Save Cats - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

reposting on my main bc it has more followers. i’m underage, don’t have any money to donate but please, if you’re able to donate, don’t hesitate.  putting tags on so people can see this.

Help a disabled, mentally ill queer organized by Addison Gates
Hi! My (Chosen) name is Addison Stars, and I'm a 19 year old disabled, semi immunoc… Addison Gates needs your support for Help a disabled, mentally ill queer


Hi! My (Chosen) name is Addison Stars, and I’m a 19 year old disabled semi immuno-compromised, mentally ill & nd, trans and queer person living on welfare. I am currently trying to get moved up to disability aid, but the process has been extremely difficult and is taking far too long. I am currently living in an extremely unstable household; I finally moved out of my abusive family’s home at the beginning of the pandemic, and me and my cat ended up getting stuck in a room in a very unsafe home. My roommates have threatened and actively followed through with cutting off the houses water, internet, other basic utilities, have threatened to not allow me to use the kitchen I pay to use, have given me food poisoning on several occasions, are beginning to (TW) s/xually harass me, are constantly putting my cat and myself in danger and actively do not believe in the Pandemic. They have stolen or gotten rid of several of my things, actively threatened to and attempted to steal my computer and phone, and have almost gotten my (TW) cat killed several times. On top of all of this, I am physically disabled and barely capable of standing for periods of time longer than 20ish minutes, and mobility is extremely painful for me. I also get sick extremely easily, and it doesn’t help that I can’t afford food to the point where most days I just don’t eat, or I have to ask friends for help to buy dinner. I need several braces for various physical issues, I need money to afford groceries, I need to be able to pay for my cats flea treatments and possibly her shots and surgery to get her fixed, and I need money to help me attempt to move into a more stable household without having to give up my cat and basically all of my belongings. While they aren’t top of my list, I would also love to be able to afford a wheelchair to help with my mobility, and I would love to get my own apartment for my and my cats safety and comfort, though without help I’ll likely just need to rent another room. The last goal that would be cool to reach would be money to put towards transition goals, (ie. legal name change, testosterone), but I doubt that will be reached. Any aid you can offer would be absolutely amazing. Besides for gofundme I can take paypal and bank transfers. My goals are set in CAD. Thank you so much for reading and spreading this around, and donating if you have! <3 You can reach me for more questions: paypal:  tumblr: @queernby discord: sunshine#8804 (Current goal is set at $2000 because I wasn’t sure where to start, but if we could go over that would be amazing!!!!!)

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