Sephiroth Is Such A Peacocking Little Shit - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Unpopular fanon opinion: Sephiroth went back in time b/c out of the original gang only Cloud, Vincent, and Nanaki are left everyone else is dead. Sephiroth would totally do that just to get Cloud to fight at his best and just cause he likes to be a asshole with a major god complex. Nothing can change my mind

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4 years ago

As much as I HATE time loops, I can also see this happen as such

Unpopular fanon opinion: Sephiroth went back in time b/c out of the original gang only Cloud, Vincent, and Nanaki are left everyone else is dead. Sephiroth would totally do that just to get Cloud to fight at his best and just cause he likes to be a asshole with a major god complex. Nothing can change my mind

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