She Ra Season 5 - Tumblr Posts

poor catra she isso done with this bs

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inspired by @teenagedirtbag080 s post

catra is big dead

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4 years ago

Me:*has to finish last minute homework for friday*

Also me:*is an impatient little shit who doesn’t have the patience to wait an entire day to finish homework before watching s5*

I’ll just turn it in late and blame it on computer troubles...

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4 years ago
It IS Friday, How Much Longer Do I Have To Wait? DAMMIT

It IS friday, how much longer do I have to wait? DAMMIT

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4 years ago

Hey so She-Ra should be coming back soon but like, I just remembered something...

So Adora broke the sword and lost all her powers, but Swift Wind got his powers from the sword too....


Hey So She-Ra Should Be Coming Back Soon But Like, I Just Remembered Something...

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4 years ago

Come into the light with me

Come Into The Light With Me

I just can't get this image of chipped Catra out of my mind. Those haunting green eyes 😍

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4 years ago

Okay, I have a prediction based on the most recent She-ra clip

Glimmer and Catra are going to talk after the dinner. Glimmers gonna be mad that Catra didn’t react more/seem like she cared, Catra’s gonna be annoyed that Glimmer revealed so much. Then Catra will say something about how bad Shadow Weaver was, Glimmer will realize how much of a dick she was to trust Shadow Weaver and ignore Adora. Catra would be surprised that she’s able to admit that she was wrong and feel bad but not say anything in the moment

‘Tis but a concept

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4 years ago

If Angela comes back (which she definitely will) then that means that Mara has to come back. They’re both trapped in the portal, and I don’t think time functions normally/in a way where Mara would die of old age

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4 years ago

I bet that she ra came to be to fight Horde Prime. Or at least the Heart of Etheria Project thing; a huge super weapon to destroy him

Especially with the whole ‘goodbye my oldest enemy’ line

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