Seth - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Kendra- “Why”

Seth- “Why not? You microwave popcorn.”

Kendra- “But French Fries aren’t popcorn!”



Seth- *Sneaks a badly burned, unrecognizable lump that used to be a French Fry into his mouth and chews slowly*

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4 years ago


6 Days Til Cottage Cheese

Day 10:

Theme: Unrequited Love(?)

Description: Verl. That’s All You Need To Know.

Details: Set whenever. Like, imagine that they waited for 5 more days after Christmas before leaving for Wyrmroost(In book 4) and this happened in those days. ALSO you can’t tell me that Warren didn’t grow up around Fablehaven and was like Seth and liked to explore and met and befriended the satyrs and that’s how he knows Verl.

Keep reading

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4 years ago


This is set after Zzyzx, but before Dragonwatch... Hope you enjoy!

“Ha! I win!” Seth’s shout was loud enough to rival the drumming rain outside.

“No way! You cheated! I saw you look at the cards when you were dealing!” Kendra retorted.

“It’s not cheating if you can’t prove it.”

“So you admit it!”

“I didn’t say that!”

Ever since they were little, Kendra and Seth had been having their infamous sibling-bonding games nights. They were infrequent, but everyone knew about them- the only requirements were that it had to be at night, and it had to be raining. Nobody else was ever allowed to join in, but the sibling rivalry meant that the entire preserve probably could have heard every word. The nights had become so well-known because the first time they’d held one at Fablehaven, they’d accidentally woken the entire household up in the middle of the night with their shouting. After everyone barged in, thinking that something was wrong, Seth and Kendra had united, driving everyone out of the attic, and set about pranking every member of the household, innocent or not. Eventually, Grandma and Grandpa made everyone swear not to interrupt the games nights after a particularly life-threatening retaliation involving a frying pan and an unhealthy amount of bubbles.

Kendra and Seth were currently sitting on the floor in the attic, surrounded by mountains of games, Uno cards scattered all over the floor after Seth had thrown them in the air as a part of his victory-dance.

“You totally cheated, Seth! You can’t look at the cards, dealing or not.”

“We never said we couldn’t.”

“AHA! So it went from flat-out denial, to ‘no evidence’ to ‘not in the rules.’ If you keep changing your defense, you won’t have one left!”

“So I do have a defense, and therefore my defenses all had merit. You’re the one digging yourself deeper, Kendra.”

“That didn’t make very much sense, Seth. Your defense’s defense has even more problems than the original defense!”

“Now I’m just confused. How about we call it a draw, because I don’t think either of us understands what the other is saying right now, and I want to play truth or dare.” Seth grinned at his sister, leaning against his bed, as they both tried to figure out what they’d both said.

“Fine,” Kendra relented. “But I get to go first- truth or dare?”

“Is that even a question? Dear sister, do you even know me at all?”

“Just answer the question, Seth!” Kendra rolled her eyes.

“Dare.” His sister’s grin turned evil.

“I dare you to sneak out to Warren’s cabin, put fluro pink dye in the showerhead, and remove every last mirror in his house.” Seth laughed.

“Where are we getting the dye from?”

“I may or may not have prepared for this earlier, and if you hadn’t for some unforeseeable reason asked to play truth or dare, I would have done it myself.” Seth’s eyes widened in understanding.

“This is payback for when he called you cute, and practically dared you to something about it last week, isn’t it?”

“I shall neither confirm nor deny, but if I were to say something, I would say that you are correct.” They both grinned at each other.

“You’re on!” Seth suddenly shouted, and raced over to to Kendra’s bedside table, pulling out boxes of glitter and pink dye. “Do we have a large enough bag to carry all Warren’s mirrors? He has A LOT.” Kendra nodded. “That brings me to my next question. Won’t he see the pink when he takes a shower?”

Kendra thought for a second. “You know how he has that shampoo he uses every day? I checked, and it’s pink, too. Hopefully he won’t notice until Dale kills him. Although we should probably put the dye in his shampoo bottle instead of the shower head.”

“Sound’s foolproof- let’s go!” Seth raced over to the door, still shoving everything in his emergency kit as he ran. Kendra followed just as eagerly. Ever since Zzyzx, Kendra and Seth had felt a lot safer going out at night, and hardly ever even asked for permission to go into the preserve after Grandpa Sorenson had finally caved and shown them both a map of boundaries, where was safe and where wasn’t, and told them to be careful. The path to the cabin was always kept in good repair by Hugo.


“You ready?” Kendra whispered to Seth, sneaking to the cabin’s front door, drenched due to the rain. After learning that it would be a games night, Vanessa, Dale, and Tanu had all made some form of excuse, and fled the main house to bunk with Warren for the night. While Vanessa and Tanu could sleep through anything, Warren and Dale were notoriously light sleepers.

Seth fished the spare key to the cabin out from under the dead and currently drowning pot plant Warren had insisted on keeping, unlocked the door, and replaced the key. He was inside before Kendra could blink. After several tense minutes, Seth crept out out of the cabin, dragging a heavy sack behind him that must have been filled with Warren’s mirrors, and spread his hands to show that he wasn’t holding the dye any more. For someone who lived in a cabin in the woods, Warren seemed to care an awful lot about his reflection.

“How’d it go?” Kendra whisper-shouted to Seth.

“Fine. They were still holding their phones and pizza, out like Olloch.” Continuing to drag the mirrors off the front porch, the wet sack fell off the last step, making a tinkling, breaking-glass sound as it hit the ground. “Oops.” Seth winced, before freezing as the unmistakable sound of someone waking up followed. Warren’s voice could be heard waking the others up, and cursing as he apparently got whacked with one of Vanessa’s shoes.

“RUN!” Kendra screeched, grabbing Seth’s hand, ditching the broken mirrors, as the people inside the cabin seemed to be running towards the door. Just as they were reaching the edge of the edge of the clearing near the path, Seth looked back, and saw a half-asleep Vanessa opening the door, missing a shoe, and waking up immediately as she saw the siblings escaping.

“QUICK! TANU! WHERE ARE MY DARTS!? THEY’RE GETTING AWAY!” The sound of something heavy falling came from inside the cabin, and Kendra could hear Dale cursing and shouting something about ‘looking where you’re going, and not falling on top of people.’


They were nearly back at the house when Kendra heard Warren following them, shouting encouragement to the others behind him- “Come on! Let’s get them! Hurry up! They broke my mirrors!”- and other similar phrases. Kendra tackled Seth into a nearby dripping bush, breaking off his complaints with a hand over his mouth as Warren barreled past their hiding place.

Kendra and Seth let out twin sighs of relief.

“I can’t wait to see his face when he finds out about the dye. It’s permanent, too.” Kendra giggled.

“Thanks, sis.” Seth grinned at Kendra, thanking her for saving him from being steam-rolled by his distant cousin, and she returned the smile, water running down their faces.

“No problem. What are siblings for?”

They might not always get along, and might fight a lot, but they both knew the other would always have their back.

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4 years ago


Part 2 of creating a short Fablehaven story using a single word prompt from a random word generator... I got ‘dash,’ hope you like it!

“’Thank you’ does not have a dash in it, Seth!” Kendra glared at her younger brother. She didn’t have to wait long for Seth to respond.

“Yes it does!”

“No, it doesn’t! And even if it did, blank tiles aren’t used for punctuation!” The small-but-fierce scrabble game in front of them only had a few words on it, and Seth had added a blank tile and the word ‘you’ onto ‘thank’ which Kendra had placed earlier.

“Fine, I’ll make the blank tile a space mark!” Seth snapped. “But either way I’m getting my triple word!”

“A space would be considered punctuation, too!” Kendra threw her hands into the air in annoyance. “Do you not understand how to play this game!?”

“I do, actually.”

“Prove it!” Kendra jabbed her finger at him, as Seth cleared his throat.

“Scrabble is a board game, where the aim is to create words using tiles, and getting points by placing certain tiles or getting certain bonuses. A player is only allowed to have seven tiles at a time, and must replace any tiles that they place. You can only build off an already existing word, and wherever the tiles are touching, a legitimate word must exist.” Seth bowed.

“That is an explanation of how to play, Seth! Not proving anything except that you know the basic rules! Everyone knows those rules, and its the ones you didn’t cover that you need to understand!” Kendra reached over to the couch behind her, grabbed a pillow, and screamed into it.

“You asked me if I knew how to play. I demonstrated that I know the rules. Therefore, I have proven myself!”

“Did you swallow a dictionary? Ugh, I hate lawyer Seth mode.”

“Don’t we all?” Kendra jumped in surprise, turning around to look the the doorway where Bracken was leaning, grinning.

“Bracken! Can you please help to settle this?” Kendra went and explained what was happening to the Unicorn, who came over and sat next to Kendra with his arm around her.

“Sorry, Kens, but I think that Seth wins the do-you-know-how-to-play argument here. But Seth, your sister is correct about the blank tile. It can’t be used as punctuation.” Bracken thought for a moment. “Do you have the letters ‘I’ ‘N’ ‘G’ instead? Put them at the end, and you can still get your bonus.”

“Yes! Thanks horse-man!” Seth shouted, pumping his fists into the air.

“Horse-man?” Poor Bracken looked so confused, Kendra couldn’t help but laugh. Soon, Seth joined in, and even Bracken managed a slightly confused smile.

“I think it’s Seth’s new nickname for you.” Kendra explained. Bracken nodded in understanding.

“I got that much, I just don’t understand where it come from. Seth, you deeply confuse me sometimes.”

“Hey!” Seth grinned and picked up the pillow he was sitting on, flinging it at Bracken.

“This means war!” Kendra jumped to her boyfriend’s defense. Half an hour later, the biggest pillow fight in Sorenson living room history was still going strong, and the scrabble game lay forgotten on the floor.

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4 years ago


Okay, so if Fablehaven has horses, why don’t they ever really ride them? This is how I imagine it would go if Warren had to teach Seth and Kendra how to ride... and of course, Bracken tagged along.

“Hey, Kens. You busy right now?” Warren poked his head around the door to the attic, where Kendra was busy reading with Bracken.

“I’m fine, as long as Bracken can come, too.” 

“Great! See you downstairs in five! …Wait did you say Bracken?” Warren’s eyes widened as he finally took in the Unicorn sitting next to his cousin.

“Yes. Bracken. Why would that be a problem?” Kendra asked suspiciously. The Unicorn in question still had his head buried in his book, not noticing that people were talking about him. He had a gift of tuning everyone and everything out when he read- a skill Kendra was often jealous of, given the hectic-ness of the preserve.

“Um, no reason. Just... never mind. He can tag along if he wants.” Warren couldn’t run away fast enough.

Kendra just shook her head and nudged Bracken. When he finally noticed, he looked at Kendra is surprise, as if he’d forgotten she was there.

“Hey, Unicorn. Warren wants us for something. Want to come along?” Kendra asked.

“Sure. I was getting near the end anyway.”

Five minutes later, Kendra and Bracken were waiting in the living room with Seth and Warren, who was explaining the plan.

“Okay, so it came to our attention yesterday that we have stables and horses on the preserve, and yet neither of you knows how to ride.” Warren stated. “So, Stan asked if I could teach you!”

“Wow. Grandpa really trusted you around horses? Do you have any idea how many ways you could hurt yourself, Warr? I mean, even for a regular person there’s risk. But for you?” Seth whistled in appreciation, and Kendra giggled.

“What’s that supposed to mean, Seth?” Warren pouted.

“Only that you seem to have the most unlucky track record possible for injuring yourself.” Bracken interjected. “You managed to trip over a flower and break your toe last month. And just yesterday you cut yourself on a butter knife. And don’t even get me started on that concussion you got from a pillow fight! Face it, Warren. You could hurt yourself with air.” 

Kendra’s laughter proved to be contagious, and soon everyone except Warren was doubled over with tears streaming down their faces.

“Ha, ha, ha. You’re all hilarious. We’ll see how much you’re laughing when I make you ride horses!” Warren retaliated.

“Actually, I’m glad you brought that up... What exactly do you mean by riding horses?” Bracken looked nervous at Warren’s evil grin.

“This is Tango, Admiral, Storm, and General.” Warren said, gesturing at the four horses lined up in turn. He’d spent the last hour lecturing the others the basics of riding.

Tango was a tall buckskin that was shaking his mane regally, Admiral a dark red, Storm a dark grey with small white freckles, and General was a handsome bay.

“Cool! Can I ride General?”

“No.” Warren grinned as he shot Seth down, before continuing. “Kens, you have Tango. He’s tall and a bit of a handful, but you should be able to manage well enough. Seth, you have Admiral. He’s a bit cheeky, so you’ll need to keep him in check so he doesn’t do anything. General is mine, and has been for the last ten years.”

Finally, Warren looked at Bracken with an evil smile, and gestured at the remaining horse, who was prancing around daringly and tossing her head. “This is Storm. She’s our most challenging horse- never met anyone who lasted more than ten minutes on her. Since you’re a Unicorn, great around equines, and obviously ridden before even without even counting the fact you technically ARE a horse, your job will be to ride and tame her.”

Bracken gulped, but straightened and rose to the challenge.

“Good luck. You’ll need it.” Bracken wasn’t sure who had said it, but it didn’t bode well for his afternoon.

Half an hour later, they were trotting down a path with Warren and General in the lead, followed by Kendra, Seth, and finally Bracken, who was seemingly in a constant battle of wills with Storm the entire first half of the ride.

Seth and Admiral had seemed to click almost instantly- Kendra blamed it on the troublemaker genes. The two had already proven to love rushing ahead, going fast, and generally annoying everyone else, even if Seth had been a bit scared and insecure at first.

Kendra on Tango worked, although they didn’t seem to click nearly as well as the troublemakers had. It seemed to be a purely working relationship, and everyone could tell that Kendra would do better on another horse. She seemed to handle riding really well though, and Warren had been impressed.

Thanks to being a Unicorn, Bracken was doing better than anyone had thought he would. Although Storm had run off when Bracken was trying to get on, spooking Tango in the process as Bracken ran on foot behind her. But once Bracken was on, Storm had calmed down immensely, even if every few minutes for the first while she would suddenly act up, and try to run away. Whenever she did, the Unicorn was there to correct her, concentrating hard. A good distance into the ride, Storm had calmed down completely, and she and Bracken suddenly got along perfectly, making a wonderful team.

The group stopped for lunch near Dryad’s Hollow, dismounting with winces and hobbling over to the stream where they left their horses to drink.

Warren spread out a picnic blanket he’d taken with and handed out sandwiches. A bottle of water was passed around, and the four of them talked and laughed together.

“Did you see how Storm reared up?” Seth gushed. “How did you stay on, Bracken?”

“Practise, I guess.” Bracken shrugged.

“Admiral is awesome! We get along so well!” Seth continued. “And trotting was so much fun! When do we get to gallop?”

“Probably never.” Warren grinned. “Horses really don’t gallop all that much with a rider- racehorses being the exception. And it’s really hard, too. Don’t worry- when you have a little more experience and don’t look like you’re about to fall off, I’ll teach you to canter.”


It happened as they were riding home. One minute, everyone was fine, and the next, Warren didn’t see a branch and was sprawled across the path with a concussion.

Dismounting, Bracken rushed over, making sure Warren was okay. Satisfied that the man wasn’t about to die or anything, Bracken picked him up and slung him over General’s saddle, before taking the reins and mounting Storm again, now leading General from horseback.

The ride home after that was uneventful. Reaching the stables, everyone dismounted and handed the horses off to Dale, who was feeding the animals, before rushing Warren off the main house and Tanu.

The Samoan took one look at Warren, before ordering Bracken to lay him down on his bed and take care of Seth and Kendra, who had been unusually quiet ever since the accident.

Bracken nodded, curling his arm around Kendra and putting his hand on Seth’s shoulder, steering the siblings towards the kitchen. They plopped down on the seats, before Bracken suddenly jumped up again, and made three cups of hot chocolate.

“I told you- Warren was bound to hurt himself.” Seth was the first to break the silence, sipping on his drink. “The poor guy wasn’t even trying.”

Kendra laughed. “I bet he wasn’t even looking for branches!”

“Nah, he probably was, but completely missed the only dangerous one!” Seth grinned.

“True. I told you, he could hurt himself on air!” Bracken added. With that, any lingering sadness disappeared, and Seth began choking on his hot chocolate from laughing too hard.

Ever since their first ride, Kendra and Seth made a point to tease Warren about low hanging branches, and the three of them plus Bracken would more often than not ride together every weekend.

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1 year ago

Just saying, after The Barbie Movie came out, Seth got Kendra an 'I am Kenough' shirt.

This is fact.

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2 years ago

Twilight plinks part 2 (the wolves)

Anyone under 16 do not interact these are twitter porn links 

This post will include a few of the wolves not all of them but this post will include sam,paul,jacob,seth and jared 


Sam vibes 

Y’all get needy while patrolling (by yourself obvs) 

After he gets home from patrolling 

Sam vibes #2


Teasing and spanking 

Rough sex with him 

Paul vibes 

Also paul vibes


Jacob vibes 

Him eating you out 

Jacob vibes #2 

When he’s in heat 


This also gives me seth vibes 

Seth vibes again 

After he patrols 

Just seth vibes 


When he’s in heat 

This gives me jared vibes 

Somewhat jared vibes 

When he’s in heat #2 

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1 year ago
Seth & Dr. Fareed Bhansali

Seth & Dr. Fareed Bhansali

Fareed has become a favorite. He's a doctor so he has to look perpetually tired, but also excited for biomedical science.


Seth & Dr. Fareed Bhansali

Thank you, Fareed – you know what for :)

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1 year ago
Seth & Fareed Spicy Sketch

Seth & Fareed spicy sketch

Seth & Fareed Spicy Sketch

the first vampires that did this

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8 years ago
Seth Clearwater | Twilight | Not My Gif | Requested
Seth Clearwater | Twilight | Not My Gif | Requested

Seth Clearwater | Twilight | Not my gif | Requested

Seth: *smiles wide* I never thought I would find my imprint so quickly. And that she would be half-vampire

Y/N: *smiles* I didn’t know I could have a mate. And for him to be a shape-shifter.

Seth: *chuckles* I guess we’ll be just like Jacob and Nessie, huh.

Y/N: *laughs* Yeah, except I’m not a baby.

Seth: *laughs* That is very true. *looks you in the eyes and holds your hands* I know that we have just met each other, but I just know that you’ll be the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Y/N: *smiles wide* I feel the same way. *leans in and kisses him*

Requests are OPEN!

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11 years ago



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11 years ago



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6 years ago
Look @ Him.....

look @ him.....

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4 years ago
The Little Things (by Me)

the little things 🌟 (by me)

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2 years ago

Bittersweet boys headcanons 🕺

Bittersweet Boys Headcanons

HOLY SHIT ACTUAL CONTENT???? (sorry it took so long i procrastinate a lot 💀)

Alphonse 💖 • boy is THICC.

• big tittes and thick thighs that's all I gotta say.

•he actually often "procrastinates" to dye his roots.

•he's honestly just waiting for you to just get over it and dye it for him.

•if he has to wake up before you he likes to leaves little notes on the nightstand for when you wake up.

•his love language is touch. I will die on this hill-

•your baking in the kitchen? he comes in and wraps his arms around your waist, putting his face in the crook of your neck.

•y'all going on a walk? he's either holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, or his arm is interlocked with yours.

•sometimes on y'all's day off you'll just lay in bed with the playlist he made of all your and his favorite songs.

Seth 🤎

•He is little spoon. I rest my case.

•His favorite cuddle position is probably him putting his face in your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands in his hair.

•Very touch starved

•When you cuddled him for the first time he melted into your touch

•Poor boy was a flustered mess

•Since he works in a mechanic shop he might get home late sometimes so when he gets home he flops into bed beside you and just scoops you up (after yk, showering and all that-)

•He also has GINORMOUS titties.

•His thighs are also thick but not as thick as Al's.

•He has very light freckles, almost invisible.

•Let's you paint his nails (he often gets too embarrassed to ask)



also I have more yuurivoice short stories and headcanons on my wattpad stories here

okay y'all have a nice day <3

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2 years ago



I want their hand in marriage (respectfully)


Bittersweet boys headcanons 🕺

Bittersweet Boys Headcanons

HOLY SHIT ACTUAL CONTENT???? (sorry it took so long i procrastinate a lot 💀)

Alphonse 💖 • boy is THICC.

• big tittes and thick thighs that's all I gotta say.

•he actually often "procrastinates" to dye his roots.

•he's honestly just waiting for you to just get over it and dye it for him.

•if he has to wake up before you he likes to leaves little notes on the nightstand for when you wake up.

•his love language is touch. I will die on this hill-

•your baking in the kitchen? he comes in and wraps his arms around your waist, putting his face in the crook of your neck.

•y'all going on a walk? he's either holding your hand, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, or his arm is interlocked with yours.

•sometimes on y'all's day off you'll just lay in bed with the playlist he made of all your and his favorite songs.

Seth 🤎

•He is little spoon. I rest my case.

•His favorite cuddle position is probably him putting his face in your chest with his arms wrapped around your waist and your hands in his hair.

•Very touch starved

•When you cuddled him for the first time he melted into your touch

•Poor boy was a flustered mess

•Since he works in a mechanic shop he might get home late sometimes so when he gets home he flops into bed beside you and just scoops you up (after yk, showering and all that-)

•He also has GINORMOUS titties.

•His thighs are also thick but not as thick as Al's.

•He has very light freckles, almost invisible.

•Let's you paint his nails (he often gets too embarrassed to ask)



also I have more yuurivoice short stories and headcanons on my wattpad stories here

okay y'all have a nice day <3

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2 years ago





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