Sam Imagines - Tumblr Posts

9 years ago


“I don't want to look at you when I know I can't be with you.”

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Word Count: 755

Warnings: None

A/N: My first attempt at uploading something. Hope you like it.


Last night, you had fallen asleep in Sam’s strong arms after kissing and making love with the hunter. You had been hunting partners for so long, but it had taken you months to even accept the fact that your attraction to Sam was more than just a crush. When you had finally accepted that, though... it was the best night of your life. But then... in the morning, he wasn’t there, he wasn’t in bed with you and that was odd because what had happened last night had been magical, and... well, you were in his bedroom. Slightly confused but yet not suspicious, you picked your clothes up from the floor and tugged them on. Yawning, you ran a hand through your hair and trudged to the bunker’s kitchen, where Sam and Dean were sleepily eating breakfast. You sat down next to Sam, turning your head towards him to say hi, but he got up and left abruptly, without a word, leaving you and Dean to stare at his plaid-covered back as he walked away. 

“What’s gotten into him?” Dean asked through a mouthful of pie, and you shrugged.

“I don’t know,” you sighed, and you really didn’t know what was going on. For the moment, you decided not to think about it much. Maybe there was an emergency of some kind that Sam needed to attend to? The next time you stumbled upon Sam was in the library. Despite being immersed in a big, old, leather-bound tome about something supernatural or other, he got up and, not even sparing you a glance, exited the library, leaving you behind with a frown on your features and unanswered questions running through your mind. Working while your mind was occupied with thoughts of last night and Sam’s enigmatic behaviour was impossible, so you decided to go to the kitchen and grab a bite.

To your surprise, Sam was there too. At your sides, your hands were clenching and unclenching into fists from all the suppressed questions. All the unanswered ‘why’s that wouldn’t let you concentrate on anything. The tall hunter was about to sidestep you again and walk out of the room, but you grabbed hold of his forearm, frowning up at him. In spite of your proximity, he kept his eyes firmly fixed on the wall in front of him, not sparing you a glance.

“Sam, why are you avoiding me? Did I... did I mess up somehow? I thought that... after last night, things would change for the better, not for the worse. Of course, we could forget that anything ever happened, and we could move on. I just can’t stand this inexplicable thing,” you muttered. You knew you were rambling, but you just couldn’t stop yourself from blurting out anything that found its way out of your thoughts and into spoken words.

“No, no, that’s not it!” Sam sounded bewildered, as if the idea that you could ever blame yourself for how he had been acting was preposterous. His little outburst made him look down at you, and his hazel gaze was fierce, telling you that nothing was your fault, and that this was the way things should be.

“Then... what’s wrong? If it’s not me, it can’t be you. You haven’t done anything,” you asked, relaxing your grip on his forearm and feeling relieved when he didn’t seize the opportunity to walk away. 

“It’s just... I don’t want to look at you when I know I can’t be with you,” he muttered apologetically. “What do you mean you can’t be with me?” you asked. It was your turn to be bewildered and confused, and you knew it was written in your features. He sighed, running his hand through his hair.

“It’s dangerous to be with me. Every relationship I’ve ever had has turned badly, and I don’t want you to just be another body added in the pile. I... I don’t want to lose you in the worst way imaginable.” You shook your head, shocked that he could think that.

“I’m a hunter. I can take care of myself,” you said with a small smirk, standing on your tiptoes to press a kiss on his lips. At first, he was hesitant, unresponsive, but then he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer to him, and his lips were warm and moving against yours in a kiss that made you dizzy with happiness. So what if this was dangerous? It was definitely worth it. And danger really was the best part.

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9 years ago

Weapons down

Pairing: Sam x reader or Dean x reader

Word Count: Sam: 972 Dean: 1092

Warnings: Feels and cursing for the Sam one.

A/N: This story has five lines of common beginning, and then it branches off depending on whether you prefer Sam or Dean. Just thought I’d try it out. Enjoy!

 “Weapons down, or I’m gonna shoot you to oblivion!” you yelled at the two men whose silhouettes were outlined in the doorway of the warehouse.

They put their weapons down only because of sheer surprise, and while they looked around to pinpoint the source of the voice that startled them, you had the time to study them.



You made your way to them, frowning. “Who are you?” you asked, making sure that your gun was trained on the taller one of the two.

“We’re FBI agents and-” started the shorter and apparently older one, but he was cut off by the other.

“We’re not FBI agents,” he stated and, perplexed, you frowned.

“I’m confused. Are you with the FBI or not?” you asked.

“We aren’t,” said the taller one at the same time the shorter one said “We are.”

“Wow, that’s a really enlightening thing to say,” you commented. “Care to explain?”

“We aren’t with the FBI,” said the taller one and, this time, the other agreed with a nod.

“Then who are you? And what are you doing here?” you asked.

“I’m Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean, and we’re here because we’ve been informed that some very dangerous people live in this warehouse. We’re here to prevent them from causing any harm,” he explained, and immediately you felt like you were a five-year-old being patronised by an annoying adult.

“The name’s Y/n. And what do you think I’ve been doing here? A party? I’ve been dealing with the vampires,” you said, and you smiled proudly at them.

“Are you sure you’ve dealt with them properly?” asked Dean.

You rolled your eyes. “Of course. I’ve beheaded them and then buried them so that nobody will ever come across the bodies. I’ve been here since yesterday, and I need some rest,” you said, walking past them and into the sunlight.

“You don’t have a car,” Sam called out from behind you. “There was no car outside the warehouse when we got here. So how did you make it here?” he asked.

“I walked. I crashed my car a week or so ago and I haven’t had the time to replace it. It’s waiting for me in a yard somewhere in Colorado,” you explained with a shrug. To tell the truth, your opinion on that matter was anything but nonchalant, as your car had been the only place you had ever called home, but being pessimistic just wouldn’t do. Instead, you had decided to use the public transport to make your way to Wyoming to deal with the vampire nest, because hunting would always be your priority.

“That’s unfortunate. Well, you can come with us. We’re heading to the nearest town,” Sam offered, completely missing his brother’s glare.

“Really? Thank you. I’ve got a motel room there, so I can rest before heading to Colorado to retrieve my car and all my hunting stuff,” you said with a grin, only then realising that this was the first mention of anything hunting-related between you and the Winchesters. You had just both automatically assumed that the other was a hunter.

That was certainly not the last time though. Over the years, you started hunting together. At first it was just a call here and there or a chance meeting when you accidentally took on the same cases, but as the months went by you grew closer. You even started living in the bunker with them when you weren’t joining them on cases.

Hunting with them had been the best time you had ever had in your whole life.

But all good things must end, and your time with the Winchesters was no different.

It was on a sunny but chilly day in mid-March that was entirely inconspicuous and normal that this good thing in your life ended.

“We’re back!” you heard Sam and Dean announce when they entered the bunker. They both seemed rather excited for the hunt to be over, and it pained your heart to see the smile wiped off their faces when they saw you.

You were standing near the entrance, clutching a suitcase in one hand and your car keys in the other. There was a vacant, sad, look in your eyes as you nodded at them.

“Hey,” you muttered sadly.

“What’s wrong?” Dean was the one to ask but Sam was the one to rush up to you and pull you into a hug. You let the suitcase drop and hugged him back tightly, fighting to keep back tears.

“I’m leaving,” you announced in a small voice.

“Leaving... what?” Sam asked.

“Leaving the bunker. Leaving the hunter life. I can’t do this anymore. I’m physically and mentally exhausted. I just want to see the world,” you muttered, casting your gaze down on the ground.

“No. You can’t leave,” Sam said, voice almost shrill in a note of panic.

“It’s... it’s not temporary. It’s just a break. For a couple of years, I’ve decided I want to travel and see everything the planet has to offer before returning,” you said, leaving the probably out of the conversation. You weren’t sure you ever would return. Part of you hoped so, while another just wanted to leave and never come back.

Sam, probably realising that no matter what he said he could never stop you from leaving, only hugged you tighter.

“Do you promise you’ll come back?” he asked.

“I do,” you said, and now that you had given your word you probably would.

“I love you,” Sam whispered in a broken voice. “Don’t leave,” he murmured hopelessly.

Unable to listen to him anymore, you pulled away slightly from his hug and pulled him into a kiss. You touched your lips to his hesitantly at first but with increasingly more passion until you both had to pull away for need of air.

“I love you too. But I have to go. I’ll be back,” without further ado, you nodded at Dean, reached down to grab your suitcase and left, paying no heed to the tears rolling down your cheeks.

You turned to look at the bunker one last time.

“Goodbye, Sam Winchester. And may we meet again.”



One was tall, with long hair, but it was the other who caught your attention. Shorter than the other man but still tall, something about his posture and the way he carried himself drew you in. So when you stepped out into the meagre light the rays of the sun peeking in through the door offered, you addressed him.

“Who are you and what do you want here?” you asked him, and he frowned as his eyes adjusted to the semi-darkness of the room.

“I’m Agent Bickler and this is my partner Agent Sullivan. We’re with the FBI,” he said, making eye contact with you. Never tearing his gaze away from yours, he took a badge out of his pocket and let it drop to the ground. He kicked it towards you and you kneeled to pick it up, eyes and gun firmly fixed on the man who had told you was an FBI agent.

“I don’t think so. These badges aren’t real, and even if they were, what would an FBI agent be doing out here, in a warehouse in the middle of nowhere?” you asked, raising a challenging eyebrow at the light-brown-haired man.

He rolled his eyes and was about to reply when the other man talked, drawing your attention.

“You’re right. We’re not FBI agents. We’re here because some very dangerous people are in this warehouse and we want to make sure nobody innocent will get hurt. So could you please leave? It’d be much better for all of us if you didn’t get killed in the process,” he said, and for a second you contemplated pretending not to understand, pretending to be a civilian.

You decided against that though, as it would only offer confusion and maybe these two hunters -they were obviously hunters, you thought- would be so desperate as to use force to extract you from the warehouse that had been a vampire nest before you had dealt with it.

“Correct me if I’m wrong, but you two are hunters. That is quite obvious from you pretending to be FBI. And you must be here for the vampires,” you said, and saw realisation dawn in both their faces as they figured out the fact that you were a hunter too.

“Well... I’ve taken care of that problem; don’t worry. All the vampires are dead and buried,” you told them with a bright smile, finally lowering and holstering your gun.

“You’re a hunter?” asked the one you had been talking to in the beginning. His question was more of a statement, you realised as your gazes met again, though he obviously doubted your abilities.

“Yes, I am. I’ve been a hunter for the biggest part of my life, so there’s no need for you to check to see if the vampires are truly dead and gone. But if you want to waste precious minutes of your time, go ahead and be my guest,” you said.

“That won’t be necessary. We believe you,” said the taller one.

“I’m Sam and this is my brother Dean,” he introduced.

“Wait... Sam and Dean Winchester?” you asked with a frown. “I’m Y/n L/n. I’m, as I said, a hunter. My grandfather taught me everything I know about hunting, and he was the strictest of teachers. He never said the same thing more than once. The only thing he had ever repeated was this ‘Don’t trust the Winchesters.’ Why should I trust you?” you crossed your arms over your chest, glaring at the two men standing in front of you.

“Because we’re hunters. And hunters stick together. We’re each other’s best chance of staying alive,” Dean said, and you had to admit he had a point. Hunting on your own was an extremely lonely thing to do, and you craved some real interaction despite your better judgment.

“Let’s go then. I have a room at the motel just outside town,” you informed them, walking past them and into the glare of the sun outside the warehouse.

“Our room is there too,” Sam told you as they followed you.

“Great. See you there,” you said, climbing into your car and setting off towards the motel.

Little did you know then, that encounter with the Winchester brothers meant the end of your lonely hunting years and the beginning of a new phase in your life, which you loved more than anything else that had ever happened to you. Soon, you became very familiar with the brothers, but you had always felt more comfortable around Dean. You loved them both, but Sam was just a friend, while Dean... well it was different with Dean. It had always been different with Dean, but it took you some time to understand just how different things were.

“Where’s the pie, Y/n?” you heard Dean call out as soon as you entered the bunker’s kitchen.

“Right here, Dean. How could I ever forget the pie?” you asked, handing him his pie. He looked pointedly at Sam after what you said and accepted the pie.

“Thank you,” he said with a grin before grabbing a fork from a drawer and starting to eat.

“You’re welcome,” you said with a chuckle. “I don’t get why you like pie that much though,” you commented, and Dean sent a murderous glare your way. “Don’t listen to her, you’re precious to me,” he muttered to his pie while glaring at you.

Both you and Sam laughed and shared an exasperated look.

“At least Y/n never forgets the pie,” Dean said, again looking at his brother.  “And for that I thank her very much,” he said, turning to face you. Already, he was done with the pie, and he set the foil plate and the fork down on the table, walking up to you. He leaned down and in one swift, sudden, moment, had his lips pressed against yours; soft and warm as he pulled you into a roller coaster of a kiss that made your heart beat fast and heat to rise to your cheeks. Dean tasted of pie and in that moment you understood why he liked it so much.

You broke apart after Sam cleared his throat. Dean glared at him. “What?” he asked.

“Get a room,” Sam said.

“We have one, but you’re in it,” Dean said moodily and Sam, obviously not in the mood for a fight, sighed and walked out of the room.

“What was that for?” you asked once Sam was gone.

“It was for the pie. And I’ve wanted to do it for a long, long time.”

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9 years ago


Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader

Word Count: 940

Summary: Sam is possessed by a demon, and you try your best to help him.

Warnings: Some curse words.

A/N: I hope you like it!~


You glared at Sam -no, not Sam, the demon, you had to remind yourself- who had been tricked into walking into a demon trap. The tall hunter’s shirt was soaked through with blood where his anti-possession tattoo had been mutilated with a knife, and a smirk of superiority so unlike Sam’s usual warm smile was plastered on his face.  

“What do you have to say for yourself, sweetheart? Because it’s getting really boring here, don’t you think?” said the demon trough Sam’s voice. Wrapping your mind around the fact that Sam’s usually gentle and friendly voice could hold so much scorn had taken some time, but now, after spending about an hour with the demon inhabiting your friend’s body, you could listen to him talk without flinching and being overcome by a murderous urge.

“I want my best friend back, you bastard,” you growled, moving closer to the mark on the floor and pointing Ruby’s demon-killing knife, which the Winchesters had lent to you before the mission, at the demon.

The demon laughed. It was more of a manic, wicked, cackle than a laugh, and then it looked at you through Sam’s hazel eyes with disdain.

“Oh, you’d never lay a finger on your handsome friend’s body over here,” said the demon, dropping you a wink. “Plus, if you want me gone so much, you can go on and exorcise me. You know the words, sweetheart, don’t you?” the demon added, assuming a deep, husky, provocative tone of voice as he spoke.

Never losing eye contact with you, the demon made Sam’s hands run all over his broad chest, unbuttoning a few buttons of his red plaid shirt as it did so, putting Sam’s chest on display.

Trying to suppress the feeling of giddiness that came over you when you saw the hunter’s bare chest, you mustered all your hatred towards the demon in one heated glare, which made you narrow your eyes and grit your teeth as you tried not to stare at Sam’s chest.

“Oh, I can exorcise you. But I need information first. About Crowley’s whereabouts. Tell me. Where is he?” you asked, gathering all of your self-control and willpower to make your voice sound nonchalant as you spoke. Your gaze, while still full of hatred, held authority, and your posture -seemingly relaxed, but actually tense and ready to attack should the need arise- exuded superiority. To accentuate the fact that you weren’t bluffing -which you actually were, because you’d never touch a blade to Sam’s skin- you ran a casual finger along the serrated blade of the demon-killing knife, smirking.

The demon caught the bluff though, and gave another one of its expected hysterical cackles. “You’re not gonna hurt this body. I can see it in the way you’re trying too much not to stare at his chest; in the way you’re stalling for time and trying to trick me. But honey, I’m a demon. I can’t be lied to. The thing is, you’re so painfully in love with the man I’m possessing that it’s so obvious it hurts. So obvious to everybody but you two. So no, you’re not hurting Sammy over here, so I’m-” You were so angry you saw red. You raised your voice over the demon’s, cutting it off mid-sentence, and spewed out an exorcism, not caring that in doing so you were completely neglecting your actual goal.

With a howl of pain, the demon left Sam’s body and you hurried up to him as he collapsed to the ground, kneeling next to him and helping him sit up.

“Sam... are you okay?” you asked him, and he stifled a groan, but nodded.

“I’m fine...” he managed to say. “But... we were supposed to gather information about Crowley,” he said. On impulse, you gripped his face between your hands and looked him square in the eye. You could lose yourself in his hazel, ever-changing, eyes. Depending on the lighting, they could seem green, or blue, or brown, and you could spend hours thinking about them, but right now you had to focus.

“I don’t care about that, Sam. You are so much more important to me than any piece of information that demon could have given us,” you said.

He frowned and stayed silent for a bit. Neither of you moved an inch, and you could feel his breath hot against your face.

“Is what the demon said true?” he said, finally breaking the silence. “Do you... Are you in love with me?” he asked cautiously.

You were taken aback by his question. You had expected something along the lines of ‘let’s go find Dean’ or ‘it’s okay that you didn’t get information from the demon about Crowley, but we have to figure out what to do next’, so you were surprised. So surprised that you blurted out your response without thinking.

“Yes,” you said, and his eyes widened imperceptibly in surprise.

His face broke out into a grin that held so much happiness it made you smile as well. “That’s excellent. Because... because so do I,” he said, his voice trailing off in a whisper as he leaned in closer to you.

Your lips met hesitantly at first but then, as you both were drawn closer to each other like moths towards the light, it was magic. He was a great kisser, and he elicited small sounds from you as he nipped and sucked on your lower lip. Your lips tingled where they met his, and you had never felt better.

And, as you pulled away, you smiled, because you had not only gotten a friend back, but a lover too.

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8 years ago


Pairing: Sam Winchester x reader

Word Count: 701

Summary: Sam and the reader are doing research, and Dean plays matchmaker.

Warnings: N/A

A/N: Happy birthday to our one and only Sam Winchester, who turns 33 today <3


“It’s just another haunting,” you announced as you relaxed against the back of the couch. You were sitting cross-legged with your laptop on your lap, leaning heavily against Sam’s shoulder. Sam was sitting next to you and you had taken it upon yourself to make him into a gigantic human pillow. You yawned and turned to stifle it in the flannel material of Sam’s red plaid shirt, and then you reached out and rubbed your eyes.

“I’ve been sitting here for nearly five hours, I’m beat,” you said, resting your head on Sam’s shoulder.

“You did a great job though,” Sam said. The praise got to you and you felt a blush rise to your cheeks. You averted your gaze from the laptop screen, on which it was still fixed, and by pure luck it met Dean’s from across the room. Dean was sitting on a chair near the table, eating his pie and taking a break from the endless hours of research, but he was looking at you and Sam with a bright, teasing, spark in his eyes.

“Yeah, she did great, didn’t she, Sammy?” Dean asked his brother with a small smirk. You found the whole situation weird as Sam had been the first to congratulate you on a job well done.

Had you been looking up, you would have seen a blush colour Sam’s cheeks as he chanced a glance at you before glaring at his brother, a scowl on his features.

“Yes,” he grumbled, returning to his laptop and his own extra research.

It was half an hour later that you got up to stretch your sore limbs and grab a bite of something from the small kitchen of the motel room. Dean and Sam were both sitting in their chair and place on the sofa respectively, but the older Winchester immediately leaned forward and directed a smirk at his brother, who had shifted a little on the couch.

“Missing the cuddles already?” he asked teasingly, and this time you actually saw Sam blush and tell his brother to shut up. Suddenly feeling more eager to finish your toast and head back to Sam, you ate the rest of your dinner in almost one bit before heading back to Sam, curling up on the couch ever so slightly closer to him than you had been before.

Dean’s smirk could only widen at that. “I guess someone else is missing the cuddles too,” he said, the teasing glint still in his eyes as he chuckled softly.

The blush that coloured your cheeks was dark, and it only darkened when you leaned your head down to hide your face in Sam’s shirt.

“Over-eager, are we?” Dean’s voice sounded again, and the tease in it wasn’t helping at all.

“What’s your problem, Dean?” Sam finally managed to ask, trying and failing to fight down a blush.

“I don’t have a problem,” Dean quickly replied. “But you two obviously do. You’re so blind you just refuse to see what’s in front of you,” he said, motioning at both you and Sam. “You like each other. A lot. You’re welcome,” with that, he got up and stalked out of the motel room while you were just left staring incredulously at Sam.

Sam was the one courageous enough to speak up. “Is what Dean said true?” he asked cautiously, and you could only nod because yes, what Dean had said was one hundred percent correct.

“You?” you asked back in a small voice, scared of what the answer might be.

But you got no reply, at least none in spoken words. Instead, he leaned closer to you, cupping your cheek with his hand as he pulled you in for a slow, gentle kiss that left your lips tingling and your stomach tightening with excitement and nerves. You ran your hand through his hair and pushed him back so that he was on the back on the couch and you were kissing him with kisses that because increasingly rough.

Your breath was taken away as his hands ran up and down your sides and his lips continued to attack yours. It was magical. It was perfect. It was exactly what you’d always dreamed of.

Tags :
8 years ago
Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine
Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine
Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine
Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine
Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine

Mine - Sam Winchester Imagine

Dom!Sam x reader

Warning: SMUT SMUT SMUT!!!! Dom!Sam

Summary: You work a hunt with Sam and Dean Winchester. Teasing Sam has become your favorite pastime and this time he snaps.

The imagine to this

You walked into the bar. This hunt had been hard on you all, and you were planning on letting off a lot of excess frustration tonight. You were pretty sure the boys needed this too. Which is why Dean had run off to the bar. Sam had offered to wait but you had waved him off told him to go with Dean.

You caught sight of the boys sitting at a table. You walked over to the bar. ‘3 beers’ You told the bartender. He leaned over the bar smiling at you. His eyes trailed over your face and down your neck to your chest. The shirt tight low cut dress you were wearing gave him a perfect view as you leaned over the bar. ‘All those for you darling?’ He smirked his eyes returning to your face.

You smiled at him. ‘If they were?’ You sent him a smile. He chuckled and reached down pulling them out the three beers. ‘You planning on getting drunk tonight?’ You pulled the money out of your purse. ‘Laid’ You winked. ‘Keep the change’ You picked up the beers and turned. You made sure to add a sway to your hips.

Dean’s eyes found you first and they took you in slowly and deliberately. ‘Really? Got your eyes on some chick already Dean’ Sam groaned. ‘Not one he’s ever going to get his hands on though’ You said as you slid into the booth beside Sam. His head whipped around to rest on you. His hair flopped around and you couldn’t help but let a smile grace your lips. You watched as his eyes ran over your body.

His eyes took in the swell of your breast, particularly the flesh exposed at the top. Then continued down the length of your torso, taking in the curve of your back as you leaned forwards. His eyes finally landed on your laps. You seen his Adam's apple bob as he came to the end of the dress on your upper thigh. But they tool in the naked flesh of your thighs before they disappeared from view underneath the table. ‘Or he could have been eyeing these babies’ You put the beers on the table. His eyes snapped back up to your face and you swore you could see him flush. ‘Nah, it was definitely you Y/n’ Dean said with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes with a giggled leaning across the table and Dean’s eyes glanced down for a second. ‘Tough luck Winchester’ You laughed and grabbed your drink leaning back. You raised it to your lips wrapping them around the head of the bottle sending a wink at Dean as he chuckled.

You smiled up at the man who stood beside the seat. He was handsome, and tall. Actually, he looked a little like Sam now that you thought about it. You took a deep breath in and his eyes flashed to your top for a second before he met your eyes again. You smirked at him. Dean slipped into the seat across from you. ‘Hey Man’ He nodded to the man and he smiled down at Dean.

Then someone cleared his throat behind him. Sam appeared over his shoulder. ‘Sorry, man. You’re kind of blocking my way’ The guy apologized and moved for Sam. You were about to tell him off. Dean was smirking in the corner trying not to laugh. Sam slid into the seat beside you even though he could have easily slipped in beside Dean. You groaned as you moved in further into the booth.

Sam handed you a whiskey. He draped his arm over the back of the chair. He looked up at the guy who was hitting on you a few moments earlier. ‘Anything we can help you with?’ Sam looked up at him. You rolled your eyes. Well, that was a bust. The very tall handsome man excused himself and disappeared across the bar. You picked up the whiskey and downed it. ‘Thank Sam’ You almost spat. ‘Looks like I’ve struck out tonight’ You slumped forwards.

Dean chuckled and took the glass from your hands. ‘Well sweetheart, there’s always me’ You looked up and giggled. ‘Well, I’d have to be drunk to sleep with a Winchester, with the luck you’ve lot got’ Dean laughed. ‘Cos you’ve got such a good run yourself’ Dean leaned forwards pressing a kiss to your forehead. ‘But in that case, I’ll go get you another’ You chuckled as he stood leaving you and Sam in the booth.

Dean slid the glass across to you. ‘Give me two minutes’ With that he turned and almost ran the opposite way. You laughed as you seen him going towards two blondes. ‘Well, looks like Dean’s found a better option’ You smirked and looked back at your own drink. ‘You ain’t going after him?’ Sam asked readjusting himself in the seat to block Dean from your view. You raised an eyebrow. ‘With your hand that high up my thigh I’d rather stay here’ You breathed in his ear.

You ran your nails up his arm thankful he had chosen a short sleeved tight top today. You felt him him take a deep breath in and you pressed your chest against his and his hand tightened on your thigh his fingers pinching into the skin making you shudder. But you pulled away and straightened yourself taking a drink from the whiskey Dean had gotten you.

You giggled as you strolled back to the hotel room. Sam had left the bar in a mood. Dean laughed beside you. He was running to grab something from the room, a lovely young lady was waiting in the car. You had found yourself a lovely man but, unfortunately, it hadn’t worked out.

You waved to Dean as he disappeared into his room. You opened your own door. ‘I wasn’t expecting you to come back’ You jumped at the sound of Sam’s voice. ‘Jesus Sam, what the hell are you doing in here?’ He held up a lore book and you slipped out of your heels. You bent over in front of him and heard his breath hitch. ‘What are you doing in here?’ You laughed. ‘My room’ He gave you his classic bitch face and you shrugged. ‘Didn’t want to stay the night’ You turned your back to him

You swept your hair over your shoulder. ‘Unzip me will you?’ You asked him. You heard the thump of the book on the table and then his hands on your back. His large fingers took the small zip between his fingers and slowly dragged it down your back. His fingers grazed you skin every so often and you smiled. The zip stopped right above your ass and Sam ran his fingers over the top of your ass and then squeezed your hips.

You looked over your shoulder at him with a coy smile ‘Thanks Sam’ You breathed out his name and wiggled out of your dress. You let it drop to the floor pooling around your feet. You stepped over it strolling over to your bag. You heard a intake of breath from behind you. This wasn’t the first time you had done this to him. You picked up a large top of Sam’s and slipped it over your head.

Turning around your eyes fell on him. He was sitting on the small armchair in the corner of the room. Your eyes ran over him taking in how his large form dwarfed the chair you had been able to almost curl up in last night. ‘Sam?’ You asked tentatively, maybe you had pushed him too far. ‘Did you sleep with him?’ His voice was deeper than usual and you rubbed your thighs together.

You shook your head at him. ‘No, we fooled around a bit but I didn’t have sex with him’ You slowly made your way towards his tense frame. ‘Fooled around?’ He looked up at you. His face was hard. ‘What you mean by that?’ You bit your lip stopping in front of him. ‘You know what I mean Sam’ His shoulders tensed and rolled. ‘Details’ He breathed. ‘Sa-’ His eyes narrowed. ‘Details’ He snapped. You took a deep breath. ‘He ate me out in the bathroom’ Sam raised an eyebrow. ‘Yeah, I sucked him off’ You answered his silent question.His hand tightened on the arm of the chair. ‘Is that enough detail for you?’ You asked crossing your arms. ‘Or would you like to tell you more?’ You smirked. Sam’s eyes narrowed at you.

He let out a long breath closing his eyes. ‘Sam?’ You breathed dropping your hands to your side. You watched as his nose scrunched along the bridge. You reached out and laid your hand on the side of his head. You seen his face take on a slightly tormented look. His teeth bared scrunching his nose more. ‘Sa-’ He reached out and his hands landed on the backs of your thighs just below your ass. You yelped as he yanked you forwards. Your hands landed on his shoulders as your knees hit the chair. ‘Take it off’ He growled. Your mouth dropped open as he sat straighter. ‘Wha-’ But again you didn’t get to finish as he squeezed your thighs in his hands. 

You shivered. His hands covered the whole back of your thighs. ‘Take off the top’ Sam snapped. You gulped. You had never had this side of Sam directed at you before. You swallowed the lump in your throat. ‘Don’t make me repeat myself again’ You dropped your hands from his shoulders and reached down. Your fingers wrapped around the bottom of the shirt and pulled it off of your body. You dropped it to the side. Your hands reached forwards and ran them over his shoulders.

Sam shifted closer to the edge of the seat. And closer to you. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to one hip. You sucked in some air when his lips came into contact with your bare skin above the skant underwear you had chosen to wear that night. He twisted a little pressing his lips to your other hip. They were just as soft as you had imagined them to be. Soft and inviting.

You jerked a little when you felt his teeth nip at the sensitive skin. His tongue darted out licking over the spot he had just bitten. ‘Sam’ You breathed and he leaned back looking up at you. You drew your bottom lip between your teeth. You tensed as his calloused palms ran over your ass. His fingers dug into the soft flesh before he continued. You leaned closer his chest pressed against your stomach.

His fingers moved lightly over your back and finally reach the lace bra you were wearing. ‘I’d tell you that I’d stop if you wanted but with the way you’ve teased me for all these years I don’t think you’d want me to’ He unclasped your bra and you let it fall down your arms. Sam’s eyes fell from your face and to your newly exposed flesh. ‘You’re right’ You breathed not wanting to talk too loud. ‘I wouldn’t’ Sam looked back up at you. 

He nodded. ‘Good, because I’m sick of the teasing’ He laid him hand on your hips and yanked you forwards. His hand grabbed your thigh pulling it up around his hip. You steadied yourself and bent your other knee straddling him. His hands sprawled across your back and he pushed you up. Your hands tangled in his hair as he buried his face in your chest. His lips latched onto your left nipple. You groaned and your head dropped forwards as his tongue teased the sensitive bud.

Your fingers tightened in his hair and you pulled him closer. His hand swatted your ass and you jerked forwards with a sharp intake of breath. His other reached up and tweaked your right nipple. ‘Sam’ You whined as you ground against the air trying to get some friction. You tried to dip down to press your core to the bulge in his jeans but he ended up slapping your ass again, harder this time, and then holding you up. You tugged on his hair. ‘Sam, please’ His hand massaged your ass before moving to your hip.

He pulled you down rocking his hips up to meet yours. You moaned closing your eyes. His lips attached to the base of your neck. He began to suck and nip at the soft skin. You groaned as he marked you. He left three more before he took your earlobe between his teeth. ‘Now everyone knows you’re mine’ He growled his fingers tracing the red marks on you. You smirked. ‘That’s not what Mark was saying’ You rolled your hips and moaned. 

You weren’t sure if it was the friction or your words that made him growl. But you were definitely sure it was your words that caused him to slip his fingers into the waistband of your underwear and allowed them to snap back against your skin. You yelped but leaned forwards. ‘Not when I had my legs wrapped around his head.’ You felt Sam tighten his grip on you.

Then he stood bringing you with him. You wrapped your legs around his hips. He glared down at you. You leaned forwards pressing your lips to his neck. He stopped. His hand found your hips and he ripped you from his body. He tossed you away from him. For a second you felt nothing. Then your back hit the sheets of the motel bed. Sam reached behind him and grabbed a handful of his shirt. He yanked it over his head and dropped it at the bottom of the bed. He stood to his full height.

Sam was a tall man, but he always slouched, always. Now that he stood at the bottom of the bed, he used it to his full advantage. His shoulders drawn back making him look broader than you remembered. His chest puffed out. He looked like an Alpha squaring off against an opponent. You shrunk back into the bed a little. ‘Really?’ He growled. ‘You want to play that game?’ His hand went to his belt and he pulled it from his jeans.

You let out a shaky breath as you let your eyes take in his upper body. His muscles were hard and you knew that the skin that covered them was smooth, a complete contrast. The black anti-possession tattoo was prominent on his collarbone. The muscles in his arms rolled under the skin as he reached forwards unbuttoning his jeans. There was a trail of soft dark hair from his belly button into his jeans. Your eyes ran along the waistband of his jeans. Damn, those hips. You couldn’t wait to wrap your legs around them as he slid into you.

You rubbed your thighs together at the thought. You groaned as his black boxers peaked out as he undid the zipper, He bent sliding his jeans down his legs and kicked them off. Your mouth watered as you eyed the large bulge. Jesus, it was massive. He definitely looked proportionate. You eyes glanced lover for a second. His legs were tanned and muscled. They tense as he left his leg up kneeling on the bed crawling towards you.

Sam growled and your eyes snapped back up to him. You squeezed your legs together and began to move up the bed. There was something primal in his eyes, he looked at you as if you were something that needed to be claimed. He reached out suddenly and his hand wrapped around your ankle. His bicep bulged as he pulled you back down the bed towards him. His other hand found your knee and he pushed your legs apart.

You gasped as you came to a stop your legs on either side of his knees. ‘You close these anymore tonight and I’ll make you regret it’ He dropped forwards. The bed dipped as his elbow landed beside your head. His face stopped inches from yours. You gulped and you were suddenly second guessing teasing sweet little Sammy. This wasn’t sweet little Sammy.

But you didn’t seem to mind. The damp spot in your underwear proved that. Every nerve in your body standing to attention proved that. The needy gasp that left your lips when he pressed his naked skin to yours proved that. The buzz and shivers that ran over your body radiating from the places he touched you proved that. ‘Got me?’ He asked and sucked on your neck. ‘G-got it’ You stuttered and you felt him smile.

He pulled back. His hand ran across your cheek and into your hair. His other hand dragged up your calf and wrapped around your thigh pulling your leg up to his hip. You wrapped one arm around his back and the other over his shoulders pulling him down to you.

The kiss was better than you had imagined. His lips were soft but he kissed you with a fierceness that you wouldn’t have thought he could. You had always taken Sam as the quiet one. You moaned as he pushed his tongue past your lips. You guessed he wasn’t the way he was pulling your hair proved that. Sam pulled away with a growl. ‘You taste like him’ He breathed when you opened your eyes. You bit your lip.

You let out a shaky breath. ‘Sorry’ Sam scoffed. ‘No you’re not’ He dropped his lips to yours in another bruising kiss. You rolled your hips up against his and you heard him groan. Sam’s lips came away from yours and you whined at the loss of contact. His hand squeezed your thigh and he pressed his lips to your jaw. You threw your head back giving him a better view of your neck. Your hips jerked as he bit down on your neck.

Sam ground his hips to yours. His clothed crotch grinding against yours. His hard cock brushing against your clit. ‘Sam’ You cried out your fingers tugging on his hair You raised your hips trying to get more friction. His hand came down on your hips slamming you back into the bed. You whined. ‘Sam, please’ You panted as he made his way down your body.

He took one of your nipples into his mouth. You arched up into his mouth and his other hand paid your other breast some attention. He rolled your nipple between his fingers. You moaned and gripped his hair tighter. ‘Sam’ You tried to grind into him but he moved his hips up. You could still feel the heat from his skin but you couldn’t touch him. It was torture, he was s close but you couldn’t touch him. Your nails dug into the soft skin of his back.

He let your nipple from his mouth with a pop. You groaned. ‘Me or him Y/n?’ You moaned at the sound of your name coming from his lips. ‘You, Sam’ You cried arching up into his large palms. His five o’clock shadow scraped against the skin of your boob. ‘Then why didn’t you come back here with me?’ His fingers traced the top of your panties. ‘Y-you never asked’ You breathed out letting your eyes close.

Sam began to press kisses down your body. ‘Thought I made it clear you were mine, especially when that douche was trying to hit on you’ He pressed a kiss to your skin just above your lace underwear. ‘Sam, please, please’ Sam chuckled and his fingers pushed your underwear to the side. He ran his index finger along your slit collecting the wetness there.

Sam hooked his fingers around the elastic and dragged them down your legs. You gasped as the cool air of the room.Sam turned his head and pressed his lips to your calf. He ran his hands up your legs his lips following. 

When he got to the top of your inner thigh he nipped at the soft skin there. You tightened you hold on his head his long hair tickling your thighs.’Sam’ You whined. ‘Please’ His hand wrapped around your legs opening them and you tensed waiting for him to finally give in.

You groaned as he pulled your other leg up. His lips landed on your ankle. ‘Sam, please’ You squirmed but his hand landed on your stomach holding you to the bed. He gave your left leg the same treatment as the first.

This time when he got to your thigh you thought you were finally going to get him where you needed him. But Sam had other ideas. He buried his face deeper and sucked a mark onto the inside of your thigh. ‘Jesus Sam’ You tugged on his hair trying to direct him to you. You were dripping. You finally had Sam Winchester above you and he wouldn’t touch you.

Well everywhere but where you needed him most. ‘Sam’ You moaned. He pulled away and began to nip at your hip bones. ‘I would say that’s so people will know you’re mine’ He growled and you looked down at him. He was looking up at you, his pupils blown wide with lust. ‘But only I’ll get to see you like this’ He said it with such conviction you were nodding your agreement.

You threw back your head and bucked your hips up. His tongue barely touched you. ‘Sam, please, please’ You mewled. He threw your legs over his shoulders and his tongue teasing your wet entrance. ‘This for me baby? Or is it that guy you met at the bar?’ His gravely voice made you shudder. ‘No, a-all you. All you Sam’ He hummed and his finger flicked over you bundle of nerves. ‘I promise Sam’ You cried desperately bucking your hips towards him. ‘I promise, it’s all you’ You panted

You cried out in relief as one of Sam’s long thick digits pushed into you. You clutched at his hair pushing him into you. He took your clit between his lips his tongue flicking over it. His hand on your stomach pushed you back down onto the bed. You whined as he started to move his finger in and out of you curling it each time.

You squirmed under his slow touch. ‘More, please’ You begged. He added a second finger but took his mouth away from you. ‘Is that what you said to him, were you begging him?’ His fingers curled finding the spot inside you that made you cry out in pleasure. ‘Did you beg him? When he had his fingers inside you?’ He growled and added another finger. ‘No, no’ You shook your head and Sam curled his fingers.

You moaned and felt your stomach. Sam must have felt you clench around him because he pulled his fingers from you. Your head snapped up and you glared down at him. ‘I’m sorry, did I interrupt?’ He smirked at you and dipped his head down. His tongue teased your entrance before he pushed it past your folds.

Within seconds he had you crying his name and writhing on the bed. ‘Sam-Sam-I-I’m go-’ And again he pulled away. His tongue flicked over your clit just as you were about to snap at him and you were interrupted by a moan. Sam pried your legs from around his head and started to move up your body.

He stopped to nip and suck at your skin every few seconds. When he finally met your throat he stopped. His fingers brushed over your chest as he sucked another mark onto your neck. ‘You’re mine, mine’ He growled pulling away and looking up at you. His large hands covered your chest and he knead the soft flesh. ‘Mine’ He told you possessively. You nodded. ‘Please Sam, I need you’ Then he trailed his hand over your stomach down your body. His finger circled your clit and allowed them to push inside of you again. You gasped letting your head fall back. ‘All for me’ He nuzzled into your neck. ‘Only I get to touch you like this’ He nipped at your skin.

You nodded. ‘Only you Sam, all you’ You hooked your fingers around the waistband of his boxers pushing them down. ‘Sam’ You whined. Sam sat up, kneeling between your legs. He pushed them down to his knees.

Your eyes fell on his cock. It stood up against his stomach. You gulped, Sam was huge. ‘Something worrying you?’ He leaned back down covering your body with his. You moaned again as his fingers slipped inside of you. ‘Sam-Sam, please’ You reached between your bodies taking him in your hand. He groaned and jerked his hips up to meet you. You ran your thumb over the head collecting the pre-cum that was leaking from it.

Sam leaned down capturing your lips with his again. He pulled his fingers from inside of you and wrapped it around your wrist pulling your hand from him. You could feel your wetness on his fingers coating your own wrist as he brought it up to rest by your head.

His hips rolled and he ran himself over your entrance coating himself with you. His other hand went down and guided him to your entrance. He pushed his head in. You pulled away from his lips crying out. ‘Oh God’ You moaned. ‘Sam please, Sam, please’ You wrapped your legs around his hips pulling him down to you. ‘Jesus Sam, you’re so big’ You groaned into his neck. He pushed in further and you tensed, pain slightly overtaking the pleasure for a second. ‘You’re alright Baby’ Sam’s voice had taken on a soft tone. His hand gripped your hip and his other came up to your face. He leaned down to kiss you again. You moaned and arch up towards him.

Sam snapped his hips and pushed himself all the way into you. Your nails dug into his back as he stilled. Oh God, he was so big. You could feel him stretching you more than anyone ever had before. Sam groaned against your lips and pulled away as he buried his face in your shoulder. You wrapped your arm around his head grabbing  fist of his hair. ‘You’re so tight, have you ever been fucked?’ He groaned. You rolled your hips against his and his hand tightened on your hips.

You knew you’d have bruises tomorrow but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. ‘Not by anyone this big’ You panted and you felt him smile. Sam pulled away and slid out until it was only the tip inside you. ‘Good, because I’m gonna ruin you for anyone else’ He pushed forwards again and you tightened your hold on him. ‘You’ll never want anyone else again’ He gave another thrust. ‘No man will ever be able to fuck you like me’ He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.

You moaned as Sam began to thrust, hard and fast. His lips swallowing the moans and cries from your as he continued to kiss you. His arm wrapped around your back and he pulled you up. He sat back with you on his lap. You pulled away from his lips a the new angle allowed him to bury himself deeper inside of you. ‘S-sam’ You clung to him not wanting to let go. His arms wrapped around you and he pulled you up before pushing you back onto him making you take every inch of him. 

He grunted in your ear panting heavily. ‘You’re so tight Y/n’ He groaned as you helped him move you, rolling your hips with every thrust. ‘I should have done this years ago’ You attached your lips to his neck marking him like he did you. ‘All those years I missed out being inside you’ He grabbed a handful of your hair pulling you away from his neck as he connected your lips again.

You whined as he pulled out of you and tossed you onto your back. Sam smirked down at you reaching out to grab your hips. He turned you over onto your stomach before pulling your ass up into the air. His hands knead your cheeks and then you felt his lips on your back. You pushed yourself up from your elbows. Sam nuzzled into your neck.

You felt him poking at your entrance. ‘Say it, say you’re mine’ He reached up gathering your hair up into a ponytail. His chest pressed into your back. You pushed back towards him. ‘I’m yours, every bit of me is yours’ Sam’s hand ran down your arm as he kissed along your shoulder. His fingers wrapped around your wrist and pulled. You other arm buckled under your weight and you fell forwards your face pressing into the pillow.

Sam leaned back humming in approval. ‘Good’ You felt his tip nudge at your entrance. ‘Sa-’ You cried out as he filled you completely. Sam jerked his hips quickly as he kissed along the back of your neck. You tried to push your hips back to his but his body on yours didn’t allow you to move.

Sam soon had you panting and crying out below him. Your finger clutching at the sheets underneath you. ‘You’re so beautiful like this’ Sam breathed in your ear as he pounded into you again and again. ‘Bent over, taking me’ You moaned at his words. Sam wrapped his arm around your hips his fingers seeking out your clit. You whimpered and bucked against his hand. ‘That’s it, good girl’ He took your earlobe between his teeth nibbling on it. ‘Sam’ You cried out as he gave a harder thrust. ‘Let them know who’s fucking you’ He growled.

You reached around grabbing his hair pulling him forwards. Turning your head you crushed your lips to his moaning against him. You felt your body shudder and you knew you were close. You clenched around Sam and he pulled away from you.

You gasped at the empty feeling and Sam disappeared from behind you. ‘Sam’ You whined. ‘Turn over’ Sam’s gravelly voice cause goosebumps to erupt on your skin. You did as he said and opened your legs to him. ‘I’ve dreamed of having you like this for years’ Sam leaned down over you pressing his lips to yours again.

Again he pushes into you. You gasped as he began to fuck you. Fast and hard. He takes your hands in one of his pinning them above your head. ‘I want to see what you look like when I make you cum’  You whimper as his tip grazes over you g-spot. ‘That’s it baby’ You wrap your legs around his hips digging your heels into his perky ass. His finger finds your clit again as he hits your g-spot with every harsh thrust of his hips. 

You thrust your hips up meeting his. ‘Sam-Sa-I’m gonna-’ Sam pressed his lips to yours in a chaste kiss. ‘Show me how I make you feel Baby, scream for me’ Sam’s fingers tangled in your hair making you look at him. ‘I want them to know who fucked you, who ruined you’ His words made the coil in your stomach explode.

You threw back your head. ‘Sam’ You screamed his name as your body tensed. You dragged your nails down his back, definitely making marks that would be there tomorrow. Sam grunted and his hips stuttered and he pushed himself deep inside of you. He came inside of you as you clamped down around him. Both your moans and names filling the room.

Sam’s head fell onto your shoulder his breath coming in short pants. Your hand came up to smooth his hair. Sam wrapped his arms around you pressing you against him ‘You okay?’ He asked and you nodded. ‘Yeah, that was-damn’ You smiled and pressed a kiss to the side of his head. ‘Sorry I got all possessive’ He looked up at you. ‘The thought of you and-’ He stopped taking a deep breath. ‘It got to me this time more than usual. I’m sorry’ You smiled down at him.

He gave you a soft smile that made your heart melt. ‘You want to know why I’m back here?’ Sam nodded. ‘I called him Sam, when he was-yeah’ You shrugged. ‘I called him Sam’ A wide smile graced Sam’s face. ‘You thought of me?’ You would have blushed if it wasn’t for your previous activities. ‘You did’ He let out a small triumphant laugh.

You closed your eyes turning your head away from him. ‘Awh Y/n’ He reached up turning your head back to him. ‘I’m honoured you think of me’ Before you could open your eyes Sam leaned in kissing you. You sighed and pulled him closer. ‘But next time all you have to do is ask me’ Sam leaned up pressing a kiss to your forehead. 

You whimpered when he pulled out of you and untangled himself from your limbs. Sam smiled at you reaching down to straighten out the bed a little. He leaned back and opened his arms. You smiled and wiggled over to him. He wrapped his arms around you pulling you into his side. ‘There’s going to be a next time?’ You asked a little too happily and you almost cringed.

Sam tangled his long legs with yours as you laid your head on his chest. ‘If you want there to be’ Sam breathed his fingers running up and down your arm. ‘Sam, I’ve been wanting this for years, of course I want it’ You looked up at him. He smiled down at you. ‘Good, because you’re mine now’ He chuckled.

You giggled. ‘I should have just kissed you years ago’ Sam sighed leaning back on the pillow. ‘When I met you, the first time Bobby introduced us I should have just kissed you’ You watched the soft smile on his face as he spoke. ‘Even them I thought you were beautiful. I never wanted to let you go on a hunt’ He sighed. ‘Then when you got hurt from that werewolf. I panicked’ You giggled and Sam looked down at you.

He raised his eyebrows. ‘I remember that hunt, it was just a scratch’ Sam’s hand grazed over your leg. ‘You still have the scar’ You shrugged. ‘It’s part of the job’ You closed your eyes and you heard him sigh. ‘I’m so glad you came back’ You nuzzled into his neck. ‘I’ve had a thing for you for years, I just didn’t act on it’ You sighed.

With a smile you pressed a kiss to his neck. ‘I’m sorry I didn’t either’ Sam tightened his arms around you. ‘Is it a bad time to tell you that I love you?’ Sam breathed as he stroked your hair. ‘No’ You giggled. ‘Is it a bad time to tell you I love you?’ You looked up at him. ‘No’ Sam shook his head.

He leaned down and pressed his lips to yours quickly. ‘You’re beautiful, you know that?’ You giggled and buried your face in his chest. ‘You are’ He kissed your forehead. ‘And strong, an amazing hunter. And that dress’ He sighed. ‘My god you looked stunning, I couldn’t keep my hands off you’ You felt your face heat up. ‘You’re perfect’ He breathed.

You looked up at him. ‘You’re one to talk’ He shrugged and you rolled your eyes. ‘I love you’ He breathed and you felt your chest tighten. ‘I love you too Sam’ He smiled. ‘I can’t believe I got so lucky, I honestly thought you would have kicked me out’ He confessed lying back closing his eyes. You let out a soft yawn. ‘I’d never kick you out’ You sighed closing your eyes. ‘Tired?’ He asked.

You nodded and Sam turned a little pulling you closer to him. ‘Go to sleep BAby, I’ll be here when you wake up. I’ll be here every morning’ He kissed your forehead as you cuddled closer to him. ‘Go to sleep beautiful’ You hummed. ‘Night Sam’ You pressed a light kiss to his warm skin before sleep took you.

Oh My God it has taken me SOOO long to write this. It actually took me days to finish this. Why am I so unmotivated this week !!!!!


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8 years ago
Not So Little - Sam Winchester Imagine
Not So Little - Sam Winchester Imagine
Not So Little - Sam Winchester Imagine

Not so little - Sam Winchester Imagine

Sam x reader

Summary: You meet the boys after a few years apart and are surprised how much they’ve grown


Aged 14

You took in a shaky breath and raised your hand to the screen door. You closed your eyes and your knuckles came down causing the knock to echo through the house. You had no idea if anyone was home.

You heard a grumble from inside and the door was pulled open. You gulped as you looked at the man standing in it. He looked you up and down a frown on his face. He wore a worn jeans and an open blue shirt with a grey top underneath. He had a old trucker cap on his head. He had a trimmed brown beard.

He grunted. ‘Yeah?’ You shrugged your bag further up onto your shoulder. ‘Are you Bobby Singer?’ You asked in a small voice. He narrowed his eyes his hand going behind his back. ‘That’s me’ You sighed at least you had found the right house. ‘The Wendigo case, in Ohio, you knew my Mother’ You told him and he turned his head to the side raising his eyebrows. ‘Laura?’ Maybe this wasn’t the right Bobby Singer, god, this was the third Bobby you had spoken to. ‘Yeah, I knew Laura’ He nodded.

You smiled softly. ‘Is she here?’ He looked behind you and you hung your head looking at your feet. ‘No’ You whispered. ‘She died 11 months ago, a car accident. I’ve-eh-I’ve been looking for you for a few months’ You looked back up at him through your lashes. His face was a lot softer. ‘Can I ask you why you’re here?’ He asked his hand no longer behind his back. ‘I went to stay with some family and, well, we don’t get along’ You shrugged. ‘You remember what happened?’ Bobby cleared his throat.

He shifted uncomfortably and you sigh. ‘Well, yeah, me’ Bobby’s eyes widened. ‘You- you mea-you’re- you’ You nodded and rubbed the back of your neck. ‘Yeah, I’m your daughter’ You nodded and he stared at you unmoving. ‘I think you should come in’ He reached forwards and opened the screen. You smiled at him reaching across to grab your suitcase you had hidden from view.

Age 15

You placed the plate of dinner in front of Bobby. ‘So Sam and Dean is John’s kids?’ You had met John once. You slid into your own seat across from him and put your plate down in front of you.  They ain’t nothing like him kid’ Bobby said through a mouth of potato. ‘Dean’s two years older than ye and Sam’s two younger. You’ll like em’ You hummed and nodded grabbing his beer and taking a swig. He glared at you slightly but ignored it going back to the dinner in front of him.

You sat at the table cleaning a gun for your father when two boys walked in. They froze and you smiled at them. ‘Hi, I’m Y/n’ You waved at them. Your eyes surveyed the two of them. The taller one had a short hair on the sides and long hair on top. He wore a leather jacket that looked almost too big for him. The shorter one had floppy hair down to his eyebrows and wore a jeans and a brown hoodie. ‘Dean’ The tall one nodded to you. ‘This is my little brother Sammy’ You put down the gun and stood walking over to them. ‘I’m Bobby’s daughter’ You held out your hand to Dean.

Aged 19

You jumped out of the car and onto the sidewalk. ‘Sammy’ You called as the two made their way to the beat up car Bobby had loaned Sam. The boy turned. He was now the same height as you. He smiled. ‘Y/n’ You ran towards him and past the people gathered around the house. You threw your arms around his shoulders. ‘I thought you were in New York’ Sam laughed as he hugged you back. You beamed pulling away.

You surveyed him. ‘Sam Winchester, you ca pull off a suit’ Sam smiled and you seen a faint blush on his cheeks. ‘Minus this’ You reached out and began fixing his tie and then put it back into his jacket. ‘And, I wouldn’t miss this for the world’ You stepped back nodding at him. ‘Dean rang told me what day it was and I finished up and came down here’  You took the keys out of his hand. ‘You came to see me off’ And you pushed your keys into his hand. They were for the new car you had gotten. ‘Do it in style’ He smiled up at you toying with the keys. ‘Dean went to your prom with you, I had no choice’ You rolled your eyes. ‘Whatever, introduce me’ You nudged him nodding towards his pretty prom date.

Present Day

You sat in the kitchen cleaning a gun. ‘Hey pops’ You called as you heard the door open. ‘I made you some pie’ Then you heard footsteps running towards the kitchen. Dean came running into the kitchen. ‘Pie?’ You laughed pointing to the counter. He still wore his leather jacket, one you hadn’t seen in years. ‘Hi to you too Dean’ You chuckled as he dashed by you. ‘Hey’ You heard a deep voice you hardly recognised. ‘Sam?’ You looked back at the doorway.

An older Sam was standing in the doorway. He still had that floppy hair he always had. But man was he tall. He would easily tower over you now. He must be well over six foot. ‘Good Lord Sam winchester’ You gasped and you seen him blush which caused you to smile. ‘Our little Sammy’s not so little anymore huh?’ You stood and pulled him down wrapping your arms around his shoulders. You felt Sam smile against your neck and he hugged you back straightening lifting your feet from the ground.

You giggled and clung to the younger Winchester. He chuckled. ‘Alright put my Daughter down you idjit’ Bobby laughed as he clapped Sam on the shoulder. Sam laughed and planted you back on your feet. ‘Damn Sam’ You breathed pulling away. ‘You’ve gotten big, last time I seen you you were my height, what they been feeding you?’ Sam smiled and shrugged.

You grabbed his hand leading him to the table and pushed him down into the chair. ‘Better’ You looked down at him and Sam chuckled. ‘Beers?’ You asked them and moved to the over. ‘I swear, I’m marrying you one day Y/n’ Dean mumbled with a mouth full of pie. ‘Don’t speak with your mouth full’ You shipped the towel out slapping him.

He grunted and you took the dish out of the oven. ‘You said you’d be back ages ago, and you’re lucky I heard Dean mouthing off in the background’ Dean grumbled but put his plate away. ‘Damn, I’ve loved your cooking’ Dean almost moaned. Bobby smiled and sat at the table too. ‘Watch it’ You slapped his hand away as he reached for it. ‘It’s hot’ You took the lid off and all three men groaned at the smell. You eyed Sam as he licked his lips.

You shook your head, this was Sam Winchester you were checking out, little Sammy. The kid that barely talked to you for the first week you knew him. The little kid that you would help with homework. Only he wasn’t so little now. He was a grown ass man and had grown into a good one at that.

You planted three beers on the table and plates in front of them. ‘Dig in’ You giggled. They all lurched forwards grabbing plates and spoons. They probably needed a home cooked meal, living on Diner food. And those boys, as far as you knew that’s all they lived on, at least your Father could come home to a hot meal every now and then. 

You leaned forwards pressing a kiss to your Dean’s cheek. He smiled up at you. You pulled off your Dad’s hat and hung it on the back of the chair pressing a kiss to his forehead. He grunted thanking you for the meal. You moved on and wrapped your arms around Sam’s neck. You pressed a kiss to his cheek. ‘It’s good to see you again Sam’ Sam reached up and patted your arm. ‘It’s good to see you too’ He turned his head and froze.

His eyes met yours and you gulped. He let out a breath and you felt the hot air fan over your face. He was so close, his face only a few inches from yours. All you had to do was lean forwards, lean forwards and you could press your lips to his.

Woah, what? You shouldn’t be thinking that about Sam, this was Sam. The kid you knew years ago. Sam pressed his lips against your cheek and you gulped pulling away. ‘Eat up kiddo’ You ruffled his hair and turned away. ‘Woah’ You felt him grab your wrist and tug you back. ‘Are you not having dinner?’ You shook your head. ‘I had some before you all got here’ You told him and he nodded.

You screamed and your hand flew to your chest. ‘Good Lord Sam Winchester’ You snarled and he rushed over to you. ‘Sorry, sorry, I just wanted a water. I didn’t mean to frighten you’ He ran his hands up and down your arms trying to sooth you. ‘Sorry, sorry. I wasn’t expecting a bloody giant in my kitchen’ He chuckled as you for your heart rate back to normal. ‘Sorry, I’m a little jumpy’ Sam nodded stepping back from you.

That wa the first time you ot to really take him in. He was wearing nothing but a loose grey bottoms. He was barefoot and bare chester. And Damn was it a good chest. Sam Winchester had matured. He had broad shoulders and arms that you definitely couldn’t wrap your hand around, you probably couldn’t wrap it around half of it. And those abs, you could fry an egg on them they were that hot.

You shook your head groaning and stepped around him. These thoughts about Sam were wrong, just plain wrong. ‘You okay?’ He whispered. ‘When did you get so-’ You turned gesturing to his entire body. ‘You know, not so little Sammy’ He chuckled and looked you up and down. ‘The 7 years we haven’t seen each other’ You opened your mouth to say something else but closed it nodding. ‘Can’t fault your logic there Sam’ You shrugged and walked to the fridge taking out a yogurt. ‘Again are you okay?’ He asked as you nodded absentmindedly.

You tensed when you felt his hand on your shoulder. It was so large, how had you never noticed that before. Oh yeah, he was seventeen when you last seen him. He was on his way to Prom. ‘Yeah, just had a nasty hunt’ Sam turned you to look at him. His eyebrows were furrowed in concern his mouth tight. ‘Nasty?’ You nodded with a sigh. ‘Alright, talk’ He guided you over to the chair in the other room.

He pulled you down onto the seat beside him. ‘It was a demon, we got into a fight, he won. I ended up worse for wear after a couple of weeks tied up somewhere’ Sam reached out and took your hand his knuckles brushing over your knuckles. ‘I’m fine now, just wasn’t expecting you in here. And I was half asleep and-’ You shrugged letting out a long breath. ‘I get it, I do’ He nodded and he let go of your hand.

Sam wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you into him. You sighed and leaned into him. ‘Yeah, of course you do’ You chuckled and nudged him. ‘You’re the Winchesters’ Sam scoffed. ‘Here I am twittering on about a case and you two have enough on your plates’ Sam sat back leaning on the back of the chair. ‘It’s nice to hear about someone else’s problems’ You pulled your knees up to your chest. ‘Nah, talk to me Winchester. Tell me everything that’s happened in the last seven years’ You looked up at him.

Your eyes ran along his jaw but were drawn away when he smiled. He still had those adorable little dimples. ‘Shouldn’t you be getting back to bed?’ He asked and you shook your head. ‘Can’t sleep’ Then you pulled away. ‘Do you want to go back to bed?’ Sam shook his head. ‘Slept in the car, not tired’ You nodded leaning back into him. Sam readjusted himself so he could lean his head on your. ‘Now, c’mon little Sammy, tell me. What happened since I last seen you’ Sam smiled watching you as you cuddled into his side.

Dean smirked as he found the two of you the next morning. Both you and Sam sprawled across the sofa. Sam had his arm thrown over your waist and your head buried in his chest. This was not how he had planned the visit to Bobby’s to go. Sure he was going to tease Sam about his little crush on you but maybe he’d have to ship Sam out if Bobby seen you two like this. He didn’t fancy your father trying to kill his little brother for making a move on you.

He chuckled remembering what happened to the last guy that tried anything. ‘Whatcha laughing at boy?’ He heard a grunt behind him and turned quickly. ‘Hey Bobby’ Bobby squinted at him and then his eyes narrowed. ‘Is that your idiot brother half naked on the couch with my girl?’ Dean nodded taking up a defensive stance. ‘About time she got a good night’s sleep, you out’ Bobby grabbed Dean by the jacket pulling him away from the room.

You groaned and pulled away from the heat source in front of you. But it pulled you back towards it. Sam, it was Sam. You let out a sigh and snuggled back into him. ‘Morning’ You sighed when you heard his voice. It was lower and a lot rougher than usual. ‘You want breakfast?’ You asked trying to pull away but he shook his head. ‘Nah, Dean’s offered to make breakfast remember? You don’t need to’ He tightened his arms shifting you up further. He buried his face in your hair. ‘When did you get so affectionate Sammy?’ Sam just grunted.

You remembered little Sam would only hug you every odd time you seen him. He would always get stuttery when he spoke to you and looked like a deer caught in headlights when you spent time with him. He had gotten more used to you as he had gotten older especially when you began helping him with schoolwork. You had always encouraged him to get out of the life. Normal life suited Sam, it made him happy. Hunting life, you couldn’t exactly be happy.

He tightened his arms around you. ‘Well, I’m not a little kid anymore’ You nodded. ‘I’ve noticed’ You muttered. You felt Sam tense. ‘Oh really?’ He sounded a little surprised. Your eyes widened, damn him. ‘Hard not to notice you’re a giant’ You wiggled from his arms and he sighed. ‘Yeah’ You stood and pulled down your shorts a little seeing as they had ridden up during the night. You turned and smiled down at Sam.

It took him a second before his eyes left your body to meet your eyes. He blushed and sat up pushing his hair back into place. You giggled and reached out smoothing it down. He reached out putting his hand tentatively on your waist. ‘I should go change’ You looked down at his chest. ‘And you should put a shirt on. I doubt my Dad would like you walking around half naked’ You leaned forwards pressing a kiss to his forehead.

You came back down to the smell of bacon. ‘Morning’ You smiled at them. You prepared yourself for the onslaught of questions about your night from your father. He turned to you and you steeled yourself. He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cheek before turning back to his breakfast. You furrowed your eyebrows and moved to Dean. ‘What’s got Dad in such a good mood?’ You muttered.

Dean looked down at you placing some bacon on your plate. ‘I heard you haven’t been sleeping well’ You took a deep breath controlling your temper. ‘Why would he tell you that?’ You snapped. Dean looked down at you surprised. ‘He never said why, just that he was worried’ He handed you the plate leaning down. ‘And he had to when he dragged me out of the house this morning when he caught you and Sam asleep on the couch’ He smirked and you rolled your eyes.

You turned but he grabbed your arm pulling you back to him. ‘You two were very cosy looking’ He whispered in your ear. You turned and glared at him. ‘I was talking to him and we fell asleep, we’ve done it before Dean. So have me and you’ Dean smiled and opened his mouth. ‘And chance I could get some?’ Sam’s voice startled you both. He was striding towards you both, his hair dripping a little from his shower. He was staring at his brother his eyes narrowed. 

He stopped beside you and you almost jumped when he placed his hand on the small of your back. Sam had definitely changed, big time. But you liked it and you found yourself smiling up at him. ‘Yeah, sure. I was just about to sit down anyway’ You pulled your arm from Dean and Sam pulled you closer before letting you go.

You watched the two brothers whisper in the corner. ‘He’s a good kid’ Bobby looked up at you. you looked up at him. ‘Who?’ You asked through a mouthful of Dean’s bacon. The man could make the best bacon you ever tasted. He nodded towards the boys. ‘Sam’ You nodded with a shrug of your shoulders. ‘Y/n’ He leaned towards you robbing a piece of your bacon in the process. ‘You should let someone take care of you an Sam would. He wi-’ You smacked his arm

He pulled back a little. ‘You should leave this alone, I’m perfectly fine on my own’ You snapped and he laughed. You rolled your eyes picking up some bacon and putting half it in your mouth. You chomped down on it and roughly pulled the other half from the bit in your mouth. ‘Woah’ Dean laughed. ‘What did the bacon ever do to you?’ He sat down at the table across from you.

Sam put his plate down beside you and grabbed the chair from across the room pulling it in beside you and settling into it. His leg brushed yours as he tried to get comfortable. You grumbled a incoherent answer before looking down at your plate trying to finish your breakfast as the men chatted.

You wiped your oily hands with a rag. You had gotten through breakfast without saying much. But both Dean and your Father had given you looks when Sam had sat back and draped his arm over the back of your chair. ‘You still got that crappy old thing?’ You heard Sam laugh from behind you. You rolled your eyes and tossed the rag at him but smiled anyways. ‘This old thing brought you to Prom remember Sammy’ He frowned. ‘What?’ You asked as he walked closer. ‘You keep saying I’ve changed but you still call me Sammy’ He laid the the rag down beside you. You had to tilt your head back to look him in the eye.

You could feel the heat radiating through his black top. ‘I guess it’s just habit’ You shrugged. ‘Do you still see me as that small kid?’ He asked quietly, almost as if he was afraid of the answer. You chuckled. ‘Course not, look at you’ He nodded and stepped away from you looking into the car behind you. ‘You disappeared really quickly after breakfast and missed dinner’ He poked at the engine of your old car. ‘You worried?’ You chuckled and you reached across to get a spanned.

He grabbed your wrist. ‘Bobby is, he sent me out here to talk to you’ You scoffed and felt your stomach drop. ‘So you’re here on my Dad’s order’ You pulled yourself from his grasp. ‘Well you can go back in and tell him I’m fine, I’ll get dinner after’ Sam sighed as he watched you storm over to the table with the tools on it. Y/n’ He said softly as if trying not to spook you. ‘Sam’ You said back.

You turned to see him leaning on a car. ‘I’m fine. Dad’s a little tense, he thinks I need to talk about things’ He nodded as you leaned against the table. ‘And do you?’ You shook your head. ‘I need a beer more’ You pushed yourself off the table and walked towards him. ‘You coming?’ You smiled up at him. ‘Y/n if y-’ You groaned throwing your arms up in the air. ‘Sam, I don’t need to talk about anything. I’m fine, I’ve had worse alright?’ You snapped. You seen his eyes widen and he nodded.

He stood straight and nodded sharply. He stepped around you without looking at you and made for the door. You closed your eyes letting out a long breath. You heard the door close as he left. You groaned and threw your arms up into the air turning.

You spotted him halfway across the yard already. ‘Sam, Sam’ You called as you ran after him. Damn those impossibly long legs. Sam stopped but didn’t turn around. ‘I’m sorry for snapping Sammy’ You stopped beside him taking in a few deep breaths. ‘It’s just Dad’s been on me and I guess you were easier to snap at, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it’ You reached out and took his hand in yours threading your fingers through his. ‘Sam, I’m sorry. It’s nice you care honestly’ You stepped closer twisting a little to look up at him. ‘It means a lot to me’ You whispered and squeezed his hand.

He was silent for a second before he turned to you abruptly. His hand shot out and wrapped around the back of your neck pulling you towards him. Your hand grabbed at the material of his shirt as he pressed his lips to yours. The kiss were rough and needy, like he wanted it for a long time. His hand let go yours and he grabbed the back of your top pulling you against him. Your hand landed on his bicep pulling at him trying to get him closer.

Sam was the first to pull away and he laid his forehead against yours. ‘Been wanting to do that for years’ You opened your eyes to find his still closed. ‘I’m glad you finally did’ You leaned up and pressed your lips to his again. Well, this was somewhere you never thought you’d end up. Kissing, Sam Winchester. You both pulled away when you heard Dean shouting his name. ‘How about that beer?’ Sam asked and you nodded pulling away walking back to the house with him.

You smiled when you felt a presence behind you. Then a large chest pressed against your back. Sam wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned his chin on your shoulder. ‘What’s for dinner?’ He breathed. You turned your head pressing a kiss to his cheek. ‘Beef stew, Dad’s favourite’ You smiled as laid down the large wooden spoon. You turned in his arms. You reached up and wrapped yours around his shoulders tangling your fingers in his shaggy hair.

He smiled down at you showing you his dimples. You leaned up closing your eyes. Sam met you halfway and pressed his lips to yours. You had grown to love his kisses over the last few days. Neither of you had said anything to Dean or Bobby yet. It wasn’t that you didn’t want to or were afraid to. You just hadn’t. And neither of them had commented on yours and Sam’s randomly growing bond.

You leaned into Sam more when he tightened his grip pulling your feet off the ground slightly. ‘Y/n, I think dinners burning’ You both jumped apart when you heard Dean’s voice, neither of you noticing he was there. Saam dropped you back onto the ground. You stumbled back a little as did he. Dean stood leaning against the wall smirking.

Pain flared through your hand and you yelped pulling it away from the cooker you had put it on. Sam’s head snapped towards you. He rushed forwards grabbing your shoulders. Dean stood running for you too. But Sam already had you by the sink turning the tap on. ‘It’s alright, I got you’ He grabbed your wrist putting your hand under the steady stream of cool water. You hissed. ‘God, Y/n’ Dean appeared beside you. ‘I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that bad’ Dean appeared beside you his hand on your shoulder.

You just hissed at the sting of your palm. ‘Maybe you shouldn’t sneak up on people then’ Sam growled at his brother as he pushed your hair back from your face. ‘Y/n’ He breathed crouching a little. He grabbed your face turning it to you. ‘You okay? Is it bad? Do I need to get something else?’ The words falling from his lips in a rush. His eyes searching your face for pain. ‘I’m fine, it’s just a small burn’ you told him and he sighed his shoulders sagging a little.

He wrapped his arm around you knocking Dean’s hand from your shoulder. ‘Sam, it wasn’t like I meant for this to happen’ Sam pulled you into his chest your hand still under the faucet. ‘What to happen?’ You all turned your heads to see your father standing in the doorway. ‘I burnt my hand, it’s nothing’ Bobby tensed and strode forwards. He pulled Dean out of his way and grabbed your arm. He pulled it from Sam’s grasp to have a look at it himself.

He let out a breath. ‘It ain’t too bad, I’ll finish the dinner’ He let go of your arm. Sam instantly grabbed it again pulling it under the water. ‘You got her son?’ Your father asked Sam looking at the man holding you to his chest.

Bobby smiled slightly when he seen Sam nod not taking his eyes off your hand. He had noticed the change between the two, the lingering touches the looks. He had always wanted a man like Sam Winchester for you, he knew he would take care of you. If you even ended up with someone, he was glad it was Sam. He was glad you had someone to look after you. And that seemed to be top of the boys list. He nodded as you leaned further into him your head falling onto his shoulder. ‘Y/n’ Dean whispered. ‘It’s alright Dean’ You shrugged him off. ‘It wasn’t your fault. Don’t worry about it’ Bobby caught the glare Sam sent Dean and almost laughed. He could piece together what happened well enough.

You pulled your hand from under the water. ‘I’m alright now’ You told Sam and he nodded. ‘You two gonna spit it out or stay creeping around?’ Bobby asked as Sam turned off the water and lead you to a chair. He squatted in front of you and both you turned your head to Bobby who was leaning against the stove watching you. Sam cleared his throat. ‘Bobby’ His voice shook a little and he squeezed your thighs. Dean sat at the table as well. ‘S’alright Son’ Bobby looked between the two of you. ‘Just asking of you two were done sneaking around’ He turned back to the stove his back to you.

Sam looked up at you his eyebrows raised. You shrugged. ‘Eh, yeah, but there’s nothing really to tell’ You told your Dad as Sam stood. ‘It ain’t like we’re going out or anything just seeing where things are taking us. Sam knelt back down in front of you with the med kit. ‘I’m not messing her around or anything’ Bobby turned and looked down at Sam.

But Sam didn’t look at him he was too busy  putting cream on your hand and bandaging it up. Bobby smiled. ‘I know Sam’ He walked over to the press patting Sam’s shoulder as he passed. ‘I’d have killed ye already if ye were’ Sam let out a long breath knowing Bobby was okay with it. He clipped the bandage when he finished wrapping up your hand. ‘Thanks Bobby’ He finally looked up at your Dad who just nodded going back to the dinner.

Sam smiled up at you. He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to yours quickly. ‘That don’t mean you get to manhandle her in front of me though boy’ Bobby snapped and Sam jerked away from you. Dean laughed seeing the teasing look on Bobbys face before either of you. ‘Not nice Dad’ You scolded and Bobby laughed. ‘Better him than this idjit’ Bobby nodded to Dean as he left the room. Dean’s mouth dropped open and he looked offended. ‘Sorry and what’s wrong with me?’ Dean stood following your Dad.

Sam chuckled. ‘Well we got your Dad’s approval’ You looked back down at him. You reached out with your uninjured hand placing it on his cheek. ‘Sam you always had his approval’ You giggled leaning forwards pressing your lips to his. He leaned up his hands landing on your thighs. You could feel the smile on his lips as they moved against yours.

This was where you were happy. You couldn’t believe you had overlooked Sam all those years. Little Sammy who had always been there ended up being the one to capture your heart and be the only one to keep it. For many years to come, through thick and thin. Little Sammy was there, by your side, only he wasn’t so little anymore.

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8 years ago
Sam Tells You He Loves You For The First Time

Sam Tells You He Loves You For The First Time

You snapped your hand out and Sam clapped his hand down on top of yours. ‘Ha’ You beamed as he took his hand off yours. ‘Where did you learn to play that well Y/n?’ He teased. You gathered up the cards from under your hand. ‘Not my fault you’re not quick enough Sammy’ You giggled looking up at him. 

Sam was smiling at you from across the table a soft loving look on his face. You felt yourself grow warmer and looked down away from his eyes. ‘Alright, let’s go again’ You began arranging cards again. You flipped the card laying it on the table watching as Sam did the same.

Neither of you looked up as Dean walked into the room. ‘You two playing snap again?’ He slammed the door behind him as he waltzed over to the table. ‘Got yourself a girl?’ You asked keeping your focus on the cards you and Sam were putting down. ‘Pretty little brunette, man she could bend’ He pulled out the third chair at the table and landed the brown bag on the table. ‘Dean’ Sam shot him a quick warning look.

Sam never did like Dean talking about his women around you, you didn’t know why but you were grateful for it all the same. Which he could probably sense and continued to cut Dean off before he got in too deep. 

The smell of food hit your nose when he opened it. Your head snapped up ‘What’s in the bag?’ Sam stopped before he put down another card. ‘Don’t worry sweetheart, I didn’t forget about you’ He pulled out a smaller bag and landed it in front of you. You reached out opening it.

Your mouth watered at the sight in the bag. It was delicious. ‘Damn, I love you’ You leaned across. You grabbed the back of Dean’s neck pulling him closer to you. You planted a kiss on his cheek and sat back taking your food from the bag. ‘You’re amazing’ You mumbled taking a bite.

You watched as him and Sam shared a look. ‘What?’ You grumbled. You reached up wiping your face. ‘So,why did you two decide to stay here playing cards instead of joining me in the bar?’ Dean smirked and took a bite from his burger. ‘Some of us want a meaningful relationship Dean, not one night’ Sam took the bag and pulled out his own food.

You chuckled a little. ‘In this life?’ You looked up at him through your lashes. ‘You think that could work?’ He shrugged smiling at you from across the table. ‘It could, if you tried’ You hummed at his answer. Maybe there was a chance, Sam wanted a relationship. 

Dean groaned. ‘So you two JUST played this when I was g-one?’ He wiggled his brows at you popping a fry into his mouth. He gave you his shit eating grin and you glared at him. Dean knew about your thing for Sam, he didn’t know the extent of it but he sure knew there was feelings there. You glared at him.

You seen Sam glare at him from out of the corner of your eye as will. ‘Come on’ Dean laughed leaning back in the chair. ‘I leave you two alone for hours and all you do is play cards’ He looked between the two of you. When he realised that was actually all that happened his eyes widened. ‘Not even once?’ You shook your head at him trying to intensify your glare.

Sam dropped his fork onto the table and it made a clang and Dean’s head turned to his little brother. ‘We’re just friends Dean, we may be close but we’re just friends’ He snapped at his brother. You drew your lip between your teeth. ‘I need a shower’ You mumbled dropping the rest of the food.

You avoided Sam’s eyes, which you could feel burning holes into you, as you stood walking to the bathroom.

You stood under the flow of water until it went cold, and even then you stuck it out. You didn’t want to face Sam just yet. Dean on the other hand, well you’d love to face him, give him a piece of your mind. He knew how much you liked Sam, hell sometimes you’d even go so far to say you loved the giant. And Dean just had to open his mouth running it off. 

You groaned having completely forgotten to bring in clothes in your rush to get away from the situation in the room. You wrapped a towel tight around you before walking back out into the room. The chill of the room instantly had you shivering. It wasn’t like the towel was that big either, it barely covered what you needed covered.

The boys looked up as you walked out of the bathroom. Dean opened his mouth but stopped when he seen what you were wearing, or what you weren’t. Sam’s eyes widened more than you’d ever seen them. You blushed and then scolded yourself. He only sees you as a friend damn it Y/n, pull yourself together. 

Dean’s eyes slowly ran over the exposed skin you had on show. ‘Damn Y/n, if I’d known you looked that good in a towel I would have gotten you in the shower years ago’ You felt the blush creep up your chest towards your neck. You seen Sam give Dean a hard luck. ‘I’d known you were interested I would have invited you to join me’ You smirked at him.

Dean let out a loud laugh as he stood walking over to the fridge. You strode over to your bag. Dean leaned over and kissed your temple as he passed you. You grabbed some clothes and turned walking back into the bathroom.

When you came back out it was only Sam in the room. ‘Where did Dean go?’ You asked him. ‘Beer run’ He grunted without even looking up. ‘Oh, okay’ You slipped into the chair across from him. It was silent as you started to clear up the cards that was left on the table still.

After a moment Sam reached up and slammed the top of his laptop down. You jumped at the sudden sound and looked up at him. He was staring at you with furrowed brows thinking. You tilted your head. ‘Do you really want Dean?’ He growled his voice strained. You let out a laugh throwing your head back. Was that really what he was thinking about. ‘Of course not, he’s Dean’ You shook your head.

The hard look was gone from his face turning into what you thought was relief. You crossed your arms. ‘Sam,if I did I would have told you’ He nodded opening back up the laptop. ‘Why do you want to know?’ You probed and he glanced up at you. He shrugged and you sighed knowing from the determined look on his face you weren’t going to get an answer out of him.

You dropped the cards onto the table standing you walked over to the TV knowing you wouldn’t be getting any real conversation from Sam when he was buried in that computer. But you were wrong.

Just as you picked up the remote you heard the computer close again. ‘I’m sorry Y/n, it’s just, it’s Dean’ You looked over your shoulder at him as you crawled up the bed. ‘I know what Dean’s like. I’m not going to be another one of his girls Sam’ You heard him grunt and you flopped down at the top of the bed and turned on the TV.

He sat contemplating something for a moment when you flicked through the channels, concluding that there was nothing on. ‘I love you’ You smiled at him as you settled on the least crappy show. ‘I love you too Sammy’ You told him. God, if only he knew how you meant those words, it definitely wasn’t the same way he meant them.

You focused back on the TV. ‘No’ You looked at him. He was standing. ‘I mean, I love you, that’s why I wanted to know about Dean. Because I love you’ You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out, you didn’t think you knew the word. ‘I love you Y/n’ He inched closer to you as you stared at him wide eyed. ‘Not in the way you think, I love you’ You gulped.

Then your brain finally caught up with everything that was going on. ‘MY answer is still the same’ You whispered as he came to stop beside the bed you were lying on. ‘I love you too’ Sam’s face broke out into a smile showing off those perfect dimples you loved so much. He looked down at you his expression full of adoration before he leaned down capturing your lips with his.

Maybe he did mean them the same way you did.


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8 years ago
First Dance - Wedding

First Dance - Wedding

You sat with Sam giggling. He looked amazing in his black suit. He was smiling widely at something Dean had just said. Sam’s hand landed on your thigh and he squeezed it through the dress. You looked away from the elder Winchester to your now husband. He leaned forwards and pressed his lips to yours before pulling away quickly. ‘You look beautiful’ He breathed. You laid your hand over his and smiled. ‘You’ve told me that about a million times today’ He laughed and kissed you again. ‘It’s true’ You blushed.

You shrugged looking down at the dress you were wearing. It wasn’t much, just a simple sweetheart lace dress. It was something you and Jo had gotten, Jo being your bridesmaid for the ceremony. ‘Thank you, husband’ You giggled and his smile spread. It lit up the room. You almost melted there and then. ‘God, I love that’ He leaned forwards again pressing his lips firmly to yours.

You sighed contently leaning into the taller Winchester. Your hand reached up to the side of his face. ‘Oi, Sammy’ You all heard and you pulled away from Sam. Your face went bright red when you realised everyone was looking at you. There wasn’t many people gathered here just friends and family. Neither of you had wanted a large wedding. You only needed the people closest to you.

Dean clapped Sam on the shoulder laughing. ‘Why don’t you save that for tonight buddy and get out there now?’ He winked at you both. ‘What?’ He asked. But chuckled when he heard your song playing over the speakers.

Sam stood and held out his hand to you. ‘May I have this dance Mrs Winchester?’ He smiled down at you. Your face lit up at the last part, you could get used to him calling you that. You nodded and took his hand standing quickly.

You gathered up the bottom of the dress as Sam lead you into the small dance floor. He turned you into him. His hand landed on your waist and he pulled you towards him. He readjusted your hands and you reached p putting your hand on his shoulder. He began to sway gently and you followed his lead.

He smiled looking down at you and you met his eyes. He smiled widely. ‘I know you don’t like all the eyes on you but just pretend it’s just you and me’ He whispered as the music played in the background. He pressed a kiss to your forehead. You smiled up at him nodding. He spun you and you giggled. You weren’t the best dancer but Sam knew what he was doing. He swept you up in his arms and you just needed to follow his lead.

You leaned into him further as he smiled. ‘It’s official’ He chuckled at your statement and nodded. ‘We’re actually married Sam’ Sam threw his head back and laughed a little. ‘Yes, we are. I married the love of my life’ You blushed looking down at his chest. ‘Don’t get all shy on me now Mrs Winchester, you’ve married me now. There’s no going back’ You gasped as he dipped you. Your head fell back and you seen an upside down Dean give you a thumbs up.

Sam whipped you back up and you stumbled a little. Sam turned you easily covering it up so it looked like you didn’t. You giggled and looked up at him. ‘With moves like that I don’t want to’ He chuckled. He let go of your waist and twirled you. You turned back into his arms. ‘Thank you for looking past the life’ He smiled.

He had said something like that during your vows but with your family there he couldn’t go into the whole hunting monsters, demons and angels thing. They didn’t know what Sam did. They thought he was a sales rep travelling the country with his brother for a company of a family friend. ‘You kill monsters Sam. You’re a hero’ You smiled and it was his turn to blush.

You giggled. ‘And yes Sam, you are a hero. To me you are. You’re my hero’ He leaned down and pressed a kiss to your lips. He stopped dancing pulling you closer. ‘You are Sam Winchester, you’re the best man I’ve ever met and that-that-is only one of the reasons I married you’ He chuckled his hand reaching around to the small of your back and pulling you flush against him as he began swaying slightly.

Silence fell between the two of you. During that silence the song came to an end. Sam looked around as people began to join you on the floor. ‘I love you Mrs Y/n Winchester’ Sam smiled down a twinkle in his hazel eyes. ‘I love you too, my heroic husband’ You whispered as he spun you again.

@jared-padaloveme @lilacs-lavender

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