Scm Scorpio X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Hi!^^ I was wondering if you could write a fic where Scorpio walks in on the MC playing the violinšŸ’™ā¤ļø (only if you want to, of course!)

SCM - Department of Punishment

Scorpio ā™- Sounds of Passion

A/N: Thank you for requesting anon. I had a lot of fun writing this. I hope enjoy reading this.

You came back from school , completed your homework and finally had some time to relax. Or you thought you did.

There was a knock on the door, connecting your room to the mansion. That was your sign to go to the mansion.

You opened the door and saw Dui standing there, waiting for you. He accompanied you to Zyglavis 's room.

" Zyglavis can i leave before 8 pm? I have school tomorrow. " you asked. " Yes you can leave after helping Scorpio with his work." he said.

" Dui, take her to Scorpio. After he is done administering the punishments, take her back to her apartment.Ā " Zyglavis said.

Dui accompanied you to the reflecting pool where Scorpio was waiting. Scorpio and Dui started administering the punishments. YouĀ wereĀ exhausted byĀ theĀ timeĀ theyĀ finishedĀ administeringĀ allĀ theĀ punishments.

" As quickly as possible, I must adjust to this." you thought. This was your second day working with the zodiac gods.

Dui accompanied you to the door; he smiled and said, " Thank you for your help, ( name ). You smiled back at him, and entered in your apartment.

YouĀ walkedĀ overĀ toĀ yourĀ studyĀ table,Ā putĀ yourĀ booksĀ inĀ orderĀ forĀ class,Ā andĀ putĀ themĀ inĀ yourĀ bag.

The next day at school.

" These assignments are important, so be sure to complete them on time. " physics teacher said.

The bell rang and the biology teacher came in. " Students, i have noticed some of you are not paying attention in my class. If this continues, i will call your guardians." she said in a stern voice.

" Do you understand? " she asked. " Yes ma'am. " all the students in unison. By the time classes were over, you had two physics assignments, two biology assignments, three chapters of maths homework and an essay. All ofĀ theseĀ hadĀ toĀ beĀ completedĀ inĀ 4Ā days.

You saw birds returning to their nests as you walked back to your house. The gentle breeze was reassuring those returning home as the sun slowly set over the river. For a brief moment, it seemed as though nothing could go wrong in the world.

You followed you usual routine, cooked dinner, started writing those assignments. You decided to take a break around seven o'clock.

You started checking the messages on your phone, when you noticed the violin case kept beside the table.

Your grandmother gifted you, this violin on your 5th birthday. You went to the violin case, picked it up gently, and then you set it on the table.

You opened your manuscript notebook and started playing some notes. " I haven't, practiced in a long time." you sighed.

There was a time, when you used to stay up late at night and practice, to the point where your fingers were sore. You violin teacher was proud of you. You smiled ruefully to yourself, thinking about your childhood.

You have stopped playing the violin from the past 6 months, because your father wanted you to focus on your studies.

You still had one hour to play , so you decided to make the most of it.

Lost in your own world, you played on; a world in which you were just a young girl with your violin, no school, no job, and no worries. In your own little world, you were content.

You thought, "When was the last time I felt so content with my life?"

You closed your eyes and continued to play, until you heard a soft sound. You turned around and saw Scorpio leaning against the door frame. His eyes were closed, he had a calm expression on his face.

Your eyes met, when he opened his eyes. His eyes were filled with admiration. " It was beautiful." he said with a soft smile. " Can you play once more? "

You nodded your head and smiled. Scorpio sat on the chair next to you, while you carried on playing the violin. Little did you know that this was only the beginning of your friendship with each other.

Hi!^^ I Was Wondering If You Could Write A Fic Where Scorpio Walks In On The MC Playing The Violin (only

A/N: Thank you for reading. The ask box is always open, so feel free to drop some ideas there. Because my brain doesn't work when it comes to fic ideas (lol) . I hope you have a wonderful day or night. šŸ™‚

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1 year ago

Hello!āœ§ā ā—ā (ā ā°ā ā–æā ā°ā )ā ā—œā āœ§

Can I request a Scorpio Ɨ reader story based on the picture we were talking about in the chat??(ā ćƒ»ā āˆ€ā ćƒ»ā ) I leave all the liberties about the story up to you, I just want this scene. Thank you!!(ā äŗŗā *ā Ā“ā āˆ€ā ļ½€ā )ā ļ½”ā *ļ¾Ÿā + (do it only if you're comfortable with it, of course and no need to hurry <3<3)

Scm - Department of Punishment

Scorpio ā™- Forever and Always

A/N: Hello, sweetie ā¤ I tried my best. Hope you like this story. šŸ„ŗšŸŒ¹

I walked slowly towards the door, making sure to walk away unnoticed. As i stepped outside, i felt the cool air softly brushing against my cheeks. I took a deep breath, relaxing my shoulders which hurt slightly after spending most of the day in preparation of the ceremony.

The stars were slowly illuminating the sky.

I walked aimlessly for sometime before heading towards the forest, when i noticed the enchanted lake, whose water was glowing with a mild blue light. The stars being reflected on its surface, like diamonds.

As i walked closer, i felt the presence of an aura, which was still at its early stage of development.

I halted trying to get a closer look at the figure, but he was facing his back towards me. Waiting there for a few minutes, debating whether i should just turn back and walk to the palace or snap my fingers; i decided to walk forward.

Sensing my energy, the man turned around.

To my relief, it was Scorpio. He smiled at me, " ( Name), what are you doing here? "

" I just wanted to get some fresh air ", which wasn't a complete lie, after all walking in the forest felt a lot better than smiling at another guest and occasionally answering questions; while father spoke to them.

" What are you doing here?" i asked.

" It felt suffocating, being surrounded by so many people", he replied pointing towards the palace. A wry smile graced on his lips as he said that.

Unsure of what to say, i asked, "Can i sit there?"

" Yes of course ", he replied promptly. As i sat beside him, he slightly shifted as if unsure about sitting beside me; even though there was enough space between us.

The leaves of the trees rustled softly. Moonlight being reflected in the water, ever so brightly by each passing minute. Peaceful silence fell upon us.

"How have you been lately? ", i asked. He remained silent for a few seconds," I am alright. I ... ", instead of continuing, he looked down at his hands, curled up on his lap.

"Scorpio?", my voice laced with concern as i placed my hand on his shoulder, " What happened?"

There was a strange glimmer in his eyes as he looked at me. " I don't think, i should... be here."

" What happened? Did someone say something to you or hurt you?", i asked trying my best to suppress the rage that was building up in my heart at the thought of someone hurting my beloved friend. "Father will punish those who have wronged you", i added; to reassure him that he had nothing to be afraid of.

" No, nobody has said or done anything against me, here. On the contrary, most people have helped me and for those who are envious of my position,... they have maintained their distance. " he paused, taking a deep breath, " I just feel like, i shouldn't be here. I am just a nobody after all, who was mortal few years ago."

His eyes were focused on the trees behind me, "His Majesty, has been kind enough to honor me with a place in one of the departments but i know that i don't deserve it. It should go to, someone deserving, someone," he once again looked down at his hands, " ...someone special. "

Placing my fingers under his chin, i gently turned his face towards me, "Scorpio..., i don't think i or anyone can fully comprehend what you have been through or how you are feeling, but i want you to know that nothing can take away your value as a person. Nobody can determine what you deserve or what you don't. You are a hard working person, a capable vice minister." My voice was filled with admiration as i said that.

" You are special in your own unique ways. " i added looking deep into his inky black eyes, which held the most breathtaking pairs of stars.

Scorpio looked away as if debating something deep in his soul. His hand slipped into the pocket of his trouser and retrieved a small black box.

Looking at me, he whispered, "I have been meaning to tell you something for a while."

" I love you ", he said. His hand slightly trembled as he extended the box towards me. Beads of sweat started to appear on his forehead as he struggled to find the right words. The presumption that i have rejected him evident on his face.

Little did he knew that my heart was pounding in my chest as i heard him utter those words.

I quickly took the box in my hands, hoping he wouldn't get the wrong idea. His shoulders relaxed as he asked me to open it.

The box contained a gorgeous pair of anklets, made out of pure gold. Little flower patterns were embellished on it with small rubbies placed at the centre of each flower.

" Where did you find these? ", i asked, astonished. Knowing that none of the goldsmiths in heaven make this kind of anklets.

He replied rather sheepishly, " I was send to Earth on a mission, there i saw these and... i thought they will look wonderful on you." His face grew hot; red as an apple. I couldn't help but smile at the adorable expression on his face.

" Thank you", i said and placed a soft kiss on his cheek; his face became redder.

" Will you help me put them on, Scorpio?"

Instead of replying, he went down on his knees. He untied the laces of my shoes. Unclasping one of the anklets, he placed it around my ankle and clasped it on. He did the same with the other anklet. His eyes lingered on them as he was tying the laces of my shoes, " Gorgeous " he said.

He set a delicate kiss on my right leg. He looked up anticipating me to halt him and tell him, he had crossed the line. Instead i smiled at him. Tenderly caressing my skin, he planted more kisses. Each touch sending shivers down my spine. Placing a final kiss on my knees, he sat stood up.

Once he sat down beside me, i intertwined my fingers with his. Leaning on his shoulder, i asked, " Will you come to visit father tomorrow?"

Hearing my question, his shoulders slightly tensed, after all being in the presence of The King made even the most powerful Gods nervous and even more so, if they happen to be in love with his one and only daughter.

Scorpio cleared his throat and replied, " I will if you want me too." I couldn't help myself from giggling at the way he tried to appear fearless, even though his voice betrayed him.

Once he realised that i was only teasing him, he chuckled as well.

We decided to spend some more time in each other's company and stayed in the forest watching the sky bring new stars with each passing hour.


A/N: Thank you for reading! šŸ§” If you enjoyed reading this, please drop in some requests, the inbox is empty.

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1 year ago


Could I get a Scorpio period comfort?šŸ„ŗā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø Than you, sis!šŸ¤§šŸ’–šŸ’–


SCORPIO ā™- In My Arms

A/N: Hi!! šŸ„ŗšŸ’— I hope you are feeling better. šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“

You walked home as quickly as you could. The pain intensifying with each step you took. Just few more minutes and i will be home, you thought trying your best to ignore the pain.

You placed your bag on the sofa and quickly went to the bathroom. The hot shower relaxed not only your body but also your mind.

You came back to the living room and collected your bag, bringing it to your room. You wanted to go to bed but there was homework to do. So you decided to quickly do your homework and then relax.

Time went by swiftly as your wrote in your notebook. Before you realized, it was already 7.30 pm. After arranging you books for tomorrow, you went to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea.

Pouring the tea in a cup, you added some honey in to it. You placed some of your favorite cookies on a plate and placed it on the tray beside the cup of tea.

Once your were sitting comfortably on the sofa, wrapped in your favorite blanket, your turned on the TV. Slowly you took a sip from the cup. Your body relaxed a bit, as the pain subsided.

Focusing your attention at the TV, you drank the rest of the tea and ate a few cookies.


The clock showed 8 pm. " You should take rest." a stern yet gentle voice said. Scorpio turned around to see, Zyglavis who was waiting for him to finish administering the punishments on his list.

"Just, few more minutes."Scorpio said in a apologetic tone. The corners of Zyglavis's lips curled up as he heard that.


Scorpio knocked on the window of your room. The lights were turned off and there was no answer. He waited for a few minutes, thinking that maybe you haven't heard the sound. He knocked again. But once again there was no response.

He snapped his fingers; opening the window. Carefully he walked to the living room to find you sleeping on the sofa.

He placed a packet on the table and snapped his fingers to turn off the TV.

"(Name)?", he said softly running his fingers through your hair.

"Hmmm." you mumbled as you struggled to open your eyes.

Looking up you found yourself staring at those gorgeous eyes, which held the most breathtaking pair of stars within them. The tiredness vanished from your body and you sat up.

Scorpio sat beside you. There was a mischievous look in his eyes as he smiled at you. "Is there something on my face?" You asked suddenly self-conscious of yourself.

The smile on his face only brightened as he slowly untied your hair. A hair brush appeared in his hand as he snapped his fingers.

With gentle hands and soft brush strokes, he neatly brushed your hair. It was becoming difficult to keep your eyes open, as your body grew more and more relaxed under his touch.

" (Name)?", his voice tenderly brought you out of your drowsiness. " Hmmm ", you responded.

"Don't fall asleep love." he said tying your hair with a ribbon," You need to eat."

Once again he snapped his fingers and the hair brush disappeared.

" I don't feel like cooking. " you said yawning. " You don't have to. I brought some of your favorite food for us." You finally noticed the packet sitting on the table.

He snapped his fingers and two plates along with two spoons appeared on the table. The delicious aroma filled the room as he took some of the (food name) on the plate. Picking some (food name) on the spoon he brought it to your lips.

The corners of his lips curled up as he witnessed how your eyes lit up as you took the first bite. " Delicious!" You said as you took another spoonful of (food name) in your mouth. " I am glad you like it." he said.

He took the rest of the ( food name ) on his plate and ate it. Once you both had finished brushing your teeth and doing your night-time skincare routine, you decided to watch one of your favorite movies.

Wrapping the blanket around the two of you, you leaned on his shoulder. "(Name), do you think they will meet again?" Scorpio slowly voiced the question.

" Yes, they will. It might seem difficult but their friendship has influenced their lives in positive ways. They will be reunited." you replied.

Various emotions flashed on their faces. Happiness at finally finding him, followed by sudden anger that he didn't inform them before leaving, and ultimately relief as the three of them hugged each other vowing to stay friends until the end of their days.

The credits rolled on accompanied by a song.

You gazed at Scorpio who had his eyes glued to the screen. A single tear feel down his cheek and he smiled. Like the sun on a spring day, looking at the crops on the fields.

You placed your arms around his neck and softly kissed his cheek. " Let's go to bed." you voice coming out in the form of a gentle wishper.

He picked you in his arms and carried your to your room. He placed your on the bed, before lying beside you. You snuggled close to his chest as he started humming a tune. Soon you drifted off into deep sleep.


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1 year ago

SCM - Department Of Punishment

Scorpio ā™ - Home Where The Heart Belongs

For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )

A/N: This has turned a bit more bittersweet than fluffy. Still i hope you enjoy reading this! šŸ„ŗšŸ’ž

Prompts: potatoes | blue | glass

7th February, 2024


Cool breeze flowed inside the kitchen from the window. The sky turning a bright shade of orange as the Sun was gradually setting.

The finely chopped onions, and potatoes cut in half made sizzling sounds, coming in contact with the hot oil on the saucepan.


"Thank you." Scorpio said as he paid the shopkeeper. Putting the box in his bag, he walked to the railway station.


You were busy setting the table; as your eyes wandering to the wall clock over and over again.

The restlessness in your heart increasing with each passing minute. For 3 months you have waited patiently. But now this pain feels unbearable.

Suddenly the ringing sound of the doorbell was heard. Finally, he is here.

You opened the door as rapidly as you could and hugged him tightly. Almost making him stumble.

Scorpio chuckled and picked you in his arms; tenderly kissing you.

"I missed you." you said, the overwhelming feeling of separation coating your voice. Scorpio held you against his chest,"I missed you too, love." He was better at hiding his emotions. You two stayed in each other's embrace for a few minutes, before slowly letting go.

"Something smells delicious." he commented as he walked in the living room. "It's a surprise, sir." you said jokingly. "Alright then." he replied cheerfully.


Scorpio walked into the dining room. His hair was still slightly wet. Few drops of water dripped down from them and soaked into his white shirt, whose two buttons from the top were kept open.

He sat down on a chair. You sat next to him.

Taking a spoonful of Biriany, he brought the spoon to his lips. Closing his eyes he softly chewed. The corner of his lips curled up,"I haven't had a home cooked meal in months", pausing to take another spoonful of Biriany in his mouth. " Thank you for cooking, love." You had known about his love for Biriany for a long time.

"I hope this is to your liking as well." saying that you filled a glass with Pomegranate juice from the pitcher.

His eyes lit up seeing the reddish liquid in the glass. Pomegranate was one of his favorite fruits, after all. And to get fresh Pomegranate juice, after three whole months of almost fasting and surviving off junk food, he indeed considered himself to be fortunate.

"I can't thank you enough." he said as he chugged down the glass of juice.

Once you two had finished eating, he helped you with washing the dishes. Deciding to continue your conversation in a much relaxed space, you lead him to your bedroom.

He wrapped his arm around you as you leaned your head against his shoulder. "How are you? How is work going on?" he asked.

"I am fine...," you sighed, "as fine as i can be without you. As for work, some students are dropping out."

"How long will you stay here?" you asked. The concern about his well-being too evident in your voice.

He remained silent for a few seconds,"Probably a week." Neither of you knew how to continue the conversation from there. He couldn't promise you anything. He knew that deep in his heart. And the one thing that you prayed for; every passing moment of the day, was his safety. That was all you wanted.

As a war correspondent, he never knew when or if he will ever see you again. Or the letter he sends to you, at the end of each month, is going to be the last one you ever receive from him. These thoughts clouded his mind, until he noticed his bag kept on the study table.

He opened the bag and took out a gift wrapped box and handed it to you. "Open it." he said.

A gorgeous silk dress, blue in colour, awaited for you. The fabric cool against your hand as you held it. " This is expensive!" you exclaimed. Your voice filled with slight panic as you knew, without a doubt, that a dress like this would cost a fortune.

"Why? How?" were the only two words that came out of your mouth.

Scorpio placed his hands on your shoulders, "Today is our 4th anniversary. I wanted to propose to you, but considering the current circumstances, i can't promise you a future... yet."

"I love you. I can't imagine a life without you. I don't know what tomorrow holds for us but for today let us be happy. " he said, holding your hands in his, trying his best to hold back the tears that threatened to overflow.

"I love you too." you said and kissed him.

The tiredness slowly desended as your eyelids started to feel heavy. He too felt the need to rest after the tiresome journey of the day.

Lying next to you, he started stroking your hair. No matter what happens tomorrow, you two will always have each other's company, with this promise you drifted off to sleep. Soon enough he fell asleep as well.

SCM - Department Of Punishment

Tags :
1 year ago

SCM - Department Of Punishment

Scorpio ā™- Dance With Me, Tonight

A/N: This is a continuation of the story Home Where The Heart Belongs. This didn't turn out as fluffy as i had hoped. Sorry about that.

For fluffbruary event ( @fluffbruary )

Prompts: graceful | volcano | blanket

12th February, 2024


Soft golden light of the morning Sun crept into the room, from the slight gap between the curtains. Opening his eyes, Scorpio was surprised to see the unfamiliar ceiling. The wall on the right side was light yellow in colour unlike the old wallpaper ridden walls of the small rented room that he had been residing in for the past three months.

Putting the pillows on the chair, and folding the blanket. He dusted the bedsheet before putting it back on the mattress. Putting the pillows and the blanket on one side of the bed he opened the curtains, before opening the window.

He took a deep breath; feeling the morning breeze brush against his face. His heart felt at peace.

Taking a warm shower and brushing his teeth; he walked downstairs to the kitchen.

You were pouring some tea in a cup. "Good morning." He said standing beside you.

"Good morning", you replied smiling,"I hope you don't mind eating oats for breakfast."

"I would love to have oats", he said returning your smile," i just need some Apples."

He washed three Apples; cutting them into small pieces. He took two bowls and filled them with the oats from the pot. Putting the bowls on the tray, beside the cups and the plate full of Apple pieces, he walked out of the kitchen. Setting the tray on the dining table he sat on the chair next to you.

Taking a sip of the warm tea, he asked, " You wrote about someone's wedding reception in the letter..."

"You remember Alice, my cousin", you took a sip from the cup, "she got married last week. Tonight she and her husband have organized a party for both of their families and some close friends. She has invited us...well me, but i would like to go with you." you said. The tone in your voice hopeful.

"It's ok if you don't want to." you added quickly. Scorpio shook his head and smiled,"I would like to go there with you." He was tired, but he wanted to spend sometime with you at a social gathering. After all who knew, this could be the very last one he ever attends.

After finishing your breakfast you washed the dishes and started chopping some vegetables. Scorpio prepared lunch which you two ate in silence around 12 PM.

The rest of the afternoon was spend, sitting on the sofa in the living. He told you how the lives of the ordinary people had been affected, in great details. Details which had not made into the newspaper paper. People were suffering.


The party was being held in a ball room of an enormous hotel. The hotel once had many clientele, but now most of it's rooms were empty. The few staff members who still worked there greeted the guests.

Once all the guests had arrived and were introduced to each other. The staff members brought a few musical instruments and started playing. One played the Harp, another the Cello, another the Violin, and another played the Piano.

"Grandma let's dance." a little girl said. Her grandmother was smiled, as the girl lead her, to the middle of the room and started dancing.

Seeing them some of the couples starting dancing as well. Soon Alice held your hand and started dancing. Her light pink dress and your blue dress swinging as you two moved gracefully across the dance floor. Scorpio sat on a chair watching you dance. He was never much of a dance after all.

Alice wishpered something in your ear and you both started laughing. It's been months since you have laughed like that. Scorpio smiled, recalling the memories of the first-time he had ever danced with you. Soon those memories started to fade as a dreadful thought came to his mind.

The song was coming to an end.

Scorpio walked up to you. Offering you his hand,"Will you dance with me, my lady?" He even tried to put on a princely accent, but miserably failed at it, making you and Alice giggle. He smiled, hiding his embarrassment. But his cheeks turned red as soon as you said," That would be my pleasure, sir." Alice laughed; her laughter only made his ears turn redded.

You two danced slowly; in perfect harmony. As the song came to its conclusion, you softly kissed his temple. " I love you." he wishpered. His voice filled with emotions which he found too difficult to express. " I love you too, Scorpio. " you said as a drop of tear slipped from the corner of your eyes, which you quickly brushed away.

Music flowed through the room like breeze; warm and comforting. You took the lead and he followed. The soothing sound brought a sense of peace in your hearts. No matter what tomorrow held, tonight, in this moment both of you were together.

SCM - Department Of Punishment

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