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Joytobehidden - It's A Joy To Be Hidden, And A Tragedy Never To Be Found - Tumblr Blog

During 'The Hounds of Baskerville', Sherlock is seen driving, quite unusually for this iteration of the character.
This was actually because Martin Freeman did not yet have a drivers licence, and so Benedict Cumberbatch had to take the wheel.
The duo also admitted that it was difficult to keep a straight face for the "cheekbones" moment.
Much to their amusement, it has since become one of the most questioned moments by fans, and thus they refuse to comment.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, you do not decide which discworld book you're going to read first, the universe does. It's whichever one accidentally makes its way into your immediate vicinity, whichever one is the only one on the shelf at the library when you were actually looking for something else. It will find you when it's Time, it has something to do with wossname... quantum

just passing through
the postcard for september in the postcard club!

JUST FINISHED THE DEATH SERIES my favorites are definietly Reaper Man and Hogfather

dear Wazzer and Duchess Annagovia, commission for Alejandra ♥ drawing this motivated me to re-read Monstrous Regiment, and...I fell in love with the characters (once again :D )
I visited a friend this weekend and forgot my knitting project so she taught me how to quilt

I find it extremely endearing that I have left my little fingerprint on her cozy quilt
Now I want to a) take up quilting and b) make a quilt and have all my friends quilt a square to have them with me always :)

I thought you guys might enjoy these early sketches of the Enterprise.

They are all taken from The Making of Star Trek by Stephen E. Whitfield and Gene Roddenberry

lyrics from Arcturus Beaming by the Crane Wives

"Line Study No 3: Power and Pressure" by Heather Kinion
cotton and linen fabrics, cotton thread, and wool batting
A meditation. Dense quilting lines create shape and dimension

Leonard Nimoy, from I Am Not Spock (1975)

Character design commission for @cyanastrologist with their lovely cowboy jackalope character!

never added the final line to one of these mugs before, but I felt it was time for weird bugs
Can't believe Leonard Nimoy was straight up like. I'm not saying I ever played Spock gay or straight because I was just playing each scene by Vibes. And if those Vibes are Spock wanting to fuck a man then so be it, I don't control the art the art controls me

My first finished project ever: these squares (including Irene’s) were in a stack in my gram’s closet, and she let me piece them together, then showed me how to hand quilt. She’s the one who taught me how to embroider 15ish years ago, and in the past decade I’ve been back and forth with embroidery as an art form, but it felt good to work slowly with this. I want to experiment with machine quilting myself, but she’s got me sold on hand quilting. I just think it’s beautiful.
My favourite moments from Sherlock & Co (so far)
Sherlock being revealed to have tiktok
Watson replying 'you can wear whatever you want mate' when Sherlock asked if he could wear sunglasses and ear defenders
Sherlock not being knowledgeable in (modern) music and film
When Watson reminds Sherlock to say thank you and please
Sherlock fidgeting with the microphone, making noises (stimming) and then aggressively having a go at the listeners
'I like you as you are, Watson'
The little domestic moments, arguing over who does dishes, who makes dinner, Christmas shopping prices
Sherlock taking 'the knowledge' for fun
Watson and Mariana offering Sherlock hugs
Sherlock and Watson's hot-cold game
"give the heavenly father my best when you see him" - sherlock
Sherlock offering to hold Watson's hand when he begins to have PTSD symptoms
Sherlock created a hugging machine for himself
Multilingual Sherlock
Mariana just accepting her new name of Mrs Hudson because Sherlock refuses to correct himself
Sherlock explaining his deductions to the media and Watson repeatedly shushing ppl interrupting him
'are you a happy boy Sherlock?'
Watson and Sherlock committing crimes together
Watson and Sherlock flirting whilst illegally apprehending someone

Quilt progress, quilt pattern, and quilt hinderance.
My flying geese are messy. I’m taking pointers from Patty Murphy’s book Piecing Makeover (a loan from gram) but it’s not her fault I didn’t cut my squares down to size before connecting them all.
This is going to be a pair of blackout curtains for a lover who lives across from a park with a horrible floodlight by the entrance.

Had a busy weekend, but starting the new week quietly with some Ice Cream Soda blocks!

Ruler Work 101 If you’ve used rulers a few times or not at all, this is the class for you!
Come learn what rulers can do, which foot you need, and how to be successful at using rulers on your domestic machine.
This class is a prerequisite to Ruler Bootcamp and to Ruler of the Month classes. https://www.quiltingmayhem.com/module/class/201237/ruler-work-101

something for @spirk-my-love for the @startrekwintergiftexchange ! They asked for some fake dating spirk >:)