She Deserved So Much More - Tumblr Posts
Times Aki could’ve joined the team:
- when they were short on members
- when they couldn’t use the Pegasus move
- the multiple times she wished she could play soccer and said nothing??
- the game against team Zeus when all the reserve members couldn’t play
-in season 2 when they had girls joining the team AND AND AND

BIANCA LAWSON as Kendra Young Buffy the Vampire Slayer S2E9 & 10: What’s My Line Part I & II
Listen, I love Artemis Fowl with all my heart but...
I will never stop being angry at how eoin colfer straight up,, used and discarded a character like Minerva. she had so?? much?? potential?? like sure he screwed her character a little by making her all starstruck by artemis but that’s what made her unique. She wasn’t just a female counterpart to artemis- she was the more humane, more attuned-to-emotions version. She was a pillar of support to Butler when Artemis went MIA. Butler, who’s like 2m tall and trained to remain level-headed in all situation. Butler, who took care of Artemis since he was a baby. Butler, who felt like a failure to his entire family because he failed to keep his charge safe. She managed to give him hope that Artemis would return. He basically confirms that he wouldn’t have survived without her support. And what did she get in return? She got written off and never mentioned again, with some flimsy excuse of her having running off with some skier in the Swiss Alps. idk who that satisfied but it isn't me.
tl;dr: Minerva Paradizo deserved so much more than being cast aside once her role as a convenient female that catches Artemis’s attention when he’s going through puberty was fulfilled.
do you think that after district 12 was destroyed katniss saw strawberries and thought of the undersees. of madge, one of her first friends whom she never got to say goodbye to.