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JONK WATSON CANNONICALY HAS AN " I ❤️ London" SHIRT YFYDHFUIGIFDYXY! And he thinks it's hip and cool 😭😂
TAKE THAT HOLMES HATERS (Specifically the ones who hate on headcannons like Sherls being queer, Nerodivergent, a POC, ect)

sometimes i remember this article i read and i think yeah
sherlock and co x marcuspork

Sorry, dunno how many sh&co enjoyers watch D20, but… in the event that John does leave 221b for Mary my brain cannot help but draw a parallel between Sherlock and Riz Gukgak (beyond both of them being detectives lol).
Manic and overjoyed seeking of knowledge. Cutting your hands on shards of glass in relentless pursuit of the truth (revenge). Loving your friends in a way that it feels like it is impossible for them to reciprocate. Ruthlessness as a means of protecting what means the most to you. The loneliness in intellect to extremely eager companionship pipeline. God just… everything about the confrontation with Baron in FHSY.
“You would not have lied so frivolously. You love the truth. You seek it so much that you cut your hands upon the inside of crystals. But you use deception to protect yourself from something you fear.”
“The years will go by, and everyone will find someone who matters more to them than you.”
I agree, but I also have a theory regarding this!
I think Moriarty IS gonna be the principal who’s life, his IDENTITY, was ruined by Sherlock. Doesn’t matter to him if Sherlock was ‘right or wrong’ for what he did, his life was still ruined. Meanwhile imagine being him and hearing that the kid who ruined your life has a popular podcast about his excellent detective skills (same detective skills that made you lose everything)….
Either he changes his name due to the scandal ruining his reputation OR used a fake name so Sherlock wouldn’t recognize his name in the shoutouts OR Sherlock was just pretending not to recognize the name.
Either way, it is rather significant that Moriarty includes the Professor title in his shoutout considering most shoutouts only having people mentioning their first names.
For example: “Shoutout to Bob from-“ and that’s it. Most people wouldn’t think to include their full name, let alone a professional title alongside their name. I think it’s a ‘hidden-in-plain-sight’ hint for Sherlock, since the school they were at was full of professors and he would wanna put himself up to that regard (thinking he ‘deserves it’ after ‘all he’s been through’).
It wouldn’t be the end of the world if it wasn’t true, but this would be a missed opportunity!
This might be an unpopular opinion but that principal guy deserved what was coming for him and Sherlock should not feel an ounce of guilt for exposing him
Lol so true!
He would totally hate Subway because of being inconvienced there too many times😂
Arin Hanson's Subway rant, but it's Sh&Co John Watson. John would 100% hate Subway for these exact reasons

I've been listening to Sherlock & Co and I'm being normal about it.