Satoshi Kon - Tumblr Posts

PERFECT BLUE (1997) dir. Satoshi Kon

So I just finished Paranoia Agent today...

This is my introduction to the works of Satoshi Kon, and may I say it is a GREAT start.
If you haven't heard of Satoshi Kon, LOOK UP HIS WORK NOW. It is rather sad, because everyone goes on about Miyazaki, who is epic as well don't get me wrong, but Satoshi Kon doesn't seem to be talked about often. At least that's what it seems like to me. Perhaps because Miyazaki's work tends to be more family friendly, while Satoshi Kon's is... well, not. XD But ain't nothin' wrong with that~
Anyway, Paranoia Agent is beautifully animated, has an addictive soundtrack, and it will give you chills. I cannot speak much of the plot, because sayin' ANYTHIN' is rather on the spoiler-ish side. XD I will say though that this anime is a mystery of sorts that is a great study into the human mind, especially studying how humans handle being pushed into a corner. Do we run away from the problem? Do we try to blame it on someone else? Do we try to find a happy place to escape to? Or do we just shut down?
You'll just have to see this epic anime for yourself~
I will say this though:

My favorite song of the soundtrack: Jouken Douji
It seems I've been postin' mini-reviews of sorts of anime recently! Huh, it might become a thing. I like writin' reviews. Maybe I'll so full-on reviews of animated stuffies later on. XD
We'll see~ <3
And then -

(Only those who have seen the anime will get this. XD )
Paprika (パプリカ) by Satoshi Kon.
Based on the 1993 novel of the same name by Japanese author Yasutaka Tsutsui.
At once playful and nightmarish. Incredibly prophetic. Prefigures our modern virtual world.
A feast for the eyes.


haven't done fanart in a hot minute, but i'm very proud of how this turned out I love my dream girlie ❤️🫶

Pain in my butt watercolor paintings that are based off a anime movie called perfect blue :) All rights belong to satoshi-Kon may he rest in anime heaven

The other painting cause it won't let me go to the desk top site on my phone and my computers shit....

In honor of satoshi kon:) watch this movie it's great. I do not own perfect blue, tips on watercolor anyone?