Scp Iceberg - Tumblr Posts
Aight, time to explain the new young concept in my mind that is the
Angel/Demon College AU
Now, the whole idea started with a tumblr post you have probably seen before, from one-time-i-dreamt’s blog:

This one.
I basically saw this post, looked at it, pointed at it and said “what if this was clefdraki?”
Several things happened. First, all hope of me studying for the exam the next day was lost in an instant; second, a whole plotline and a world was built in my mind.
It be like that, sometimes.
So let me take you on a journey:
Kondraki is our main protagonist; he goes to a prestigious college and is studying biology, probably insects. He needs to write a thesis to graduate, but he has been procrastinating by going to parties and Living The College Life™
He notices that the due date of his thesis is too close for comfort and that he has to do something to, well, graduate.
Instead of sitting his ass down and studying like any reasonable neurotypical would do, our ADHD ridden college transman goes down an internet rabbit hole and stumbles upon a devil summoning ritual in an old little website with no ads.
You know how some horror stories start with a bunch of friends summoning a demon because “lmaooo nothing will happen it’s all just bull”? Well, Konny doesn’t have any friends, but what he does have is determination, testosterone-fueled stubbornness and the impulsivity of 10 toddlers combined. Not a good combination.
He collects all the necessary ingredients, learns how to draw the runes perfectly and waits for the full moon to conduct the ritual.
The night of the full moon comes, he conducts the ritual and guess what? Nothing happens. Our man goes to bed that night disappointed but not surprised, with a bit of satisfaction of not being surprised on the side.
He dreams of the symbols and runes he practiced for the summoning that night, no coherent sounds or visuals, just symbols.
He wakes up and goes to his lectures like usual.
During his lectures the professor is going on and on and he is bored out of his mind so he starts doodling the runes he saw in his mind.
He draws at least 20 of them before realizing that the professor has stopped talking and looking around in suspicion
Not only has the professor frozen in place, so have all the other students. The guy playing a flash game on his computer three rows in front of him is frozen in the middle of flipping a burger, a girl to the left of him is frozen bending over to pick up a fallen pen, her ereaser is knocked off the desk by her other hand and frozen midair-
Kondraki doesn’t get to explore his surroundings further because the doors of the lecture hall burst open and in comes a small angry blond wearing a fancy looking red suit
He storms inside, stops in front of Kondraki’s desk and screams in his face “wHAT the fUCK do you wANT?!”
Appearently all the symbols he was doodling were sending a signal down to hell and combined with the ritual he did the day before it was like calling someone 21 consecutive times.
The guy who introduces himself as the Devil explains that he doesn’t take contract requests and summonings anymore because he ‘has better things to do than to deal with some mortals’ which is fair, really, but what Konny did annoyed him so much that he came up there to see what the deal is.
Konny feels stupid as he explains he needed help with his thesis and thought it would be funny to summon the Devil for it.
The Devil gets so offended and annoyed that he goes “sure, let’s make a deal.” Konny is like what.
He says they can discuss the details later and that all he asked for in return of helping out Konny’s thesis was 'Information and Entertainment’.
Konny says “sure.” Because that sounds better than selling your soul and they shake hands.
The Devil disappears with a smirk and time resumes, Konny’s day going on as normal.
When he returns to his dorm room, however, he is surprised to see the Devil sitting on his bed in more casual clothes and missing the crown, tail, wings and horns and holding a suitcase in his lap with a bigger suitcase standing on the ground.
Turns out what the Devil meant by 'Information and Entertainment’ was that he would take a vacation to earth and Konny would be his guide.
This way he could get back at Konny for his annoying escapade by annoying him in return.
So he will be pretending to be a student for a few months while Konny shows him the intricacies of Living The College Life™ all the while they both work on the thesis.
They decide on some ground rules and Konny gives the Devil the nickname “Alto Clef” because he used to play the violin and Alto Clef was his nightmare, which is what this guy is striving to be as well.
Clef accepts the name with enthusiasm and forges some formal papers with it immediately.
Thus begins the weird annoying dormmate to lovers arc of Kondraki’s life.
I have like a few details in mind and most of the ending planned, but I would appreciate any ideas and requests.
Now, this is the main plotline, but the whole AU is bigger than that. You may have read my Gearsberg fic set in this AU and might be wondering where they fit in. So let me introduce you to some of the side characters:
Bright: Fallen Angel turned Demon. Clef’s second in command. He is the one Clef leaves in charge of Hell when he goes to help Konny. He wonders what the fuss is about and appears on campus occasionally. Sometimes he just sends his assistant Diogenes to check things out.
Glass: Psychology major. Probably the closest person Kondraki has to a friend. He is kind to everyone but still reserved. He sees a certain androgynous person around campus and falls in love with them. May or may not have angelic blood.
Diogenes: Low level demon born and raised in Hell. Bright’s assistant. They are sometimes sent to the surface to check things out and they meet and fall in love with a certain psychology major.
Gears: Fallen Angel turned Demon. He met Iceberg when he was sent to earth for something and got kicked out of Heaven for falling in love with him. He doesn’t understand humans and emotions very well. He is trying.
Iceberg: Former Human turned Demon. He helps Gears with understanding the world.
Cimmerian: neither an Angel nor a Demon. Runs Purgatory. Appears as a voice of reason at some point.
Both Gears and Iceberg show up around campus sometimes because Iceberg finds it to be one of the most educative places for Gears and also he died before finishing his degree so he wants to experience college a bit more.
That’s most of what I have planned so far. Feel free to ask any questions or share any suggestions and ideas. Or scrap that. Please ask questions and share ideas. I have an ask box too but nobody uses it ;-; I wanna feel like a tumblr famous artist too ;-; /lh
If you like the AU let me know! Feel free to use the idea however you like and I hope you enjoyed it!
Until next Idea!

@dilfsrdestructive found yet another picture for me to draw over

root@sudo_user : ~ $ login
[✓] Authentication request accepted at 15/07/2003, 21:23:02 PM. Please enter your registered email for identity matching.
Please enter your email address, you can always enter "Quit" to exit the login process
root@sudo_user : ~ $
The email address you have entered is:
Enter "Y" to continue or "N" to re-enter your email. You can exit the login process at any time by entering "Quit".
root@sudo_user : ~ $ y
Please enter your password
root@sudo_user : ~ $ **-[SENSITIVE INFO - AUTO MASKED]-**
Authenticating user....
Login successful - Welcome back, Iceberg
IN OTHER WORDS! I got commissioned to make some images for an Iceberg carrd by my partner, Dell, who did all the formatting on this thing. I also helped with the Clef and Gears dialogue, and my other partner Robin did the dialogue for their oc Flintwood. There is SO much symbolism and hidden details on this, I highly suggest you click on all the images. Feedback and comments are also appreciated (this may or may not have taken like 4 or 5 days to do) so go nuts lmfao
Edit: No longer with Dell cause we broke up. They deleted the carrd but we archived it beforehand lmfao because this thing took forever to make and also our art is on it

Concepts of Dr. Iceberg and Dr. Rights!
I find it easier to design characters on paper than on tablet. That way, I have a clearer idea of what I want them to look like when I digitize them.
Working on a Bright piece right now, so stay tuned!