Sarek - Tumblr Posts

Sarek is the worst, but he loves his family in his own way.

(close up... because Spock got better)
Random Thoughts Spock
If Spock had a sister what would the crews reaction be? Just a tall young Vulcan woman showing up as part of a science mission with Spock not telling anyone? Most likely. And Sarek's DNA is definitely dominant in them.
Ben Sisko: And THIS is for disowning your son for following his own dream instead of yours! *punches Sarek in the face*
Sarek: *sputtering* You punched me! Picard never punched me!
Sisko: I’m not Picard.

Amanda likes to suddenly blow in Sarek's ear because every time he flinches because of it
i wonder what sarek felt that one time burnham lured the red angel to her time by dying

Something I think I’ll never ever finished lol so have this little comic about Spock’s childhood and how he got I-Chaya

Like father like son
I was just rewatching Balance of Terror and...


S'chn T'gai Fashion

young sarek & amanda
Absurdly logical, said no romulan ever...

A silly doodle of an even sillier drabble. Tiny!Michael and a grumpy sehlat.

Sarek the Ambassador and His Son Spock

[alt. version & original painting below cut]

based on Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan on 16 November 1581 by Ilya Repin, quote by Franz Kafka