kalifornia1025 - Kali-fornia

KaliAge: 22Likes Halloween, reading books, and cycling through hyperfixations🙃Current hyperfixation(s): Sherlock & Co, Gravity Falls

50 posts

Kalifornia1025 - Kali-fornia - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

It’s a nickname within the sh&co discord aka those with the patreon

If you get the patreon you can join us

I promise we don’t bite!

i swear i have never heard anyone call john JPW ever

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5 months ago

The Edge of Sleep tv show dropped today!

I repeat


Spread the word, go watch it now!

(It’s on Amazon Prime, btw)

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5 months ago
I Got This Black Sketchbook And White Chalk Pencil From Michaels Bc Ive Always Wanted To Experiment With

I got this black sketchbook and white chalk pencil from Michaels bc I’ve always wanted to experiment with those kinds of drawings!

I knew I’d need to test it out and in the “spirit” (heh) of spooky month I decided to draw lil ghostđŸ‘»

*Update: his name is Hector the Specter

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5 months ago

God, these new AUs keep getting better and better😍😍

Also, I love the little detail of Stan leaving some jellybeans with a note probably apologizing for punching him😂

Fan art of Ford and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a saturated style reminiscent of the show. Ford is depicted as in his 30s. Stan is depicted in his post canon sea faring outfit. Stan is lifting Ford into the air with his hands under his armpits. His eyes are closed and he has a lazy grin. Ford is kicking out his legs, coat flapping, looking furious. His speech bubble reads, "Put me down, how are you even doing this." Stan has a replying bubble, "You're sick poindexter, you weigh as much as a couple of grapes"
Fan art of Ford and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show.  Ford is depicted as in his 30s and Stan in his 60s. Ford has a look of stunned disbelief, his hands tensed. His speech bubble reads, "You, you punched Bill???." Stan replies, "What like its hard?" Stan is relaxing on a couch, one arm behind his head and the other picking at his ear. He has one leg crossed over the other.
Fan art of Ford Pines being possessed by Bill Cipher and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show.  Ford is depicted as in his 30s and Stan in his 60s. Stan is carrying Ford over his shoulder. Ford is clawing and kicking at the air. He has glowing yellow eyes and teeth and he looks furious. Stan looks over his shoulder, unimpressed. Stan has a speech bubble, "Yeah, yeah, get the hell out of my brother. There is also text covering the background, some of it is covered by the characters, it reads, "I'll kill you. I will rip out your teeth. I'm going to sew your limbs to your torso and cautarise them shut. I'll rip out your spine, turn you into flesh tinsel, and hang you on Sixer's mantelpiece. Don't ignore me you inferior pile of melted flesh. I can erase you from existance pal. I can turn you inside out. I can make your family into corpses, crush you down, and drink the remains through a silly straw. You can't even fathom what I am going to do to you. Put me down or I will-"
Fan art of Ford Pines being possessed by Bill Cipher and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show. Ford is depicted as in his 30s and Stan in his 60s. Stan has Ford over his shoulder. Ford is limply handing. Stan is glancing down at him tiredly. He has a speech bubble, "Finally tire yourself out?"
Fan art of Ford Pines being possessed by Bill Cipher from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show.  Ford is depicted as in his 30s. He has glowing yellow eyes and teeth. He is hanging upside down One hand reaches over his head, holding his upper left eyelid wide open, there is blood trickling from it. His other holds his jaw. He has a speech bubble, "... Or maybe I should get Fordsy to throw himself off the falls when your back is turned."
Fan art of Ford Pines being possessed by Bill Cipher and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show. Ford is depicted as in his 30s and Stan in his 60s. Stan is holding Ford over his shoulder. Ford's face is not visible but he has his legs kicked out, arms spread wide. He has a speech bubble, "Then he can finally be rid of you! What a relief! Haha!!" Stan is looking into the middle distance with quiet, stunned horror.
Fan art of Ford Pines being possessed by Bill Cipher and Stan Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show. Ford is depicted as in his 30s and Stan in his 60s. Stan has a speech bubble reading, "Don't you dare-" Ford replies, "What gonna punch your own brother, smart guy? Your melted brain already forget I'm in his body?" Ford is backed against a wall, one hand out in mocking placation, the other pressed against the wall behind him. He is grinning wildly at Stan with bright yellow eyes and teeth. Stan is all but growling at Ford. He has one arm braced beside Ford's head and the other drawn back in a fist, ready to punch.
Fan art of Ford Pines from Gravity falls. It is rendered in a sketchy reminiscent of the show. Ford is depicted as in his 30s. There is narration text, "... He did." Ford has a speech bubble, "Everything hurts." He is lying on a couch, a blanket over him. He is holding his head with one hand, the other gingerly touching the blanket. He has a black eye and his other eye is trickling blood. He is grimacing. There is a bag of jelly beans on his lap with a bright yellow post it note attatched. Just beyond are his glasses folded on the blanket.

Some Oldies in the 80s AU sketches! Grunkle Stan and Young Ford this time.

They are so funny to me. Like to me Stan is completely secure in his relationship with Older Ford. He has just spent MONTHS alone on the open ocean with the guy. Nothing this Young Ford can throw at him can compare. Ford, still a bundle of ego and grudges, has no idea how to respond. Also Bill is a menace

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5 months ago


This is the side of Billford I love seeing: the one-sided toxic angst and conflict. Really reminds you of what Bill canonically did to Ford in the show!

billford animatic i made to the song 'confrontation'! ^^

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5 months ago

The Resident Patient Pt. 2 (SPOILERS)

Alright sequel notes coming up now!

Fun sleepover, huh? Yeah if only

Poor John sounds so scared

Right, Mariana would be a believer in ghosts 


Tippy toes? Wow

Ooh yes! Using the mic to bring up recorded evidence is a feature we don’t hear option but SHOULD

I’d be just like Mariana bringing up The Shining in this situation, except I’d do it more liking a joking skeptic

‘Roadkill’? Damn, that was kinda rude Mariana

Mariana: “Call the journalist!”, John: “I don’t want to!” - same John I hate phone calls

This little exchange was cute to me: 

Avery: “What? What’s this hmm? Are you a doctor?”

Sherlock: “No but he is” *referring to John*

John: *ahem* “Hello”

“The only crime that is rife around her involves tax evaders or high-end sex workers. You don’t strike me as either” - okay SHERLOCK?

Ah yes here’s where Sherlock refuses to help the guy because he’s lying 

What’s the deal with magnets in this case?


Oh wow Sherlock is HEATED about this dude, even saying “go ahead and die, see if I care”

Spooky sleepover!!

Ah yes a mandatory Blair Witch Project mention when recording in a spooky place

Another fun exchange for this episode:

Sherlock: “Good God!”

John: “What is it?!”

Sherlock: “This jacket is grotesque”

John: “God sake”

are you asking Sherlock to strip your corpse so your ghost wouldn’t be stuck wearing the pjs you died in??

“Would you like to be found naked? Or perhaps in the disgusting jacket?” - we’re getting silly & sassy Sherlock in this case, I love it!

“You have a sharp mind. You’re a brilliant man, your thoughts and opinions are never stupid” - awww Sherlock complimenting John is so sweet!!

“Well that’s just stupid” - welp that didn’t last long


Why are they being so cute right now???

Oh shit, crime is happening! GO AWAY, Sherlock and John are bonding!

Listening with headphones sounds like Sherlock is whispering over my shoulder (creepy and uncomfortable)

Ouch, at least you tried to do it, John (maybe better luck with that in the future?)

The disgusting jacket ends up being useful!

“You ok, mate?” - I honestly love how John asks how his friends are doing during cases

looks like he went ahead and died just like you wanted Sherlock

Oh wow, that ending for Pt. 2 is
dark. I knew it was gonna happen based on reading it from the ACD story, but it’s always interesting to hear how they present it in the podcast. 

But on a more positive note this case is so Johnlock-positive! Whether or not you ship it, you gotta admit that they’re so much friendlier towards each other here. Also Sherlock is just so much more silly and feral in this case and it’s so funny to me! We need more ‘silly goofy mood’ Sherlock. Alright, tune in next week for the Resident Patient finale

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6 months ago

The Resident Patient Pt. 1 (SPOILERS)

Pt. 1 notes for Resident Patient, let’s go!!!

“I need a catchphrase”- sir you already have a bunch, just take your pick

Gross, weird, and spooky? SAY LESS!

He’s getting the mic fixed
not replaced
I can’t even be mad about his dedication to the mic 

“You ever dropped it?” “About 16 times, yeah”- HOW DID IT NOT BREAK SOONER?!

John you seriously share your Dad Jokes with anyone, huh?

Murder case already? Splendid

Ooh, John and Sherlock alternating clever deductions between each other, love it LOVE IT!

“Hips don’t lie, mate” SHAKIRA SHAKIRA (

there’s a what on his WHAT?

Oh wow, love affair turned murder? Nice

“Well observed Doctor” “Thank you Detective” YOU TWO STOP BEING SO CUTE


Sherlock is so real about not wanting cold butter for his toast, because I’ve lost so many good toasts when trying to spread cold butter on them
I’d rather have a plain toast than a massacred one

“To the dead condom man” - now John why did you have to say that?

“We are [magnetic] aren’t we? Opposites attract and all that sort of thing” - sir you can’t just say that and be surprised we ship you two (don’t even get me STARTED on the mailbag episodes

Hehe more canon acknowledgment of Sherlock’s neurodiversity

a little bored” “You just solved a murder” - no joke this immediately make me think of that one scene from BBC Sherlock 

“Ugh” - why were so SASSY with that, Sherlock????

Aww John already knows to calm Sherlock down from getting worked up without cases, he knows him so well!

“Christ sake you sound like the bloody listeners” - ope, I feel called out (not a shoutout, but close enough)

“Fill a brother in” - oh
oh no John why

I like how Sherlock isn’t always right, like sometimes he’ll be SO CLOSE but get it wrong and go “bugger”, it reminds us that he’s not too perfect (which I prefer)

Oh nice, I like when John brings up his educational background!

I REALLY like Percy’s voice <3 <3

“Little prick, but enough of me!” - John if want the short jokes to stop THIS ISN’T HELPING

‘Chugging along’, ‘Deduction Junction’, ‘little observations may leave the carriage’
Sherlock you REALLY do like trains and it’s the cutest thing 

Okay, NOW we’re getting into the main case!

Oooh spooky element! That’s a little different from the main story, but in a good way

Sleepy John is so cute to me!


“Heysville, ugh God I’m starting to sound like you [John], yuck” - rude but you’re not wrong

Mic shenanigans seem to be an ongoing theme right now, first it was the audio distortions in Red Circle and now the mic is magnetic

Oh hello
random nurse lady?

Well that interaction was certainly rushed, and TOTALLY not suspicious (she says sarcastically)

‘Johnny boy’? Wow, that’s a first

Oh God this is reminding me of Creeping Man pt. 2 cliffhanger


that was part 1
and the case already sounds promising! I didn’t think we’d get such a dramatic cliffhanger in the first part, yet here we are. I’m REALLY liking the dynamic of John and Sherlock in this episode. They seem more in-tuned with each other! Unfortunately not a lot of Mariana but at least we got a heads that she wasn’t gonna be in this case much (plus she mentioned she was glad not to be ‘dealing with this case’
so that’s foreboding). Anyway STRONG start to the case, and we’ve still got two more parts so stay tuned (and hang tight John, Sherlock will be there soon)!

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6 months ago

Lol so true!

He would totally hate Subway because of being inconvienced there too many times😂

Arin Hanson's Subway rant, but it's Sh&Co John Watson. John would 100% hate Subway for these exact reasons

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6 months ago
I'm Finally Getting A Chance To Post About Not Only The Winner Of The Case Art Commission But Also What

I'm finally getting a chance to post about not only the winner of the case art commission but also what the case will be about!

First I will address where artistic credit is due: congrats to @grommitcrimes aka ratmakingart on Tiktok for winning the art commission prompt with this GORGEOUS piece for the new case dropping next week! I will never stop gushing over how TALENTED all you artsy Sherlock & Co fans are for how you design these prompts!!

Next: as you can tell, the next case will be...The Resident Patient! And as I predicted, it'll be a 3-parter!

Now I have read the original ACD story so I have an idea for how the original story goes HOWEVER the podcast (very cleverly) likes to add in some great twists to the classic case that not even the book fans can predict, so I'm excited for that!

Well that's all for now. See y'all when pt. 1 drops!

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6 months ago

The Red Circle Pt. 4 (SPOILERS)

Red Circle finale notes, let’s GET IN!!

Ah right, the cliffhanger
John, why are you always in life-threatening situations? (And why do I eat it up every time??)

“Stop looking down and look at me” UGH I love this trope

Sherlock: “I’m climbing down to you”, John: “Don’t you idiot” they care for each other’s safety!!

“Let me hold your weight, I’m strong enough for goodness sake” oh? Strong enough as in
canon boxer Sherlock??

I’m getting kinda tired of the ‘Sherlock calling John fat’ jokes (I know he didn’t say it this time, but it was still implied)

“Would a fool do this?!” *John painfully tumbles down rubble shaft while swearing profusely*, John I love you so much


“Oh God I’m bleeding!! I’m bleed-oh wait it’s paint” as silly as this was, was I the only one worried it would trigger some memories for John?

They’re REALLY emphasizing that John doesn’t want to use a gun
wonder if there’ll be a case where he has no choice but to use one

Security thought he was a protestor for a museum because he’s covered in paint, that’s hilarious!

“I’m British mate. This entire museum is built on us sticking our noses in places we shouldn’t be” ope at least he’s self-aware

John: “Let’s go for a coffee-for a cappuccino eh”, Rosso: “THAT IS A BREAKFAST DRINK” he sounds so heated over that lol

Oh shit, sword fight?

OMG I need FANART of this sword fight scene!!! (I wish I could draw people, I would be ALL over it!)

“Traitors! Traitors!!” um what?

Security is kicking John out because he thinks he’s a protestor, HA

‘The Gregster?’, oh no John is rubbing off on you Sherlock

Gregson: “Stop it”, Sherlock: “Ok”, THEY’RE SO SILLY

Sherlock loves looking at screens, huh? Like it’s beyond just doing it for a case at this point

“What’s the password?” “Met123”...very secure password guys



Omg are they flirting while boxing?

Nope not flirting but yes Sherlock, BEAT HIS ASS!!!!

I need fan art of this scene too!!

John why are you STILL covered in paint??

Dang, part of me wishes to know how that Lord Harmson murder case went

Oh, we get to know why Gregson is so salty towards Sherlock?

Gregson, you’re upset because Sherlock trademarked being the first Consulting Detective before you?!...and of course that’s when Sherlock remembers

Don’t be sorry John, I loved it! It’s in my top three cases from the podcast

And that’s the end of The Red Circle case!! I don’t care what John says, this was a really good one. Not just the case itself; we had some really good silly shenanigans happening throughout the story! I was starting to miss the sillier stuff (and not being reminded of certain characters’ issues *ahem John’s alcoholism/insomnia ahem*). It’s definitely going up there in my top 3 favorite cases from the podcast alongside Lion’s Mane and Shoscombe Old Place!

Later this week we should be getting an announcement for the next case art commission winner meaning
we’ll get to see what the next case will be! Me and other members in the Sherlock & Co discord are already theorizing what the next case will be but for now we must wait

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6 months ago

I was thinking that, because he would def be the nerd who read the hobbit & lotr so he’d be SO EXCITED that they made them into movies (and he’d cry bc they’re beautifulđŸ„č)!!

Greyscale fanart of Dipper and Ford Pines from Gravity Falls. It is rendered in a style similar to the show. Dipper is on the left, looking excitedly at Ford. His arms are out and he has a speech bubble reading, "No way dude, I love lord of the rings too! Mabel never liked the books but even she likes the movies! something about it having "hot boys"" The last sentence is in smaller letters, like it is an afterthought. Ford is looking down at Dipper with his arms behind his back, he has a small smile, looking content.
Greyscale fanart of Dipper and Ford Pines from Gravity Falls. It is rendered in a style similar to the show. Ford is leaning down with his hands gripped on Dipper's shoulders. He has a somewhat manic expression. He has a speech bubble reading, "They made them into movies?" Dipper is gesturing out with one hand, mouth chirped open. He has a speech bubble reading "Yeah, man!"
Greyscale fanart of Ford Pines from Gravity Falls. It is rendered in a style similar to the show. Ford is sitting crosslegged on the floor of the Mystery Shack's living room. The room is dark and he is facing into the light of the TV. His expression is wide eyed and happy, like a child. There is a speech bubble coming from the TV reading, "And my axe!"

Did anyone tell Ford

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6 months ago

The Red Circle Pt. 3 (SPOILERS)

*Cutely drops my notes* 

John’s REALLY struggling with the tech. I almost feel bad for the guy (almost).

Aww the episode starts off with John asking the gang (Mariana & Sherlock) if they’re okay after finding a dead body. Always nice he checks in with them!


Imani’s back, yay!

Oh no, poor Imani

This exchange:

Imani: “Sorry about this” (sending another red circle pic)

Mariana: “No no no-don’t be sorry”

Sherlock: “Yes you musn’t it’s fantastic”

John: “Sherlock”

Gregson and Mariana are formerly meeting!


John, you’re playing Italian Mob style music to “capture the mood”?? What happened to “not wanting to stereotype?!”


“Ahh do I have a PTSD friend?” John’s new method to making friends apparently 

Mariana’s right this is stupid just GET A NEW MIC!! You can still keep the old one, John!

I now have a mental image of Sherlock staring wide-eyed at a big tv like he’s in a trance and I LOVE it

Aww possible future movie nights with a new tv!!


Wives of Cheshire comeback HA!!

“Oh you out of your trance are you?” Seriously how mesmerized was Sherlock to the tv for John to make this joke TWICE?!

Mariana discovers the next clue, awesome!

Sherlock: “I don’t seem to have (seat)belt”, Gregson: “What a shame” Gregson you’re such a salty bitch and I love you for it

Poor John trying to get around copyright stuff

“That’s a good start, you did knock and you did say please-“ another sweet moment of Sherlock getting better with social norm stuff

Wow John is REALLY stressed, and Sherlock is NOT helping

Hehe Sherlock is an iPad kid confirmed

I’m starting to love John calling Sherlock ‘Sherls’

“What’s the Site manager like? Is he
they?” John says nonbinary rights

John: Ah I’ve stepped in piss”, Sherlock: “Show me the urine”
um what???

You really can’t catch a break your shoes, huh John?

I’m listening to Sherlock and John talk about possibly reaching down into toilets in order to solve the case
man I love this podcast

John: “You’re doing the next one”, Sherlock: *sharp inhale* “fine” tbf Sherlock this was YOUR idea

“The Patreon numbers are gonna collapse” no such thing sir I’ve checked and we’re all here and loving this

Sherlock: “Imani would you perhaps like to have a go?”, Imani: “No”, Sherlock: “Bugger” I love how quickly he says it

Neuralizer mention! I love the Men in Black movies so much

OOOH, John and Sherlock making the realization at the same time!

Sherlock why do you always have a gun??


“English pigs, wot?” John sounded so genuinely confused by that


Okay as painful as that cliffhanger is, this case is getting GOOD! I’m loving it. It’s definitely jumping up to my top five fave cases from the podcast. I was not expecting the case to be as silly as it is, and I’m absolutely relishing in it. I love the irony of John insisting this case is gonna be a bad one when I’m loving every minute of it! Alright everybody, now we just have to not die from waiting on the last part
see y’all next week!

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6 months ago
Just Finished This Drawing Today!!

Just finished this drawing today!!đŸŠˆđŸ–Šïž

Been working on it for a couple months, so it feels satisfying to complete it! I’m especially excited since my sister wanted this as a “commission” for her next tattoo (she loves sharks, tattoos, and likes this art style I do).

I’ve been in an artsy mood lately so I’ve got some future drawings in mind. Should I show them off here after I’ve finished them as well??

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6 months ago

This would be such a great au!

I love the idea of “what if Stanley got pushed into the portal?” Would he love being a space pirate, or would the reality of it be more depressing/disappointing to him? How would it affect the brothers? What is the relationship between Ford and the Mystery Twins in this au like?

So many questions!! (Which is pretty fitting for Gravity Falls)

Reverse portal au because yes

Reverse Portal Au Because Yes
Reverse Portal Au Because Yes

Ford’s “museum” is just the mystery shack with decent prices and less jokes

He has a stack of different ties and suits because we all know he likes to play dress up just like Mabel

Stan has a long list of nicknames and even longer list of strangers who want him dead (some things just never change)

Reverse Portal Au Because Yes

The twins were forced hired the day they arrived by Grunkle Ford and they have gained a new hatred for formal wear

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6 months ago

Sherlock & Co stuff

Hey y’all! With me making more Sherlock & Co content, I should probably organize them here so you guys won’t have to scroll too far to read them.

So this will be where I’ll organize all my Sherlock & Co stuff

My MAIN Sh&Co conspiracy theory for the podcast (until they confirm/disprove it):


My top 5 fave cases of the podcast (just personal faves of mine):

Sign of Four (ongoing case)

Lion's Mane

Shoscombe Old Place

Red Circle

Silver Blaze

Live reaction notes

(Unfortunately my first notes were for Shoscombe Old Place Pt. 3, but that’s just when I started really getting into officially making notes)

Shoscombe Old Place Pt. 3: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/755550499655368704/excuse-me-while-i-go-on-about-why-i-loved?source=share

2. Lion’s Mane

Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/756140037656248320/notes-on-my-listen-of-the-lions-mane-pt-1?source=share

Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/756807172061528064/the-lions-mane-pt-2-spoilers?source=share

Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/757405369850101760/the-lions-mane-pt-3-spoilers?source=share

3. Three Students

Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/758041884751953920/the-three-students-pt-1-notes-spoilers?source=share

Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/758671367238451200/the-three-students-pt-2-spoilers?source=share

4. Red Circle

Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/759304438861234176/the-red-circle-pt-1-spoilers?source=share

Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/759939519693930496/the-red-circle-pt2-spoilers?source=share

Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/760576632262213632/the-red-circle-pt-3-spoilers?source=share

Part 4: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/761208017460117504/the-red-circle-pt-4-spoilers?source=share

5. Resident Patient

Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/761842346061135872/the-resident-patient-pt-1-spoilers?source=share

Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/762475760867016704/the-resident-patient-pt-2-spoilers?source=share

Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/communities/sherlock-co-podsters/post/763109335567089664/the-resident-patient-pt-3-spoilers

6. Sign of Four

Part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/communities/sherlock-co-podsters/post/763747342005452800/the-sign-of-four-pt-1-spoilers

Part 2: https://www.tumblr.com/communities/sherlock-co-podsters/post/764379874132688896/the-sign-of-four-pt-2-spoilers

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Part 7:

Part 8:

Part 9:

Part 10:

Case art commission winners

(Same here, I only started posting winners and art reveals at Lion's Mane)

Lion’s Mane: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/755824370727944192/ooooooh-beautiful-artwork-by-abstractfrog-just?source=share

Three Students: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/757822850350579712/congrats-paperleef-for-getting-your-amazing-art?source=share

Red Circle: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/759160921044271104/been-meaning-to-post-about-the-next-case-when-it?source=share

Resident Patient: https://www.tumblr.com/kalifornia1025/761463018615898112/im-finally-getting-a-chance-to-post-about-not?source=share

Sign of Four: https://www.tumblr.com/communities/sherlock-co-podsters/post/763414814789894144/okay-some-of-us-patrons-already-got-a-sneak-peek

Steven Universe x Sherlock & Co au

I have this au brewing on my AO3 account, so if you're interesting:

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

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6 months ago

The Red Circle Pt.2 (SPOILERS)

Part 2 notes, not time to explain let’s GO!!!!

Shoutouts!! (hopefully one day I’ll be a part of these)

“But it means I can stare at them disapprovingly. And tut on occasion” okay Sherlock going into mom mode

Seriously John, just get a new mic! We’re not saying toss the old one; just keep the old one as a trophy and use a new NON-BROKEN one

Lol John is all “I’m not taking on a case that feeds on Italian stereotyping” when that’s just what the whole case is

Idk why but the policeman’s “ok?” is just so funny to me

GREGSON MENTION!! We’re getting Inspector Gregson in this one, yay! And Sherlock asked for him by FIRST name (Tom)

I’ll always be amazed with how quickly Sherlock can pinpoint where someone is in under a minute

The chipmunk voices strike once more

Ooooh, I like Gregson’s voice <3 

I’m sorry, but were Sherlock & John just HIDING in the same bathroom stall??

Oh no
Gregson REALLY hates him in this one
Sherlock, what did you DO??

Hehe jazzy Sinatra-esque music makes brain go brrrrrrrr

Aw, at least Gregson is a little bit nicer to John

HA a rare time when John gives the whole rundown of the case yet Sherlock was more worried about why Gregson hates him

Mariana: “I’m gonna make a cup of tea”, John: “Now you’re talking—that’ll get us thinking straight” ah yes the British approach to solving a problem

And off Sherlock goes to hang upside down! I love how this case is constantly confirming that he does this regularly

More shoutouts! (*cries* one day)

Oh? Lightbulb moment for John??

TWIN TOWNS!! Good catch, John!

Down goes Sherlock lol

Off they go to find Carlo, and accompanied with that great music again!

Oh shit
he’s dead

“He’s been branded
.with a red circle” AND THE EPISODE ENDS THERE?!

Okay, now we’re getting into them actually investigating the case! I’m really liking this case so far. I know some people are thrown off by the tech issues, and normally I would be too, but I personally don’t hate it. Yeah the glitching isn’t great at times, but the chipmunk voices are becoming my favorite ongoing joke in this case (alongside Sherlock regularly hanging upside down in the flat). Also interesting twist to make Gregson not like Sherlock. I knew he would be in the case since he was in the acd story case, but I didn’t think Gregson would have some grudge against Sherlock! I like it tho; it’s nice getting some new things for parts in the story that didn’t have much to begin with. Also the MUSIC?! HELLO?? Thank you John for blessing my ears! And now we must wait another week for the next part

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7 months ago

The Red Circle Pt. 1 (SPOILERS)

First part is up, let’s see what we’re dealing with!

Oof John’s already voicing his frustration over the tech issues; wonder how bad it could be

I both love and hate the sounds of John cleaning the mic, it sounds like he’s digging deep into my brain

Okay, we’re just at the end of a case?

Oh yeah, the mic is definitely bugging out

“My dear companion Doctor Watson” UGH HOW SWEET

What is happening?? WHAT IS GOING ON??

“This is going to be an 8 or 10 parter” OH REALLY John??

NONE OF THE ‘CASE’ RECORDED, that’s actually hilarious

“But was the best adventure yet” how great was it that it makes SHERLOCK say that??

Not them all reenacting the ‘case’ HAHA

Yeah John, Sherlock needs to get back to hanging upside down-WHAT

Oof Sherlock really said “you waffle so much that sometimes your random words help me solve the case” (he’s not wrong tho)


Awww Mariana’s meeting up with a friend from Hudson’s, how nice!

God, the irony of voice actors being bad at acting is incredible

Sherlock WOULD be the person asking questions during movies (and pointing out inconsistencies)

I love how you can still hear the ‘movie’ going on even when Sherlock & John are talking

This little exchange

John: “Door knock”

Sherlock: “Very observant”

John: “Is that sarcasm there?”

Sherlock: “Exceptionally observant”

John: “Well done”

Sherlock: “Thank you”

Ah!! Chipmunk voice jump scare!

Sherlock: “Is that right, John?”, John: “It’s right big guy” JOHN CALLED SHERLOCK BIG GUY

I feel John’s pain, I HATE having to explain movies to people


“Good God, put the gangster film back on” SAME SHERLOCK

Awesome how Mariana and Imani are already fans of the reality show

“Why do women like that kind of stuff? It’s cruel, it’s vicious, destructive-KILL HIM, SHOOT HIM IN THE EYE”—I will never get tired of this ongoing joke with John starting a point and immediately contradicting it at the end

The ‘bullets through the bum and balls’ exchange shouldn’t be as hilarious as it is, yet here we are

Oooooh, so THIS is how we get the Red Circle case (hopefully it’ll make up for the ‘unrecorded case’)



Oof John that mic is REALLY messed up

And that’s it for part 1! I was NOT expecting a hilarious start for this one. I can only imagine what ‘case’ we missed (lol), but Red Circle sounds interesting enough! Also, it’s cute hearing more domestic moments with the main trio. I mean they have MOVIE NIGHTS!! The fanfics were TRUE! Anyway, this is a fun start and it’s just the beginning of our 4-part adventure, so stay tuned

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7 months ago

I’ve been BEGGING for a Stan & Ford sea adventures spinoff for YEARS!!!

It would not only be a fun show to watch (with the same GF weirdness/humor), but we’d get to see the Stan twins back in action and working through the 40 years they’ve been apart! And the fact that Alex says he could write so many stories of their adventures is PERFECT for me!!

Alex Hirsch, I try not to ask a lot from you man because I trust your masterful storytelling skills plus you’re feeding the fandom so much good content right now, but this is the ONE thing that I need so badly!!

Do you think Ford will eventually realize that his ego is really a big problem?

I think he does realize it at this point, at least to a certain extent. He knows Bill played him like a pipe both pre-betrayal and even in the Fearamid when Bill was asking how to pop the bubble surrounding Gravity Falls. He definitely knows his actions led to having to erase his brother's memory at point-blank range and we see just how guilty he feels about that in Journal 3. We also know from Book of Bill that he's struggling with an immense amount of shame due to the nature of his relationship with Bill and just how far gone he was (and we do see him regressing a little bit, in the way he hid the book from his family for so long before Mabel found it).

So, yes, Ford's on the path to recovery. This isn't to say that recovery is linear (it never is), and I remember this quote from the Alex Hirsch interview a few months ago:

"Those [Stan and Ford] characters at sea- it was so rich. They're really really funny, because they both have major major blind spots. -I can kinda write stories about them as a duo forever, because you can always excuse them both getting hyped on a bad idea for their own reasons, and then you can always come up with a reason for them to disagree about it, and it's always sweet to see them come together again, because they're so full of themselves, but they are also both so damaged they desperately need each other."

They're both going to regress at some point, meaning Ford's ego is going to rear its ugly head again. Maybe with not the same catastrophic consequences like coming close to ending the world and almost becoming a god-king of your shattered dimension with your triangular boyfriend who is reenacting his own trauma with you - but Ford's going to have to deal with it. Luckily, this time he has Stan around to keep him in check.

But I do also think Ford is due for some big realizations as they prep for their trip at sea and just how deep his, as he puts it in BoB, "monomaniacal ambition" runs and just how far the blast zone of collateral damage from his actions really extended.

(Side note? Going back to the interview with Alex, the way he's talking about the adventures and Ford and Stan at sea...I don't want to get anyone's hopes up but, oh boy, does it sound like something we might get down the road, if we are all very, VERY lucky).

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7 months ago
Been Meaning To Post About The Next Case When It Didnt Feel Too Early

Been meaning to post about the next case when it didn’t feel ‘too early’

Congrats @N3PTOON__ for winning the art commission for Sherlock & Co’s next case
The Red Circle! If this case didn’t look interesting enough just from the art alone, then you’re gonna love that it’s FOUR PARTS!! We haven’t had a four-parter since Silver Blaze!

It does make you wonder how they’ll revamp this story to make it as long of a case. Stay tuned for my part 1 reaction notes!

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7 months ago

I saw this one!!

It’s fantastic! It legit felt like a lost episode. From the two different plots happening at once, to making Ford have other character interactions outside of Dipper and Stan (who are having their OWN subplot adventure together!)

I don’t wanna give too much away, but DEFINITELY check it out when possible!

I’m sharing this on here for fans, both new and old out there that haven’t heard of it, but there is a little fan-made episode of Gravity Falls a small group made about a year ago that takes place before Dipper and Mabel vs the Future and it’s so GOOD.

The comedy is top notch, the voice acting is great, the writing for the episode feels like it was from the OG writing team of the show, the storyboarding brought me back to when we used to see those deleted/alternative scenes from the conventions years back. People were even commenting on how this fan episode is what we should have gotten instead of the road-trip episode in S2 and yeah, I agree.

It adds so much character for Ford with the amount of screen time he was given here, exploring his relationships with the other characters, including the much needed exploration of the relationship between him and Mabel, even diving more into his PTSD and how that’s affecting him and his decision making
..I put emphasis on that for a reason and the reason will be revealed in the video itself.

But seriously, check it out when you have the chance.

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7 months ago

Gravity Falls is such a great example of how autism runs in families

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7 months ago

The Three Students Pt. 2 (SPOILERS)

Pt. 2 notes, let’s go!!

Starting off with John being the disaster drunk that he is
I’m not surprised John would be the ‘I lOvE yOu GuYs So MuCh” drunk

I forget John is a snorer (worth noting that Sherlock HATES people making noises in their sleep INCLUDING snorers, but somehow doesn’t have any problem with John’s snoring)

Mariana and Kayleigh bonding over Taylor Swift was sweet (not a Swiftie myself, but still sweet)

At least John isn’t the only one that ‘overdid it’ while at Oxford. Sherlock honey you were up until 5am, GO TO SLEEP!

‘Sleeping Beauty’ - hehe John’s our Sleeping Beauty (as he looks like shit, I imagine)

Poor John is gonna be SUFFERING through that hangover

Oh?? John’s drunken adventures gave them a clue? Good for him, I suppose?

Oh God, I just KNOW the speech is gonna SUCK

John, stop losing your shoes!! 

‘A very particular shoe’

Prometheus mention? Must be to make up for them changing from the original Greek exam in the og story! Really good connection between the myth and the current case

Ew shut up Miles, that isn’t ‘speaking your mind’, that’s just being an arrogant prick. Humble this piece of shit, Sherlock!

Sherlock: “Oopsy, there’s a lie”, YES SHERLOCK get his ass!

It’s the moment we’ve all been expected: the big speech! Poor Sherlock, he’s so nervous

Good on him for switching over to something he’s more confident in: the current case!

Yes Sherlock, get in your element! It’s so sweet hearing him get so into the case and explaining his deductions, and I LOVE all Sherlock Holmes deduction scenes where he explains his thinking!

Personally I think Sherlock would also make for a GREAT professor (ironic considering a certain professor becomes a problem later on

Sherlock: “Oh deary deary”, stop being so cute, Sherlock!

Hehe yes Sherlock, make that SMALL MAN admit his real height! (He’s not even that short, but he deserves to be bullied)

Nice callback to Sherlock looking for ‘a very particular shoe’ while getting shoes for John! Knew that was gonna come back up later

Kayleigh, You did all this in order to go to a TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT?! I will say, Swifties are committed

“Only through a Doctor from Swindon and an Accountant from Sociedad have my studies in the human condition had become all the more enlightening” d’awwww Sherlock you love them!!


HA Sherlock still being the snack thief he is!

Aaaaand that’s it for the Three Students case! This was a fun one. Not in my top three for the podcast’s cases, but definitely a fun one. 

I don’t know if alcoholism is thought of differently in the UK (especially when it comes to UK university norms) but even as an American I can tell that alcohol is becoming far more relevant to John than him just ‘partying like a student’. Reminder that he was drinking a beer in the middle of the day during pt. 1, and this was BEFORE they stepped foot at Oxford! Personally
I hope the podcast recognizes this as a real problem; same goes for Sherlock’s drug addiction. I really don’t want these things to just be running jokes. I’m not asking for full episodes of rehab or whatever, I just want them to ACKNOWLEDGE that these are problems. 

Anyway, great case and now it’s just waiting for the next one. Fingers crossed we start getting to the meatier cases soon!

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7 months ago

UGH it gives me so much seratonin seeing the Stan twins visibly happy, especially from GF artists like @demico-art. My feed is blessed everytime I see your artđŸ„°

I’m in DESPERATE need of a spinoff series with these two going on their adventures out at sea!

Sometimes I Like To Go Back To GF, And Draw Some Happy Stans. I Got This Image Of A Laughing Stan With
Sometimes I Like To Go Back To GF, And Draw Some Happy Stans. I Got This Image Of A Laughing Stan With
Sometimes I Like To Go Back To GF, And Draw Some Happy Stans. I Got This Image Of A Laughing Stan With

Sometimes I like to go back to GF, and draw some happy Stans. I got this image of a laughing Stan with puffs of steam from the cold coming out of his mouth, and a gigglesnorting Ford next to him, when I randomly woke up at 4 am as I usually do. They might have fallen down a hole on a snowy mountain, or slid down a (non-steep) ridge. Anyway, when I woke up in the morning I copied what I saw at night on my tablet, and here’s the result :)

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7 months ago

I’m so glad someone else noticed that!

Stan is my fave character in the whole show and it makes me happy to hear BOTH Stan & Ford sound genuinely happy (especially after ALL they’ve been throughđŸ„č)

There's a video of what appears to be the boys out at sea and you can hear Stan and Ford (mainly his laugh) in the background and when I tell you I cried listening to this... The genuine happy laugh from Stan is everything to me and is so healing. đŸ„șđŸ„ș

(Shoutout to @ SortaClueless via Twitter for the screen recording of the video)

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