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“LESBIANS...for example”
- deandra reynolds (2018)
alright so i have a macdennis theory please everyone gather around and turn your phones on silent for the duration of my lecture
(s13 spoilers ahead)
it’s pretty obvious at this point that mac has Big Feelings for dennis so the biggest question now is whether dennis feels the same. everything between season 1 and 12 has been discussed already so i’m gonna focus on a very specific time frame instead, the last two minutes of season 13′s first episode
so dennis returns and the gang goes back to normal, he calls dee a bird and she’s visibly upset by it, then he asks if mac’s gained weight, which we saw earlier in the episode upsets mac. basically, dennis comes back and insults mac and dee. that’s nothing new, dennis has been a dick to these two for a long time, but this time it’s a clear focus in the short time he was present in the episode.
but why? why mac and dee? because he hates them, right? at least he says he does, but we know he doesn’t hate dee. in the gang broke dee, dennis is the only one not in on the joke and ends up chasing his sister down to say he loves her and begs her to stay. later in the gang goes to hell part 2 dennis tells dee he loves her again when he thinks they’re all about to die
so when dennis insults dee, he’s doing it to cover up that he holds familial love for her. a symptom of BPD is that a person will go to great lengths to avoid perceived rejection or abandonment, so dennis distances himself from his Big Feelings by minimizing them and insulting the people he loves because he’s already expecting rejection from them (something that actually happened both times he said he loved dee). it’s self-preservation
what about when he insults mac? it’s not reasonable that he’d expect rejection since mac is very clearly in love and dennis knows this. newsflash, asshole: BPD isn’t reasonable. actually, mac’s feelings make it worse. if dennis acknowledges them and his own feelings as well, there’s a chance that down the road mac would stop loving him. so instead of accepting his love, dennis rejects mac before mac gets the chance to reject him. this has already happened a few times on the show, most notably in flowers for charlie and PTSDee where he leads mac on to get the validation that those feelings are there but rejects them before anything can happen. again, it’s self-preservation
alright, so back to the last two minutes of season 13′s first episode. dennis returns and insults mac and dee. if this has happened so many times before, why is it meaningful now? because the first episode sets up storylines. clearly season 13 is gonna be different and will most likely delve deeper into the characters. for example, the camera focused on dee’s reaction after dennis called her a bird, showing how affected she was, and while she’s always been upset, the focus hasn’t been on that because it wasn’t going to be addressed.
regarding macdennis, a big focus of the episode was how badly mac had been coping compared to the others. the sex doll could’ve been a cardboard cutout, but it wasn’t because apparently it’s important for the audience to know that mac really wants to fuck dennis. the jokes go on too long and too consistently to be just jokes. so if there was a focus on mac’s feelings for dennis, and dennis insulting him along with dee, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that those feelings are gonna be addressed. why focus on them otherwise?
as a non-macdennis sidenote, i am so down to see dee standing up against the bird jokes and against dennis. something about dennis’ behavior is definitely gonna be addressed this season
anyway macdennis gonna kiss or i resign
(practically) every time sweet dee calls someone a mean name
i am sure i missed some but i tried to catch em all! this is up to date until s13e06: “the gang solves the bathroom problem”
requested by @aeroellesea
(i also made a shorter one that is just the dick-and-boner insults: here)
(have a good idea for a supercut? send me an ask!)

The gang remembers Dennis’ Double Life

this is the sunny liberals want :/

Tried to doodle the gang in class and got progressively lazier from left to right

This is an unedited scene that definitely happened.
What’s up with Dee’s eye?

“Yo check it out, I’ve got one more surprise.”
P A R T Y B U S !

The eyes of the world are gonna be on Philadelphia, and I want to show them that we are not just degenerates.
We may have an opportunity to be something, to be winners.

Hawaiian shirts are just summer flannel for gays

dee reynolds in every season: season two
i’m gonna rip your face off and make a shirt out of it!

The Heroes of Philadelphia 🦅