Sam Winchester Supernatural - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago

Together At Last

Pairing: Sam x reader

Word Count: 923

Summary: Sam and the reader were best friends in high school. What happens when, years later, they stumble across each other on a hunt?

Warnings: Cursing

A/N: I hope you like it!~


You’d known Sam for a long time. You’d met him at school during your last year there, and he quickly became your best friend. All too soon for you, he and his family had left the small town you and your mother were living in during that time period.

You made sure to keep in touch with him. His phone number changed constantly, as did yours, but you’d always stayed in contact.

It was really strange when, recently, he didn’t respond to your calls, e-mails or texts. Two years now, you hadn’t gotten a single word from Sam Winchester, a signal that he was alive and still thinking of you.

‘Maybe,’ you thought as you packed your hunting things in a backpack and slung it over your shoulder, ‘Maybe he’s not thinking of me. Or maybe he’s not alive,’ you sighed at your depressing train of thought and cursed yourself for thinking so much about him even now, two years after you’d had your last contact with Sam and so many years after you’d last seen him.

Cursing yourself under your breath, you shook your head to clear it and headed towards your destination: an abandoned house where ghost sightings had been reported. Armed with rock salt, a pack of matches and a lot of other weapons that would be useless against a ghost but made you feel safer; you made your way up to the house.

You had just closed the door behind you and switched your torch on when you heard a gun being cocked and the bright beam from another person’s torch was in your eyes.

But then the beam was lowered and, in the meagre light it and your own flashlight created, you could barely make out the characteristics of a tall, broad-shouldered man that reminded you too much of...

“Sam?” you choked out in surprise, wondering what the hell he could be doing here.

He didn’t speak. He just flung some water at you from a small bottle held in his hand, and he frowned when the results were negative.

“I’m not a fucking demon,” you hissed at him and drew a silver knife from your belt, slicing a cut across your palm. “And I’m not a shapeshifter either.”

“You can’t be Y/N,” he stated with certainty.

“I can’t? Why’s that, Sam?” you asked, and his frown deepened. “Because Y/N isn’t a hunter. I would’ve known.”

“I am a hunter. And of course you wouldn’t have known -I hadn’t realised you’re a hunter either,” you said in your defence.

“Why didn’t you tell me about this? We’ve talked so many times,” he said, and you rolled your eyes. “I didn’t know you’re a hunter as well, so I couldn’t exactly call you one day and tell you that I’ve been hunting monsters ever since I could walk. Most people don’t even know that monsters exist,” you replied, locking eyes with his.

Even in the too little white light that the torches’ beams cast, his eyes were the same hazel you remembered, his smile -though small right now- was instantly recognisable as Sam.

“You’re so tall now,” you muttered suddenly, and he chuckled. “You’re still beautiful,” he said, and you could have sworn that a small blush coloured his cheeks as he said that, but the lighting was so bad that you weren’t sure.

Unexpectedly, you ran up to him and threw your arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “I’ve missed you,” you said, a grin on your face that could rival the sun in brightness.

“I’ve missed you too. So much,” he muttered.

“Why did you stop replying to my messages and calls?” you asked him, pulling far enough away so you could look at him, but not so far that you would have to take your arms off from around him.

“I wanted to keep you safe. Away from the life of a hunter. I thought that the best way to do that would be to sever all contact with you. It hurt, because you were my best friend, and I...” here, Sam trailed off, and you waited for him to pick up the threads of his sentence, but he never did.

“I wasn’t your best friend, Sam. I still am, if you want to, if you need me. I sure as hell need you,” you muttered, and were elated to see a smile take over the frown that had clouded his face.

“I’m sorry,” he said eventually, “But I...” he hesitated again before taking a deep breath, “I’ve always liked you. More than just friends. Perhaps more than like. It’s as if... I’ve been in love with you all my life, from the moment I met you onwards,” he confessed awkwardly, his voice low in a murmur, and you blushed.

You didn’t respond. Words weren’t really your thing; but actions were. So you stood on your tiptoes, put your arms around Sam’s neck and pressed your lips to his, pulling him into a kiss that held frustration, longing and so many bottled-up feelings. The feel of his tongue against your lips, in your mouth, toying and fighting with your own made your skin tingle and your brain shut down as you gave into the sensations, savouring every single moment.

“Two hunters in love. It’s risky,” you muttered when you pulled away.

“It’s not just risky. It’s mortally perilous,” he responded breathily, a hint of a smirk on his lips.

You giggled as he leaned down to kiss you again.

“And I love it.”

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8 years ago


Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader

Word Count: 701

Summary: Sam and the reader are doing research, and Dean plays matchmaker.

Warnings: N/A

A/N: Happy birthday to our one and only Sam Winchester, who turns 33 today <3


“It’s just another haunting,” you announced as you relaxed against the back of the couch. You were sitting cross-legged with your laptop on your lap, leaning heavily against Sam’s shoulder. Sam was sitting next to you and you had taken it upon yourself to make him into a gigantic human pillow. You yawned and turned to stifle it in the flannel material of Sam’s red plaid shirt, and then you reached out and rubbed your eyes.

“I’ve been sitting here for nearly five hours, I’m beat,” you said, resting your head on Sam’s shoulder.

“You did a great job though,” Sam said. The praise got to you and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. You averted your gaze from the laptop screen, on which it was still fixed, and by pure luck it met Dean’s from across the room. Dean was sitting on a chair near the table, eating his pie and taking a break from the endless hours of research, but he was looking at you and Sam with a bright, teasing, spark in his eyes.

“Yeah, she did great, didn’t she, Sammy?” Dean asked his brother with a small smirk. You found the whole situation weird as Sam had been the first to congratulate you on a job well done.

Had you been looking up, you would have seen a blush colour Sam’s cheeks as he chanced a glance at you before glaring at his brother, a scowl on his features.

“Yes,” he grumbled, returning to his laptop and his own extra research.

It was half an hour later that you got up to stretch your sore limbs and grab a bite of something from the small kitchen of the motel room. Dean and Sam were both sitting in their chair and place on the sofa respectively, but the older Winchester immediately leaned forward and directed a smirk at his brother, who had shifted a little on the couch.

“Missing the cuddles already?” he asked teasingly, and this time you actually saw Sam blush and tell his brother to shut up. Suddenly feeling more eager to finish your toast and head back to Sam, you ate the rest of your dinner in almost one bit before heading back to Sam, curling up on the couch ever so slightly closer to him than you had been before.

Dean’s smirk could only widen at that. “I guess someone else is missing the cuddles too,” he said, the teasing glint still in his eyes as he chuckled softly.

The blush that coloured your cheeks was dark, and it only darkened when you leaned your head down to hide your face in Sam’s shirt.

“Over-eager, are we?” Dean’s voice sounded again, and the tease in it wasn’t helping at all.

“What’s your problem, Dean?” Sam finally managed to ask, trying and failing to fight down a blush.

“I don’t have a problem,” Dean quickly replied. “But you two obviously do. You’re so blind you just refuse to see what’s in front of you,” he said, motioning at both you and Sam. “You like each other. A lot. You’re welcome,” with that, he got up and stalked out of the motel room while you were just left staring incredulously at Sam.

Sam was the one courageous enough to speak up. “Is what Dean said true?” he asked cautiously, and you could only nod because yes, what Dean had said was one hundred percent correct.

“You?” you asked back in a small voice, scared of what the answer might be.

But you got no reply, at least none in spoken words. Instead, he leaned closer to you, cupping your cheek with his hand as he pulled you in for a slow, gentle kiss that left your lips tingling and your stomach tightening with excitement and nerves. You ran your hand through his hair and pushed him back so that he was on the back on the couch and you were kissing him with kisses that because increasingly rough.

Your breath was taken away as his hands ran up and down your sides and his lips continued to attack yours. It was magical. It was perfect. It was exactly what you’d always dreamed of.

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5 months ago




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