Sebek X Yuu - Tumblr Posts
Is a Zionist piece of shit so... Go report their pateron for supporting a hate group. Go report them on any platform you can find them on. They support genocide so fuck them.
Thank you for answering my previous ask! If it's alright can I ask for a one shot for Sebek. In the game when you upgrade his spell he looks for Malleus for approval and praise. Can you write about Sebek who has a crush on male-reader but tries to deny it. One day after training and mastering a spell he had trouble with, he looks to male-reader for their approval and praise instead of Malleus and realizes he does have a crush on male reader. Thank you again and have a good morning/day/night!
You found a book on top of the old one in the same table, it seems someone wants you to read another story, are you going to read this one?

Anon!, hellooo again with such a cute request i cant deny!, also im sorry for being so inactive(?, maybe !, Lets go and enjoy!.
Reader was asked to be male, and i made it male !, Also tried to avoid giving, or calling him a name, as for prefect he can he prefect of any dorm so !! i dont think its wrong O(∩_∩)O
(Reader can be interpreted as yuu or not.)

Faster, Stronger, Harder. Those were the only thoughs on Sebek's head as mastering this spell was quite difficult, sweat falling down from his forehead down to his cheeks, cheeks that were red from his agitated state as he continue going over his limit the blot levels weren't high enough but still worrisome.
It's been hours, the sun is starting to set yet he wouldn't stop or back down, he was shaking of exhaustion, Silver who was training with him hours ago was sleeping in the benchs, in the middle of Malleus and Lillia. Just by the side of his Master, the guy who he has been avoiding for quite some time was also staring at him, but he had a worried expression that just kept bothering Sebek.
As his thoughs drifted to the guy he had been avoiding for a few weeks, a bright light shock him out of his tranced state. He had mastered the spell in the same moment his thoughs drifted to him, his eyes light up and his loud yet sore voice which was very much missed by the trio and the sleepyhead, startled all of them, waking up the last one.
" I DIT IT, I FINALLY DID IT ". He said as he let himself fall on the ground out of exhaustion, he closed his eyes as he breathed deeply and when he opened his eyes, there he was staring at him with such a bright smile, one that said 'im so proud of you'. As the words of praise left his lips, he suddenly realized that there was someone besides Malleus he desired the approval of, that made him shake to his inner core, butterflies filled his stomach, the rest of the praises, were blocked by his ears, his eyes were only focused on him, as he came to understand. He had fallen in love and it was to late to back down. With a faint smile playing upon Sebek's lips, he finally realized the truth of who he truly loved.
" I've..fallen in love with you prefect. " those were Sebek's final words before falling into a deep sleep of exhaustion, leaving everyone shocked and a certain prefect's face red, as red as the painted roses in the Heartslabyul dorm. Yes, he might be sleeping, but the teasing his crush and soon beloved was reciving right now from Lilia, was something he'll have to confront as soon as he wakes up.

I'm not really into Heavens Officials Blessing Fandom or well not yet, but.....
Can I get the First Years with Male!Hua Cheng!S/O?
TWST First Years x Hua Cheng!Yuu
I did my best with him, his main personality trait is just simping for Xie Lian unrelated but you are gonna love the show bro
♥️Ace Trappola♥️
why does his last name look like spaghetti
ANYWAYS I feel like at first he would jokingly try to show his dominance over you
You're an attractive guy with long hair, a mysterious eyepatch, muscles, and you're just taller than him
Every dude in school is all over you whether it's for romantic reasons, they want the clout of being your friend, or they want your exercise routine
Ace at first thinks his feelings towards you is envy since you get a lot of attention (and are crazy powerful like wtf) but after some thinking on it he realizes it's jealousy
Instead of confronting it he just pushes it way down and pretends it does not exist because he refuses to come to terms with the fact that he likes you
If say (god forbid) Xie Lian didn't exist in your original world then Hua Cheng would treat Ace like he would Xie Lian
Ace is not used to this in the slightest
You treat him like a piece of treasure, yet Ace is shoving as many pieces of gum as he can in his mouth because Deuce dared him
Both you and Ace actually have very similar attitudes, you don't do things for others unless it's for your benefit or it's for someone you know well and are fond of in some way
This makes your relationship to each other incredibly loyal and Ace appreciates that he's found someone who can see deeper than what he shows people and actively reciprocates it
You're always on Ace's side even if he's clearly in the wrong or just being stupid
You would help him fight Riddle no doubt
When (not if) Ace gets into a fight he always threatens people by saying something along the lines of "You wouldn't mind if I brought my buddy Hua Cheng right?"
Everyone scrambles
Those who don't are sent to the infirmary in 10 seconds or less
Magic and stuff works very differently in your separate worlds so I don't know how much help you would be to him when it comes to teaching but Ace likes to watch the stuff you make
His favorite is probably Blood Rain just because it seems so menacing but it does literally nothing
♠️Deuce Spade♠️
refer to Ace Trappola
JK but I can't deny I do feel like there are a couple similar traits here
The biggest one being loyalty, they're both very loyal boys but Deuce is more outwardly with it and is still willing to help others he doesn't know very well
You admire his efforts in his studies and just in everything he does overall
he may not be amazing at everything he does but he always gives it 100% and you love that about him
You're aware of his efforts to not pick fights with people so whenever you feel that may be happening you just gently put your hand on his shoulder, nudge him to the side a bit, and fight the person for him
You have no reason to keep a reputation in tact so may as well go nuts while ensuring your BF doesn't get in trouble
To Deuce this feels like the ultimate form of you showing your love
And it kind of is lol
Remember that scene where deuce thought that store bought eggs had baby chicks in them
Yeah that but you just smile at him and say nothing
Ace will have to be the one to correct him eventually
You would still somehow defend Deuce
It's still a recurring argument in the friend group
🐺Jack Howl🐺
He looks up to you like he looks up to Riddle
if you haven't read the vignette he basically respects Riddle since he puts in the hard work to get what he wants and doesn't take shortcuts
Don't know how much that personality trait applies to you but you're someone who came from a hard knock life and now you're one of the most powerful in your world (probably in their world too let's be honest)
If you thought ADeuce was loyal OH BOY you're in for a treat because this man will not leave your side unless he has to
Obviously if he thinks you may not be okay with him constantly by you're side he'll leave but if you like him as much as you like Xie Lian you'd be begging him not to
From an outsiders perspective looking in, your relationship is both somewhat hard to read but also tooth rotting sweet
Jack tries to put on a tough boy persona around everyone but is actually very sweet and loves affection, while one of the most intimidating people in school is all over him like he would die without him
This makes jacks face so red and leaves his tail constantly wagging
I feel like you'd just walk up behind him and grab his tail to spook him
This makes his ears perk up cutely
Jack is so used to being someone who's physically stronger than others so the moment you pick him up bridal style with no restraint leaves him floored
he tells you to put him down so he doesn't have to admit he likes it
You can tell by the tail though so you do it any chance you get when you're alone
He likes the butterflies that you create
They're so bright and beautiful and he has butterflies in his stomach when you make them fly around him and land on the tips of his ears or nose
🍎Epel Felmier🍎
you would bond over something very unlikely
like carving
he carves you apples, and you give him life sized statues of him in hyper realistic detail
Something about it creeps him out but in a good way
You would probably carve them in such a way that it gave him a bit more muscle
that's probably why he subconsciously likes them so much
Vil is jealous his first year managed to get such an attractive and dedicated peer before he did
he constantly asks you for tips on how to be more manly
you probably say some crap like "You're already the manliest man I know🥰"
He appreciates the self-esteem building but sometimes he would prefer if you took it a little more seriously
If he wanted to, you would probably help him get on an exercise regimen to build more muscle so he can get that ManlyTM aesthetic
Vil isn't against bettering oneself but if he finds out Epel is trying to build heavy bulk or something he would confront you
You would either tell Vil the truth but defend Epel or just lie to Vil about your plans
You defend Epel against a lot of things
Vil wants to unalive you at this point but then he'd ruin his clothes
You two are like the meme where Person A is trying to fight Person C but Person B is right behind them threatening Person C if they do
Epel thinks people are afraid of him and this gives him a confidence boost
Seeing him happy makes you happy
I don't know why but I feel like if you guys were play fighting and you just picked him up and threw him it would make him happy
He's always running up to you asking to be thrown like a kid in a pool
⚡Sebek Zigvolt⚡
This is giving me strong "I had to get a support dog for my support dog" vibes on Malleus' part
You like to bother him 24/7 and Sebek pretends like he doesn't like it and is always yelling at you while you just stand there like :)
It makes him flustered that someone is willing to not only put up with a part of him so many find annoying but embrace it too
You don't understand his obsession with Malleus but you can relate to having someone you care for so deeply you'd do anything for them
Sebek has a hard time seeing himself that way since his entire life has basically been for Malleus but he can't say he doesn't appreciate it
In the beginning of getting to know each other he thinks you're another lowly human
When you make the sky start bleeding he starts to wonder if he should've retracted that statement sooner
Knight training together?
Knight training together
He may have been training his whole life to be a knight but you have like 800+ years experience he has much to learn from you
Eventually I think he would view you as someone equivalent to Lilia which if you're not already aware is an incredibly high honor in his eyes
Which makes him all the more flustered when out of anyone you chose him to court
If he does that thing where he says something nice to you in a very loud and formal voice you would hold the exact same energy
This happens a lot
Everyone knows that when it starts they need to cover their ears for the next 5 minutes or so
I think Malleus truly does appreciate Sebek's loyalty to him but sometimes he needs a break so he's very happy that you provide that for him by keeping Sebek distracted
His eyes are so pretty please compliment them