Savedeadboydetectives - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

here are some things you can do despite the cancellation:

stream the show!!

request dbda s2 as a title on netflix here:

geeked week is running from september 16-19. if you have a twitter account (or if youre planning on making one) tweet @netflix during (and before, but esp during) the event with dbda chatter. be mindful if you're doing this, do not harrass anybody and don't create multiple accounts as they'll be flagged as bots. I'm not too sure about how much they check over here on tumblr, that's why I'm signalling out twitter.

there's currently an attempt to get #SaveDeadBoyDetectives trending on twt rn if you'd like to contribute. get the tag trending here too <3 (as of writing this #DeadBoyDetectives is already up and going on the bird app)

here's a petition you can sign

@kieren-fucking-walker is planning on organising a UK meetup. check out their interest post here

in terms of events that I'm aware of:

@palasakiweek and @deadboyween week(s) are still set to happen

@crystal-week and a @dbdazine have interest checks out rn!! check em out <3

and finally, create. edits, gifs, moodboards, art, fics, crafts, whatever you can think of. don't let this discourage you.

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5 months ago

Destiel reincarnated????

Ok fellow Destiel shippers, how does this ship sound?

Character A: Not very outwardly emotional, much older than they look, doesn't really understand modern human culture, a lot of knowledge about the supernatural, many sassy moments. Deeply in love with best friend but afraid to confess it until the very last moment, partly due to them not fully understanding what love really is. Very gay, and very confused about sexuality

Character B: Extroverted and flirtatious towards women, but deeply in denial about being bi. Tragic backstory where their father was an asshole and made them feel like they had to be manly, and like they were never good enough. Loves 80s music and would rather hit a problem in the face than talk things out. Anger issues and a lot of insecurity, but a heart of gold. Also in love with their best friend but is not ready to address what kind of love they're feeling

Need more convincing?? One literally rescues the other from hell, except this time, we see it in all it's beautiful and romantic glory. Here's a difference though, the confession happens in the first season, and is met with assurances that their love is returned, even if they can't say for certain what kind of love it is.

And here's another difference, Character A has multiple suitors pursuing him and making him realise that he is, in fact, into men. And the gay panic is glorious.

Edwin Payne is Castiel, and Charles Rowland is Dean Winchester!!!!

Interested???? Watch Dead Boy Detectives on Netflix!!!! Trying to get the numbers up and this has the potential to heal the Destiel shaped hole in our hearts!!! Netflix cancelled it after one season, but if we get the viewing numbers up there's a chance it could still be picked up!!!

Supernatural went for 15 seasons!! We can get a season 2!!!

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6 months ago

This is the "nah I'm not going anywhere. Netflix might think the story ends there but I am laughing behind their back, I will continue being active in this fandom no matter what the show's fate shall be, because letting that die would be the worst death of them all." post.

You want us to be hurt and broken about it? Well we are. We are devastated. Life sucks.

But we will not let this be just a story of tragedy and end there, let us be forgotten over time, we won't be having it! We are going to fill the cracks of the shattered pieces with our light!

Reblog to agree if you're also gonna stay and spread light.

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6 months ago

it's not the tweets; it's playing the show over and over until it reaches number 1

It's Not The Tweets; It's Playing The Show Over And Over Until It Reaches Number 1

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5 months ago

The most important website these days

credits to @savethedeadboys for their fantastic work

Save Dead Boy Detectives

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5 months ago

Can't believe how good we had it in August. Dozens of fresh adorable Gameos everyday. Jayden thugging it out through a horror video game he hated while we played drinking bingo to raise money for Parkinson's research. The hope of a second season. New art, new fan fics everyday. Chorbwin. Five duck sized Jaydens. George cooking a roast dinner for Jayden instead of roasting him. An official Edwin playlist.

Stay strong, comrades. The sun will shine on us again. And we've got literally forever to figure the rest out.

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5 months ago

compilation of thoughts relating to trauma, dbda, & ghosts

ghosts can't grow up. by definition, ghosts are trapped at the ages they died at. that's how it works. so edwin is sixteen and charles is sixteen and technically they are fifty and a hundred but mostly they are sixteen.

trauma can often stunt someone at the age you are traumatized at. this can relate to a singular field (ie, have a traumatic romantic relationship, and thereby not maturing in romantic relations), or all around.

i saw in an interview with one of the show creators -i can't remember which interview- but that season two would be about growing up, and how that's ironic because they are ghosts.

god, there was this dbda fic i read once where edwin lost his memories of being dead and charles says something like "he hasn't been sixteen in all the time i've known him."

edwin is sixteen. he is a ghost and he is traumatized. and he is also not sixteen. he is also an adult and devastated and a child and mostly he is scared and traumatized.

in that big comic compilation thing that i don't own but have seen screenshots of, it says edwin's essence is that he wants to feel safe. edwin is sixteen and at a new boarding school and he needs to feel safe, and edwin is 123 and so deeply traumatized that he needs to feel safe. has edwin ever felt safe? has edwin ever felt like a child?

trauma can mature you and it can infantilize you. it can make you never feel safe, even when the danger is gone.

i've heard that saint hilarion's is a boarding school for military brats. which means edwin's dad is fighting in world war one. edwin would have been drafted if he hadn't died. they both might have died in the war. they could have died side by side or having not spoken for months. he does not have the safety of knowing his dad will survive the week.

something something being a ghost isn't an allegory for trauma but they do intersect. death and trauma and life and what could have beens and the nothingness that is between it all

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5 months ago

Okay but it doesn't make sense, I mean everything pointed to a renewal: they had season 2 practically already written and just 2 weeks ago George made all those cameos hinting at season 2, replying to those who asked about future plans for the characters things like "I already know how it ends", "We just have to wait to see this and that" and he seemed quite hopeful (and honestly like he knew that there was a future for the show and the characters).

Of course, I'm not saying he already knew and fooled us because we know how much he cares about the show and about Edwin and about the fandom, quite the opposite more likely he was informed later (and I can't begin to imagine how heartbroken he must be now, along with the rest of the cast), but what I don't understand is he must have asked for permission to talk about Dead Boy Detectives and Edwin's character and to say things like that, otherwise he could've simply redirected the answers to a more neutral ground instead of teasing, so I don't know, there's just something that doesn't sit well with me with this cancellation.

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5 months ago

I like to imagine that the supernatural community in London are all just collegively waiting for Panyeland to get married.

Like they're all completely convinced those two boys are dating but because of time period prejudice don't say anything. But everyone is just waiting fir when they announce their engagement.

The witch who owns a flower shop keeps sunflowers, red roses and forget me nots on standby ready to make bouquets at any second.

The ghost costume designer has designs upon designs of their wedding outfits at the ready for then too look over and chose to form in to. (Taking age and period times into account)

The immortal bookshop owner has paper ready for invitations, because the entire supernatural community has been waiting for this.

The seer portrait artist always keeps a few days of each season open as those boys never match with her visions and she wants them to have an image of their wedding day.

The Night Nurse is also completely absorbed in this as well, prepared for when she must give in some solved cases late so they can have a good amount of time for the wedding and honeymoon.

It's somehow a complete shock to Charles and Edwin when they do eventually get married that so many people turned up. All people they knew on the basic surface level but all care for them and want them happy. To know there's people who care about them in their afterlives. It's wild.

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5 months ago

Okay but it doesn't make sense, I mean everything pointed to a renewal: they had season 2 practically already written and just 2 weeks ago George made all those cameos hinting at season 2, replying to those who asked about future plans for the characters things like "I already know how it ends", "We just have to wait to see this and that" and he seemed quite hopeful (and honestly like he knew that there was a future for the show and the characters).

Of course, I'm not saying he already knew and fooled us because we know how much he cares about the show and about Edwin and about the fandom, quite the opposite more likely he was informed later (and I can't begin to imagine how heartbroken he must be now, along with the rest of the cast), but what I don't understand is he must have asked for permission to talk about Dead Boy Detectives and Edwin's character and to say things like that, otherwise he could've simply redirected the answers to a more neutral ground instead of teasing, so I don't know, there's just something that doesn't sit well with me with this cancellation.

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