Saw Movies - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Reunion - Adam Stanheight / Reader

18 +

the inspiration for this one was a three word writing prompt, where I randomized two nouns three times, and one adjective three times (through a random word generator). Its a stretch, and I couldn't think of a proper way to include the third word. So, please enjoy!

18 +

Dominant, wing, demonstrate 

It was Halloween in the resounding city of New Jersey. You did your hair up, and flattened out your clothes, tapping your shoes nervously on the marble floor. You were dressed up as an angel, attending a Halloween party at your neighbor’s house. You were only going because your friend said he was going. And… you thought this would be a perfect way to… oh… you didn’t really know… Impress him? 

There were still wrinkles in your outfit, but you’d ironed it twice already, and it wasn’t coming out, and you didn’t want to ruin the clothes, so you left it alone. On your back were two, majestic, wings that spread out and curled around your sides. You smiled at your reflection, thinking how you looked so pretty. 

Then, you grabbed your wallet and your phone, and headed outside. The brown and orange leaves lay on the pavement and crunched satisfyingly underfoot. You could see your neighbor’s house across the street, its windows blocked out by fake wooden boards, and creepy hanging spiderwebs. You got excited when you saw a familiar car in the driveway. HE was here.

You gathered courage, and knocked upon the door. In only a matter of seconds your neighbor, Marie, opened the door, wearing a witches costume, a broom in one hand and a wand in the other. They hugged you as you came in, and you couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across your face. In the distance, you could hear the magical voice of your best friend, right around the corner, in the kitchen. 

Pulling out of the hug, you hurried down the hall and entered the kitchen eagerly. It had been a couple of years since you’d seen him, but his voice was still the same as you remembered it. And when you caught a glimpse of him, your heart stopped in your throat. He looked exactly the way he did when you saw him last. 

“Adam!” You exclaimed, running forward. 

The man turned away from the conversation he was having with your neighbor’s husband. His eyes lit up instantly when he saw you, and he smiled. He lifted you into his arms. “Y/N, it’s been such a long time! How are you?”

“I’m so happy to see you!” You confessed. 

“And I you. What’ve you been up to with your life?”

“Saving money for a new apartment. The job’s fine but the apartment sucks.”

“I recently got back into photography. I thought I’d waited long enough after… what happened… to me…”

You nodded sympathetically. “Yes. How are you?” You asked. 

“I’m still in therapy. But, I’m better. It happened two years ago now. The only thing I regret is pushing you away.”

“Awe, don’t worry about that. I understand why you did it.”

Adam smiled again, and then seemed to realize how close he was standing to you. He released his arms from around your waist, and you took a step back. 

“You… You didn’t dress up…” You said, almost disappointedly. 

Adam looked away, seeming shy all the sudden. “Yeah… I didn’t… want to get out of my comfortable clothes.”

You couldn’t help but laugh at Adam’s cuteness. “Awe, it’s okay. You don’t have to if you don’t want to! It’s so you.”

“You look lovely in that outfit,” Adam said. “Those wings are elaborate.”

“Thanks. I spent lots of money on getting them done. I met with someone online. They were really nice!”

Adam stroked a hand down the soft wings, and looked into your eyes. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for a while, the heat and tension mounting. It lasted only until the doorbell rang again and more of your neighbors arrived, but by then you still felt flustered. Adam broke eye contact, and took in a deep breath. “So… I guess we should greet the others?” 

A strange feeling settled in your stomach, one you hadn’t felt in a long time. “Yeah… I suppose…” You couldn’t keep the reluctance out of your voice. 

Adam didn’t seem to hear it. He took your hand, and led you into the living room, which was just across the kitchen. You spotted more of your neighbors inside, most of them were talking with the head of the HOA. You stayed back, only wishing to observe. Adam stayed by your side. Neither of you moved to make small talk with the other guests. 

After some seconds, you and Adam maneuvered around to the couch, and sat down on the far end, furthest away from the crowd. You took up a conversation with Adam, succumbing to the fact that you wouldn’t be ‘greeting the others’ after all. That kinda thing just wasn’t your ‘forte.’ 

“I heard you and Annabelle broke-up…”

Adam tucked and untucked his shirt a couple of times, settling on untucked. “Yeah. She really wasn’t helping my mental health after the incident.” 

“Oh, I’m so sorry.”

“It was a long time ago,” He said with a small smile. 

You remembered seeing the post about a week ago, so you know he was playing it off, but you didn’t want to pry. “Are… are you seeing someone now?”

Adam laughed wryly. “Ha! Like I could get over it that quickly. Annabelle rushed me to get over everything that Jigsaw put me through. She… became impatient, and angry. She blamed me for a lot of things that were out of my control. For one, when she gave birth to a stillborn, she said it was my fault for not trying hard enough to take care of her. But, I was taking care of myself then. I wasn’t the one drinking alcohol while pregnant.” 

“You were going to have a baby?!” You exclaimed in astonishment, before you could stop yourself. 

“Not mine,” Adam said hastily, undisturbed by the inconsiderate interruption. “She cheated. Said that was my fault too. ‘If I had been more… available’. That was her word. ‘Available’.”

“Oh shit. I’m so sorry, Adam.” You whispered. Seeing Adam look so forlorn broke your heart. 

But before you could change the topic, he continued. “Like, the baby could have been mine… what a waste of breath… She didn’t even care that I didn’t want a kid. Of course, I would help her raise it, but… the way she said it. Like I didn’t have a choice. Like, this baby deserved to be MINE.” 

You reached a hand up to Adam’s cheek, and turned his face towards you. “Hey… We don’t have to talk about this. I didn’t mean to… bring all this up…”

Adam looked into your eyes and nodded. “Yeah…” He mumbled. 

“Why don’t… Why don’t we get some cider? Marie’s making some in the kitchen.” 

Adam nodded again, his expression still forlorn. “I… I wanted to tell you that for a long time…” Adam said suddenly, making you stop. 

You turned back to him, your heart pounding in your chest, and its heartbeat reverberating in your ears. You took a deep breath to steady yourself. “Oh, Adam…” You reached a hand up to his shoulder, and grasped it tightly. “I’m so sorry I never stopped by.”

“No… I needed the space. But, I’m just so relieved I got to see you again.” He leaned his head into yours, and before you knew what was happening, you found yourself lips-to-lips with him.

Surprised, you kissed Adam back, pushing him into the couch. His hands crawled up chest, over your shirt, sending warmth through your whole body. The feeling of his soft lips on yours numbed the feeling of social anxiety, and staved off the worry thoughts in your mind. 

He took your breath away with every moment that passed, making you want him more, and more, and more… He pushed you, and you pushed him, and the pattern continued, until you found yourself in his lap, pushing him against the couch cushions, and pinning his hands to his sides. His muffled moans got you to sit back, and look at your work in progress. 

Embarrassment flooded you, as you realized what you were doing. “Oh my god! I’m so sorry… I… forgot who I was with… I can’t believe I did that…”

Adam gazed at you, out of breath. “Wait… are you… single?” He looked worried.

Awkwardly, you said, “Y-yes… Why is that relevant?”

“I didn’t know you knew how to kiss like that. Almost thought you might’ve been practicing with someone else.”

You smiled at Adam’s joke. “No… I just… One night stands…” On a sadder note you added, “I’ve not found someone worth more than that…”

“What about me?” Adam asked quietly. 

Humiliated, you glanced away, realizing your mistake. “I-I didn’t mean it like that!”

“Shh. It’s okay. I’m just kidding.”

You smiled awkwardly. 

“How about we get that cider?” Adam asked. 

“Yeah.” You agreed. “That would be… lovely.”

Adam pushed you from his lap, and as he did, he whispered, “You’re gonna have to do that again, Y/N.”

Blushing, you nodded at him, and followed him into the kitchen, where you found a pot of hot cider waiting on the stove top. Marie was off to the side. You poured a glass for yourself and one for Adam. Adam took it from you happily, and you both took seats at the breakfast table.

In silence, you drank the cider peacefully, each one enjoying the other’s company. Through the window, the sun was setting and its vibrant light cast intricate shadows onto the table and bathed the world outside in darkness. 

Adam sipped his cider flirtatiously, getting your attention. You watched him with a blank face, wondering how long you could ignore his attempts until he finally broke. But neither of you were easy at giving up or backing down, and the competition lasted for twenty minutes. It was only broken when you emptied your cups of cider, after which you shared a laugh together. 

“I noticed how you were holding your cup,” Adam said. 

“Oh? What’s wrong with how I hold my cup?” 

“Nothing… But… You don’t hold it by the handle.”

You nodded. “Oh yeah. It kinda hurts to hold it by the handle. I usually hold it around the base of the cup, you now? So my fingers go through the handle.”

Adam copied your way of holding the cup. “It keeps my hands warm,” he admitted. “But, I want to see you hold it by the handle.”

Chuckling, you took the cup in your dominant hand. And, trying to be impressive, you lifted your pinky, as is traditional. Adam laughed, and walked around the table so that he was behind you. “Here, let me help you.” He put a hand on yours and adjusted your fingers. He adjusted the cup so it fit snugly in your palm. You looked at him, and held the cup precariously, before nearly dropping it on your lap. 

“I think I’m just gonna hold it the other way,” you said self-consciously. 

Adam stepped back, a look of admiration in his eyes. “That’s fair,” he said.

A silence hung between you two for a short moment, and then Adam said, “You want to get out of here?”

“What? But… we came here to party!”

“We could go somewhere else to… finish this party…”

You hung onto every word that he said, a burning sensation filling you up. “Oh yes… I don’t think Marie would really miss me. They're hanging out with their friends.” You looked over to the fireplace, where Marie and a group of other ladies were playing a card game of Phase Ten, Marie’s husband watching from the sidelines, and laughing his ass off. 

Adam followed your gaze, and smiled. “So, does that mean you’ll sneak off with me?”

“Duh.” You smirked at Adam.

You grabbed your belongings, and headed outside, letting Adam take you to his car. He opened the door for you, like a gentleman. You curtsied sarcastically, and got into the car. Adam, feeling challenged by your curtsy, kissed you hard. Taken completely off your guard, you fell back against the seat, and grabbed Adam closer. Without another question, Adam stepped into the car, and straddled you, his mouth never once leaving yours.

Your plans cut short, you made it only to the car, where Adam slammed the door shut, and started stripping your clothes off. You let him, your fantasies of two years finally coming true. 

In the rush, you pulled each other’s clothes off, and threw them anywhere. You didn't really care where they ended up in the end, so long as you got what you wanted. And it appeared that Adam felt the same way.

Adam broke away to get a breath of air. You gasped for air too, while the moment presented itself. The two of you gazed into each other’s eyes, finding lust and love in the other’s sparking glances. “Oh, Y/N…” Adam murmured. “I need this. I need you. I just didn’t know it until now…”

His voice brought you back to reality, and you realized just how out of breath you were. You rested your head on the headrest, and smiled. “And I you…” You replied longingly. There was a very obvious bloodrush between your legs, and you groaned, pressing your hips against Adam’s. 

Adam smiled, as he positioned himself correctly over you. And then you screamed, and you were delighted to hear Adam’s breath hitch at the noise. Instantly, pleasure consumed you. Your whole body tensed up as you felt Adam move inside you. Adam’s body moved smoothly with yours and the two of you formed a rhythm that could only be duplicated by its original creators. 

You threw your head back, hitting it hard against the headrest, but you didn’t even notice. Adam continued to pound you into the passenger’s seat, leaving you feeling starstruck. Your mind was so numb with ecstasy that you couldn’t move, only lie there in shock while Adam fucked you sensless.

In the cold, dusty, car, you found yourself outside your neighbor’s house, barely able to move, barely able to think, and whimpering Adam’s name in rushed, irregular breaths, and Adam whimpering your name in the same fashion, as you raised the pressure between yourselves, and finally leading to an overblown orgasm, that left your legs strained, your whole body uncontrollably shaking, and stars in your eyes. 

Adam had filled you up with all of him… Including extras… And when he pulled out, you flinched. Adam looked at his work, and then after some maneuvering, you started cuddling and kissing, with pillow talk. 

As you laid there feeling each other’s chests rise and fall in unison with every breath, you said, “So… Adam… does this mean we’re…?”

“We’re whatever you want us to be,” he said.

You raised an eyebrow, and said playfully, “You mean… You could be my best friend forever and nothing else?”

Adam sighed. “If that’s what you want…” He gave you a look of utter sadness, and you regretted making the joke. 

“No, that’s not what I want!” You cried out. “I want… I want to be with YOU…”

Adam smiled at that. “I want to be with you, too.”

Still gathering your breath, you gazed out the frosty window. “You think we should go back inside before they start to realize we’re missing?”

Adam looked out the window too. “Yeah. Probably.”

You stayed for just a couple minutes longer, enjoying the aftermath of your deepest fantasy coming to life. Then you started to get dressed. It was a struggle to put your clothes back on, but once it was done, the two of you slowly meandered back inside your neighbor’s house, ready to finish up the Halloween party, once and for all. 

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7 months ago

Fluff Adam Stanheight / Reader stories


The one I wrote on my phone (the nameless one)

When Nobody's Around

Love Me


Day Out


Happily Ever After

Love Story

Early Sunday Morning

Laser Tag - Submissive Reader

Laser Tag - Dominant Reader

One Day


Snow White Kisses

Coffee Date

Let Me Touch You


Dance With Me

Valentine's Day

Motivate Me

Coworker Trouble

Don't Let Me Go


Paranoiac Assumptions

Take My Breath Away

Kiss Me

Sleeping Beauty

Falling For You

Sexual Tension

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7 months ago

Dark Adam Stanheight / Reader stories

Trigger Warning! These stories contain dark themes: Death, Depression, Low Self-Esteem, Sad Topics.

They do NOT contain Suicide or Self-Harm


Wishful Thinking



Go To Sleep

Figmentary Feelings

Dreaming Of You

Car Ride

Anything For You

Toxic; I'll Love You Anyway

All's Not Forsaken

Fever Dream

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7 months ago

Song-Inspired Adam Stanheight / Reader stories

Melanie Martinez

Go To Sleep

Figmenatry Feelings

Toxic; I'll Love You Anyway

Taylor Swift

Partners In Crime

Cornelia Street

Fever Dream

Love Story


Motivate Me

Coworker Trouble

Selena Gomez

Dance With Me

Don't Let Me Go



Car Ride

Coffee Date


Anything For You

All's Not Forsaken

Alec Benjamin

Dreaming Of You

Imagine Dragons

Bleeding Out




When Nobody's Around


Love Me

Three Days Grace

Falling For You

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3 years ago
You Want To Know What I Do? Im Paid To Follow Rich Guys Like You Who Go To Seedy, Out-of-the-way Motels
You Want To Know What I Do? Im Paid To Follow Rich Guys Like You Who Go To Seedy, Out-of-the-way Motels
You Want To Know What I Do? Im Paid To Follow Rich Guys Like You Who Go To Seedy, Out-of-the-way Motels
You Want To Know What I Do? Im Paid To Follow Rich Guys Like You Who Go To Seedy, Out-of-the-way Motels
You Want To Know What I Do? Im Paid To Follow Rich Guys Like You Who Go To Seedy, Out-of-the-way Motels

You want to know what I do? I’m paid to follow rich guys like you who go to seedy, out-of-the-way motels to fuck their secretaries.

Leigh Whannell as Adam in Saw (2004), dir. James Wan

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3 years ago

oh my god okay so i knew that leigh referred to the scene between lawrence and adam at the end as a love scene in the commentary and james agreed but i hadn’t actually heard it for myself and omg the way he described it was just….. like………………

leigh just say it’s a romance and go

he legit talked about how much he loves that scene bc we get to finally see them together after the whole time being apart ??? like ? babe that sounds like a slow burn romance novel

they all sounded so happy about it just hsjnsmfssdj i can’t believe that lawrence/adam is canon

oh and he’s read fanfic he didn’t specify lawrence/adam but it’s such a popular ship in the fandom that there’s no way he didn’t come across it and we all Know he read it too


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3 years ago
Cyanides Birthday Bash
Cyanides Birthday Bash
Cyanides Birthday Bash
Cyanides Birthday Bash
Cyanides Birthday Bash

cyanide’s birthday bash

👻 | amanda young (saw franchise) for @neve-campbells

image ID under the cut

Lees verder

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3 years ago
Ms. Saw Herself

Ms. Saw herself

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3 years ago
Shawnee Smith As Amanda Youngin SAW III (2006).
Shawnee Smith As Amanda Youngin SAW III (2006).

Shawnee Smith as Amanda Young  in SAW III (2006).

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2 years ago

hey I got a really cool request: could you pls draw alexa (from the sp post covid specials) wearing the reverse bear trap from SAW? that would be so dope!! ty :>

Finished! Thank you for the request!

Just so you're fully aware: I have never seen any of the "SAW" movies, so I have no idea how well my interpretation of the reverse beartrap is. I used what looked to be an image of a cheap costume accessory of the reverse beartrap from Wish, which never really looks all that great in comparison to the originals.

Aside from that, I hope it looks okay.

Hey I Got A Really Cool Request: Could You Pls Draw Alexa (from The Sp Post Covid Specials) Wearing The

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1 year ago
plaguerat00 - My Not So Humble Abode


This account is mostly known for rottmnt memes by the very nice people who follow me for them. BUT. I also plan on posting about literally everything that captures my attention and RIGHT NOW IT'S THE TENTH SAW MOVIE THAT I JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT!?!??

It's a prequel which at first I wasn't too sure about because usually I dislike prequels. But then I realized HEY, we're getting more awesome Tobin Bell as your local hypocritical serial killer John Kramer. And ALSO Shawnee Smith as Amanda Young, and what I AM MOST EXCITED AND HOPEFUL FOR IS COSTAS MANDYLOR COMING BACK AS MARK HOFFMAN.

Check out the Cast:

plaguerat00 - My Not So Humble Abode

I am HOPING that this movie is going to be just like the cheesy soap operas that I know and love. And even if it isn't, I just hope it's GOOD.

(And that Hoffman's back slapping ass.)

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1 year ago


So I just watched the actual trailer for Saw X and I'm still HYPED. It looks great, Tobin Bell is as awesome as ever. Amanda is confirmed to be in the movie! And I'm still holding out on Costas Mandylor coming back too, because that line "Of all people you picked John Kramer?" (That's not the exact wording) sounds a hell of a lot like Hoffman.

Also looks like we're going to be getting a couple of brain trauma traps which is gonna be awesome and hard to watch at the same time.

So yeah, really fucking excited and hoping that the movie turns out good.

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1 year ago








Who the fuck steps out of the stall when they didn't hear the creepy mother fucker outside the door leave the bathroom!!!????

Okay, sooooo just finished the movie and.... oof.

That whole last part just did NOT do it for me. Cecilia gets saved by her fuckboy and it's revealed she's an even worse of a person than just a simple scammer, she's like SUPERVILLAINS evil and I don't like it because then it has you rooting for John and Amanda even though they're the BAD GUYS. That's the whole point to their characters they're bad people who believe they're doing good when really they're just some damn murder addicts.

And the players of the Jigsaw games are bad people who ACTUALLY change throughout the movie and become redeemable, like William in saw 6, I wish he would've won, but Rodrick Heffley still had beef with him I guess.

R.I.P Gabriella, she almost made it ✌️😔

I don't like that they added a kid into the movie that was just weird and unnecessary, just put Amanda in the trap with John instead. It'd be more heartbreaking for those two. Amanda doesn't want John to die and John doesn't want Amanda to die for him, and Cecilia looks like less of a fuckin Pixar villain.






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1 year ago

This is true. I was a random picture frame in the room watching them.

2000-man1 - 💚Me And The Boys Are Playin’ 💚

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