Saundreas - Tumblr Posts
I'm just going to say this. It makes me absolutely nuts thinking about Andreas's last act being pure fucking love and sacrifice. this man has gone fully dark side, spent 16 years away from Saul, stewing over his betrayal and the way Saul 'killed' him. but when push finally comes to shove... he sacrifices his own life to save Saul, the man who killed him. That's literally it, there's no other explanation for what he does.
He could have told Sky to run, to get out, thus saving Sky and killing Saul - and it would have been poetic! Heartbreaking! but the expected full-circle of their relationship! But he doesn't, he tells Sky to kill him so that his puppeted body can't kill Saul, because it's Saul who would have died in the next few seconds with a single slice. Because when everything else is stripped away, that's what's left: he can't kill Saul.
And then you fucking think about what this would do to Saul... knowing that the man he loved and killed had loved him enough, even after all that time, to sacrifice his own life to save Saul's. Like how the hell do you ever get past that?
How do you go on trying to be the good guy after that? When the man you thought of as a shitty, mass-murdering, child-abandoning asshole - but you still love despite yourself, despite everything - gives you this awful, terrible last gift of love and self-sacrifice with his final breaths. and you can't ever tell him that you... that you -
you can't ever tell him any of it, because he's gone.

Here, have an emotionally stunted and violent dilf.
Someone introducing Saul and Andreas to each other
Saul: we've already met
Andreas: He's my husband
Saul: Ex-husband
Andreas: You never filed the paperwork, Darling, and it's till death do us part
Saul: I thought you were dead
Andreas: If you've remarried I'm going to kill them
Why is this adorable yet strangely heartbreaking? The parallels between both men raising children alone when they could have been doing it together. Existing unaware of one another, connected under the same sky.
Parenting 101 (Fate the Winx Saga)
storyline by @lilshitwayne, art by moi

I have come into your inbox to rant and ramble after being blown away. I specifically ship your version/characterization of saulxandreas and romantic or platonic!saulxfarah/saul&farah, where the two dynamics are a foil for one another. Your fic, it was just red, is a masterpiece. It perfectly encapsulates the way that Andreas’s “feelings” for Saul would likely manifest, not as a healthy romantic attraction but as a twisted combination of attraction, jealousy of someone more popular and better than him (“good, kind, stupid Saul”), the desire to dominate, and the homophobic/toxicly masculine idea of owning/besting someone by fucking them. That sort of dynamic unfortunately often culminates in sexual violence, whether it be rape by deception or straight up assault. Which is made all the more heartbreaking by saul’s devotion towards Andreas and their early friendship. The contrast between Andreas being too narcissistic and insecure to love properly (“I did love you, you know,”) and the real love between Saul and his fairy, Farrah, and his other friends, made me cry.
I also ship saulxhealing because he puts on this image of even tempered mentor/guardian for the sake of his son and students, but he has got to be internally shattered, the most broken and traumatized character in the whole series, especially after season 2. Pretty much everyone he’s known and loved died violently. throughout his life, two people he trusted (Andreas and Sebastian) treated him like dirt by trying to kill him. He must have a very damaged sense of self worth and internalized guilt at being one of the last ones standing. Maybe he could find solace in being a father to sky, although i wonder how their relationship was affected by sky killing his biological father to save Saul on top of the previous trust issues that were not resolved.
Have you ever thought about writing another fic in light of all the compelling saulxandreas moments from season 2? Ken duken really amped up the tension between them, every time they appear on screen Andreas looks at Saul with such a creepy intense look that’s hard to ignore. And there’s the introduction of Sebastian, who definitely had a crush on Saul (“following saul around like a puppy”) The potential for Sebastian’s jealousy and hatred toward Andreas during their school years, and andreas being possessive of saul would be interesting. I could see your characterization of andreas continuing beautifully in a post s2 fic, with his viciousness showing in the way he relentlessly bullied Sebastian to mark his territory and because he could.
Also, it’s a testament to your writing that canon s2 Andreas pretty much acted in accordance with the Andreas in your fic! There’s always the possibility of canon work completely going against a fic, but s2 Andreas was every bit as bloodthirsty and aggressive as you wrote him (not Ben asking saul if sky inherited Andreas’s bloodlust 😭) Burning saul’s house down in jealousy, pushing students around and making sparring more violent, being emotionally unavailable towards his son, and insulting silva’s masculinity, (“did he wear an apron?”) it was amazing how you basically extrapolated his character so accurately from just a few scenes in s1.
Basically, thank you for writing it was just red, and the way you wrote it makes me yearn and wonder if you’ve ever thought about writing something post s2. The past and present structure for it was just red would be perfect in explaining the sheer depths of Sebastian’s hatred of Andreas (with Saul at the root of it all,) and the way Saul/Andreas’s scenes were so intense, culminating in Andreas sacrificing himself to save Saul, makes me wonder what kind of relationship they had in the past even if it was an unhealthy one. The show also glossed over saul’s imprisonment after he was caught returning to see sky, and the way you wrote his imprisonment in i.w.j.r. Makes me think you’d write that part wonderfully. The saul&sky&andreas conflict and dynamic (“you’re already starting to sound like him.”) was also teased but not explored in canon, and the way you described that in the last fic (“he’s in my DNA” “he’s in my bones.”) chills. I’d kill to see your exploration of that dynamic post s2. And they also didn’t include any grieving scenes for Saul after his fairy died!
Anyways, I’ll end this here. It was just red. was amazing, literally one of the best fics I’ve read and definitely the best when it comes to comparing the quality of canon to fic. You have a gift for fully fleshing out the motivations and psychology of characters, your writing is technically skilled, and you included themes beyond just shipping (about love, war, trauma, growth, and disillusionment) that I didn’t expect but were really impactful to read. I would die of happiness if you were considering writing another post s2 saundreas fic but that’s not to induce any pressure because I am already forever greatful for the fics you’ve already written. Wishing you all the best in life. Also, is it okay to send you more asks/messages about fate? This has gotten ridiculously long but I’d love to discuss more saundreas/saulbastian/saulrah things down the line with you if you’re interested.
okay anon, I hope you know this is the best ask I've ever received, my ego will never be the same after this 😅💕
I love the points you brought up in your 2nd paragraph, re: Saul x Healing. The man has been through it ALL, although I always have a hard time reconciling what he's actually been through with the mechanical way the writers had him deal with everything in S2. It's absolutely criminal we got little to no fallout from what went down in the lodge because you're so right, Sky and Saul's relationship is fundamentally changed now that Sky murdered his bio father to save his real father!! Plus Sky and Saul have both now lost their fairies, they've both killed their own fathers, their home burned down… like they have so much loss together (makes you wonder what's left to repair if they both lost so much).
I have actually started a "S2 from Saul's POV" that tries to both build on what specks of light they gave us (Ken rocking tf out of angsty Andreas, references to Sebastian and Andreas' crushes on Saul, wtf was going on that week when both Saul and Andreas were teachers at Alfea when they have this history together????) and also tries to bridge some of the gaps (where tf is the emotion? any of it? About Farah? Sky killing Andreas? Siding with Roz???)
And I'm toasting you to kingdom come, anon, for the praise re: Andreas' characterization in my fic. If you had told me when I was writing it that we were going to get as much fucked up Andreas in S2 as we did I would not have believed you. It was a dream come true--my only wish is that they hadn't killed him off so early. He was SUCH a great rogue/lesser villain. I really don't remember what happens much in s2 after Episode 4 lol that's basically It for me. I'm framing your sentence "the best quen it comes to comparing the quality of canon to fic" because ??? excuse me this is the most fantastic compliment because that's exactly what I was going for/hoping for and!!! thank you!!!!
Back to my S2 "rewrite" fic. I hadn't considered as much your particular angle, like what if Sebastian being Sebastian and not just any old blood witch was part of the reason for Andreas' sacrifice? Extra baggage between the three of them? I'm curious what you mean about "the past and present structure of IWJR would be perfect in explaining the sheer depth…" are you just referring to IWJR or are you talking about the proposed post-s2 fic you would like to see me write? Sorry I'm just curious!!
Anyway anyway anyway PHEW you are incredible for sending such a kind and gushing message and THANK YOU!!! I literally had to sit on it for a few hours bc it was like staring at the sun lol it is so bright and makes me so happy. You are ALWAYS welcome to come chat about anything Fate, on anon or off! We are a friendly bunch and love talking about our silly 13 episode fairy show!! Thank you again!!

“What is alive and what isn’t and what should we do about it?”
Literally canon. Psychosexually obsessed with each other. Freud would kill people to sit these two down.
I adore the canon of these two, I love Saul being willing to murder Andreas for his morals and for the team he picked (Farah), I love Andreas being willing to walk away on his son, his best friend and his moral code for the general that he picked (Rosalind).
I love Andreas coming back and still being just as obsessed with Rosalind as before. I love that he holds this over Saul's head. I love that he gives zero fucks about Sky. I love that he doesn't care that Saul murdered him, but he cares that Sebastian was a teacher's pet following Silva around, I love that he can recognize Saul's handwriting with one glance even 16 years after, I love that he never once asks for forgiveness.
I love that Saul regrets killing Andreas, but that he would do it again. I love that he almost had to do it again. I love the thinly veiled insult in Saul's voice whenever he refers to Andreas to Sky. I love the disdain, I love the smugness, I love the "Andreas was probably jealous bc I gave you my father's sword", I love how immediately Saul dislikes Beatrix, I love how he comes this close to calling Andreas an animal.
I love that Saul sabotages Andreas without even knowing by building a shrine to a man who never existed. I love how much that is a hate declaration as much as a love declaration.
I like that they're dysfunctional. I love that Andreas is a complex character who's both victim and perpetrator of abuse. I love Saul's complicated morality, about the fact he set up Sky for disaster knowingly, about how he withheld his love because of his own sensibilities.
I want these incredibly capable, flawed characters to fuck and kill each other, in whatever order comes first.

Darling, so it goes… some things are meant to be

grieving, grieving, constantly grieving.

Sketch of a scene from It was Just Red. by @septemberrie , an absolute masterpiece of a fic.
This shaving scene was a amazingly written, with Andreas cupping Saul’s face and gazing at him in a twisted facsimile of intimacy. It brought to mind what was, what could have been, and what has been irrevocably damaged.
Happy birthday Skye!