Scm Karno X Reader - Tumblr Posts
SCM - Department Of Wishes
Karno ♋- Breathtakingly Gorgeous
For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )
A/N: Today is Karno's day!🥺💗💗💗 Hopefully i did him justice. I hope you enjoy reading this!🌹
Prompts: urgency | kneel | rural
9th February, 2024
The rain poured down from the sky, like water flowing down from waterfalls. Not a single soul could be seen outdoors.
Leaning against the wall a man stood with a pen and some papers in his hands. His gaze was focused at the sight of the falling rain.
What was he thinking, Leon wondered? Placing his hand on Karno's should he asked, "What's on your mind?"
Karno stood motionless, as if only his physical form was present there; his mind was elsewhere. Leon tapped on his shoulder.
Karno finally replied,"I have been thinking about her...a lot." His honest answer brought a smile on Leon's lips.
"Why don't you tell her, how you feel?" Leon suggested.
"I will." Karno replied nodding his head in agreement. "But first i need to grant the wishes on these lists."
Leon knew how serious Karno was about his responsibilities since childhood. So Karno's answer brought a delightful smile on his face. He softly patted Karno on his back and said, "Well of course."
Karno sighed as the last wish on his list disappeared after being granted. As if reading the change in his mood, the images on the reflecting pool shifted; and showed you, walking down the road in a rural area.
Karno snapped his fingers.
Untouched by the rainstorm, this land was dry. The Sun shore brightly, bringing warmth to one's soul as they walked by. Green fields filled one's vision as far as the eyes can see.
An enormous house stood on the right side of the road. It's large glass windows reflecting the sunlight.
Standing there Karno pondered whether he should go inside or not. He still had the chance to leave after all, didn't he? Not a single soul would know that he came here.
"Karno?!" a delicately, soothing voice brought him out of his thoughts. You walked upto him.
A lighthearted smile graced on your lips, "Why are you standing outside?" you asked. Before Karno could reply you took his hand in yours; leading him inside the house.
"Make yourself comfortable." you said. As you were walking to the kitchen,"I will bring some tea and snacks."
The delightful aroma spread across the room as you walked in. Two cups of tea and some cookies on one plate and some chips on the other were on the tray; which you kept on the table.
You sat next to him on the sofa. "I hope you like our special tea." you said.
His face lit up as he took the first sip. "Thank you for the tea." A thankful smile adorned his face.
"Is there something you wanted to tell me?" you asked. There was a strange feeling in your heart. A combination of hope, fear and excitement. Whatever he was about to say is extremely important, you thought.
"I wanted to tell you about my feelings." He peered at you, carefully noticing, each and every expression that crossed face. His intention was to share his feelings, not to scare you or to make you uncomfortable.
Kneeling in front of you, he snapped his fingers. A vibrant rose, blue in colour appeared in his hand. " (Name), i love you." His gaze locking into yours.
"Don't feel pressured to accept my feelings. Do what your heart tells you." he said as the reassuring smiled appeared on his lips. The stars glowing brighter in those warm, gentle eyes.
Kneeling down infront of him, you wrapped your arms around his shoulder and hugged him. "I love you too." you said as you accepted the rose; putting it in your braid.
" How do i look, sweetheart?" you asked in a flirtatious tone. "Breathtakingly gorgeous." he replied earnestly as he softly kissed you.

"I'll never forget you!" You said, wailing. "I will always love you!" He was your best friend after all and the morning he departed with his family, you left a small and gentle kiss on his cheek.
This is perfection! ✨✨🥺💞💞💞
"Fifteen years"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Karno × goddess!reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: I wrote this, deleted it and rewrote this multiple times, before finally settling with this idea/plot. I stopped, took a walk in the night air and continued writing. I figured taking a walk outside helps when I'm stuck.💗💗 I hope you'll enjoy!!💕💕

Prompts: graceful | volcano | blanket (Day 12/2024)
"Hold on!" Karno said, catching your small hand in his equally tiny one.
You gripped him tightly, as you balanced yourself on the fallen tree trunk. You gasped, thinking you were about to slip, when it rolled a little to the side, but your friend kept you up, using his second hand as well. "Okay...!" You uttered between ragged breaths.
"You're steady?" He asked, his voice thin and almost tumbling to the feminin side.
You nodded, your grin broad and the apples of your cheeks rosé, your hair disheveled and slipping out of the ribbon your mother had tied around them, forming a ponytail, before you could scurry off into the forest.
Karno's sweet face was before you, his cheeks soft and pinchable with the way they puffed out. "Your hair." He said, giggling.
"I guess I don't need this then." You said, with your childlike voice and you reached for the lilac ribbon in your hair, pulling it off completely.
"Look!" He begged enthusiastically for your attention, shoving a hand into the pocket of his white tunic. "Dad brought some of these home yesterday and I got us some." He explained, voice cheerful, while the sunlight dived into his dark chocolate eyes.
Your eyes brightened, upon the sight of the fresh strawberries that laid upon Karno's small palm.
"I knew you'd react like that." He laughed and your face felt warmer, for a reason your innocent little mind couldn't fathom just yet.
You two hopped off the tree trunk, stones and soil ending up crashed beneath your sandals and your own dress swaying, when your body was still in the air, feet not touching the ground yet.
You took a seat on a big rock nearby and shared the fruits, indulging in the slightly sour sweetness of them.
Your eyes trailed across your best friend's facial features and the smile you've been harboring this entire time faded, a shadow conquering the light in your gaze.
"What's wrong?" Karno asked, his cherubic face colored with concern, pure and limitless, wishing for no benefit.
"I can't believe you'll be moving away..." You answered melancholically, eyes casted upon your lap.
Karno's frail hand found your shoulder, ushering you to turn around and stare up at him. "We'll meet again. Don't be sad." He said, wishing from the bottom of his youthful heart that it'd return the stolen smile to your face.
"When?" You questioned, your eyes swelling with tears.
Karno's warm brown eyes remained in yours, chasing away the chill from your heart like fire in a firepit. "We're eight. So... In fifteen years?"
As the tears began their wet, sorrowful trail down your rosy cheeks, your breath hitched and you threw your arms around him, knocking his body down with yours on top, like a blanket.
Karno hugged you back tightly, as you sobbed into his shoulder.
"I'll never forget you!" You said, wailing. "I will always love you!" He was your best friend after all and the morning he departed with his family, you left a small and gentle kiss on his cheek.
The days and the nights collided, turning into months and then to years, changing your mind and body. The only thing that stayed the same was the love that had found its rightful home into your ribcage, nuzzled against your heartbeat. Maybe because this feeling wasn't an idea swirling in your head, but a yearning engraved into your soul.
With the passage of time, you were also able to realize that this love you felt for this boy wasn't just one for a friend, but one reserved for something more.
Fifteen years had gone by and now you carried a stack of books down the palace's hallway, your first day there as the archive's assistant.
Something met your body suddenly, your speeds colliding and pushing each other away, causing you to stumble backwards.
All the books fell from your hold, scattering around your feet and a strong hand gripped your forearm firmly, keeping you upright.
"I'm so sorry!" You hurried to apologize, head ducked in shame, as you crouched down to retrieve the books you dropped.
The god kneeled as well, helping you gather them and then offering them to you. "Here."
"Thank y—" Your voice died, still in your throat, when your eyes met the warm ones of this man.
"No..." He muttered, inspecting your face piece by piece. "No way..." A smile spread across his lips and its familiarity shook you to your core. "(Name)?!"
"Karno!" You cried out, throwing your arms around him without even considering. "Heavens..." You chuckled as you spoke, tears gathering at the corners of your eyes. "Look how much you've grown!"
"I could say the same thing about you!" His facial features had sharpened with maturity, yet his skin remained soft, even though his cheeks were not as puffed out anymore. "I missed you so much." He said, before squeezing you into his arms as if he was shipwrecked and you were his precious shore, the emotions flowing like they came out of a volcano. His graceful fingers tucked some tufts of hair behind your ear and his eyes squinted kindly, as he peered into your face. "You're so... Beautiful."
Karno sat up straight again and took a sip of his coffee, his lips quivering into a smile around the rim of his cup as he did so. His eyes looked at you and softened, affection coloring his expression and becoming its perfect description. He reached a hand out towards you and you placed your hand in his, on top of the table, allowing him to wrap his fingers around it and trace the back of it with his thumb. "My ophelia, you truly are the photography of happiness, right now."
He is so sweet. 🥺❤️😭😭😭
"Photography of happiness"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Karno × reader
Warnings: none
For the fluffbruary event (@fluffbruary )
A/N: What I basically wanted to do in this fic is, portray those moments, when you and your partner are just DYING from laughter! I love you all!!!💗💗💗💗

Prompts: photography | pepper | truffles (Day 21/2024)
You sat down on your chair, opposite of Karno and placed your plate on the table. "I probably filled up my plate a bit too much, but..." You chuckled, shaking your head. "These truffles looked delicious."
"Don't humans say breakfast is the most important meal of the day?" He smiled, taking a sip of his coffee, which was devoid of all sugar. "Plus, this hotel cooks wonderful things. I can understand the need to taste as many as you can." He set his cup down and continued speaking, his dark eyes enchanting you with their rich color. "I liked the dinner they served yesterday."
You nodded, the sweet taste of the cocoa exploding in your mouth the second you bit into the truffle. "True." You replied after swallowing. "I liked their steak a lot."
He hummed, listening to your words, as he took another sip of his coffee. "Except..."
"What?" You asked, staring at him expectantly, your attention unwavering from his porcelain face. The dinning hall was overflowing with noise and the occasional clattering of silverware against plates, as the residents of the hotel enjoyed their first meal of the day, bringing life to the room, even though some of them were still sleepy.
"You know..." Karno shrugged his shoulders, gazing at you. "They could've made their dishes a bit more spicy. Maybe not all of them, but at least some of them."
You shook your head from side to side and sighed audibly. "Honey, your 'a bit' is the equivalent of knocking half of the people here unconscious."
"Come on..." He casted his eyes to the side. "It wouldn't be that bad."
"You're right," You said, supposedly agreeing with him. "it'd be even worse. All of the people here would loose consciousness." He made a little pout and you broke into a smile, that widened to a grin. "Karno...!" You laughed, your eyes squinting by your broad grin. "Honey, please, don't pout!"
He turned to stare at you from the corner of his eye and just as your laugh had calmed down, it intensified again. He broke into a smile himself, yours being contagious and stunningly vibrating. "You're certainly glowing when it comes to making fun of my taste buds."
"No, I would never..." But even as you tried to speak, your cackles made it hard to and Karno couldn't help, but follow along with your amusement, even though it was against him. "I would never! And I mean, never make fun of your deceased taste buds. That wouldn't be nice...!"
Karno folded his hands before his chest, laying back against the backrest of his chair and trying his hardest to suppress a smile, but the tears at the corners of his eyes proved his struggle. "Well," He began speaking, voice trembling by the laughter. "if you're provoking me..." He reached out and took ahold of the small bottle of pepper from the table.
Your eyes remained wide, your hand going to your mouth as you witnessed him sprinkle pepper all over his truffles. "Kar-oh, my god..." You made a theatrical gasping sound, watching him pick up a seasoned truffle and bringing it to his mouth. "Karno, is there something you want to talk about?" You asked, bursting out laughing a second after.
Karno chuckled, practically giggling himself, as he bent forward over the table.
You leaned in as well and he spoke in a low voice, once he had swallowed.
"The family of four to your right..." He paused, trying to keep his laughter under control. "I just watched the father and the mother look at me with the most terrified gazes."
You snorted, burying your lips into your hands as you laughed as quietly as possible, as to not disturb the rest of the residents during their breakfast and soon enough, tears were filling up your eyes.
Karno sat up straight again and took a sip of his coffee, his lips quivering into a smile around the rim of his cup as he did so. His eyes looked at you and softened, affection coloring his expression and becoming its perfect description. He reached a hand out towards you and you placed your hand in his, on top of the table, allowing him to wrap his fingers around it and trace the back of it with his thumb. "My ophelia, you truly are the photography of happiness, right now."

Star-Crossed Myth - Karno x Reader
Words: 592
Prompt(s): New Beginnings from Flufftober Spring Edition Day 1 at @flufftober
Summary: You never thought this moment would come, and now that it did, you worry Karno only accepted it to make you happy, with the way he seems worried for your future
Tags: Fluff, Slight Alternative Canon, Reader Turned into a Goddess
Just a short something I made to warm back into the fandom. I struggled a bit with the ending but...
I have one more project in development, as well as a few requests I will finally be working on so I will be a little more active in the fandom for a while
Star-Crossed Myth Masterlist / General Masterlist / AO3

Your first sight when waking up was your boyfriend’s face and the relieved smile he gave you when you woke up.
Karno was sitting on a chair by the bed
“How long was I out for?” You asked, sitting up. It felt like no time at all.
“Four days. I was worried something had gone wrong.”
“Is that even possible?” You laughed.
“Leon said it isn’t, but I would only be able to rest when I saw you were okay by myself. How are you feeling?”
“Weird. And strangely tired.”
“That’s normal for your first few days. You might take some time adjusting.”
Karno moved to sit on the edge of the bed, and you snuggled up to him, only to be caught in a tight embrace.
“You were that worried?” You asked softly, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
“I just missed you. We haven’t spent that long without talking to each other for a while. I forgot how lonely that felt.”
He actually sounded a little embarrassed at the admission that he was feeling lonely, so you hugged him back, chuckling.
“Well, look at it this way. From now on, you’ll never be alone anymore.” You kissed his temple.
Karno sighed and laid down, pulling you almost on top of him.
“Sometimes I worry about what it cost you for this.”
“You agreed to it.” You reminded, gently kissing him. “I thought it was because you trusted me. I knew the consequences of my choice, but you know what I had to sacrifice was small compared to what both of us gained from this.”
Your job was the only thing holding you back on Earth, and it was a small sacrifice to stand by your husband’s side for the rest of time, instead of cursing him with the weight of your death.
“I do trust you. That’s why I didn’t try to convince you not to do this. I knew it was your decision to accept Leon’s offer or not.”
“It wasn’t. It was a decision that affects both of us. That was why I asked you. I already told you not to go along with things because I decided.”
Karno chuckled, caressing your cheek, before pulling you closer for a kiss.
“I didn’t. I really was fine with this change, and that was because you changed me. It was your choice, but if it had happened earlier, I don’t think I would have been able to accept it so easily. I didn’t need you to change for me, but I wasn’t as against the idea as I’ve been. I love you, and it wasn’t only because you were human. You’re the only person I could ever love, no matter what you chose to be.” Karno pulled you completely on top of him this time, giving you a quick kiss. “Now rest, my love.”
He pulled you down to lie down on his chest. You wanted to protest, but your body didn’t respond to your attempts to pull yourself up.
“Are you really going to stay like this?”
“As long as you won’t sleep for another four days.” He chuckled, caressing your hair with one hand, and the other took one of your hands, intertwining your fingers, before he pulled it to kiss the back of your hand. “We’ll have a lot of time together once you adjust.”
As much time as you wanted.
“See you tomorrow, then.” You whispered, tightening your hold on his hand. “I love you.”
You snuggled to him and let sleep claim you.

Tag List: @imhereforscm, @juliettebbgamer
If you want to be tagged/untagged on future writings, you can reply to this post or send me a message
Star-Crossed Myth Masterlist / General Masterlist