i am in love and 100% back in my Zutara era ✨💅🏻
“you rise with the moon. I rise with the sun”

Eternally grateful for my best gal @oceanview15 for all her amazing ideas and support
The Girl With The Pretty Smile (S.CB)
Word Count : 2739
Warnings : swearing, bullying
Synopsis : No one seemed to look Changbin's way. Except for a girl with a pretty smile that made his days so much better.
Author's Note : Just a short oneshot to try and get back into writing. Hope you enjoy!
She looked at him expectantly with the same bright smile she always gave him. It was a smile that he had burned in his memory, a smile he thinks about on his darkest days to bring light back.
He had an entire speech thought out, a speech he worked on for days. Crumpled up papers are still littered in his room with failed attempts to write what was in his heart. Words about how her smile brightens his days, how he’s grateful for her kindness, how over time he fell in love with her.
But as soon as she turned around to face him, all the words escaped him. All he could do was gawk at her, his eyes a little wider than usual, and his mouth completely devoid of any saliva. She didn’t seem to mind, allowing Changbin to gather his thoughts, her smile not faltering for even a second.
“I-“ He started, but no other words came to him. She had him literally speechless. He could see her friends waiting for her just ahead of them and suddenly felt bad for taking up her time. “Sorry.” He quickly mumbled before speed walking away.
“What was that about?” Karina asked her. Y/n was looking in the direction that Changbin had sped off in, a fond look in her eyes as she giggled about the odd interaction. “Oh my god, don’t tell me you LIKE Seo Changbin?”
“And if I do?” Y/n questioned, cocking her head to the side as she looked at Karina. Which, of course, prompted both Giselle and Karina to go off on their usual spiel on how weird he was, how he doesn’t talk to anyone.
“Come on, Y/n. If you dated Seo Changbin, your reputation would completely tank. No one would talk to you anymore.” Karina ended, wrapping her arm around Y/n’s shoulders. “Let’s just forget about him and make the guys buy us food, hmm?”
Before Y/n could say anything else, Giselle jumped in and started talking about what happened in her class, so she just stayed quiet. Swallowed the words she wanted to say, but her smile had faded. What was so wrong about liking someone that treated her with nothing but kindness?
“Good morning.” She greeted with a smile, as she did every morning. Others in her class repeatedly told her not to bother with Seo Changbin. He’s a loner. He’s someone that only keeps to himself, not even bothering to spare others a single glance.
But she had caught him one time looking over at her. When she was struggling to keep up with what their professor was saying. There was a softness in his eyes as he silently angled his notes towards her so she could see them. He acted as if he didn’t do anything, but she still softly thanked him.
“Morning.” He softly mumbled back to her as he had started doing a couple days ago. A smile was tugging at his lips every single time she smiled at him. There was a warmness in his chest when he thought of her, especially the way she would smile at him, even if he didn’t return it.
“I wanted to thank you for all your help in this class.” She whispered as to not bring attention to her and Changbin. He turned his head to look at her as she placed a coffee on his desk, a smiley face messily drawn on the side of the cup next to his name. “I don’t really know what you like, so I just got you my favourite.”
Again she was looking at him with her pretty smile before turning her attention to her notebook. Changbin could see random squiggles drawn in the margins of the pages. Random shapes ranging from a plain triangle to hearts to smiley faces. Smiley faces similar to the one drawn next to his name on the coffee cup on the corner of his desk.
This would be the first moment Changbin realized he had a crush on the girl with the pretty smile that sits beside him.
“You won’t believe what Giselle and I saw when we were picking Y/n up from her class.” Karina said once everyone had their food in front of them.
“Oh does she have a secret boyfriend?” Yeonjun teased, wiggling his eyebrows in her direction. Wooyoung and Yeosang chuckled before joining in on the teasing. “How unfortunate. Soobin was really hoping he’d have a shot.”
“No way?! Tell him to go for it. I think she needs a wake up call.” Giselle said. “She told us she has a crush on Seo Changbin.” Wooyoung practically spit his food out at this revelation.
“Seo Changbin?! You mean the guy that doesn’t talk to anyone?”
“He talks to Y/n apparently.” Karina smirked, crossing her arms over her chest as she sat back, her gaze directed to Y/n and Y/n only. “I knew you were hiding something from us, you know. You seemed too happy these days. Who would have thought it was because of Seo Changbin.”
“I never thought I’d ever hear of Seo Changbin making someone happy.” Yeosang chuckled, shaking his head at the very thought. Y/n sat there quietly picking at her food, her appetite suddenly gone at all the digs her friends were making at Changbin.
“I’ll set up a date with Soobin. I think you two would get along really well.” Yeonjun said, placing his hand on top of hers. A kind smile danced across his lips, the very lips that spouted insults about someone she considered a friend.
“No thanks.” She mumbled, pulling her hand away from his. “I’m going to head out first. I don’t really feel like listening to you guys talk shit about someone I like.” Before anyone could say anything, she was gone. Disappeared the same way Changbin did before he could confess.
“This time, I’ll allow you to choose your partners.” Y/n’s smile was just as bright as it usually was when she turned towards Changbin as their professor spoke about the new project they’d be working on. Why was she looking at him like he held all the answers to the universe? And why was his heart pounding so hard?
“Y/n.” She turned away from him at the sound of her name. He took a quick glance to see who was standing beside her desk. Han Jisung stood there, one hand on the back of her seat and the other twirling his pen. His infamous smirk was plastered on his face, the same one that had far too many girls falling at his feet hoping he would notice them.
But he only had eyes for Y/n, As did many others in the school, but no one was as brazen as Jisung was. Flirting with her every chance he got, but she never seemed to reciprocate. Unbeknownst to everyone, her heart already belonged to Seo Changbin.
“Should we partner up and show everyone we’re the superior couple?” Jisung asked with a wink. The other students watched on as if a drama was playing out right in front of them. The moment when the main couple finally admits their feelings and allows themselves to fully fall in love with the other.
But in Y/n’s story, Han Jisung was just another background character. Someone that had little significance to the ending she desired. “No thanks.” And her attention was back on Changbin, who looked at her with widened eyes, wondering if he really just watched her reject Jisung.
And with everyone still watching her, she began talking about her ideas for the project with Changbin, while he continued to sit there and stare at her. She intrigued him, amazed him even. Something about the way she looks at him makes him feel like he’s home.
Changbin paced his dorm room, mumbling the same words over and over again. I like you. I really like you. His roommate watched on in confusion having never seen the quiet and reserved Seo Changbin like this. “Dude, if you like her that much, just fucking tell her.” He spoke up before retreating to his room.
He was right. And Changbin wanted to tell her. Not in hopes that she would feel the same way and would want to date him. But he wanted to let her know that someone out there really enjoys her presence and thinks that her smile could cure cancer. He wanted her to know that there was someone that truly loved her.
Once again he found himself hunched over his desk, scribbling words on paper, hoping they’d make sense to the girl they were meant for. Crumpled balls of paper overflowed his trashcan, just as it had a couple nights prior when he wrote out his speech. The speech he had forgotten once she looked at him.
Which is why he opted to write her a letter this time. A letter filled with all the words he wish he could say to her but knows all the words would die on the tip of his tongue the second she smiled at him. He tried his best to make his writing look pretty. Tried to make the words flow from line to line, much like a love song.
He poured his heart onto the paper, hoping that his words would make her smile. The same smile she greeted him with every single day. The same smile she gives him every time their eyes meet. The same smile that makes all the bad in his life disappear.
And even if she doesn’t feel the same, he hopes she’ll reread the letter and smile, knowing there was someone that loved her so pure and true they took the time to write it all out on paper. He hopes the words will bring her happiness even on her worst days.
The smile she greeted him with this morning didn’t reach her eyes like all the previous smiles had. He could tell that something had happened, something that took her smile away. And they weren’t friends, just seatmates in their one shared class, but he was concerned. “Everything okay?” He whispered when she sat down.
She froze in the middle of taking her books out of her bag, turning her head to look in his direction. He could see a small smile dancing across her lips. Not as bright as it usually was, but it was still a pretty sight. “Yeah. Everything’s great. Just stress from my other classes.”
He wondered what other classes she took. Which was her favourite? Which made her the most stressed? But he didn’t ask. Instead he gave her a small nod, telling her that if she needs help studying, he wouldn’t mind studying with her sometime.
“I’d need your number for that, Changbin.” Her smile was wider now, and Changbin deluded himself to think it was because of him. Because of what he said. And the very thought that she was smiling because of him instead of at him made butterflies burst in his stomach.
“Right. Uh-here.” He quickly scribbled his number on the corner of a page in his notebook, carelessly ripping it off, and handed it to her. “Text me anytime, Y/n.” He returned her smile, and she thought to herself that she had never seen something as beautiful as Seo Changbin’s smile.
Changbin’s leg bounced in anticipation, his eyes fixed on the door as he waited for Y/n. The letter he planned to give her tucked away in his notebook, a corner poking out, taunting him. Today, everything was going to change, and that thought alone was almost enough to make Changbin change his mind. Almost.
But when Y/n walked in and time seemed to slow down, he knew he needed to confess before his feelings suffocated him. She greeted him with the same pretty smile that made him fall for her in the first place, and he met her eyes and returned the smile. “Good morning, Changbin. You seem anxious, everything okay?” She plopped in the seat next to him, slowly taking out her books as Changbin tried to figure out what to say.
“This is for you.” He said softly, sliding the letter across his desk to hers. She looked down to the envelope with her name scrawled across it, a smiley face drawn beside it. The same envelope that held Changbin’s feelings. And then she looked over at him as she grabbed it.
“Should I read it now or later?” Her head was slightly cocked to the side, almost as if she was teasing him, but he could see the sincerity in her eyes. She was never one to tease Changbin. Right from the first day she showed him nothing but kindness.
“You can read it now if you want.” She could hear the nervousness in his voice, see the way he averted his eyes, but took short glances towards her. In her heart she knew exactly what the letter entailed. She knew she was about to read his confession. And her heart burst in excitement.
“Good. Because I’m impatient.” She giggled, carefully tearing the envelope open and reading the words Changbin stayed up all night writing. His notebook that he kept at home was considerably thinner than when he bought it, most of the pages in crumpled balls littered on his floor. Pages upon pages of failed confessions, and just one that seemed to say exactly what was in his heart.
It detailed all the reasons why he loved her. How she brightened his days. How happy she’s made him the past few months. And that he doesn’t care if his feelings were unrequited because he doesn’t love her in hopes she’d love him back.
She read it carefully. And then reread it. She read it a few times until she had it almost completely memorized. Her friends words echoed in her mind, how her reputation would tank. No one would talk to her. And she realized that she didn’t really care.
She didn’t care if her friends wouldn’t want to be friends with her anymore. She didn’t care if other people looked at her weirdly. She didn’t care if she wasn’t invited to parties or study groups.
Because none of those things make her as happy as Changbin did. All the fake smiles and laughs faded the second her eyes met Changbin’s. Because his very presence brought a smile to her face.
And so she turned to him, the letter still in her hands, and he looked at her with worry in his eyes, but she was smiling. She wouldn’t be smiling if she was going to reject him, right? She wasn’t that cruel. “I want to hear you say it.”
Those were not the words he expected, nor were they the ones he hoped for. But Y/n was always unexpected. He should have known she wouldn’t have a normal answer to his confession. “Say what?”
“Tell me you love me. Say it to my face.” Students that were sat nearby stopped their conversations, listening closely to Y/n and Changbin. They waited in anticipation, wondering what Changbin was going to do, if he was going to say anything.
He opened his mouth, but once again the words died on the tip of his tongue. She made him nervous in the same way she made him happy. But she was still looking at him, waiting to hear the words fall from his lips. It was the only thing holding him back from hearing her answer, so he pushed passed the nerves and confessed in spoken words, the way he wanted to originally. “I love you.”
A simple confession, much shorter that the confession she held in her hands, but it made her smile all the same. And the other students listening in leaned closer to hear what she was going to say. No one expecting the girl that rejected Jisung would be the same girl that would confess to Changbin. “I love you too, Seo Changbin.”
It was short and simple. Sweet and to the point. But it was enough to make Changbin’s heart burst. His smile was the biggest she’s ever seen, and it was just as beautiful as the first smile she ever saw dance across his lips.
Short, sweet, and to the point. But it was perfect. Because at the end of the day, the girl with the pretty smile loved him back.
Exhibit nr 1: Sherlock only considered that John and him have a "rapport" after Marianna said it
Exhibit nr 2: He only called John his best friend after John confirmed they were best pals in a previous story
Exhibit nr 3: In Shoscombe Old Place, Sherlock referred to himself as one of the people John loves
Logical conclusion: John told Sherlock that he loves him, in those exact words.
That is all.