Spn Fandom - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

so glad I come back to the spn fandom after ten years away and you bitches are even more insane and unhinged and depraved than back in the 2000s, what a joyous reunion

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1 year ago

Yep yep yep.

I remember when the #weirdchesters tag was floating around. (At the time I was on hiatus, so I was just perusing and observing.) It was a relief. That tag was approaching something defined within the fandom. You guys have finished drawing the boundary lines for us.

Thank you. 💐

Regarding your post about gencest/weirdcest, I just reblogged a post with those tags yesterday because I got confused and just could not tell the difference between them anymore. Your post probably wasn't about my tags (I promise I'm that that self absorbed that I think every post is about me I was just thinking about it when I saw your post) but please don't feel awkward about correcting someone if you see them using something incorrectly, I'd appreciate someone taking the time out of their day to correct me! <3

Eheh... I just don't wanna sound gatekeepy 😅 But thank you, I guess I should reach out to more people and let them know. Phyn has a pretty solid definition of things here but I'll give my two cents too while I'm here.

Gencest is where they're emotionally intense about each other and still platonic. They can be weird/obsessive but it's not always relevant and rarely goes beyond the emotional connection. (You can also shortcut to calling them qpr/life partners, even if that won't always apply in earlier seasons where they haven't quite realised it yet)

But if "physical affection =/= sexual intent" and "dedicated love =/= romance" and "kink =/= sex" then technically ANYTHING can be platonic...

(Indeed, the Platonic Sex tag on Ao3 has over 700 works. Sadly I never got around to my platonic sex fic for Sam and Dean 🙁)

So I wanted a term to refer to "Sam and Dean are platonic, but they end up doing kinky/sensual/sexual things with each other despite not being attracted to each other at all"

But I didn't want to use Gencest because no one is going into the Gencest tag looking for kink/smut and it would absolutely be annoying to people (I would personally hate it too). And I didn't want to use Wincest because I would be (and in fact, was) annoying people by constantly saying my ideas weren't Wincest*.

Then @prince-of-elsinore started the #weirdchesters tag, and from this post inspired "Weirdcest", which I kept as a tag and used to post non-sexual kink between Sam and Dean. and then it accidentally became an actual thing oh god

So I guess, in my eyes, Weirdcest is where they're platonic, they're not attracted/horny about each other, but they do cross lines into kink or sex, for whatever reasons.

* = At the end of the day some might look to my Weirdcest stuff and say it's just Wincest with the attraction part missing, and that's fine really, I've grown (read: calmed down... so much...) since 2021 and I don't mind what people call their own content or my own. The people who understand my "they're not attracted to each other" intent will get it, and everyone else can enjoy the oddly-restrained-horny content.

But if people are gonna use the Weirdcest tag I do hope it doesn't end up becoming redundant with Gencest/Wincest... There is overlap but I didn't use Gencest/Wincest on purpose 😅

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3 years ago

I went to Pinterest and searched for child Jensen ackles and this was the first thing to show up

I Went To Pinterest And Searched For Child Jensen Ackles And This Was The First Thing To Show Up

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8 months ago

Still trying to get my head around the Cas/Cass dichotomy. (Not the fact of it - I just wanna know how it happened in the first place). It's not just me getting insta-bullied for spelling it like the show did the moment I dipped a toe in the waters of Supernatural over on Dreamwidth, then!

When I see someone new to the Supernatural fandom spelling ‘Cas’ with the extra ‘S’

When I See Someone New To The Supernatural Fandom Spelling Cas With The Extra S

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1 year ago


Dean Winchester x Plus Size! Reader

Summary: Reader feels like she needs to put in extra effort to look and feel beautiful. Dean doesn’t think so.

A/N: hi everyone! I’m new to tumblr and writing but wanted to give this a shot. I feel like I might have made Dean out of character, but I think of this almost every morning when I get ready and just loved the idea. This is the first fanfic I’ve ever written, so let me know what you think and Enjoy!💕

The room was full of sunlight when you opened your eyes. Squinting at the brightness you took in the familiar surroundings of the motel room as you became more alert.

You and the boys were in Montana. Sam had found news articles of multiple murders from the past few months, all in close proximity to each other. With all the evidence leaning towards a possible werewolf, you and the boys packed up Baby and made your way to the latest murder scene to investigate. After a few days the hunt was successful and you all went back to the motel to get some sleep before heading back to the bunker.

Looking across from where you were, you noticed Sam’s bed was empty with a note on the pillow. ‘Probably out for his morning run’ you thought. Making a mental note to confirm that as soon as you got up. Turning slightly, you found Dean. He was still asleep, arms and body completely wrapped around you encasing you in warmth. You snuggled a little deeper in his embrace giving yourself a few extra minutes before finally getting up to start getting ready.

Slowly sitting up from the bed so Dean wouldn’t be disturbed, you untangled yourself from his arms. After checking Sam’s note and confirming he was in fact on a run and promised to bring back breakfast, you made your way to the bathroom. Starting to wash up for the day you looked over yourself in the mirror.

Looking at your bare face you sighed, today was definitely another makeup day. You’re skin looked a little blotchier then usual, with dark circles under your eyes, and a dull complexion. Eyes traveling a little further down you took in the rest of your body. Big arms, stomach, and thighs bounced back at you.

You had always felt insecure about your appearance. Being the size you were, you felt like whenever you were out in public people would stare. That they were judging you, and thinking you were big and sloppy looking when you really weren’t. This led you to putting extra effort into your appearance. Makeup always on, hair nicely styled, and a well put together outfit for the day. Being a hunter, this wasn’t something that you could pull off everyday, but you tried your best. On the days that you couldn’t, you always felt a little anxious, but Dean always made you feel better.

Dean made you feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. Underneath his tough hunter persona, he was so gentle and loving. Always complimenting you, and taking care of you. While he helped your confidence little by little, you still couldn’t stop those negative thoughts racing through your mind from time to time. Those thoughts where you wished you looked like the women you saw on TV and magazines. Women who were skinny and effortlessly beautiful. Women who could throw on leggings and a t-shirt with little to no makeup, and looked like they stepped off the runway.

Shaking those thoughts from your head. You finished washing up. Grabbing your hand held mirror and makeup bag to bring back to the bed. You always like doing your makeup sitting on your bed. It was comfortable and you had plenty of space to spread your products around. Walking out of the bathroom you noticed Sam was still out. You also noticed that Dean was now awake, sitting against the headboard, and scrolling through his phone. Seeing you in his peripheral vision, Dean looked up and gave you a breathtaking smile. God he was so gorgeous.

“Good Morning Baby.” Dean said lovingly reaching his arm out for you.

“Morning Handsome.” giving him a smile of your own, you grabbed his outstretched hand and let him lead you back to the bed. Settling you in between his legs, he pressed a kiss to your cheek, making his way down to the part of your shoulder that was peeking out of your oversized shirt. His arms wrapped around you to pull you a little closer.

“How’d you sleep?”

“Good, I always sleep the best when you’re with me, you?” you replied grabbing your makeup bag to get what you needed.

“Great, because my gorgeous girl was next to me.”

Dean dropped more kisses to your shoulder making you giggle, but inside you felt a little pang of sadness. You just woke up there’s no way you looked gorgeous right now.

you fell into a comfortable silence after that, enjoying each other’s presence while you started your makeup. Putting concealer first then foundation you started to bounce your beauty blender across your face, making sure everything got covered evenly. Once that was done you started coating your lashes in mascara. Dean watched you from your little mirror as you worked. Rubbing little circles into your hips with his thumbs, Dean broke the silence.

“Baby, you know we’re going to be in the car most of the day right? You don’t have to get all dolled up if you don’t want to.”

Stopping mid mascara swipe you looked down in your lap for a second before continuing

“I know, but I have too. If I want to look good I have to put the extra effort in.”

Dean’s brows scrunched together in confusion.

“Extra effort? What do you mean? You always look beautiful.”

Finishing your mascara you close the tube and look back down in your lap.

“I have to put more work in to look pretty. If I don’t people will see me and think I’m lazy and sloppy. I’m already big I don’t need to add more fuel to the fire”

Dean couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew you had insecurities and did his best to remind you that you were amazing and let your confidence shine through. Despite this you did still have some bad days, but this is first time you expressed those negative thoughts so bluntly. He couldn’t let those thoughts continue a second longer. Angling your body more towards him, Dean tucked some loose hair behind your ear before tilting your chin up.

“Listen to me baby, strangers opinions on the street don’t matter. They don’t have the honor of knowing how amazing you are. You’re so selfless and hard working. You constantly put others before yourself, saving people and helping me and Sammy make the world a little better. You’re not lazy and definitely not sloppy you’re stunning.”

Pulling you a little closer Dean continues

“Makeup, or no makeup, dressed up or dressed down you always look so pretty and so amazing. I get lost in those gorgeous eyes and this gorgeous body. I love the way you feel in my hands and pressed against me. You’re absolutely beautiful inside and out.”

You close your eyes, a little overwhelmed by his sweet words. He was right, others opinions didn’t matter. Finally finding your voice you speak up

“I just can’t help it sometimes. You could have any gorgeous woman on your arm, but you picked me. I feel like I have to prove to the world that I deserve you.”

Closing the rest of the distance between you, Dean presses a searing kiss to your lips. A kiss so full of love and want you feel warmth spread through your body. Breaking the kiss Dean cups your cheek, thumb running across your bottom lip.

“You have nothing to prove. I already have a gorgeous woman and I’m not letting her go anywhere.”

Blushing you let a smile work it’s way across your lips.

“There’s that smile I love, brightens my whole day.”

Moving you back into your original position, Dean slips his hand under your shirt. Rubbing small circles on your back while the other hand grabs your lipstick handing it to you.

“You already look beautiful baby but might as well finish what you started.”

Grabbing the tube you also grab your discarded mirror to finish up. Feeling lighter after talking with Dean. You were beautiful, you were confident, and with Dean by your side you could take on the world.

“I love you Dean, thank you.”

“I love you too baby, always.”

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1 year ago

Covid Sucks

Dean Winchester x Sick! Reader

Summary: Reader has covid and Dean takes care of her.

A/N: The universe might be out to get me or looking out for me by giving me covid the day after my birthday lol. Since I’ve been stuck in bed I decided to write this up. I apologize if it isn’t as good as usual, I’m still not feeling that great. Thank you as always for the support,likes, reblogs, etc. it means so much to me. Enjoy💕

Warnings: Should be mostly fluff. Mentions of being sick and covid.

You really didn’t think anything of it at first. You had always had seasonal allergies, especially when the temperature liked to change from hot to cold and back in the span of days. When you woke up this morning with congestion and a slightly scratchy throat, you chalked it up to just that. You had been in the bunker all day, specifically in the library. You hadn’t been a hunter for as long as the boys have, so you tried your best to research when you could on all the different supernatural creatures out there.

As the day progressed, you started feeling a little worse. By dinner time, you were starting to think that maybe it was more then just allergies. In addition to your congestion and sore throat you now had a headache, body aches, and chills. Rubbing your hands up and down your arms discreetly to try and get some warmth, you knew the boys would notice soon, especially Dean. You and Dean had only been dating for a few months, but he was very attentive and good at reading you. You had always been a little sensitive anyway, having trouble masking your emotions. You were pretty much an open book, and Dean knew you very well. You hated getting sick, and you hated worrying Dean, but you knew that once he noticed there was no trying to hide it.

Eating small bites of your dinner, you are vaguely aware of the conversation the boys are having about a possible hunt. Feeling a little out of it, you don’t realize right away that Sam is trying to get your attention.

“Y/N, you ok?” Sam looks at you confused and a little concerned.

“Sorry, yea must of zoned out. What did you say?” You replied, trying to sound more cheerful. But you knew it was only a matter of time before you were caught. Dean’s eyes zeroed in on you, giving you a once over as you answered Sam’s question. You looked a little paler then usual, the skin not covered by your t-shirt and pants covered in goosebumps. Every now and then you’d give a little sniff that sounded like you were trying to clear your sinuses.

“You feeling alright baby” Dean speaks up, watching you carefully.

You tensed slightly, yup you were caught. But in your foggy headspace you still tried to cover it up.

“Yea my allergies have been bugging me today, but other then that I’m good.”

“Allergies huh?” Dean says in disbelief. He gives you a no nonsense look before leaning over placing his lips on your forehead for a minute before leaning back “Do your allergies usually give you a fever? You’re warm.” Dean said with a look of concern. Slumping in defeat you let out a small sigh that makes your breath catch and causes a cough. Quickly turning away to cough in the crook of your elbow, Deans suspicions are confirmed.

“Ok so I might be getting sick, but I’m sure it’s just a cold or something.”

Standing up Dean takes your hand and helps you stand, before guiding you to the bathroom. Sam following along behind. Dean flicks the light on and has you sit on the closed toilet seat, rummaging through the medicine cabinet. Sam leans up against the door to watch. Grabbing the thermometer Dean turns to you, gesturing for you to open your mouth. You do so and Dean gently places the thermometer under your tongue. Muffled you try to speak.

“Guys I’m sure it’s nothing, really-“

“Baby stop, don’t jostle the thermometer” Dean says, cutting you off and giving you an exasperated look. Pleading with his eyes to let him help you.

Defeated you sit quietly. You knew he was doing all of this because he cared, you just didn’t want to be a bother. Finally hearing the little beep, Dean grabs the thermometer and looks at the digital screen.

“100.5, let’s make sure it doesn’t get any higher.” Turning back to the medicine cabinet, Dean grabs the bottle of ibuprofen. Shaking two in his hand he passes them along to you, grabbing a glass of water for you as well. Crouching down in front of you Dean watches as you take the medicine. When your finished, he moves the glass on the counter for you and then places a hand on your thigh, rubbing his thumb in soothing circles.

“What are you feeling right now baby?” Dean hated when you got sick. He was already protective of you, and you being sick increased that feeling tenfold.

Not trying to hide it any longer you reply. “I feel cold, my head and body hurts on and off, I feel congested, and just gross all around.” Raising two of your fingers to your temple when you start to feel the ache come back, you rub at it gently. A slight look of discomfort takes over your face, that doesn’t go unnoticed by Dean. Replacing your hand with his, Dean takes over rubbing before turning to look at Sam in the doorway.

“What do you think Sammy?”

“Sounds like covid to me. The store in town should still be open, I can run and get some tests to make sure.”

Groaning you slump forward pressing your forehead against Dean’s shoulder. “Covid sucks.”You whine. You hated this. Dean holds in a chuckle at your outburst. Even when you were sick you were still adorable.

“Alright, come on let’s get you into bed while we wait for Sammy.”

After getting you settled, Dean sits next to you. Grabbing your hand and running his thumb along your knuckles. Deciding to ask the question that had been on his mind.

“Y/N? Why did you try to hide this? This could’ve ended up being so much worse if left unchecked. You’re health is important and I don’t want anything to happen to you”

You looked at Dean, seeing deep concern in his eyes. “I just hate worrying you and having you take care of me like I’m a child or something. When I woke up this morning I really did think it was my allergies, but I just felt worse as the day went on. I figured I could just handle it on my own. I’m sorry if I made you mad.” You look down at your lap, embarrassed that you tried to lie.

Tilting your chin up so you’re looking back at him, Dean tucks some hair behind your ear that fell forward when you looked down.

“I’m not mad baby, I just don’t want you to feel like you have to hide things from me. I know I’m not the best at that myself, but I’m trying. You are never a bother to me and I don’t want you to have to go through things by yourself. You, your health, and your happiness are my priority. You can tell me anything and everything and I’ll always be there to help you. I love you and I’m not going to be mad or annoyed if you need me.”

You feel your eyes well up at his sweet words. He may not have always expressed it but you knew deep down he was a nurturing person. That was one of many reasons as to why you loved him. He had such a good heart.

Wrapping your arms around him you burrow your head into the crook of his neck. “I love you, Dean. You’re my priority too.” Wrapping his arms around your waist Dean pulls you into his lap, making sure your comfortable. He kisses your temple then places his chin on your head. Holding you close as you continue to wait for Sam.


After taking a test it was confirmed, you had covid. Dean had already gotten it a few months prior, luckily before you were dating so you were safe back then. Since you were dating now and sharing a room, there was no issue with him being in bed with you and taking care of you. Sam however hadn’t gotten it previously, which meant you were confined to your bedroom. You knew you were going to be bored, but you didn’t want to risk Sam getting sick and knew that this was necessary. Dean had also made it clear that he wasn’t going leave you alone, so at least you had him to keep you company.

Waking up the next morning, you let out a little groan. You felt worse then yesterday. There didn’t seem to be any new symptoms, but you’re current ones felt more intense. Trying to get more comfortable you take note that your by yourself, Dean’s side of the bed cold. He must’ve gotten up before you. Slowly pulling yourself up you lean against the headboard. Cradling your head in your hands and rubbing your forehead to ease the intense ache. Hearing the door open you look up, Dean coming into the room with a tray in his hands. Placing the tray on your night table, Dean takes a seat at the edge of the bed on your side facing you.

“Morning baby, how are you feeling”

“Not great, honestly I feel worse then I did yesterday.”

Frowning a little Dean leans over and grabs the thermometer off the tray he brought in. Taking your temperature you wait for the beep.

“101 still not terrible but hopefully it doesn’t get any higher then that.”

Grabbing the ibuprofen next he gives you another dose to take.

“Are you hungry? I made breakfast.”

“A little bit.” You reply slightly surprised that despite all your symptoms you still had an appetite. Dean takes the tray and puts it on your lap, before standing and rounding the bed to go back to his side. You notice two plates of eggs and toast, one for you and one for him.

“Don’t force yourself to eat it all if you don’t feel up to it, but at least eat a little. Do you need me to help you?”

“I can do it, thank you though.” You reply picking up your fork and starting to eat. Satisfied that your ok, Dean grabs his plate and eats as well. You get through about half of your plate before your feeling full. Taking the tray to move it off the bed, Dean beats you to it.

“I got it, let me clean this up and I’ll be right back.”

Watching Dean leave the room you scoot down a little further into the bed. You don’t want to fully lay down due to your full stomach but don’t want to be fully upright either. Entering the room again Dean gets back in the bed pulling you closer and wrapping his arm around you so you can burrow into his side.


You nod against his chest, relaxing into his embrace further when his hand starts rubbing up and down your back.

“Wanna watch a movie?” You nod again and Dean grabs the remote for the TV. Scrolling through the options and settling on your favorite. Dean keeps the volume a little lower then usual so it wouldn’t make your headache worse. You smile at Deans actions “Thank you Dean, I love you.” Dropping a kiss to your forehead Dean gives you a smile in return.

“I love you too baby, now rest up. I’ve got you.”

Relishing in his warmth you felt content. Yea covid sucked, but Dean would be there to make it better.

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1 year ago

It's #NewEpisodeAlert, #SPNFamily

Look, the first step in rehab is admitting you have a problem. So we have a problem but there's still more spn to rank so we can't quit just yet!

Tops & bottoms of S6-10 are here!


@IdlingInTheImpalaPodcast | Twitter | Linktree
View idlingintheimpalapodcast’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

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1 year ago

It's #NewEpisodeAlert, #SPNFamily

This week the amazing Smauglockme joins us again to wow us with their con powers. We've named it The Jessica Effect. Cool stuff just *happens* around them at con. Find out what happened this time...


@IdlingInTheImpalaPodcast | Twitter | Linktree
View idlingintheimpalapodcast’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

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1 year ago

I realise I'm risking adding more interested parties that will outbid me, but I can't not share. This is the legend who wrote the fic that inspired me to write 311,000 words of fic after writing zilch for 10 years. No exaggeration.

Go, bid! The auction starts at just $5! Or if their offerings aren't quite your style, find another creator to bid on! What could be nicer than having a fic written for you while supporting great charitable causes? 🥰

‼️ angelszn fanfiction offers for Fandom Trumps Hate charity auction ‼️

Hi y'all! Have you ever wanted a custom-written 5k-10k fic by the really super cool and sexy fic writer angelszn (artbabe) on ao3? Do you really love donating to charities benefitting immigrants, children in the Middle East (currently focused on Gaza), and supporting Ukraine?

Well, thanks to the Fandom Trumps Hate charity auction, you can make a bid towards the very fic you've always dreamed of while supporting these charities! I have pledged a 5k-10k fic in the Supernatural, MCU, and Riverdale fandoms for the highest bidder on my auction.

I will write nearly ANYTHING you know me :) And we get to work together over the course of nearly a year to make sure it's perfectly tailored to your tastes. AND since I'm a smaller creator the bids probably won't get insurmountably high... take a chance!


FTH tumblr blog for further info

Fandom Trumps Hate sticky post explaining how to bid

Find MY auction page HERE!

Other people's Supernatural offers | other people's marvel offers | other people's Riverdale offers

Bidding ends MARCH 9TH!!!! Don't miss out!

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1 year ago

The first episode is finally out! 😅 These lovelies won't tell anyone, but the truth is that it was my anxiety about the whole thing–as much as I wanted to take part–that necessitated the multiple sessions. @talltalesandbedtimestories and @sam-is-my-safe-word went out of their way to ease me into it and make sure I was comfortable throughout the experience. By the end of our sessions, I didn't want them to end!

Although it's probably a good thing they did. We talked about some weird-ass shit. 😂

It's #NewEpisodeAlert, #SPNFamily

It finally happened. After almost a year of hype, the amazing @runawaydr3amerao3 is on our show!

It took 3 different recording sessions to finish the interview, but that's just how we roll


@IdlingInTheImpalaPodcast | Twitter | Linktree
View idlingintheimpalapodcast’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

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11 months ago

Whoop! My besties at the @idlingintheimpalapodcast now offer a subscription through ko-fi! I'm all over that shit, obvs. As if I'm not up in their business enough. 🙃

Support Idling In The Impala Podcast on Ko-fi! ❤️. ko-fi.com/idlingintheimpala
Support Idling In The Impala Podcast On Ko-fi. Ko-fi lets you support the people and causes you love with small donations

Check out the cool things you can get, including bloopers, outtakes, and Discord perks (you know they have a Discord, right? Come join us for SPN shenanigans!). 🤩

I'm posting this because I know @sam-is-my-safe-word is too shy to do it themselves, but if you knew the amount of work they and @talltalesandbedtimestories put in to all the amazing content they provide, you'd agree that they deserve a cup of coffee or two on the house. 🥰

Okay, back to our usual serious business...

Whoop! My Besties At The @idlingintheimpalapodcast Now Offer A Subscription Through Ko-fi! I'm All Over

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10 months ago

It's #NewEpisodeAlert, #SPNFamily

We're ranking things again. Will our tops & bottoms line up? Are are all over the place this time? Will we ever stop? You'll have to listen to find out!


@IdlingInTheImpalaPodcast | Twitter | Linktree
View idlingintheimpalapodcast’s Linktree. Listen to their music on YouTube, Spotify here.

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8 months ago

*conversation between two people who both like spn and are subtly trying to find out if the other one is also a wincestie*

guy 1: so you like spn?

guy 2: yea love it watch it all the time

guy 1: oh,, u active in the fandom?

guy 2: yea, since it started coming out,, hbu?

guy 1: yea yea same.. you like destiel?

guy 2: uhhhhhhhhh yea not really my thing

guy 1: oh yea me too u more a sastiel type guy?

guy 2: not really l,, *nervous laugh*

guy 1: oh,, yea. Um so. What are your favorite seasons?

guy 2: uh yk earlier seasons..

guy 1: oh like seasons 5 or 6?

guy 2: uhh I was thinking more 1-3,,

guy 1: oh yea me too,, it’s just got that, uh, vibe later seasons lacked.

*pause in conversation*

guy 1: so how do you feel about inbred by Ethel Cain?

guy 2: omg I love it it’s just like SO Sam and Dean—I mean like, in a—

*they stare at eachother for a moment before mutual realization dawns on them*

*they vigorously make out*

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7 months ago

Index of Enhanced Edition Con Videos

I'll maintain this index in a pinned post for easy reference. Click the links to go to the YouTube videos, or click here for a more readable Google Docs table which includes these links plus a tab noting which events I skipped, temporarily or permanently, and why.

2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:23:42)

2007-11-11, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:21:55)

2007-11-11, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:29:44)

2007-11-11, Chicago - J2 Main Panel (00:38:24)

2008-07-27, San Diego Comic Con - SPN Panel (00:50:52)

2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Breakfast (00:26:16)

2008-11-16, Chicago - Jared Solo (00:26:20)

2008-11-16, Chicago - J2 Main Panel (00:35:04)

2008-11-16, Chicago - Jensen Solo (00:34:36)

2009-08-30, Vancouver - J3 Breakfast (00:31:53)

2009-08-30, Vancouver - Jensen Solo (00:27:17)

2009-08-30, Vancouver - J2 Main Panel (00:30:25)

I'm now working on the Breakfast panel from CHICON 2009.

Thank you to everyone who has shown an interest in these videos. The reblogs and likes all made me very happy, and I especially appreciated the kind comments some of you left in your reblog text and tags. I'm unsure of the proper Tumblr way to respond directly to that in a way that won't annoy people, but I've definitely noticed and appreciated it!

An explanation of this project and my tentative plans for it are listed below the break. A lot of it will be familiar if you've read my earlier posts, but it's more detailed -- and excessively long! There's also some info on how you can help, especially if you have any old videos or audio files that you'd be willing to contribute.

Why Do You Call These "Enhanced Editions"?

The videos I'm using are not my own, but I've spent many hours adding enhancements to them. My goal is to make these the most watchable and accessible versions of these older convention panels published to date. Credit and links to the original videos are in the video descriptions. These are the typical enhancements you'll see:

I'm upscaling the videos as best I can. It isn't remotely perfect, but it's a little more watchable than the originals. The videos I'm working with are very low quality by today's standards. and they were also recorded under difficult circumstances. Video taking wasn't permitted at most of the earlier cons, so the people who took them did so at the risk of getting kicked out. They couldn't exactly come waltzing in with a tripod, so the videos are shaky, they don't always have a clear view of the stage, and sometimes they cut off at unfortunate moments. They can be frustrating to watch, but we owe these people a debt of gratitude for capturing this footage because otherwise it would have been lost altogether.

When necessary, I'm correcting colors on the videos to try to make them look more natural and consistent. I'm very inexperienced in this area, and I don't consider it to be one of my strengths, but I'm learning.

The original videos are usually in multiple parts, but I'm editing them together into a single video as cohesively as possible. I may use videos from multiple sources to provide the most complete video possible, and I'll select the ones with the highest video quality and/or the best view of the action available. Sometimes I have to make difficult choices between the video with the best view (meaning a clear view of their actions and/or facial expressions) and the video with the best quality. I usually lean toward the one with the best view in those cases.

I'm adding extra content to help clarify references people make during the panels. The videos I've worked with so far don't take up the full width of a modern video frame, so I've taken advantage of that extra space to display the extra content to the side where it's less obtrusive. There are explanations for obscure references that are way funnier when you understand what they mean, plus episode references to help jog the memory for those of us who haven't rewatched the show a million times. In rare cases where I think it will enhance understanding, I'll insert brief episode clips that highlight what they're talking about.

I'm putting a LOT of time into adding good, color-coded English subtitles that can be turned on and off with YouTube's CC button. These videos can be frustrating to understand because the audience often drowns them out and Jared and Jensen tend to talk at the same time when they're together. I can't always figure everything out, but it's far better than the crazy, auto-generated nonsense that many videos have. YouTube can then translate my English subtitles into other languages, so this may improve accessibility for people who are less comfortable with English. The color-coding helps with telling who's saying what: red for Jared, blue for Jensen, green for the general audience, yellow for the current fan at the microphone, and white for other people such as staff.

If there's missing footage that I can't find anywhere, then if I can find a source that seems to have reliable details about what was discussed, I'll add static images with a brief summary and a link to my source in the video description.

What Conventions Do You Plan to Enhance?

I don't want to make grand promises that I'll enhance videos for every old convention, although I definitely love the idea of doing so. How far I go with this will depend on how much sustained interest there is from other people and how much spare time I have myself. My output speed will probably be erratic depending on what's going on in my life at the time.

My general plan was to start with the oldest conventions and work my way forward. For now, I'm focusing on the panels with Jared and/or Jensen since they're my main interest. I may temporarily skip over conventions that they didn't both attend, but with the intent to go back and fill those in later. If I obtain any mostly-complete videos of Misha's solo panels that upscale well, I may also do his panel if I'm doing panels for Jared and Jensen from the same event.

One big constraint will be whether I can find enough videos to work with for a convention, and just how bad the quality is. I've found that some videos are too poor of a quality to upscale. Since these videos are painful to watch in their raw form, I suspect people will be less interested in watching "enhanced" videos that don't include at least some noticeable improvement in visual quality, but please do let me know if I'm wrong. For that reason, I'll probably skip past cons if I can't upscale the videos, at least for now.

As I work through the old conventions, I'll make a good attempt to upscale the available videos. If I don't have much success, then I'll skip over that convention with the hope that I might be able to get some video files that upscale better. (See the "Can I Help? section.) After I make it through all the low-hanging fruit, I want to come back to those problematic conventions and just create a cohesive edit with color corrections, special content, and subtitles even if I can't upscale the video.

These are just my general thoughts right now but the project is young, so my strategy may change.

Can I Help?

If you have any old convention videos or audio files that you're willing to contribute, please message me! Maybe I can use them, maybe I can't, but the more I have to work with, the better chance I have of creating something more complete. If I do use your material, I'll credit you in whatever manner you prefer.

Even if your videos are on YouTube, I've found that the original files may upscale much better than videos pulled off YouTube. I think the videos were degraded when they were uploaded to YouTube, at least back then. If you send me videos that I'm able to upscale, I'll happily send the upscaled versions back to you for your collection regardless of whether or not I use them. (If you have any videos you don't want me to use for this project, let me know and I'll respect your wishes.)

Even if your video looks terrible, you might just have a missing piece of footage that I couldn't find anywhere else, or your video might upscale more easily than another. If nothing else, I might be able to hear something in the audio that will help me fill in a subtitle I couldn't figure out.

Likewise, audio files can be helpful even without video. If nothing else, they may help me fill in some subtitles. If the audio file is consistently easier to understand than the audio on the videos I'm using, I can also substitute the audio from your file in place of the video's audio. If you have audio of sections of the panels for which no known videos exist, that could also help me fill in those gaps.

If you're watching my enhanced videos with the subtitles turned on, please do let me know if you catch any errors or if you can clearly understand something I marked as [inaudible]. I can't change the videos themselves on YouTube, not without breaking the links and causing confusion, but it's pretty easy to update the subtitles because they're a separate file. It's important to me to try not to put words in their mouths that they might not have said, so I'm trying not to guess purely based on context if I can't tell with confidence that they said what I think they probably said. However, there were times when I felt like I should have been able to understand what they said but I just couldn't manage it, and I'm sure someone with different ears may be able to figure out some of the parts I couldn't.

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I’m finally caught up on Season 15 and I’m not prepared for the finale 😭😭😭

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8 months ago

Guys... ive been touched by an angel of the lord!!!

Cue inconsistant size difference,,

Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!

PLUS a stupid little comic my wife inspired me to make. She said cas totally walks around on his hind legs like a freak (shes never seen spn) and I SAID YES!

Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!
Guys... Ive Been Touched By An Angel Of The Lord!!!

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4 years ago

thinking about how sam can recognize gabriel like. on spot. especially after mystery spot

gabriel coming up with the most elaborate pranks during the most unexpected times while everyone is so confused like "case??? monster????ghost???what the fuck????" and sam just turns to background customer #4 makes direct eye contact and goes "cut the crap gabriel ik its you" and gabriel tries to act oblivious he tries and hes good at it dammit

but sam wont even flinch till gabriel finally gives up and is like "yeah okay fine" and he is ALWAYS on spot so gabriel goes invisible cuz yeah hows sammy gonna call him out when he cant see him haha

fast forward next time sam is giving his bitchface #21 to a bookshelf and dean n cas are confused cuz sam??????what???are you lookin at???? and gabriel just stands there in absolute shock because. sam is looking only like. 5 cm off from where hes standing and gabriel is so fucking shook cuz are we absolutely sure sam is completely free of his psychic powers-

so gabriel grows a pair and finally asks sam how he always knows its him and sam is like *shrug* i just do, i mean its you and yeah maybe ik u better then u think its kind of obvious and gabriel just. stands. there. speechless. cuz sam i am a being older than u can even comprehend and have been THEE Trickster for thousands of years not even Lucifer saw through my tricks i have fooled millions and millions of beings what do you mean "it's obvious"

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