Totally Agree - Tumblr Posts

thinking about how sanji is simultaneously one of the coolest and lamest characters in all of one piece. a suave badass with a heart of gold AND a pathetic, wet paper bag of a human being. every time he's on screen i'm swooning over him while also fighting through twenty layers of cringe. truly a man of multitudes.

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5 years ago

the two (2) Avengers who really truly see The Avengers as their founded family are the two who sacrifice themselves for everyone in the universe 

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5 years ago

Endgame spoilers ahead:

Another thing I am angry about:

Natasha Romanoff, born Natalia Alianovna Romanova, should not have died. I understand why it was done, why it was her, it was logical, sensible choice, but it was the wrong one.

Natasha was good, had been doing the good thing for years, she did not give up. By killing her you achieve nothing but making her a martyr. Clint should have been the sacrifice for the soul stone because he needed redemption (he had been playing judge, jury, and executioner for the last five years), and he needed to make the final sacrifice, to die so his family could live. Natasha should have gone to Clint’s family and told them “your father, your husband, died so you could live. He was a hero.” There is not atonement in Natasha’s death.

Natasha does not become a better person (what she wanted) by dying. Her death achieved nothing but shock factor, and that’s not why you kill a character. Never for shock factor.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Clint, but he should have been the one to give his life up. The MCU robbed him of his redemption and his Hero’s Sacrifice, and made Natasha a martyr.

Natasha was the logical choice, because Clint had kids and a wife, and Natasha only had The Avengers. From the moment they split up, I knew she was going to die, so when the time came, I was just resigned, I didn’t even get emotional.

Natasha’s atonement was in living, while Clint’s was in sacrifice.

EDIT: As someone in the replies pointed out, Nat didn’t even get a funeral scene. That shit just hurts.

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3 years ago

Another little thing I love about SINF

cause I know you’re all dying for more of my hot takes on a series that ended nearly 10 years ago (Oh god it ended nearly 10 years ago and I was sitting there waiting on pins and needles for the final book–which came out exactly 20 days after my birthday. I’m OLD).

All of the Immortal/Elder/NextGen characters tell history a little differently. And we get to see the characters kinda sort through it. Especially with Sophie tackling and sorting through the memories that Zephaniah gave her. Like, OF COURSE all of them would have their own opinions on how things happened perspectives on different events that they believe to be the most accurate version. Just another A+ touch in an excellent series.

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1 year ago

Times Aki could’ve joined the team:

- when they were short on members

- when they couldn’t use the Pegasus move

- the multiple times she wished she could play soccer and said nothing??

- the game against team Zeus when all the reserve members couldn’t play

-in season 2 when they had girls joining the team AND AND AND

Times Aki Couldve Joined The Team:

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11 months ago

sighhhhhh project moon women....... <3

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2 years ago

Manifesting for sonic 3 that. Please fucking god no romance plot with Amy please please it will make me so. Not happy with the movie

Please just have her be a friend/sister please. I'm literally begging this will ruin the movie for me

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3 years ago

i know that “don’t harass people for being weird, they might be autistic!” is a fairly popular take on here. but as a Certified Autist, i’d like to add that harassing allistic and/or neurotypical people for being weird is also bad, and should not be done

and before you come in with “yeah, you never know who is and isn’t autistic, and you shouldn’t force people to out themselves!” i want to say two things: one, i agree. and two, even if you could magically avoid ever harassing a single autistic person, it still wouldn’t be okay to go after NTs for being weird. they’re people, janice. they’re allowed to be really invested in naruto

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1 year ago

the new world is adorbs and i truly love how it looks, but i can't lie and be fake here...there is nothing to do. for some reason only kids can use the marbles (just like with the voidcritter games) which makes no sense to me as most of us are obviously adults playing why can't our grown sims have fun, too? the buildings are great, but they're just to look at, as is most of what's in this world. not by any means saying i dislike the world and i haven't played enough to say too much about the gameplay (just shy of maybe 7 full hours in). but i have played enough to say that i'm just tired of doing the same things over and over in worlds, taking lots of photos of scenery because there's not much else to actually do, buying things, eating food at a stall. it's the same stuff over and over.

i'd like to surf, swim in any body of water, sit with my sim on a rollercoaster, go watch a rodeo, sit with my sim in a movie theatre after they've paid for their ticket to a new movie premiere, take my sim to uni and sit in on a lecture and choose how they interact with the class and their professor, go through a tunnel of love and choose whether my sims share their first kiss or sit awkwardly and stiffly side by side, explore a cave that's not a rabbit hole and meet fae creatures... pretty stuff is great, i love it, but i still wish to simulate a life amongst those pretty things, and the tools to do that mean more to me than how pretty a few deco buildings are.

i don't expect many people to agree with me on this; i have watched this game slowly become more and more about decorating and building and dress up and less and less about gameplay over the years and these are just my personal opinions. nothing more, nothing less. the sims has always been about wielding our imaginations, but when i have to apply the art of make believe to an entire life simulation game, when i have to download tons of mods to enrich my gameplay and constantly risk those mods breaking for updates to game packs that still lack the gameplay i desire, i see an issue. and before anyone says, "then don't buy the pack," i didn't. :)

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1 year ago

perhaps one of my hotter takes as a queer person but i’m never coming out again. you can figure it out or live in pure ignorance but either way it’s not my problem. the worst thing society ever tried to teach us was that coming out is an obligation. it’s not. it’s a privilege for you to know the depths of who i am, my sexuality included.

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2 years ago

The fixation on making characters behave exactly like real people in 95% of writing advice I see kinda misses the point imo. It’s how we get people pointing at certain scenes and being like “this is so unrealistic, no one would do that, what terrible writing”. Like, idk how to tell you this, but it’s *not* real. There’s a reason why situations, emotions, and actions in stories are often exaggerated (to make a Point more obvious when it might otherwise be missed) and you went ahead and missed it anyway

The focus should always be on how to craft characters that best suit the narrative. If that means they act like “real people”, then that’s fine. But that’s not the case for every story and shouldn’t be treated as such 

In fact, the focus of all writing advice should be how to best tailor the setting, characters, word choices, and writing styles to the type of story you want to tell. It’s why writing advice is so dang subjective and often frustratingly difficult to both learn and teach

So yeah, I guess I just don’t want fledgling writers to think that just because their characters are “unrealistic” that they are automatically Doing It Wrong. Those characters might be acting in the exact way your story needs them to act

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5 months ago

its so weird seeing people say things negatively about gale's talking. like how it's annoyingly cute or charmingly obnoxious or being like 'just shut up already and kiss me' like, to me that's the big appeal of him. i like when he tells long, detailed stories or gets poetic and flowery about things. i get that it's a gag to be like "haha the yapperrr (nerd face emoji)" but idk man it's seen as such a joke or as a negative but it's my favorite part of him and what made me fall for him in the first place, it's hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that so many gale fans feel it's something to tolerate when it's the best part of him in my opinion

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1 year ago

All i wish for 2024 is every creator to start that project they’ve been thinking about, write those fics they have been planning, make messy art, and to have as little burnout as possible.

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10 months ago

First time

Penelope: born in modern age, had access to porn and smut

Callisto: who had absolutely no sex ed and even wasn’t interested in sex before he met Penny

First Time

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11 months ago

Some people get therapy others drown themselves fanfiction about pretty girls kissing. I believe everyone should try the latter but that's just me.

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