Sam Turner - Tumblr Posts

the sillies!!
now, i know i have made it clear that i am a firm polythreat shipper, HOWEVER, i am also a multishipper, so i decided to go with dr vinschpinsilstien x ellie rose (or dr rosepinsilstien) for day 7!! technically counts as a tribute to my second ever thsc ship when i first got into the fandom in 2020
for day 8, i obviously had to choose sam turner, a canonically non-binary thsc character. ive never paid much attention to them, considering theres not much backstory to them, but i have taken a liking to their design, i must admit! im not sure ill ever draw them again though. we’ll see
as always, enjoy the burnt food!!
[some personal ships!]
Henry x Charles x Ellie
Rupert x Dave
Sven x Burt
Victoria x Calvin
Konred x Sam
Reginald x Right Hand Man
![[some Personal Ships!]](
[WARNING: this fic has no connection to the main AU, contains elements of blood and anguish and focuses on Panprice ship!]
Tulip Garden:
Chapter 1 - Flowery Secret
Rupert was leaning against a wall waiting for something, in his hand his cell phone with Dave Panpa's contact on screen. that day they were supposed to go bowling to celebrate the twins' birthday, but Dave was late. Rupert was close to the apartment where Dave lived on his own, but so far he hasn't come down, at this point it was late and he was very worried that something had happened.
Dave is not known for being confident or lucky, he was really uncomfortable and clumsy, Price was worried that he had overslept but something in him said something was wrong. he considered entering his apartment, but didn't want to be rude, especially if he accidentally ends up walking in without knocking and sees his friend naked!(this has happened before and it was very embarrassing)
"Rupert!" a thin, excited voice catches Rupert's attention, he looks ahead to see two of his friends and Dave. Sam and Johnny. "We're on time, good thing!” Sam sighs in relief, “I thought we were going to be late today!” Sam smiles packing his black choir bag. "wait, did we make it on time?" Sam asks wanting to be sure, "Actually, I was already thinking I had to go get you guys!" Rupert smiles, "ha-ha, very funny!" Sam laughs, "so shall we go in your car?" Sam asks looking for Rupert's car, "yeah, I just..." he looks towards Dave's apartment, which was easy to spot, the front door had a panda-shaped sign, and the front window had a vase full of beautiful Tulips that the two of them had planted together at Dave's request.
"I'm waiting for Dave," he replies turning his attention to the phone with a look of concern."he was supposed to be ready to go!" he says looking back at the apartment again. Sam and Johnny look a little too concerned. "why don't you go check it out?" asks Johnny crossing his arms and raising an eyebrow, he doesn't see how that wouldn't be an obvious option. "and disturb his privacy?? n-no way!!" he says shaking his head in denial and gesturing with his hands equally. Johnny presses his fingers to his nose, not believing his friend's idiocy.
Sam chuckles, quickly extending a hand, "I'll go see him! I have no problem getting into his apartment, he gave me an extra key!" they get a spare key to Dave's apartment with a panda keyring. Sam heads towards the apartment with an innocent smile, Johnny and Dave watch them go. "Sometimes you act like an idiot when it comes to Dave, and still say you don't have a crush on him!" says Johnny with a judgmental look, Rupert blushes staring at his friend and quickly changes his expression from surprise to irritation.
"We are just friends!" he says in a serious tone, "nothing more, nothing less!" he says crossing his arms and tucking his phone into one of his coat pockets. "Also..." he pauses a bit thoughtfully and looking briefly at Dave's apartment, "he wouldn't be interested in someone like me..." he says a little wistfully, that seems to annoy Johnny who sighs briefly.
Sam uses Dave's key to enter the apartment, opening the door and looks like everything was blacked out. "wake up wake up Dave!" says Sam in a playful tone turning on the lights and driving around the apartment, everything seemed in place, the magazines were on the coffee table and the tv was off on the couch was the coat that Rupert had given him, Sam smiles seeing Dave's favorite outfit was in perfect condition!
Sam heads into the kitchen, where they can smell hot chocolate, with pancakes and... blood? Sam's eyes go into a state of alert, they look towards the counter where they were Dave's breakfast (they would go bowling early), that's when Sam notices something that leaves them with a sick feeling in their stomachs.
there was blood on the table...
Sam starts to panic, soon they realize that the blood was also on the floor and goes to the hallway, Sam follows the blood and then notices something even more unusual. a flower petal. Sam stops and crouches, a little disgusted to stay but takes the petal in their hand and brings it to their face. the hallway was dark but they, turning the petal in their hands, deduced that they were from Tulips. Sam notices the trail of blood leading to the bathroom, and the closer they got, the more they saw petlas, and the closer they got to the bathroom, the more they could hear a muffled voice. a cry and coughs, it was Dave!
Sam, already scared in front of the half-closed bathroom door, was very worried about whatever was happening to ther friend, and even scared, they couldn't leave Dave alone crying and quickly opens the door calling for him with a certain fear in their voice, "DAVE!!"
what was in front of Sam was almost terrifying, some would say disturbing. Dave was in a corner of the shower stall, he was crying, blood was staining the bathroom tile, there was blood in the sink and near the toilet, but the blood followed to Dave, who, noticing his friend's need, kept a look of panic and fear. covering his mouth where blood continued to spurt and stain his delicate hands and clothes. the petals were for every trace of blood. Sam stares at Dave who looks like he wants more space in the bathroom to disappear. "D-Dave..." they cover their mouths in shock at their friend's state, holding back tears as they slowly enters the bathroom feeling their legs shaking. "Dave what happened...?" they ask themselves approaching Dave and then crouching at his height, bringing their friend's hand closer and scaring themselves even more when he starts coughing again, placing his hands over his neck and chest as if in pain, more blood came out of his mouth, but what left Sam even more paralyzed with fear and terrified...
Tulip petlas begin to cough from its mouth...
Sam stands up taking a shaky step back, they were in complete shock at Dave's disturbing state. "D-Dave... h-how are you... why are you coughing petlas??" they ask almost screaming, covering their mouths again in complete disbelief. tears were almost coming out of their eyes.
"S-Sam..." Dave weakly calls out to Sam, he stands up staggering still with one hand on his neck and the other leaning against the wall, staining the table with the blood of his hands. "p-please..." he places his hand on Sam's shoulder which makes them even more terrified. "please don't tell Rrupert..." he cries, almost digging his fingers into his friend's shoulders, Sam, still in complete shock, grips Ms.'s shoulders keeping him upright,"D-Dave! what is happening?? you're vomiting blood, did you eat something wrong?? I need to take you to the doctor now!" Sam grabs Dave's wrist and tries to pull him out of the bathroom as fast as possible, whatever Dave has, it must be pretty serious for him to be vomiting blood. "no!!" Dave screams covering his mouth which is still full of blood.
"n-no I can't let Rupert see me like that..." he says softly in a crying tone, "not in a million years can he see me like that..." he lets go of Sam covering his mouth with his hands and kneeling on the floor crying. Sam tries to hold back the tears, the amount of blood makes them want to vomit too but they hold back to shakily hug their friend. "II don't know what's going on with you," they say quietly with their arms around Dave comforting him, "b-but you have to tell them, they might know what to do..." Dave widens his eyes pushing Sam away, "No! II don't want to!!" Dave puts his hands on the sides of his head shaking it.
"just..." he thinks of a good excuse, "tell them I'm not doing so well that they can go without me!" he responds by looking into Sam's eyes, in which he opens his mouth to speak but all that comes out is a long sigh of resignation. "what" they say with a sad look, get up and turn on the sink faucet to wash the blood that soiled them. "but sooner or later they'll find out..." they stood in the water while Dave got up and sat on the toilet next to him still crying and coughing. "and you won't be able to hide it forever!"they turn off the faucet there turning aggressively to their friend, "and when that happens, tell the truth..." they start to feel the tears once more before wiping them away, "you know I don't like to lie to my friends..." Dave looks at Sam, blood and petals dripping from his mouth.
"o-ok..." Dave says softly and quietly. Sam gives him another tight hug and withdraws from the bathroom, his expression of dread and concern getting worse with each long step they hear Dave coughing more and more aggressively. Sam leaves the apartment, locking the door with shaking hands, having no idea how he is going to convince the others that Dave is okay. out of nowhere they feel a hand on their shoulder and jumps in fright catching the key that jumped out of their hands.
"why did it take so long?" asked Johnny who quickly realizes Sam's state of panic. "are you okay Sam? you seem a little agitated..." Sam disguises it with the fakest smile they could muster, "y-yes! I'm great! Dave not so much, he's not feeling very well today and said we can go without him!" Sam says very nervously putting the keys in their bag. "wow, are you sure he's going to be okay? Johnny asks looking at the door "Pure certainty buddy! now let's go, he wants privacy at the moment!"
"Can I call a doctor to stop by later to see him, or has he already called one?" asks Rupert who was right behind Johnny, Sam gets more nervous swallowing hard, ""y-yes! he said yes!" they respond quickly, weird...he would have told me that earlier..." Rupert looks at his cell phone puzzled. "h-his cell phone was dead! that's why!" Sam responds once more with the smile getting bigger and more uncomfortable. Johnny looks at them suspiciously but Sam looks away, walking right past him, ""So, let's go??" they ask already in a hurry to go soon.
Rupert looks at Dave's apartment door, a little worried, Sam and Johnny continue walking to the car. Rupert takes a deep breath and searches his contacts for Dr.V's number. Rupert looks down and sees a Tulip petal, it wasn't unusual, it's very good to be one of those decorating the balcony, but this Tulip was strange for Rupert. he bent down to get a better look, taking the petal in his hand and turning it, the petal appeared to have splattered blood that Price knew all too well.
Price feels a knot in his stomach and a feeling much worse than before, resisting reaching for the handle but hears his car horn being pressed by Johnny who was impatient. rrupert guards the Rupert tucks the petal into his pocket and runs to the car, taking one last look in the direction of his friend's apartment, much more than just worried. he gets in, starting the car and putting on his seat belts and starting to drive to the bowling alley in town, leaving his cell phone nearby for any calls from Dave or the doctor. Johnny notices Sam's restlessness as they kept sitting, wondering what happened in the apartment that made them like this, since half a minute before they entered they were very excited and optimistic, and now they were quiet and serene.
what happened with Dave was too much for Sam who had never seen anything as horrendous and grotesque as that, they felt covering a crime or something very wrong. the feeling of wanting to tell others was very strong, but their loyalty to Dave was just as strong. they were very lost in this dilemma, while wondering, what was it about Dave that was accusing him of so much pain, what caused this pain, and why was he vomiting blood and flower petals? they were too confused, but soon the devastating answers were revealed, which would change their lives and those around Dave forever...maybe
[To be continued...]