his lie?” he said, tilting his head, looking at Minah and Maude judgmentally. “Oh i get it, so the dark haired one is his beard and the light haired one is, no wait i don’t get it at all,” he said, shaking his head.

“I am not a liar,” Tyler snapped. “And i am not gay so why would i even need a beard?” he said pointedly. Daniel shrugged nonchalantly, clearly not believing anything Tyler had said.

“He just feels sorry for Minah, apparently she has bad taste in men, not surprising if you ask me,” Maude said.

“No one did,” Jane snapped. “Why are you even here?” she asked annoyed with this girl’s presence. Maude sneered at her causing Jane to glare.

“Oh so he got that girl when she was weak and pretended to be her friend - how awful,” Daniel said looking at Minah with something akin to pity before turning to Emily. “See straight man are a curse,” he said with a sigh. “This is why we should have enrolled you into that Catholic all girls school,” he said pointedly.

Jane snorted, as entertaining as Daniel was looking at how red Emily’s face was she couldn’t help but feel sorry for her. Over protective family members were the worst. “Oh no that is worse,” Jane commented lightly, “the girls there are so desperate for male attention they settle for anything and don’t you want your cousin to have standards?” Jane said causing Daniel to blink at her owlishly.

He seemed to freeze, “Hmm homeschooling it is,” he said stroking his chin. “I’ll have to hire a tutor but it will be worth it, I will keep my cousin away from Taylor and friends - “ he said.

“It’s Tyler,” Tyler snapped.

“It’s irrelevant Ty- Liar,” Daniel said glaring at him. “Why are you still here, don’t you have heartbroken girls to pray on or worse…. French ones,” he said looking at Maude his face morphing into one of disgust. Jane and Minah huffed letting out a hey, Jane was sure she isn’t French at all.

“What is your problem with French people?” Minah asked with a glare.

“It’s a long story and i am sorry you aren’t worthy enough to know so -” Daniel in a fake nice tone. “Emmy,” he said, turning back to Emily, completely ignoring a raging Minah. “Can we please go, I saw a new cafe we could try and I need to tell you about the gym guy -” he said excitedly.

“You really don’t,” Emily said. “Like please, please don’t,” she said shuddering. Daniel pouted muttering something under his breath.

“Fine i won’t tell you…” Daniel said a smirk making its way onto his face, “As long as you agree to the no boys until you are 95,” he said as Emily’s eyes narrowed.

“You won’t tell me because if you do I will release the New York video,” she said, eyes narrowing as Daniel blanched. Jane raised an eyebrow suddenly very interested in what exactly the New York video is. “And we can go but maybe you should apologize for being rude to Lucas, M’s girlfriend and uh -” she looking at Minah a small frown on her lips. “Her?” she said.

Daniel rolled his eyes, “Fine even though I did nothing to M’s girlfriend or her and to be honest I am not convinced that Lewis isn’t anything like Ty- Nah over there,” he said glaring at Lucas.

“Daniel,” she said pointedly.

“Fine I am sorry M’s girlfriend, not girlfriend and Lucas are-” he started before Emily elbowed him causing him to hunch over.

“It was nice to meet you all,” Emily said sweetly, pushing Daniel away from the group.

“So Daniel hates me because of Tyler?” Lucas asked once they disappeared from eyesight. “Thanks man,” he grumbled glaring at Tyler causing Jane to giggle.

“Oh sweetie,” Jane said, patting Lucas’s back. “He would have hated you regardless but Tyler didn’t help,” she said poking Lucas’s cheeks when he pouted. “Tyler just couldn’t control himself when he saw Daniel, you know how he is -” she said grinning victoriously as Tyler growled.

“I don’t have to stay here and be slandered,” Tyler huffed, “Come on Maude lets go,” he said grabbing the other girl and stalking forward. Jane had to try not to vomit at the way Maude practically ascended, clearly very happy that Tyler was suddenly paying attention to her.

“I am trying to figure out who is going to cause more trouble for us Maude or Daniel?’ Minah said an annoyed look on her face.

“Maude,” “Daniel,” M and Lucas said at the same time causing Jane to laugh.

“Maude is annoying but she doesn’t want to kill me,” Lucas pouted. “Are we sure Daniel isn’t evil?” he whispered to Jane but loud enough for everyone to hear him.

“Cockblocking isn’t evil, if so you all would be evil,” Jane sighed looking at Minah and Lucas who both looked offended.

“Plus that Maude girl looked pretty ready to kill Minah,” M said nodding, “Did I miss something or is this really over Tyler?” he asked looking at Minah expectantly.

“How am I meant to know?” Minah shrugged. “She is clearly insane,” she pointed out. “Imagine willingly liking Tyler -” she scoffed at the mere thought off it. “Unlike some people I have ta - oh crap,” she said pulling out her phone, frowning at whatever she had seen. “I have to go, I forgot that I was meant to be meeting up with Suho,” she said. “I’ll call you later,” she said to Jane kissing her cheeks goodbye before rushing down the street.

“And then there were three,” M said.

“Oh no i am going to leave as well, no way i am going to play third wheel to Mjane show,” Lucas said shaking his head. “I am going to go home and… study,” he said. Jane quirked an eyebrow at Lucas who to her knowledge was exactly the most studious.

“By study do you perhaps mean stalk Emily’s social media?” M asked grinning at the way Lucas flushed spluttering out of embarrassment.

“I don’t think he was going to -” Jane said leaning against M’s shoulder. “But now that you mentioned it, just remember to not like a post a month ago, that would make you look like a creeper -” Jane teased as Lucas glared at them.

“He isn’t doing it for selfish reasons though, right Lucas?” M continued to tease. “I mean our Lucas would never, he is clearly doing this for research purposes,” he said nodding in mock seriousness.

“Definitely leaving , you two are weird,” Lucas teased backing away from the two of them. “You two have fun doing whatever it is old people do,” he said with a laugh. “Au Revoir,” he said with a dramatic wave mocking the way Maude spoke French making Jane laugh.

“So that was -” M said once Lucas had disappeared. “Interesting,” he said with a laugh.

“That wouldn’t be the word I would use,” Jane sighed. “That was just the finale of a very strange day,” she said with a frown.

M nodded “I see, well why don’t we head to the arcade and you can tell me all about it,” he said wrapping an arm around Jane’s shoulder and pulling her into his side.

“Normally i would say yes but i don’t think i can risk the possibility of seeing ice cream right now,” she said with a shudder. “Maybe we can go back to your apartment,” she said with a sheepish smile. M cocked an eyebrow up, one it's a shock to hear Jane say no to the arcade and two whenever Jane suggested going back to his apartment trouble usually followed, whether it be an angry step- father or negaverse invasion. “Just to hang out,” Jane added pouting.

“Fine but if Daniel shows up threatening our lives for enabling Lucas to live then it’s on you,” He said with a laughing as Jane rolled her eyes.

“If he shows up and threatens you then i will make it my personal mission to make sure Lucas ends up with Eunha, i mean Emily, sorry gotta get used to these new names,” she said with a grin. “If i didn’t know better you’d think you don't want me to come to your apartment,” she said, eyes narrowing playfully.

“I just don’t want Etienne to come knocking down my door talking about how I am corrupting his darling Jane,” M said rolling his eyes.

“That was one time,” Jane huffed. “And please we all know it's the other way,” Jane smirked.

“Yeah yeah lets just get going, I am curious to hear why you suddenly have an aversion to ice cream,” M said with a laugh as Jane’s nose scrunched up in disgust.


“Well -” M said, taking in everything Jane had said. “I’m glad you are okay,” he said. “I am sorry I couldn't be there to help,” he frowned. “I didn’t feel anything, before when there was -” he said, getting frustrated with himself. Jane smiled sympathetically, grabbing his hand.

“M,” she said softly, “It’s not your fault,” she said seriously.

“So do you think it’s the negaverse back?” He asked, pulling his hand out of Jane’s grasp and looking anywhere but at her. “Do you think it’s Daniel and Emily?” he asked glancing over Jane’s shoulder at the wall.

“Honestly, I don’t know who it is,” Jane sighed. “I don’t think its Daniel and Emily, I know they weren’t above acting but putting Emily in danger? Even back then it wasn’t Daehyung’s style,” she said with a frown.

“Sungjae?” M asked.

“Maybe,” Jane shrugged, “I hope not,” she admitted. “The other’s seem to be normal, so there is no reason for him to come back…. Evil,” she frowned. “That is if he had come back,” she said. M sighed, he wanted his friend back but it seemed the universe was against him.

“Okay so say it’s not the negaverse,” M said looking out his window onto the busy street below them. “Then we are facing something completely new with no idea how to beat them,” he said face scrunching up. “No idea why they are here or where they come from,” he continued. “So much for that normal year huh,” he said bitterly.

“What you said is very true,” Jane frowned, “But we can beat them, just like we beat the negatrash before, you need to have more faith in your moon princess,” she said with a wink. “And we can still have a normal year, I think we should practice now in fact,” she grinned. “Lets see i think it would be normal if my boyfriend stopped stressing over things he can’t control and instead made the most of the time he has with his very hot girlfriend before he starts going to college and has no time for her,” she said seriously.

“I will have time for you,” M huffed.

“Anyway,” Jane said with a roll of her eyes “What i am basically saying is kiss me you fool,” Jane smirked.

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4 years ago
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To
When Youre Uncertain Or Worried, Ill Be There For You. I May Have No Power, But You Called Me Here To

When you’re uncertain or worried, I’ll be there for you. I may have no power, but you called me here to you. If you need me…I’ll give you all the strenght of my soul. I live to be there for you. So you must fight with confidence.

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