Scriddler - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
Oh I Never Posted This Version Here, Huh?

Oh I never posted this version here, huh?

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8 months ago

LMAO so my OTP is Scriddler but we have two alters in the headspace whose OTP is Batjokes. I don’t front for a few short weeks and suddenly—on the AO3 account that I created i.e. is MINE—over half of our bookmarks are Batjokes 😭 like you dare come into MY home and disrespect the sanctity of Scriddler?? So I guess I’m my way to even the score a bit 😂

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8 months ago
I Don't Think Edward Wants A Humble Wedding, He's Over The Top And He Wants His Day To Be So Too. But

I don't think Edward wants a humble wedding, he's over the top and he wants his day to be so too. But I think Jonathan would rather have a simpler occasion with few close friends and a small venue that reminds him of his home town. He's not gonna stop Eddie from having a wild after-party tho <3

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7 months ago

Currently writing a Scriddler piece where Scarecrow and Ed fuck for the first time and fldjsjfkfj this line (before launching into a description of said fucking) is really doing it for me: “If Scarecrow’s fighting style could be described as violent dancing, this was violent dancing on a whole new level.”

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7 months ago
Scriddler Nsfw Here Because No Matter What I Do Tumblr Doesn't Allow Me To Feed U
Scriddler Nsfw Here Because No Matter What I Do Tumblr Doesn't Allow Me To Feed U

scriddler nsfw here because no matter what i do tumblr doesn't allow me to feed u

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7 months ago
I Was Going To Post This Later With Other Drawings But I I Have Work So Lord Knows When Ill Finish The

I was going to post this later with other drawings but I i have work so lord knows when ill finish the rest of the shit. Anyways toxic men iykyk

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7 months ago
Oh I Never Posted This Version Here, Huh?

Oh I never posted this version here, huh?

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7 months ago
I Thin K I'm In Hate With You. You Know Just How To Push My Buttons You Prick

i thin k I'm in hate with you. You know just how to push my buttons you prick

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5 months ago
Please If Anyone Has Any More Super Friends Legion Of Doom Scriddler Content Send It My Way Thank You
Please If Anyone Has Any More Super Friends Legion Of Doom Scriddler Content Send It My Way Thank You
Please If Anyone Has Any More Super Friends Legion Of Doom Scriddler Content Send It My Way Thank You

Please if anyone has any more super friends legion of doom Scriddler content send it my way thank you I love them so much

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2 years ago


Tbf, Ivy and Riddler are a complete opposites of each other (in a sort of way that they won't mesh well together admittedly, unlike the Ed & Jon who, despite also being opposites, are still able to vibe together well) so finding a sort of middle ground for the 2 is gonna be hard anyways. That's coming from me, who's a big fan of the Riddler for a few years to the point it started my whole riddles phase.

Plus, not a lot of content/background about Ivy from before she became a villain, at least, from what I know of anyways.


Like, had a shitty upbringing in Georgia leading him to some murders (he's still stable but still teetering between edges essentially even after what he'd done here), falling in love with am abusive person in Gotham that lead to horrific heartbreak which triggers him to fall the rabbit hole of becoming his Villain persona (Maybe he doesn't go by Scarecrow in this but not exactly, well, Harley Quinn if that makes sense). He'd debuted before a lot Batman's rogues, one who works alone.

Then, he met Ivy!Riddler. Eddie sorta just balances him out and helped him heal in some ways. Definitely one of the very few people Jonathan allowed himself to trust, even when most of the people in his life broke it a lot. A strong bond is formed between the two.

Whether he'd fall in love with Eddie is a strong possibility but he'd might deny it for a while, to afraid bout allowing himself to be that vulnerable again, which is ironic, since, his theme is making people feel fear (and make them feel his pain). Plus, he's rather content in staying friends (even if his emotions says otherwise at times)

It's only when Eddie tried to sacrifice his life for Jonathan that he'd accepted his feelings and make an advancement, knowing that yeah, this is a person I can fully trust to show, well, just bout everything he hides at that point. Jonathan would help Eddie recover and once he does, Jonathan would ask him out.

Idk, just, brain wanted to make a sort story for your character designs cause, again, THEY ARE PHENOMENAL (Also, you are correct to tag them as very hot cause holy- they really are)

holy moly this is so well thought out!!!! who knew thirsting after dilfs would b so well received

for jon, i was definitely thinking that whole thing where he falls in love w some guy who turns out abusive just like his gran EXCEPT in this, he hadn’t killed his gran just up n left one day, so this abuser would b his first murder (no fear torture yet, just something that happens out of fear + adrenaline).

instead of crows n all that scarecrow crap, i was thinking that his gran locked him in the basement up w creepy dolls, would constantly play music boxes (not on purpose, it was just her decorative style) and would beat, whip, whatever herself instead of letting the crows have all the fun. this would lead to the conditioned fear of dolls, the weird music box music (idk what it’s called), but also clowns, mimes, those nutcracker guys, things that look “doll-like” so he would become the harley quinn thing (i also have no idea for a name; i call him The Good Doctor™, but idk if that’s good enough since it literally tells nothing except that he is presumably a doctor). he doesn’t have the split personality thing some interpretations have.

he’d go all out in becoming a psychiatrist, burying the trauma into the depths of his soul w the help of hw and coffee, completely closing himself off to ANY sort of relationship w peers or whoever, and in his studies is where his obsession would start (but, like harley, it would be a more helpful-oriented interest, wanting to give ppl therapy so they would get better [to make himself feel better, i want him to b selfish about this],,, OR another idea: the obsession starts bc he is desperate to rid himself of fear so he doesn’t have to worry about becoming that vulnerable and uncontrollable ever again [when he killed his lover in a panic]). he would graduate the top of his class (bc smart jon is best jon), but his isolation from the students to coworkers would nurture his obsession since he wouldn’t let anyone in enough for them to see this unhealthiness to try to stop it.

this would spiral into Evil bc of his mental decline (uh oh…bottling is not good, who knew?) and the slow progress he is making in rebuilding himself. his focus would go from helping himself to simply bringing others down w him bc he will find it is much easier to break than fix.

HOWEVER in my head, ed is the one who asks first (i love overly confident ed n shy, emotionally constipated jon). i’d like to think his thing is love instead of riddles. he kidnaps loved ones from family, friends, to lovers and (through his awesome hacking and stalking skills) will do some kind of trivia w their deepest darkest secrets to try and break off any love (all broadcasted). he is trying to prove that love is not actually powerful nor is it wise to love at all (abusive dad trauma: used to b a great dad, until mom divorced and dad started drowning in bottles and taking out his despair and anger on little ed).

sorry there is not much on ed, i genuinely don’t know much about his character at all nor do i have the same love/obsession w him that i have w scarecrow…unfortunately, cillian murphy absolutely strangled my senses haha (i also don’t have a name for him either)

ur backstory was super inspiring tho, i don’t think i’ve ever written a backstory in my life before today and it probably shows w how all over the place i am haha

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