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Rewatching Mystery Incorporated and..

Fred really said poly right…

Lunch Date with the Polycule and their collective Dog 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Itd be very cool and sexy if you were to check out my Patreon! Link in my pinned Bio!

Me da wea subir dibujos tradicionales, no tienen el mismo cuidado que mis dibujos en digital
I don't like uploading traditional drawings, they don't have the same care as my digital drawings

In light of the recent show not being what we wanted, I decided to draw my designs for a college age Mystery Gang

More Mystery Gang doodles + a Scooby based on a comment I got from @usernamesarehard1!
Scooby has intentionally hit someone with the mystery machine and will do so again if prompted.
ok so Scooby Doo: Mystery Inc. seriously doesn’t know how to handle emotions. In “The Dragon’s Secret” Shaggy falls in love with someone and he thinks it’s mutual, but she actually just uses him so she can steal something. This is Shaggy’s reaction to all of this:

FOUR FRAMES. they give him 4 frames to react to this. Then of course, 10 seconds of fred talking about traps later, and he’s smiling along with the others again, because it’s not like he just got his heart broken or anything.

Don't sell Scooby short. He was thrown through a brick wall, got back up, and drove the mystery machine to take down fish-face.

just a little scene, maybe after camp scare, particularly these stunts:

because those must have hurt :’D
Mystery Inc. but it’s the 1890s

Who had late Victorian Scooby Doo on their 2024 bingo card? Hmm?
The idea came to me when I was thinking about Sherlock Holmes and then remembered the iconic mystery solving gang hehe
Now imagine The Gang dressing up as The Gang
I am The Gang

Got to meet Matthew Lillard recently! Drew this beforehand but sadly didn’t have time to show him this!
I just love how all the cast in Scooby doo Spooky island knows about the meme that shows how powerful Shaggy is and act like thats true.

I personally love the concept of Wakko being friends with Scooby and Shaggy.
It's not some rare, brand new idea, of course. I've read a handful of fics where Wakko and Scooby hang out. It makes a lot of sense that they would know each other. I mean, they're all Warner Bros. toons and can truly "pack away the snacks."
I think it's a super fun idea.
I've got a lot of ideas how their friendship would go. Whenever the gang are in town, Wakko has lunch with them and they catch up. Besides, Wakko loves hearing about their wild adventures and he tells them how his life is going. The mystery-solving duo are some of the only people who legitimately care. They ask about Yakko and Dot. They bring up that Daphne and Dot would get along super well. Maybe they should all hang out together sometime.
The restaurants in Burbank either get super excited or start crying when they see the three of them hanging out together. Scooby, Shaggy, and Wakko eat the most at those times, since they have no need to rush. There's no ghoul running around, or security guard for that matter. Speaking of, Scooby can do a mean Ralph the Guard impression.
They either met on the set of "Scooby-Doo: Where Are You?" back in the day, when the Warners were being loaned around, or...
"Uhuru, Where Are You?" was a copycat show that was intending to air around the same time as competition, and after "accidentally" forcing its delays through injuring their star dog, the Warners guaranteed Scooby and the gang's success.
Maybe one day, the Warners will get to take them up on that offer to join the gang as guest stars for an episode and they'll get to unmask some kooky crook themselves.

Drew this months ago but it’s October and it’s them so of course
Tag list: @myfairkatiecat @aspenaspenaspenaspenaspen @wow-youre-so-pretty @stars-and-stuff @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1
Thoughts after watching Scooby-Doo: Mystery Inc
Of course the Velma show drew me to fully watch Mystery Inc after all these years of having only seen the filler episodes
| Spoilers for most of the show |
1. I love Professor Pericles, he’s the polar opposite of Scooby and really comes off as a threat. He’s dark, ruthless and powerful, a perfect villain for the series. And his end was perfect: he was so hungry for power it literally consumed him
2. The ‘’Shaggy x Velma’’ plotline was unnecessary. If you take it out it wouldn’t make a big difference. Really all it does is put them both in a bad light for a good part of Season 1
3. Fred and Daphne are very nice together and I really like them both, but for the first season I feel like Daphne’s whole personality revolves around him. They do fix that a bit in Season 2 but I still feel like we miss out a lot from her lack of character in Season 1.
4. I overall consider Season 2 a lot better then Season 1, not only because of how Nibiru gets closer but also because all the characters feel more like themselves.
5. Cassidy and Hot Dog Water are among my favourite characters from this series. It really felt earth shattering when they died in the destroyed timeline.
6. Also holy shit they really managed to have characters get consumed by an eldritch being, drowned, mauled to death by a bird and executed by firing squad in a Scooby-Doo show
7. I also love the idea of multiple groups of mystery solvers, I would genuinely enjoy seeing a movie or anything starring the Benevolent Lodge of Mystery
8. Lastly, as a Jojo fan, I can’t help but think that the ending is eerily similar to the ending of Stone Ocean. I will certainly research this more, but I’m just saying, the Stone Ocean manga finished in 2003, Mystery Inc premiered in 2010..just saying
Tis the season, so I'm having scooby doo brainrot. I know it's not in your bio, but it is well-known enough I thought I'd ask anyway. Any headcanons you'd like to provide for Mystery Inc would be welcome, although I specifically want your two cents on whether or not Shaggy is a stoner, and whether or not the mystery gang is a polycule in any sense.
Oh man I am not very knowledgeable about Scooby-Doo at all, but I'll give it a whirl (sorry if they're bad lol)
For a long time, Fred, Daphne, and Velma tried their hardest to not let Shaggy and Scooby-Doo know that McDonald's exists. They would go to decent lengths to make sure they never passed a McDonald's while driving, and whenever the two would hear about McDonald's from TV, the three would convince them that McDonald's was only a thing in movies or it was only in their heads. This worked for a bit, but soon, they stopped falling for this and found a McDonald's, but the three still take intentional detours to avoid coming across any
As for is Shaggy is a stoner, I'd say not. Although he fits the vibe, it's not good for dogs to smell it and REALLY isn't good for them to eat it. I feel like he tried it once or twice and gave some to Scooby, but he got really sick and had to be rushed to the vet. Shaggy didn't have any for a while, but when he picked it up again, he made sure to do it away from Scooby, but he could still smell his breath and it made him wanna puke, so Shaggy stopped
As for the polycule thingy, I dont really know. Honestly, I barely know what it is, but a quick Google tells me that (and this could be very wrong, in which case I do apologize in advance) it's a group of people connected by current and/or past relationships. If this is the case and I don't have it wrong at all, I can see it. Daphne and Fred seem to have something going, as do Velma and Daphne, and I've seen some things about Shaggy and Velma possibly dating in the past

Saw the original comic on twitter and decided to redraw it, though it was pretty funny

maybe they shouldn’t have wandered into that pizzeria…