Sergeant Doakes - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

How did someone I despise as a petty bully become a favorite character of mine? When I first saw James Doakes in Episode 1, I wrote off his suspicions about Dexter as him bullying the weird kid. In a job that prioritized level headedness, I found Doakes to be very short tempered.

My opinion shifted when I saw him mentoring Debra, who's my second favorite character. Doakes was capable and encouraging, giving Debra guidance when she needed it. Ok, so he wasn't the nicest person, but at least he was competent.

What tipped Doakes over from being a likable character into my favorite one was the episode "Father Knows Best". We get some more background about Doakes, including the fact that he was Black Op who fought against the Tonton Macoutes in Haiti. His suspicion towards Dexter clicked for me.

The Tonton Macoutes, according to Doakes, were pure evil. They were sadists who unleashed unbridled misery and terror unto the people of Haiti. Doakes has had direct experience with evil, of the likes many of the Miami PD possibly can't imagine. That explains his antagonism towards Dexter. Given his background, he probably can tell that there is something seriously off about the forensic blood splatter analyst.

This doesn't excuse the way Doakes treats Dexter, however. It's unprofessional and makes Doakes look petty. Granted, I am a bit more sympathetic towards him and I'm eager to see what is done with him later in the show.

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