School Art Project - Tumblr Posts

0 - THE FOOLS(Callisto Rosefsky & Cassiopeia Emily)

0 - THE FOOLS (Callisto Rosefsky & Cassiopeia Emily)

“The first card of the Major Arcana, The Fool is generally a positive card indicating new beginnings. If it appears in your readings it could mean that you are on the verge of an exciting, unexpected new adventure. Your new adventure will bring you along a path which may require you to make a leap of faith but you will grow as a result of this new experience. This new adventure could be a literal new adventure, like travelling to a place you’ve never been before. The change this card can bring will usually be a welcome one. While the Fool is generally a positive card, its appearance in a reading can also indicate that you need to take the time to look before you leap.” “As with the upright meaning, The Fool reversed signifies a new beginning. However, when reversed this Major Arcana trump card indicates that the beginning is something you may be reluctant to jump into. This new beginning is still coming either way! The Fool tarot card reversed can be an indication of living in the moment but also can be a sign that in your excitement you are behaving somewhat recklessly towards others. It can signify being irrational, lack of fun and lack of faith or hope.”



I think just realized that I never posted this drawing on Tumblr oop xuu

This drawing was part of a series of drawings that I made for my final project for my senior year art class three years ago I believe. I posted it on my Instagram and Deviantart but forgot about Tumblr lmaooo

During that time, I was going through a serious tarot card art phase thanks to Persona 5, so for this project, I decided to create my own illustration for a few of the tarot cards

The characters I drew on this card were my mascot characters at the time, Cal and Emile, but as children to represent the beginning of their journey! Their colour palette is a little funky because I came up with it at the last second cuz I wanted them to wear warmer colours to sort of call back to a poem I've heard before; "Nothing Gold Can Stay" which is sort of like a symbolism for growing up and losing one's innocence, which is why Cal and Emile are standing on golden grounds and looking ahead at green mountains :)) That was my first time doing backgrounds in digital media, but I think it ages decently enough...

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"The Strength Tarot card is the Major Arcana card of inner strength. It represents mastering raw emotions in order to bring calm to yourself or a situation. It is similar to the Chariot in that it represents overcoming challenges. However, the Strength card usually refers to inner challenges. Overcoming the obstacles we face in relation to our own doubts, fears and anxieties. In a general context, this card indicates that you are learning to master your fears and anxieties, to be courageous and daring. You have all the skills you need to be successful, the focus now is to conquer your inner worries and believe in yourself. Take the time you need to master your emotions, be patient and compassionate with yourself and you will find new confidence in yourself and your abilities. Strength, as well as being representative of taming your emotions, can also represent taming someone else’s wild ways. This is not done by trying to dominate the other person but by gentle coaxing, positive reinforcement, encouragement and compassion." "When the Strength Tarot card appears reversed in your Tarot reading, it indicates that you are not tapping into the inner strength you have. It does not indicate a lack of strength so much as it indicates that you are letting fear, anxiety or low self-esteem paralyse you. Now more than ever you need to summon your inner resolve and self-belief to pull you out of your current situation. You have the strength you need to get over your obstacles. You have simply lost touch with it and that disconnection is leaving you feeling weak, vulnerable and lacking confidence. Focus on the positive, stay away from people who make you feel inadequate and spend time with people who build you up."


For my senior year high school art project, I only had to make a minimum of 7 artworks so you can bet your bottom dollars that I skipped a bunch. Chronologically, this one was the fifth card I made, and since I was approaching the dreaded due date, I think you can tell that I skimped on some details due to the stress, yet somehow, it ended up as one of my favourites XDD

The character in this card is a FNAF oc of mine, and back then, they're story is that they're an animatronic built by Vanny (I created this oc for an original FNAF location before SB was released) to kidnap children and bring them to a secret lab or work area that she has in this amusement park she works at, but after Castor kidnaps and accidentally kills the park owner's son, Vanny ends up high-tailing it out of there and locking away Castor in the lab. Somehow (I don't know how yet), they end up gaining a consciousness and with the help of the ghosts of Vanny's victims, they decide to go after her and get revenge, or something, lmao.

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9 - THE HERMIT("Nyx Zacarias")"The Hermit Tarot Card In An Upright Position Generally Indicates That

9 - THE HERMIT ("Nyx Zacarias") "The Hermit Tarot card in an upright position generally indicates that you are entering a period of soul searching, self-reflection and spiritual enlightenment. You may find that you need time alone to gain a deeper understanding of yourself, to remove yourself from the daily grind in order to discover your true spiritual self, contemplate your existence, your direction in life or your values. The Hermit can also indicate isolating yourself or withdrawing into oneself in order to recover from a difficult situation. This Major Arcana trump card can suggest that you may be going through an anti-social phase where you just don’t want to interact with people as much as you normally would. The Hermit is wise, mature and knowledgeable and may be an indication of someone seeking the services of a counsellor or psychiatrist. This is a time to focus on yourself and meet your own needs." "The Hermit Tarot card reversed suggests that you have withdrawn too much from the world or are becoming too reclusive. Solitude might have been necessary or good for you at one point but The Hermit reversed is telling you that it is time to come back to the world and the people around you. Taking time for soul-searching and self-reflection can be a great thing in moderation but too much can be damaging. At some point, you do need to draw a line under things and move forward, this Major Arcana card in reversed position indicates that now is that time. It can also indicate that you may be feeling shy or apprehensive about being in social situations. Don’t be afraid to get back out there. Alternatively, The Hermit in reversed can indicate that you are avoiding self-reflection completely as you are afraid of what you’ll discover if you look inside yourself. It can be an indicator of becoming too fixated with someone or something or too rigid and restricted in your views." —————————————————————————————————

I believe this was either the third or fourth card I made chonologically. Although Nyx's design was probably my least favourite (mainly because I had to make it all up on the spot XPP), the background of this card is one of my favourites just because of all the things I was able to draw! Fun fact, all the plushies you see in the image are plushies I actually own in real life ^-^

If I could go back and redo Nyx' design, I think I definitely would have put them in some kind of nightgown with one of those cute robes like what the protagonist of the Polar Express wore, and maybe a pair of cute slippers or socks as well :))

The connections between the meaning of the card and the character I used is a little loose, but basically, Nyx is one of my Identity V ocs who, in their backstory, used to be a kid named Shukria before shenanigans happen and, like a Steven Universe unfusion, splits and becomes two entities named Nyx and Erebus, with Nyx representing the heart and Erebus representing logic, or something.  In order to protect themselves as a whole, Erebus seals Nyx away in an alternate plane of existence called 'Lethe's Realm' in order to ensure that they as a whole could never be emotionally hurt ever again... and stuff... at least until Nyx gets invited to the manor lmao. Nyx and Erebus' character song would be 'Hello my Old Heart' by The Oh Hellos.

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callophelia-ailingamnemonic - Callophelia

13 - DEATH (Hyacinth Rainflower) "Although it is the Tarot card that many people fear, Death generally does not mean physical death. As a rule, you should never predict deaths (or the outcomes of illnesses or pregnancies for that matter) as a Tarot reader. It is unethical and irresponsible. Aside from the ethics, The Death Tarot Card usually signifies spiritual transformation and a time of change and new beginnings, not actual death! The transformation or change that Death can bring can be difficult, unexpected, sudden or even traumatic but it will bring with it a new lease of life. It's best to try not to resist the change the Death Tarot card brings as resisting it will only make the transition difficult and painful. Instead, try to embrace the change as a fresh start. This Major Arcana card can also signify the need to let go of old issues or beliefs when it appears in a Tarot spread. It may be telling you that you need to draw a line under the past in order to move forward in a positive direction. A Death card transformation can be a bit of a shock to the system but ultimately it’s a positive one." "In a general context, Death reversed indicates that you are resisting a change that is necessary for you to move forward. Nothing new can begin while you are holding on to this old negative energy. Death indicates that while you are finding it difficult to let go, once you do, new energy will come into your life to give you a new brighter beginning. The change the Death Tarot card reversed brings is not something you can resist forever, if you keep holding onto the things you should be letting go of, the universe will find a way to push you on to your life path in its own way. The universe’s way of getting you to where you’re supposed to be, if you resist it, can be shocking and distressing. It’s much better to make your way to your correct path rather than getting a jolt that forces you onto it. At least if you make a decision to let go of old situations, old issues or relationships you will feel empowered that you made a decision to end what wasn’t working for you. When you think of the change you are resisting, ask yourself realistically, is it going to make you feel worse than staying in your current situation indefinitely or could it possibly lead you to something amazing?" - ————————————————————————————————— Although 'Death' generally doesn't represent physical death, the character on this card is a ghost XDD

Chronologically, this was the second card I made for my project, and although the character design and the card idea was my favourite, I can't say that I like its execution x-x

Although I revamped this character over the past three years, Hyacinth's lore is that while they were home alone, they died when a burglar broke into their home and accidentally kills them. Afterwards, Hyacinth's ghost is found and cared for by an older ghost named Fern, who promises to find a way to resurrect them all.


gog I'm so sleepy...

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17 - THE STARS(Castor & Pollux)

17 - THE STARS (Castor & Pollux)

"In a general context, The Star indicates hope for the future, inspiration and contentment. With this Major Arcana card in your Tarot spread you will find yourself feeling very positive, motivated and free. You will be feeling very serene and in tune with the universe as The Star is a card of spiritual connection. The Star is a very positive omen. It is the period of calm and stability that follows the storm that was The Tower. The Star indicates that you have come through your tough times with a renewed sense of yourself and the world around you, you are full of calm, well-balanced energy and you are open to healing the wounds of the past. Whatever mental, emotional, physical or spiritual issues you were experiencing are now behind you and you are ready to embrace what your future holds. Trust that the universe has a plan for you and trust the feeling you have that everything is going to be OK.  You will be feeling confident in yourself and people will like you for who you are with this card in your Tarot reading. The Star can also indicate creativity and artistic flair, so now would be a great time to take up an artistic hobby."

"The Star in a reversed position can indicate that you are feeling hopeless. Perhaps the difficult situations you have been through in the past have drained you of your lust for life and your faith in the universe’s plan for you. The Star reversed does not indicate that things are hopeless, only that you feel they are. You need to take responsibility for yourself and your attitude to life. You may want to consider seeking some professional counselling to help you heal the wounds of the past and leave them where they belong. The Star can signify that you have lost your confidence, your belief in yourself and your trust in your own abilities. This Major Arcana card can also be an indication of feeling anxious and overwhelmed. A change of attitude is needed to resolve this not necessarily a change of circumstances. Don’t allow yourself to continue to play the victim if you have long since left the situation in which you were victimised. The Star is telling you that it’s time to heal the past, draw a line under it and move forward. Seek support to do this if you need to. You can do anything you set your mind to, you just have to believe in yourself and focus on the positive. Start small and try to find one or two things to be grateful for in each day. A creative outlet might also be helpful to you if you are artistically inclined. Rediscover your creative side, it will help you heal."


I don't remember when I made this one, but what I do now is that I'm hella proud about that starry sky and that hospital equipment :))

Not a fan of designs tho since, just like Nyx, I was designing them on the spot and ended up defaulting to cardigans. I had a cool idea for glowing constellation freckles, but the execution of that idea turned out quite awful x-x

Sadly, I've long since scrapped the idea of these two, but the lore of these siblings is that they're 'twins', but one of them is terminally ill and the other's life depends on the other, so lots of angst all around. I thought it fit with both the upright and inverse meaning of the Stars, plus, these two are associated with starts so it's pretty great 

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20 - JUDGEMENT(Elpis & Pandora)"In A General Context, The Judgement Tarot Card Can Indicate That You

20 - JUDGEMENT (Elpis & Pandora) "In a general context, the Judgement Tarot card can indicate that you and/or someone you care about are being judged too harshly by others. It can also indicate that you are judging people harshly or making snap judgements yourself. Alternatively, Judgement can also be an indication that you have achieved a level of clarity and composure that allows you to calmly evaluate yourself and your choices in order to make positive decisions. You have come through your past karmic lessons with increased self-awareness and you are allowing healing to take place so you can move forward in a positive direction. If you have a big decision to make when this Major Arcana card appears, use the karmic lessons you have learnt from the past to help you make the right choice.  Judgement upright can represent a legal matter or court case being resolved. If you have acted honourably and told the truth, this matter should be resolved in your favour. If you have been dishonest, don’t expect things to go your way. You need to clear your conscience and try to make amends for your misdeeds. This Major Arcana card can also signify being separated from someone you love by an ocean or sea. You can expect to be reunited with them soon when it appears. It can also indicate homesickness." "In a general context, the Judgement Tarot card reversed can signify that you are allowing fear and self-doubt to hold you back from making the decisions necessary to move forward in a positive direction. Now is the time to take action. If you delay you may lose the opportunities available to you. Alternately, this Major Arcana card in a reversed position can be a sign that you may be refusing to learn the karmic lessons of the past. Or you may be reproaching yourself for past mistakes so much that you are unable to see the lessons to be learned from those mistakes. Judgement reversed can also be a sign that you are taking your focus off your own shortcomings by being overly critical of others or engaging in malicious gossip. This will only lead you to trouble, try to put the focus back on fixing the issues in your own life rather than judging other people for their mistakes. It can also indicate that others are being overly judgemental or critical of you or blaming you for something that wasn’t your fault. Don’t let those people influence your decisions, rise above the drama and focus on doing what you want to do. Judgement reversed can also indicate that a legal matter or court case will be resolved but in an unjust or unfair manner." -


This was the sixth card in my tarot card project lineup, and just by looking at it, you can tell I was being crushed under the stress of the deadline which is a shame because I really did like the idea of it x-x

Elpis and Pandora are two ocs I made for an original Persona story idea I had, and in short, their deal is that they were created by the goddess of divine order to debate over whether humanity deserves redemption, or damnation. Shenanigans ensue and Pandora ends up winning the debate and is awarded the persona Nike, and thus proceeds to herald the events that kickstart the problems plaguing the story.

As for Elpis, being the loser of the debate, the god of divine order makes the move to destroy them, however, they are rescued at the last second by the Velvet Room and becomes the Attendant to the Wildcard who will be embarking on the journey to tackle Pandora's shenanigans. Throughout their journey, Elpis will be learning about humans and what makes them so nuanced so that when the day comes for them to face Pandora again, they will be ready.

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21 - THE WORLD(Callisto Rosefsky & Emile Castellano)"In A General Context, The World Tarot Card Signifies

21 - THE WORLD (Callisto Rosefsky & Emile Castellano) "In a general context, The World Tarot card signifies having the world at your feet! This can be in a literal sense as The World is one of the Travel cards of the Major Arcana. It can represent new worlds opening up for you so you can expect to be welcomed by the people in the countries you travel to. The World can also mean you will have the world at your feet in another sense, i.e. that you will be successful and the opportunities available to you at the moment are endless. You have gone through the trials and tribulations of the rest of the Major Arcana, you have endured the hardships and learned your lessons and now you will reap the rewards. You should be proud of what you have achieved, it has not been easy to get here but you’ve done it. The universe is smiling upon you and luck is on your side when this Major Arcana card appears in your reading so grab the opportunities available to you. The World can represent the completion of a challenge such as a university course or a project or can represent finally achieving a dream or aspiration such as starting your own business, getting married or having children. You have reached the point where you can be happy with what you have accomplished. Success can bring a whole new set of challenges or worries so make sure you’re not carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You’ve worked hard to get to this point so stop and savour the moment! Celebrate your accomplishments." "In a general context, The World Tarot card reversed can indicate that you have not accomplished what you set out to do and things have become stagnant. You may have tried to take shortcuts instead of putting in the hard work necessary to achieve your dreams. You may be throwing all your energy into trying to make something work that is not working for you. The World reversed can signify feeling stuck in a situation. This will be one particular part of your life that is taking up your energy rather than problems in all areas. You may be aware of what is it already as it will be a focus for you and you may feel burdened by it. Remember that there is no point in flogging a dead horse. So if you’ve thrown everything you’ve got a something and it’s still not working for you, The World reversed may be telling you that it’s time to accept the disappointment and cut your losses." —————————————————————————————————

And so we've finally arrived at the last card I made for my high school exhibit! I had to finish this in less than 24 hours and I can remember being super cranky thosetwo days because I had to pull back-to-back all-nighter. 

The concept I had for this card was to take the two ocs from my Fool card and show them after they've grown up and achieved some sort of enlightenment. I also thought it would be fun to surround them with relics from all the previous cards :))

Because I had so little time to finish this, I decided to forsake colouring Cal and Emile and instead decided to make them creatures of void and light.

This was most definitely the piece I disliked the most, yet somehow, it was the one that got the most compliments during the exhibit ._.

Looking back on all these cards though, I can't help but feel kind of really happy, and I really want to draw another deck of tarot cards when I have the spare time uwu

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Here's Another Thing I Made For A School Assignment, But Unlike The Tarot Which Were For High School,

Here's another thing I made for a school assignment, but unlike the tarot which were for high school, this one was a university project X)) The premise of the assignment was to make a one-page comic with no dialogue.

It's kind of Third Life SMP fanart, but not really. I guess it's more of my own twist of the end of Scott's episode 7. Basically, what happens here is that after Jimmy died, Scar and Grian accompanied Scott to his funeral and argue on whether Scott will stay in the fight against Dogwarts or not, but turns out they don't have to worry about that, because now that Jimmy's been killed in the fight, Scott's more determined than ever to avenge him.

Originally, I had the idea of colouring this after I turned in this version of the comic to my uni, but considering the way I lined it to incorporate the translucence of Scott's cloak, I don't really feel like it anymore XPP Scott's design was one made based on pictures of Elven wedding attires I found on Pinterest. Scar and Grian's (lol Grammarly wants me to correct it to 'Grain's') designs are by Pitruli on Tumblr (…) (tho I did tweak it a bit for simplification and because I wanted Grian to be an avian and Scar a vex uwu) But yeah, for what is technically my first finished comic made in the span of a week, I'm pretty proud of it ^u^

Sadly, because I don't have the drawing saved on my computer anymore, I had to save my comic from deviantart and now it's all pixelated x-x

So here's the link to the comic on Insta since it's much clearer XDD

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