Save Point - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

"She sacrificed for us, class. She gave up everything for us before her life even began. Even she didn't know how much her own actions would exceed just herself. And now she is memorialize forever more in our history."

"She Sacrificed For Us, Class. She Gave Up Everything For Us Before Her Life Even Began. Even She Didn't

"She Sacrificed For Us, Class. She Gave Up Everything For Us Before Her Life Even Began. Even She Didn't

Frisk stained glass, commissioned by the young king to honor her sacrifice forevermore.

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1 year ago

"She sacrificed for us, class. She gave up everything for us before her life even began. Even she didn't know how much her own actions would exceed just herself. And now she is memorialize forever more in our history."

"She Sacrificed For Us, Class. She Gave Up Everything For Us Before Her Life Even Began. Even She Didn't

"She Sacrificed For Us, Class. She Gave Up Everything For Us Before Her Life Even Began. Even She Didn't

Frisk stained glass, commissioned by the young king to honor her sacrifice forevermore.

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2 years ago

Are you trapped on tumblr right now?

Is there something you planned to do before you got trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?

Are you yelling at yourself to get up and do the thing, but you can’t, because you’re trapped in the endless tumblr scroll?

Consider this your save point.

Put tumblr down, stand up, stretch, and go do the thing you planned to do. Future you will be incredibly grateful.

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6 months ago


I made a little script for a fan comic that I'm going to do :D

I hope you like it hehe ^^!

Note: this happens post AvA V - Showdown

TSC narrative :P

I woke up on the floor with my friends sitting around me. Although I could barely move, that didn't stop me from jumping for joy to hug them, a feeling that was reciprocated. But I noticed something strange in their eyes, something that gave me that feeling that something was wrong.

Apparently they were not my hallucinations due to fatigue. -Are you OK?-

\-Do you remember anything that happened?- Now that I think about it, no, I don't remember almost anything after Dark stabbed me into that wall. I barely manage to remember a kind of lightning that dazzled me, along with a very low voice, I don't remember what he said to me. Then everything is a blur, but how did I survive? He caused me fatal injuries, and even more strange, where are the injuries that he caused me? Did they just disappear? Just like that? Although they are not visible, they still hurt internally, as if what had healed me had only done so on the outside.

I fell to my knees, the pain was not paranoia, it was wounds and internal bleeding apparently, I'm not sure. But what I am sure of is that it is not normal at all to vomit almost a liter of blood.

Anyway, there's nothing to do for now, my eyesight is down to zero and there's a high chance that he's unconscious right now, not to mention that he may have died and is in 'The Void'.


Dark Narrative :3

I woke up after what seemed like hours unconscious, my body heavy and full of deep cuts.

He could feel the pain of the breeze passing through them.

I need to cover them as soon as possible, but if I go to my lab there is a chance that Chosen and those kids are still there.

Maybe I could send some ViraBot, I still have the elastic band with me, and before the fight I made sure to load a prototype small enough to hide it, anticipating any problems, it is very small, but I think it is capable of coming and going to me laboratory.

An hour later

\-If my internal clock does not fail, that thing should be arriving in about three minutes.-

Something interrupted my thoughts, I heard small and silent footsteps on dry leaves and branches, with regret and the strength that I still had, I was able to get up and take out one of my blades. Even if I was hurt, whatever that was wasn't going to kill me.

It was a false alarm, it was just the prototype with a bag that I had left on my desk, it had supplies, a first-aid kit, weapons, just what I needed.

To tell the truth, I don't understand how he was able to bring all that with his tiny size, although he did manage to get a good scare.

Already covered my wounds, I observed my surroundings, the great forest that is around this place, I decided to look for firewood for a bonfire. Already with the wood stacked, the prototype did something strange, I think it started to spin and the tension generated a fairly decent fire, it would serve to survive the night.

Regarding the prototype, it's much better than I thought, and now that I think about it, maybe I should give it a name. I really don't know, I would say "I consult with my pillow", but I don't have one. Guess I'll check with the clump of grass I'm laying my head on.

As soon as I lay down I felt how my eyelids began to weigh. -The prototype lay next to me as if it were a cat, maybe it's a cute pet.- sucite before falling into the arms of Morpheus.

Thanks for reading <3

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8 years ago
(A) Munian -Save Point Buddy

(A) Munian - “Save Point” Buddy

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