Twilight Imagine - Tumblr Posts
I Know Why Your Shirtless - Paul Lahote
Part 2 AU
Paul x fem!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,169
Requested: hi!!!! just wanted to ask if its possible to have a part 2 to that Paul Lahote imagine??? the "I know why your shirtles" imagine?? like the BH pack visiting and could you make the reader an evolved wolf and she tells Bella and Paul that Scott's her alpha??? thanks its ok if its want to though ^-^ - @imcravingchocolatesrn
Authors Note: I wrote this years ago but lost it! Sorry! Thank you for requesting I put it as AU because the plot was requested and I don’t know if this is where I would’ve taken it if i decided to make a part 2 on my own cause it was kinda a one and done one shot.
Twilight Masterlist

“I’m so glad you all could make it.” Y/n said opening the front door to see all her friends from Beacon Hills on her doorstep.
“Well you are part of our pack.” Stiles stated with a smile as they entered the home.
“Yeah, but I’m so far away.” Y/n added as she stepped aside letting them all enter the small Forks home.
“Your my beta, of course I’ll come visit you.” Scott smiled bringing Y/n into a hug.
“And your our friend.” Lydia smiled, pulling her into a hug after Scott.
“Your family now.” Derek stated he had a soft spot for the Swan girl. They had a lot in common.
“Well, I should warn you guys that there is another pack that lives in the area. On the Rez, but their not like us.” She explained as she shut the door.
“What’s that mean?” Scott asked with a furrowed expression.
“There more like shapeshifters. I have a back on them and there history.” Y/n told the pack.
“Great! So we can look it over during pizza.” Stiles clapped his hands together, ready for food.
“Pizza?” Derek questioned with a raised eyebrow. Did all he think about is food?
“Yup. Cause we are ordering pizza.” Stiles spoke as he turned with crossed arms to face the sourwolf, as he calls him.
“Y/n, who are all these people?” Charlie asked confused on why he came down the stairs to his living room full of teenagers and a adult.
“Dad, these are my friends from California.” Y/n smiled as she had told him they were coming to visit. But she didn’t blame him if he forgot. Work had been crazy for him.
“Nice to meet you Mr. Swan.” Lydia smiled
“Do you like to be called Mr.Swan or Sheriff Swan?” Scott asked as he reached out to shake the older man's hand.
“Either one’s fine.” Sharlie shook the hand of the young man. To Charlie the kid was just being polite but to Scott he was trying to make a good impression on his beta’s parent.
“That's right, you're a sheriff. My Father’s one to.” Stiles smiled at the comparison.
Charlie nodded awkwardly. “That's great. Well, I have an extra long shift tonight so don’t wait up. But don’t stay up to late either.”
Y/n nodded smiling. “Got it dad.”
“Bye Mr.Swan.” Scott and Stiles called out as Charlie left through the front door.
^ ^ ^
“I can smell them.” Paul stated as they ran through the forest.
“Me to.” Quil agreed
“We all can.” Jared said coming up behind them.
“Who are they?” Embry questioned as they watched the group of teens.
“That's what we need to find out.” Sam stated before the pack left back towards Emily’s to talk.
^ ^ ^
“Do you hear that?” Emmmet asked as the whole Cullen family and Bella stopped on their walk through the woods.
“Yeah.” Rosealie nodded in acknowledgement.
“Is that a wolf?” Bella asked as they all looked out in the distance.
“Its not part of the pack.” Jasper stated
“No, it’s smaller. But it seems off. Not animal like.” Carlisle agreed, stepping in front of his family.
“It smells different.” Rosaelie added.
When the wolf took off, the Cullens and Bella decided to follow the creature. From far enough away they stopped watching from a cliff nearby only to be very shocked.
“Oh my God.” Alice gasped, how did she not see that in a vision before?
“Isn’t that your sister?” Edward asked, looking at Bella in slight shock.
“Uh huh.” Bella nodded as she went to walk down the near by hill towards the clearing her sister was standing on as she just turned back into a human. She was very shocked and confused. The cullens followed also curious. “Y/n?”
Y/n turned around shocked to hear her sister's voice and see the Cullens behind her. “Bella. Everyone.”
“What- I don’t-” Bella shook her head in disbelief. How was hee sister able to turn into a wolf and how did she not know?
“I can explain.” Y/n said as she looked at all of them. Ready to explain.
^ ^ ^
“Your a werewolf?” Rosealie questioned a s Y/n sat across from her in the Swan residence. Cullens on one side and Y/n and the Beacon Hills pack on the other.
“Yes.” Y/n answered
“But not like Jacob?” Carlies asked, tilting his head in curtotisy.
“Very different.” Y/n nodded
“And this happened because he but you?” Emse looked on concerned about the girl that had become a good friend to her family.
“Yes. An he did it to save my life.” Y/n smiled softly towards Emse to show she was okay.
“You saved her life?” Alice turned her attention to Scott after Y/n’s statement.
“Uh, yeah.” Scott nodded sheepishly at all the yes on him.
“Thanks.” Bella nodded at Scott, gratefully for saving her sister.
“No problem. She’s my friend, practically family.” Scott smiled.
^ ^ ^
“Is that them?” Quil asked as the pack hung out at La push with Bella.
“It smells like it.” Jared nodded as they saw the group walk onto the beach.
“Is that who?” Bella asked confused on what they were talking about.
“With your sister.” Jacob pointed out.
Bella looked over. “Oh that's her pack.”
“Her what?” Paul looked over to Bella in shock.
“So she's a wolf?” Embry asked curiously.
“And you didn’t know this?” Sam asked, turning his attention to Paul.
“Yeah, Paul. She is your imprint.” Jacob smirked at the slightly older wolf.
“I was a little busy imprinting to notice.” Paul fired back defensively.
“Well, let’s go talk to her.” Sam stated as he, the pack, and Bella headed over to the Beacon Hills pack that had gone down by the water.
“Hey.” Y/n nodded to her sister as they approached her and her friends.
“Hey.” Bella nodded back.
Y/n looked around at the pack of shapeshifters, noticing their body language Y/n asked. “Okay, what's with the standoff?”
Paul decided to just come out with it. “You know we’re mates. Don’t you?”
Y/n nodded. “I felt it. Yes.”
“You didn’t mention your a wolf as well.” Jake pointed out.
“Different type but, it didn’t seem like the time to say anything about it. Not like you can just go around telling anyone or everyone.” Y/n explained and it seemed they understood.
“An this is your pack?” Sam asked, nodding towards the people behind her.
“I’m a part of it, yes. These are my friends. They are like my family.” y/n nodded glancing back at them as they all stood around behind her ready to protect her if necessary.
“Who's the alpha?” Jared asked curiously though he had a hunch between two of them who it could be.
“I am.” Scott stated stepping forward, next to Y/n.
“This is Scott.” Y/n introduced him as he stood beside her. “Scott Mccall. He’s a true Alpha.”
@gruffle1 @padawancat97
Can we get some new twilight Cullen headcannons? Maybe something comfort related? No specific topic, try to have fun with it!
Thank you love ❤
Ofc!! Yw <3
Carlisle is their anytime he has a slight suspicion that you may be hurt or sick in any way
Always looking at cuts/scrapes looking for any sign of infection
Esme kinda teams up with him if you're sick
Making soup, giving you Tylenol, cooling your head down with a washcloth
They are there for literally anything you may need, willing to do whatever to keep you safe and happy :)
Alice is always "lending" you clothes, shoes, and handbags
By that I mean she buys them and ofc its all name brand or designer clothing
Always keeps an eye on your future, just to be sure that you're safe and so she is always one step ahead
Checks in with Jasper for your mood
Jasper is always trying to be discreet when changing your mood lol
Shares stories of the civil war and other bits of history he witnessed
Rosalie is good with anything to do with hair or makeup
While she may not admit it out loud she loves to do your hair
Same things goes with your makeup
She also doesn't mind to just listen to you talk about life, it reminds her of what she missed out on and she's glad that you get to have experiences she didn't, although she is jealous the entire time she listens but don't take it personally
Emmett is a sports guy, so if you're into sport he'll love to rant and rave about them with you
and even if you don't know anything about sports you will eventually learn a thing or two against your will
Edward definitely teaches you to play piano and makes his own little songs for you all the time
Any song or artist you like he'll learn to play the instrumental version of your favorite songs
He also buys you a record player and records all the time, he just thinks music sounds better through a record
always reading your mind to the point where it annoys you so much
literally finishing your sentences to mess with you lol
Dating Carlisle Cullen HCs!

a/n: was the requested? absolutely not. am i a slut for daddy cullen? abso-fuckin-lutley
warnings: fluff, smut, swearing, im lowkey an edward hater in this i’m sorry, smut is fem!reader based!! dating daddy carlisle

- when you guys hang out at night /alone he’s all over you
- he holds you, lays on your chest, plays with your hair while you sit inbetween his legs SHSSUWHEISN
- he plays with your fingers while you guys are around other people and he gets a little nervous
- like if your hanging out with friends he’ll play with your fingers and hands, twist around your bracelets and rings
- i love him he’s so soft
- he desperately tries to stop you from popping pimples and blackheads
- “y/n sTOP”
- sometimes you’ll laugh at stuff he says bc it sounds so old fashioned
- he attempts to make you food and most of the time it’s amazing but usually when you two cook it almost always ends up burnt or undercooked or missing an ingredient
- bc he gets distracted by your stupid jokes that sometimes result in a food fight
- carlisle would do anything for you
- literally one time you brought up wanting to go to disneyland because they do a mardi gras parade and he almost bought plane tickets right then and there
- “what’re you doing?”
- “buying plane tickets.”
- “what??? STOP-“
- he loves how you hate when he spends money on you
- it makes him want to do it more
- you both have multiple matching things
- bracelets, rings, necklaces, etc
- he bought you this EXPENSIVE bracelet once and you almost passed out on the spot
- it has your and carlisle’s initials engraved into it and it’s your favorite color
- he lets you paint his nails frequently
- he loves when you do little designs on them too
- he loves being the person you feel comfortable ranting to
- it breaks his heart when he opens his door and sees you with puffy eyes and a red nose, tears reminiscent on your face
- he lets you in and picks you up, speeding you to his bedroom
- he grabs you a big t-shirt and a pair of his boxers and tells you to shower or change before talking about it
- and then after that he does whatever you want
- sometimes he’ll comb your hair while you rant to him, or make you some tea on the kitchen island while you talk to him about what happened
- he’d totally sit you on the counter and cut up + feed you fruit and clean the juice from your chin. im sobbing
- 100% takes care of your stuffed animals
- he would love how you bond with his “kids”
- you and emmett would totally play horror games together
- emmett and you are this clip:
- honestly either of you could be rhett/link and it would still make sense
- you lowkey make fun of edward ngl
- i feel like he plays games with you and emmett too and he sucks ass
- carlisle looses his shit when he hears you make a gooddamn good roast of him and you can hear him laughing from upstairs
- alice constantly tries to buy you clothes she thinks not only you, but also carlisle would like
- Rosalie would confide in you a lot
- tbh it took her a hot minute to warm up to you but when she saw how happy carlisle was with you she gave you a chance
- jasper loves you tbh
- he games w/ u and emmett and you guys kick ass in rocket league
- sometimes Carlisle will just stare at you for no reason
- you’ll catch him and he won’t break eye contact and you get all flustered and look away
- and proceed to look back to see him still staring
- “what’re you looking at?”
- “just you. :)”
- “okay but why”
- “youre beautiful.”
- “get a room!” ~ emmett
- reminds your to take ur medication
- after meeting your family, he’s always down to babysit with you or go to family reunions or vacations
- if it’s a sunny place he’ll just busy himself with work inside
- always liking ur instagram posts
- he always comments on them too
- just a simple “i love you” or “gorgeous🩷”
——— smut time
- respect and consent king
- wouldn’t dream of hurting you/degrading you ever
- he loves tits. sorry not sorry it’s true
- he’ll play w/ ur nipples and leave hickeys on ur boobs
- fucking looses it when you moan his name
- like, if you do that he’s giving you literally everything he has
- his fav position is missionary or when you ride him but you face him
- specifically if he’s sitting in his office chair and you get ontop of him and-
- makes your legs SHAKE
- he has his hands on your hips while you ride him bc that’s hot
- literally adores your body
- he couldn’t care less of your stomach pokes out or if you have love handles or stretch marks
- he loves you for you
- this man loves to make you blush and he knows exactly how to do it in bed
- master at giving you head
- literally knows exactly what to do and how you like it done
- fucking dies when you ride his face
- like it’s not a thing that he wants he NEEDS it
- he pays attention to your body movements and how you react to certain things
- he’s the typa guy to get on his knees and eat you out
- tongue around ur clit and fingers inside you pumping in and out and moving around inside to touch your g-spot
If you do platonic headcanons could you do a headcanon on what it would be like to be friends with Rosalie Hale? Could it also be a female human reader? Please and Thank You!
𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖊 𝕳𝖆𝖑𝖊
She was weary of being friends with you at first, with you being a human and her being a vampire
But something about you just drew her in and she couldn't resist
And not in the creepy edward/Bella way, either
Are platonic mates a thing? She'll have to bring it up with Carlisle
Just wants to spent time with you, you bring back that humanity to her. That rush that makes her feel human again
At first, she keeps her secret from you, but when she knows she can trust you she let's you in. Fully, completely. She'll tell you everything
Emmett gets along with you great too, of course. You make his wife happy and youre fun to be around. What's not to love?
Rose loves cars, so expect to be taken to many races or car shows. Or even just spend time in the garage with her as she tinkers with them.
Late!!! Night!!! Drives!!!
But it's not completely one sided! Anything you take interest in she'll become interested in too. Books? Have a personal library. Jewelry? Come have look at her collection. Rocks? She's inspecting the forest for the coolest ones.
Over all, 10/10 friemd
ALWAYS has your back. Someone being mean? She can be meaner. Someone being petty? She can be pettier. You get the idea.
She's pretty invested in her self image, always wanting to look her best and well put together, and she cares about yours too.
She let's her walls down around you let's you see her undone with her makeup smeared, rollers in and painting her nails - giggling with you as she paints yours too.
we don’t have enough twilight anyone x reader fics. except for jasper, like i love him but where’s the flavor? where’s the variety? step up your game twilight fandom. your girl is hungry.

-Emmett Cullen
-Jasper Hale
-Carlisle Cullen -You're My Half
Hi! Could you write a Carlisle x Fem! Or GN! Reader in which Carlisle knows that he and reader are mates but he doesn’t know just how to explain it to reader without freaking her out? It can be angsty or fluffy.
You don’t have to if you don’t want to but thank you for reading this💖
Stay hydrated!!
yes, no problem at all!
You're my half | Carlisle Cullen
Pairing: Carlisle Cullen x reader
Warnings: angsty with happy ending, post new moon.
Word count: 1.2k
It was once again that I found myself standing in front of his house, even after struggling to accept his true nature. For the first few months, I couldn't even bear to watch him at work, trying my best to avoid him.
But it was only when he disappeared for months without telling anyone that I realized how important he was to me; I missed his touch, his cold lips on mine, and his gentle caress that I never would have connected to a vampire.
I hid my trembling hands in the pockets of my jacket, trying not to show my anxiety. He had called me, saying he needed to talk to me about something very important and fundamental to our relationship.
I didn't even have time to knock on the door before Carlisle appeared before me in all his beauty. He became more beautiful every time I saw him, like an angel with his blond hair, pale skin, and flawless complexion like porcelain.
The first time we met, I already knew what our destiny would be; it was a strange sensation, I had never felt something so strong for someone I didn't even know.
"Hello, sweetheart," he moved aside to let me in, placing a hand on my back to guide me into the living room. "How was work today?"
He kissed the top of my head gently. "Good, dear. Donna was so worried about your absence," I said sarcastically, mentioning the nurse who continuously flirted with Carlisle in the hospital as if I weren't standing right there.
Carlisle chuckled. "Forget about her. You're here, and you're the only woman I want."
He said the last part with a slightly melancholic look, which made me worry a bit. It took me a moment to notice his unusual demeanor; he seemed a bit distant, and within me, a fear grew that he might leave again.
"Come here," he took my hands and led me to the couch, sitting down beside me. "There's something important I need to talk to you about, love."
Was he going to leave me?
I settled on his couch, watching him carefully, seeing him for the first time in distress. He always had the right words, ready to talk about anything with anyone without any trouble, yet now he seemed troubled.
I remained silent, patiently waiting for him to speak. He averted his gaze from my eyes, looking down at his now free hands, fidgeting nervously.
"I honestly don't know how to begin… It's complicated for me, for us, and I wouldn't want you to feel obligated to stay with me," he started, his voice hesitant.
"What do you mean, Carlisle? Has something happened?" My voice must have been filled with concern because Carlisle lifted his eyes to meet mine, smiling slightly and taking my hands in his.
"No, sweetheart, nothing has happened," he reassured me, massaging the back of my hand with his thumb. "You know, remember, the first time we met?"
I looked at him, puzzled. "Uh, yes, very well," I chuckled. "Why?"
Carlisle sighed, though he didn't really need to. "Do you remember what you felt? What you still feel for me?"
"Where are you going with this?" He was only confusing me more.
He looked away again, his gaze shifting elsewhere. "It wasn't a coincidence, it wasn't the typical love-at-first-sight that everyone talks about, but it has something to do with my nature."
I continued to watch him, nervous and perhaps a bit uncomfortable on the couch. He was making me worry; I had never seen him like this, not even when he confessed to being a vampire.
"We vampires, living for eternity, need someone to be with us for eternity. To not be alone. Each of us has someone out there in the world who is like a lifelong companion, a mate."
I didn't understand where he was going with this, I couldn't see where the problem lay.
"And you are that person for me," his voice was low, almost a whisper, and my confusion deepened. I was happy for him, especially if I was that person.
Then I realized that if I was that person, his mate, he would have to turn me to stay with me. I could die at any moment, even returning home after this conversation.
"So, uh, you'll have to-"
"No, if you don't want to, it's fine," he interrupted hastily. "But that's not what I wanted you to understand. It's reciprocal, as you are my mate, I am yours, and…"
"And?" I became impatient, perhaps finally understanding what he was trying to tell me.
"I'm sorry for making you call off the wedding with Thomas, it wasn't my intention. I tried to stay away from you as much as possible knowing you were engaged, I didn't want to ruin your life."
The realization of what he had just told me hit me like a slap in the face; now it all made sense, there was an explanation for why all the feelings I had for Thomas had vanished into thin air after years of engagement.
It had been him, unconsciously, but it had been him.
I let go of his hands, drawing them back and rising from the couch to walk around a bit. I needed to relax; my heart was pounding in my chest like crazy. It couldn't be possible.
I loved Carlisle, but before him, I would have had a perfect life. I would have gotten married, grown old with grandchildren running around my house, and died knowing I had lived my life to the fullest, with Thomas.
But with Carlisle, oh things would be very different. My life had been turned upside down; I would have to stop living to have a happy life with him. I wouldn't have what I had grown to love.
"Love…" Carlisle tried to take my hand to pull me closer, but I stepped aside.
"Uh, no, give me a moment."
"I'm sorry, I tried to keep you away," his voice was full of sadness as he looked at me, also standing now.
I felt manipulated in a way, but at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to be angry with Carlisle; it wasn't his fault, and I loved him too much to see him in a different light.
He remained still, watching me until my heartbeat calmed down and my thoughts stopped racing in my head. As much as I hated that I left Thomas because of Carlisle, I couldn't imagine a different future now.
I had learned to love the man before me, to accept the fact that he was different from me and that his family was anything but normal. Carlisle was there for me; he would do anything for me, and I would do the same for him.
I looked into his eyes before stepping closer to him, letting myself be enveloped by his arms. I closed my eyes against his chest, listening to the silence caused by the absence of a heartbeat.
"I wouldn't change anything if I could go back," I said softly.
He kissed me on the forehead. "I love you," he whispered into my hair.
"I love you too, Carlisle."
Imagine being the Winchester’s little sister and being Jasper’s mate…

Imagine your relationship with the Volturi...

Flamin’ Hot
Jacob Black x Male Reader (SMUT)

Summary: After Bella and Edward leave for their honeymoon, Jacob visits you. However his drop by is anything but a friendly conversation. To be fair he catches you masturbating, he believes that his imprint needs a little help.
Author: So this is my first Jacob Black smut! So this fic was heavily inspired by a another fic, but for the love of god i could not find it. So I decided to write this fic, the only difference between this this fic and what it was heavily inspired by is the gender of the reader, so that aspect is different. Props to the original plot of the fic author.
Warnings: Smut, anal sex, 18+ PWP
Font Meaning: thought, Meaningful
“-well you must have a great time Bella, be sure to call me.” You stated, giving her a hug she returned, with a smile. You turned to Edward, a fake smile on your face. “Have a great time as well Edward.” You said extending your hand for him. Your words were kind but your mind thought out violent thoughts if he ever did harm to Bella. He shook your hand with a smile but slightly grimaced when he made eye contact with you, you had to resist rolling your eyes for whatever reason he suddenly grimaced.
Waving goodbye to them, mainly Bella. You left the airport and began to drive back to your house. It’s not like you hated Edward… scratch that you did. How he suddenly left Bella in a state was the main reason. But you shrugged it off, Bella happiness was the most important thing and if that was marrying Edward, so be it.
You parked your car in your garage, and stepped up to your porch. Your parents were out of town for a couple of days, they said it was for work but you knew your parents wanted to stay a place were it was just… the two… of them. Shaking your head to get out the disturbing thoughts. You took out one of the cigarette packets from the drawers of the porch table. You flickered your lighter as the cigarette caught a blaze on the first try as you leaned back against the front door.
You closed your eyes enjoying the moment. Smoking always helped you gather your thoughts and relax but it did something else. It made you crave sex. Fuck you thought as you felt and saw the bulge in your trouser. You sighed and started to grope it with your right hand, your left angled down a bit, popping the cigarette out of your mouth as you let out a puff of smoke. You continued touching yourself not caring that were on your outside porch, but you also did not see the figure watching you, Jacob.
When Jacob first met you he was aware that you were a close friend of Bella. A rough guy who would do so much to protect his friends, you always sent Edward nasty looks even though you were unaware of what Edward and him are, you came across as a person who couldn’t give a fuck till your loved ones were hurt, which Jacob thought was badass. However when he made eye-contact with you and no longer felt the pull of gravity of the Earth, he realised you were his imprint. You did talk to him and Jacob savoured every detail about you, he quickly forgot about Bella.
But back to the moment, he came to visit you after hearing Bella go on her honeymoon. He had shifted to a wolf to run through the forest then turn back at the edge of it to put clothes on, well just shorts, and began walking to your house and froze when he saw the clear view of your outside porch and you. Jacob was transfixed by seeing you touch yourself, the way you were leaning your head back against the door exposing your neck, and how you bit your lip, hypnotised Jacob.
He heard your sighs of pleasure as well as the inhale and exhale of your cigarette. He almost groaned loudly as he saw you fish out your cock and start building up a rhythm as your moans and groans slightly increased. Jacobs inner wolf was practically begging him to touch you. Jacob wiped the drool from his mouth before quietly walking up the stairs of your porch, his eyes roaming all of your body as he slightly fondled himself until he was up on your porch.
Lewd images ran through your mind as you cracked an eye open, ahead of you was one of your lewd thoughts. It took you two blinks that it was not your imagination but the real Jacob. You gasped eyes wide with shock as embarrassment settled in but you noticed in your shock, Jacobs eyes were roaming all over your body. Is he-Is- is he checking me out? you thought. Almost two seconds of silence went by till you spoke.
“J-Jacob!? What the fuck are you doing here!? Sorry, l-let me just-.” Before you could put your cock back into your underwear or go through the door so you could escape this embarrassing scenario. Jacob quickly approached you and put his lips on yours. You were stunned, astonished, startled, dumbfounded, flabbergasted, whatever else was in the thesaurus. Jacob then separated the kiss but only till your lips barely grazed each other. You looked up at him, he was looking at you with an intense gaze.
His face seemed to be telling you two things: One was his desire for you, how he basically needed you. You bit your lip at his gaze. His eyes followed the motion, oh how badly he wanted to do it himself. Second was a silent question of your consent. You noticed how much he was holding back to take you there and then, to shove you up your front door and to claim you, how willing he was to do it by your front porch. You gave a slight nod before putting your lips on his again. That was all he needed.
He shoved you up against the front door as he inserted his tongue into your mouth, all within a second. You gasped giving his tongue more room to roam. You honestly tried to fight back with your tongue, wanting to take over the kiss but he was just too good, growling whenever you tried to take control over the kiss. Fuck it you thought, you could be a sub today it was certain that Jacob wanted to be dom. Jacob then gripped your shaft with a warm hand, it felt like the close space of a campfire. Pleasure shot up through your spine as Jacob hand moved along your shaft, your eyes rolled into the back of your head as you moaned into his mouth.
Jacob growled before grabbing your shirt with both hands and ripping it, honestly you couldn’t have given a flying fuck about it. He pressed his chest to yours and his skin felt as if it was on fire, you moaned as his lips were on yours again. Next to be ripped was your trousers and underwear, his flamin’ hot body, figuratively and literally, kept you from feeling the cold of the night. He kissed down your chest, sparks erupting where he traced.
He stopped in front of your cock, he licked the tip and you actually whimpered and keened at the same time. Your hand shot to your mouth, eyes wide, cheeks beginning to redden. Jacob looked up at you raised a brow and smirked, his face all too smug. You were about to say something to him, an excuse for the embarrassing sound you made, but he swallowed the top half of your cock before you could. Your fingers and your toes inside your shoes curled, your teeth gritted, all signs that showed you stopping yourself from cumming early.
But you really had to focus when he started to bop his head up and down your cock. You bit your hand to not moan too loud. How is he so good at this? His mouth felt so warm and good. You kept resisting your orgasm till his mouth and tongue became too much. “Fuck Jacob!” People could have heard that but you couldn’t give a fuck, he was too good. You grabbed the back of Jacob’s head and thrusted your cock into his mouth, a surprised noise came from Jacob as you did this. You then came into his mouth, your entire body almost becoming numb as you let out moans of pleasure.
Jacob swallowed everything before coming back up to kiss you, you moaned as you tasted yourself on his mouth. You placed your hands on his chest, as you continued the kiss, trailing them down till you felt something hard and big poking through his shorts. You chuckled as you turned Jacob into the wall and began trailing down his body, which felt like it was literally burning, with your mouth. Jacob leaned his head back on the door and groaned as you got to his hips. You pulled his shorts and underwear down and nearly jumped when something large almost slapped you. You gasped at Jacob’s size, you looked up at him and saw that smug look on his face, you rolled your eyes, before taking him in your mouth.
Jacob let out a mixture of a groan and a growl, as you bobbed up and down his shaft. You let him out of your mouth with a pop, and began licking the head of his cock, looking up teasingly at him. Jacob growled and grabbed the back of your head and forced you down on him again. “Payback.” Jacob said through gritted teeth. You gagged in shock, before Jacob began thrusting into your mouth. His moans and groans became louder with each thrust till he spilled into your mouth as you swallowed as much as you could.
Jacob then leaned down to kiss you, then turned you against the door with your back facing him. He knelt down and you almost yelped when you felt his hot tongue by your entrance. You moaned at his tongue roaming your entrance, your moans beginning to heighten again. A bit of time passed by and you were getting impatient. Just put it in already! you thought. You turned your head back and made eye contact with him. “What? Do I have to fucking beg?” You said irritated. Jacob chuckled. “That would be nice for another time, but I can’t wait a second longer.” Jacob ended his statement with a smack to your ass.
Jacob gripped your hips with his warm and large hands before sliding his tip in, you moaned again. Jacob ripped of his shorts as he began to push in further. You moaned but slightly chuckled at the fact that you both were wearing nothing but shoes. Jacob began kissing the back of your neck, you turned your head to meet his tongue with your own, the hot make out session distracting you as Jacob thrusted the rest of his length in. You moaned realising now that he was fully sheathed inside of you.
Jacob began a slow rhythm but quickly amped up the speed as your moans encouraged it. You hooked your arm back, pulling Jacob closer to you. If his skin didn’t really feel like it was on fire before it sure was now. It now felt as you were on fire, the heat growing and growing the more quicker Jacob thrusted. Then he hit the spot and you keened loud. Jacob let out a dark chuckle before focusing his thrusts on your prostate. You started moaning shamelessly letting your tongue fall out of your mouth, Jacob swearing he had never seen anything as hot and sexy as your face right now.
Both of your moans echoed around your porch till your orgasms approached. “Oh fuck Y/N!” Jacob moaned out as he pushed deep inside you. “J-Jake!” You moaned out as both of your cocks spilled out their seed. You guys began panting after such a high release and you still felt Jacob’s flamin body’s heat. Jacob pulled out and you turned to kiss him as he laid his forehead against yours.
You started chuckling and so did Jacob. “So… I’m free tomorrow?” Jacob laughed as he scooped up your clothes and his, kissed your forehead and carried you inside the house bridal style.
Paul Lahote x Male Reader (Smut)

Summary: Everyone knows about Paul’s anger issues. But when his anger lets him lash out at his wolf pack and cause several fights. Emily proposes to Sam that a massage might be a good idea, since there was one not too far. Paul is irritated by the whole thing but Sam forces him to go. Paul is annoyed when he shows up to the place but when he lays eyes on his masseur, his now imprint, things take a turn for the best.
Author: This is also my first Paul Lahote smut! And you know, Paul is so angry in the movie I think he deserves a massage… especially by me. But enjoy!
Warnings: Smut, Blowjob, anal sex, 18+
Paul let out a heavy sigh, as he rubbed a hand down his face. “It WiLl bE goOd foR yOu.” Paul mocked as he remembered what Sam told him when he and Emily made the arrangement. Paul looked at the massage parlour where Emily had arranged a session for him. Everyone did know that Paul had anger issues, however two months ago it started getting worse. Paul would snap at anyone that slightly irritated him mostly his wolf pack and some occasions Sam but never Emily since that was a death wish.
Sam was getting fed up with it. Once a week minor fights turned into brawls not everyday but every hour. Almost no one wanted to do patrol with him and there was no coordination with Paul. Sam confessed his concerns with the wolf pack regarding Paul to Emily and she suggested a massage for him, Sam saw no better option so she arranged it. When it was announced to Paul he wanted nothing to do with it till Sam literally forced Paul to go, being Alpha had its perks.
Back to the present, Paul stomped his way into the parlour already wearing an irritated expression. He stopped by the front desk, as the lady looked up at him. “Can I help you?” She asked raising a brow at his irritation. Paul rolled his eyes. “I’m here for a session.” “Name?” “Paul Lahote.” The lady glanced at her computer before looking at him again. “Your right on time.” She pointed down a hall. “Door 7.” She said as she returned to her computer. Paul went down the hall without thanking her, on purpose.
Paul came to the door and opened it, he went through the door and closed it behind him as he surveyed his surroundings. This looked expensive to Paul. The massage bed was placed in the middle of the room, to the right of the bed was a rectangular pool surrounded by pebbles and candles. The wall that the pool was closest to, had water falling at a gentle soothing pace. There was a mirror facing one of the heads of the massage bed, with a sink under it and plants were everywhere.
There were windows but the noticeable one was the ceiling one revealing nature. And a wooden closet with sliding doors with towels, and massage liquids etc on the shelves. After Paul noticed the closet he noticed the person going through it, you. “Oh, welcome!” You said clasping your hands. “I’m Y/N, by the way your looking around, is this your first time?” “Yeah.” Paul said in his attitude.
Paul was about to make a snarky comment towards you but froze as he made eye contact with you. Paul immediately forgot about his surroundings, hell it felt like even the ground or gravity didn’t even exist anymore. You’re his imprint. Paul’s eyes widened as he let out a gasp, realising and taking in your gorgeous features. Paul was staring at you mouth open, as you had no idea what was going through Paul’s mind, you giggled at his expression. “I’ve been told, that I’m beautiful and sexy before, but your face really takes the cake.” You stated with a smirk.
Paul only realised what he was doing now and his cheeks flared up in embarrassment. Embarrassment only seeped in further when he realised how much the pack members would tease him for how he looked just now. Paul tried to speak but stammered. Thank fuck the pack isn’t here. “S-sorry uhhhhhhh-.” “It’s alright.” you said with a chuckle, which Paul now cherished. Paul couldn’t believe him hearing himself, he’s heard of wolves getting nervous in front of their imprint but his was just on another level.
“Alright, you quickly undress while I set up the oils and adjust the bed.” Paul blinked twice, realising he had to take his clothes of now in front of his imprint. “U-uhh all of it- the clothes!?” Paul sputtered out. “Usually all customers take all their clothes off, but you can keep on whatever makes you comfortable.” You spoke with a warm smile. Paul gulped before removing his clothes. While he did, you prepared the massage bed, occasionally casting a side glance at Paul.
Paul smirked as an idea popped into his mind, each part of his body that he revealed he flexed a little and it worked. He caught your eyes lingering longer at his body and subtly biting your lip, that was definitely an ego boost for Paul. You then tossed Paul a towel and quickly got some oils from the closet. “Alright you can lay down on the bed if your ready.” Paul nodded and laid down on the massage bed. Paul swear that his heart had never beaten this fast before, he was genuinely nervous.
“Right, let’s start at the back.” Your hands moved down on to Paul’s back and Paul had to stop himself from moaning loud. Paul has been touched by other people but that was nothing compared to this. Each movement from your hands to his skin was like a spark of pleasure that the imprint bond only amplified. Even the faintest of touches made Paul want to groan. “Wow there’s a lot of tension, lemme just-.” Paul couldn’t stop himself in time.
The loud moan from Paul echoed around the room. Your hands ceased as Paul’s face began to redden at the realisation of what just happened. He froze completely not daring to say a word before sputtering out words in the silent room. “Y/N-I-UHH!” You began chuckling. “So you liked it that much eh?” Paul face reddened further. “Sorry about-.” “Don’t worry misterrrrrr-.” “Call me Paul.” “Don’t worry about it Paul I prefer that you continue making these noises let’s me know I’m doing a good job.” Paul quietly groaned at the seductive tone in your voice.
Throughout the massage Paul let out groans, gasps and moans, each one had you biting your lip, taking everything not to go further with him. When you were done with his calves, you reached out for a different massage oil. “Alright, Paul you can lay on your back now.” Paul’s eyes widened, as much as he would love for you to continue touching him on the front of his body, something noticeable will be poking at you from his waist towel. Paul breathed in and out, trying to calm his dick down before laying on his back.
You continued, starting with his pecs, his moans and groans continued as you pressed, grazed and lathered his torso. His moans had you biting your lip taking literally everything for you not to go further with him. As your right slid down to his abs, you noticed something, the towel covering his hip to high thigh level, something was poking out. You bit your lip again. You let your left hand continue your movements as your right hand lifted the edge of the towel up. You craned your head a bit down, to look under the towel.
It was hard and big.
You glanced at Paul, his face contorted in pleasure. An idea hit you, one you liked the sound of. I mean he’s so caught up in pleasure it wouldn’t hurt to go a little beyond with him and you only live once. You thought. You carefully lifted the towel off, licked your lips and craned your head down before putting his cock in your mouth.
Paul eyes shot open as the most pleasurable sensation exploded through his body. He let out a mixture of a moan and gasp. His eyes focused to what was happening to see the most sexiest thing in his life. You, his imprint bobbing up and down on his cock. Paul let his head fall back with a breathy “fuck.” You then held on to Paul’s thighs and began taking in more of his cock before taking it entirely as his tip hit the back of your throat. “Oh fuck!” Paul yelled out, his hands gripped the edge of the massage bed as his teeth clamped his lips. You let his cock fall out of your mouth with a pop, looking at Paul, whilst stroking his fuckstick.
“Damn, you really seem to have a lot of tension in your body Paul. Mind if I continue?” You asked seductively. Paul opened his eyes to make eye contact with you. “N-no, please fu-fuckin continue.” You laughed noticing the pleasure had Paul trembling. “Hmmmm.” You put his cock in your mouth again getting back to the original pace. Paul hissed as he craned his head forward to look at you more clearly. Your mouth was magical, he hadn’t felt anything like it.
Placing a hand on your head, a devious grin appeared on Paul’s face, before his hand forced you down his cock. You let out a surprised hum before gagging, Paul’s eyes rolling at the pleasure. Paul chuckled slightly as he continued to force your mouth down with his hand. You then stilled where only his tip was in your mouth. You indicated to Paul with a hum. Paul grinned again as he grabbed your head with both hands and started thrusting his hips relentlessly. “Ohohhoo fuck!” Paul exclaimed.
You again let Paul’s cock out with a pop. But before you could continue, Paul’s hand pulled your head towards his, putting his lips on yours. Your tongues entangled around each other, as Paul tugged at your shirt, you then took it off. Paul took about two seconds to admire your torso, his teeth bit his lip eagerly. You connected your lips with Paul, a moan coming from the the both of you.
Your tongues danced and entangled around each other. Paul had never done this before with a guy but in the heat of the moment he couldn’t give a fuck. His big hands gripped your ass and squeezed. You moaned into his mouth as Paul let out a chuckle. He then pulled your pants down along with your underwear. Paul’s hand slid up and down your shaft as you groaned, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Paul took this as a chance to bite down on your neck as you gasped. He then sucked at your skin making you moan loudly, Paul then lathered his tongue over your hickey.
Paul then grabbed your hips and spinned you around quickly and spread your ass open revealing your aching hole. He slithered his tongue in as you let out a gasp at the feeling of something warm enter through your entrance. Paul continued, ravishingly manoeuvring his tongue, you tasted so fucking good and your moans only encouraged him. Paul then suddenly had an idea, an idea he always wanted to try. Gripping your hips, he placed your thighs on his right shoulder. You were upside down, Paul’s cock touching your cheek, and you took it into your mouth. He then carefully placed your left leg on his other shoulder and began again at your entrance
You felt Paul’s hot tongue dancing in and out of your entrance you bit your lip. Before your putting your head down to start sucking again. Paul would help every time you needed to lift your head up. You popped his cock out of your mouth. “Are we going to take this to the next step Mr. Lahote?” Paul snapped out of his pleasure responding with a maniacal grin. “Fuck yeah.” Paul set you down on the massage table once again. You looked back at him, smirking and wiggling your ass. What came next was what you wanted and what Paul was craving, his hand came down and smacked your ass. The pain becoming euphoria as you moaned out. Paul chuckled before repeating the motion, groping and rubbing your ass after each smack. After a while he placed both hands on each ass cheek and leaned in, and spread your ass open. Paul saved the image of your hole. Oh it’s practically begging for me. Paul thought.
Paul then gripped his cock, stroking it a little whilst gazing at the sight of your desperate hole. He then lightly slapped your hole with his cock and began grinding against, causing a needy whine from you and Paul chuckling at your reaction. “Ready?” Paul questions in a teasing tone. You cocked your head to the door of the massage room. “I was the moment you walked through that door.” Paul grinned, gripped his fuckstick, and entered you. The moment Paul’s tip entered, the nerve system in your body and Paul’s exploded with pleasure which only increased as you took more inches of Paul’s cock . “Fuck.” Paul cursed out, whilst you were moaning. Your eyes rolling into the back of your head as each inch of Paul’s cock slid into you slowly.
You turned your head back to make eye contact with Paul, a playful mischievous glint in your eyes that made Paul gulp. “I want it harder.” You then slammed your body back, filling your hole with the rest of Paul’s fuckstick, Paul gasped and gripped your hips. “…And faster.” You smirked. Paul growled, smacked your ass again, and began thrusting into you at a accelerated pace. Your whole body, mind, and might as well fucking soul, was filled you with pleasure your mind going completely blank. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as Paul’s cock re-welcomed itself into your hole again and again.
Like you, Paul was lost in pleasure. Each slam and thrust brought pleasure through his nerves and passion to his veins. The imprint bond felt like it amplified everything. Paul’s hips literally couldn’t stop, even if he wanted it to, and why would he? Your moans only furthered him into a frenzy. Paul’s left hand held your hip tightly whilst his other hand, snaked to your neck. You then felt Paul’s fingers curl around your neck, before his hand grasped your throat and tilted your head upwards. You let out moans of ecstasy at the action. Paul then tilted your head back towards him a little and leaned forward and found his lips on yours, tongues dancing in the dirty kiss.
Paul then forcefully pulled himself out of you, you whined almost begging him to put it back in. He then flipped you over and slammed back his fuckstick into you in the span of 3 seconds. You gasped as Paul’s lip’s connected with yours again, his tongue slithering with yours. Paul’s hands then firmly gripped your waist as you felt your back no longer touching the massage bed. Paul then lifted you up and slammed your hips on to his cock.
His cock hit it. That special spot.
You gasped loud, sounding surprised. Paul’s face turned wicked as his smirk became dangerous. He then continued slamming your hips down on his cock, it hitting your prostate with pinpoint accuracy. Your moans were muffled by his lips on yours again before he started to kiss the side of your jaw down to your neck. He licked the side of your neck before biting down and sucking on it. Your senses fucking exploded your moans so rapid that it felt like you had no room to breathe. You wanted to catch your breath but you were being selfish, you didn’t want to stop this pleasure not even for a instant.
After Paul gave you again a hickey, multiple one’s actually, that he was proud of, he laid you down again on the massage bed. Paul then pushed your legs forward basically folding you in half, and making his cock go deeper inside you. Your eyes rolled at the sensation and you started to feel something in your lower stomach. You bit your lip and looked Paul straight in the eyes, challenge being prominent in your eyes. Paul’s raised his eyebrows. “Is that all you’ve got, Paul?” You challenged. It took a second for him to respond but he replied with a sharp thrust of his hips. “Oh no, people always say, save the best for last.” Paul replied. Paul then began slamming his cock again faster and deeper thanks to your position. Soon Paul feel that familiar feeling in his pelvis.
Paul gripped your legs and leaned forward to connect your lips again. His ,fucking, pace increased as he growled against your neck. Paul was fighting with his wolf for control the sensations were getting too much and just right at the same time. Your moans turned to keens getting louder and louder, the pleasure reaching a spike, then another spike, pleasure reaching beyond you and Paul have ever felt. The imprint bond was sure to blame for this as Paul lost control of his hips, slamming his cock into you at a unbelievable speed. Paul snarled, the pleasure escalating far greater than he expected. It’s as if your pleasure became one, reaching pleasure and passion never felt before. You locked eyes with Paul, lust and passion in both your eyes, till the pleasure reached its peak… and soared to the heavens, as you both cum.
The orgasm felt like it was the best thing in your life that you were alive to only feel this. Heavy pants followed after the release between you and Paul. He then pulled his cock out of your filled whole, his cum spilling out immediately, he grinned at that. Paul then leaned over towards you and licked your mess off your chest, savouring the taste of you. Paul then connected your lips in a lazy kiss, before gazing at you thoughtfully. You closed your eyes in the post bliss. You made eye contact with Paul. “Well that was… amazing.” “Tell me about it.” Paul chuckled out. “Well I hope as your masseur I got those tense muscles sorted out?” You asked. “You did more than I could ask for… thanks.”
You sat up and glanced at the clock in the room. “You’ve still got thirty minutes of your session left is-WOAH!” You were interrupted as Paul pulled you by the waste and inserted his tongue inside your mouth. “Good I’m not done with you yet.” Paul let out a wicked smirk.
“How was your session Paul?” Emily asked placing muffins on the table. Paul thought back to what happened earlier that day grinned. “Pretty good.” Paul stated. Jared raised a eyebrow at him. “It seemed more than ‘pretty good’.” “Yeah, you didn’t even come to the pack house with a pissed off expression, which is the usual.” Said Embry taking a bite out of Emily’s cooking, Paul playfully pushed Embry and chuckled which almost surprised the entire pack. “The truth is, my masseur.” Paul took out a piece of paper, your number written in black ink on it. “… is my imprint.”
“Woah, you okay there Y/N? You look a little worn out and you look like you can’t even walk properly.” Lisa the massage parlour receptionist asked you with concern written over her face. “I’m fine Lisa.” You said chuckling. “Just had a special customer.” You looked down at the paper you were holding with hopeful expression as you read Paul’s number for the eighth time already.
You were organising the massage towels after another successful massage. You quickly had to get these things organised as your next session would start at any moment now. Just as you finished with the towels, knocks were heard by the door as someone opened it. “Y/N?” A familiar voice called out your named. You smiled making eye contact with the man who fucked your brains out a week ago. “Paul… same procedure as last time?” You said whilst taking off your shirt. Paul closed the door behind him and chuckled. “Of course.”

Jared Cameron and goofy sex.
Convince me it’s not perfect.

I’m glad you guys like this 😂
✨TWILIGHT✨ in a nutshell…

Disco tampon fights dog with issues over walking crippling anxiety. Crippling anxiety doesn’t like dog with issues, but doesn’t wanna hurt dog with issues. So she hops between the two, but makes it clear, she likes the disco tampon. Crippled anxiety then finds out disco tampon, is in fact, a disco tampon! She’s like “ooh, so pretty! So cool! I wanna date you even more.”
Crippling anxiety meets disco tampon’s family, and expensive girl is like “WE BEST FRIENDS” while her boyfriend, blood constipation, can’t be around her cause he wants to do want tampons do and suck da blood.
Moody booty CanNOT stand crippling anxiety, and wants her to go away. (Same bestie, it’s tiring) Anyway! Moody Booty’s boyfriend, Gorilla Man is a lovable dumbass.
They adoptive parents, Dr. steal yo wife and Ms. I just met you but I claim you as my kid Are loving! Crippling anxiety is a dumbass and follows tracker the tractor and almost become a disco tampon.
Disco tampon family leave crippling anxiety behind and she becomes crippling depression. She almost dies, but expensive girl is like “NO! HELP ME SAVE DISCO TAMPON!”
They then go to ?Italy? and crippling depression saves disco tampon, gets threatened by Rat-man and his premium disco tampons, and becomes crippling anxiety again.
Crippling anxiety leaves dog with issues for disco tampon and they get married. THEN! CRIPPLING ANXIETY GETS HORNY AND CREATES FAKE DOLL BABY!
Crippling anxiety become a disco tampon; dog with issues imprints on doll baby, becomes alpha, and has his baby pack. Rat-man and his team of premium disco tampons wanna kill doll baby cause she a child who don’t age. But the original disco tampons are like “fuck you!”
And they fight, with the help of wannabe werewolves. Blood constipation dies, Dr. Steal yo wife dies, Rat-man and his team of premium disco tampons die, and a bunch of other disco tampons die. Including the wannabe werewolves!
But then it turns out that it was a vision 👀 expensive girl had, which would happen if Rat-man tried to kill doll baby.
Bonus: Crippling anxiety became crippling anger and tried to kill dog with issues because he imprinted on doll baby. She ended up hurting tiny cutie. But tiny cutie was like “it’s ok” and they mended that real quick…
and every Caucasian in that movie had a big ass forehead
White Christmas [Paul Lahote] 🎄

Description: Paul and his family celebrate their sons first Christmas and first White Christmas.
Emily's house is packed full. The pack and their significant others and family are all over for Christmas. And it's absolute chaos.
The kids were all yelling while running through the house, so Y/N took the baby outside for a little quiet time.
It's Y/N and Paul's first Christmas as a family of three, since their son Parker was born a month ago.
Y/N took a seat in the rocking chair facing out towards the woods. She had bundled up herself and the baby since it was freezing cold and she didn't want either of them to get sick.
She loved everyone but all of the ruckus was making her nervous. It is a first time mom thing.
Of course Paul wouldn't let anything happen but it's just a natural reaction.
She rocked the chair back and forth and talked to a cooing Parker.
"What do you see, my love?" She asks.
Parker coos and smiles in response.
"It's your first Christmas. Isn't that exciting?" Y/N rubs his cheek and smiles at him. "You were in momma's belly just a month ago and now you're celebrating the holiday with your family."
Parker giggles and Y/N joins.
"What's so funny Park? Huh? What's so funny?"
The door creaks open and Paul steps out onto the porch.
He gestures for Y/N to stand up and she shakes her head no.
"I don't think we will all fit in this rocking chair babe." She laughs.
"Yes we will. We did before." He assures.
Y/N sighs and stands up with Parker still bundled in her arms. Paul sits down and pats his leg.
"Come on babe. I'm ready to be a personal heater." He smiles.
Y/N chuckles and sits herself in Paul's lap and he wraps his arms around her.
"I love those kids but I'm nervous for no reason right now. I know they'd never hurt the baby but I just needed to come out here and chill out."
Paul squeezes her leg and rests his head on her shoulder.
"It's okay. No one even said anything."
Y/N nods and looks down at her baby.
Parker is sleeping peacefully with a small smile on his face.
"I love him, so much."
"Me too. He's the best thing to ever happen to me, besides you of course." Paul agrees.
"Wow, you're so cheesy Mr. Lahote."
"Only for you Mrs. Lahote."'
Y/N looks up from her sons face to the yard surrounding them.
"Paul, look! It's snowing!"
Paul smiles at his wife and nods. He's always loved her enthusiasm about everything.
"It is." He breathes, "Look Park, your first White Christmas."
The door swings open again and everyone else comes outside.
"Guys! It's snowing!"
"White Christmas!"
Paul and Y/N both laugh before getting up to follow everyone out into the yard to catch some snowflakes on their tongues.
Paul stops Y/N and kisses her forehead.
"Merry Christmas, my love."
working on a request rn but i have a serious question
if i were to start like writing other stuff that wasn’t always dc stuff, would u guys still be interested? i mean like writing f1 stuff, writing for shows and stuff ive seen ect??
i really wanna know 😞
even tho this won’t pop off like the rest of my works i’ll ask anyways to have it out there
def wanna hear opinions!!! ignore this if u wanna tho

Embry Call | Twilight | Not my gif | Requested
Requests are OPEN

Paul Lahote | Twilight | Not my gif | Requested
Y/N: Please!
Paul: No Y/N! I won’t phase in front of you okay! I don’t want to hurt you.
Y/N: You won’t hurt me! You know how to control yourself. I trust you!
Paul: I don’t trust myself! I don’t want the same thing that happened to Emily to happen to you. I love you too much to hurt you!
YN: Exactly! Because you love me, you won’t hurt me. I just want to see your wolf one time, to see something that is a part of you!
Requests are OPEN!

Embry Call | Twilight | Not my gif
Y/N: What do you think it’ll be?
Embry: *hums* I think it might be a girl.
Y/N: *laughs* Is that because you want a girl?
Embry: *chuckles* Partially. A little you running around the house would be great. What about you?
Y/N: I think he’ll be a boy. My hair and your eyes, he’ll be wonderful.
Embry: *kisses your head* A little wolf or a little princess.
Requests are OPEN!