She Ra Au - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago


Should i make… a TSaMs She-Ra AU?? (it would be my first ever AU :])

(you cannot tell me Ruin doesnt fit Double Trouble anyway-)

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4 years ago
Mmmmmm I Was Scrolling Through My Dash And Saw @mcyt-apocalypse-au Had A Post Talking About Corrupted!
Mmmmmm I Was Scrolling Through My Dash And Saw @mcyt-apocalypse-au Had A Post Talking About Corrupted!

mmmmmm I was scrolling through my dash and saw @mcyt-apocalypse-au had a post talking about corrupted! Tommy. So I had to draw it. Also, out of all of the mcyts, Tommy’s hair gives me the most trouble for some damn reason.

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4 years ago
I Made Gordon The She-ra (He-man In This Case, Hehe!) And Benrey Would Be Catra. Gordon, Benrey (c) Hlvrai

I made Gordon the she-ra (He-man in this case, hehe!) And Benrey would be Catra. Gordon, Benrey (c) hlvrai

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4 years ago
I Made Gordon The She-ra (He-man In This Case, Hehe!) And Benrey Would Be Catra.Gordon, Benrey (c) Hlvrai

I made Gordon the she-ra (He-man in this case, hehe!) And Benrey would be Catra. Gordon, Benrey (c) hlvrai

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3 years ago

I present you my MHA x She-ra (2018) AU.

(Here there are only the ones with an elementary runestone)

Tsuyu is the Queen of Salineas, she is 21 (in season 1) and has frog and water powers. She also know how to kick ass with a trident.

Ochaco is the Princess of Bright Moon, she is 16 and has the power to control the gravity of what she touchs. She is also a good fighter.

Hitoshi is the King of Sonaria (ok I invented this one because I didn't really like Plumeria, sorry not sorry). He is 21, he cans control people by his voice but he only cans give one order before letting go the person, he fights with his father's scepter which is a tool for guide his voice and not control his allies.

Shoto is the King of the Kingdom of Snows, he is 12. He became king at 8 after the destruction of the Mount Candila and the Spirit Ember, provoking the death of his family. He has ice powers and when he was connected to the Spirit Ember he also had fire powers.

Touya is the Prince of the Mount Candila. He is dead at 18 during the destruction of the kingdom. He has fire powers.

Eijirou is technically the Prince of the Fright Zone but the place is under the Horde's control. No powers detected be due to an absence of connection with the Black Garnet.

Izuku is connected to the Sword of Protection, giving him the power of One For All also called Prince of Power. The sword gives him different capacities like a super force, energy blasts or a control on most of the First Ones' technologies.

I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.
I Present You My MHA X She-ra (2018) AU.

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2 years ago

Catradora song fic-angsty- song: another love by tom Odell

I wanna take you somewhere so you know I care

They were merely six years of age. Running through the hallways' of the Horde. Adora smiled up at her friend as laughter escaped the Magicat. ‘Where are we going?’ She asked. ‘Somewhere special!’ Six year old Catra grinned.

But its so cold, and I don't know where

They were nineteen. Adora holds Catra by the front of her shirt, as her friend dangles over the cliff. She was angry, and that anger was directed at Catra, whoms heart had frozen over with shock and annoyance.

I brought you daffodils in a pretty string

They were somewhere unknown in their twenties. It was their wedding. Catra stares at herself in the mirror, the yellow petals of the daffodils brushing against her thigh. A smile etched across her face. ‘for Adora’ She whispered.

But they won't flower like they did last spring

Adora falls to her knees. ‘Catra!!’ She screams her the name of her beloved. Memories fly through her mind, her anger seething, to the point of boiling over. But she shoves it down, she can't. She needs to save Catra.

And I wanna kiss you, make you feel alright

The two woman lay intertwined on their bed. Catra purrs, Adoras heartbeat coming in a poetic rhythm. Their rings of marriage shine like gold in the dim orange lighting. Years of terror and battle not forgotten, but put aside.

I'm just so tired to share my nights

Catra falls in the door of her and Adoras shared home. Tears stream down her furred face. But she stands strong, pulling herself to her feet, she storms in another door. Where Adora lay upon the couch, death was insight.

I wanna cry and I wanna love

Adora had survived. Catra recalled the moments of near despair, and the several close calls. They could not give up. She remembered her own words to the blonde. ‘I shall love you in death, Shall I love you in life'

But all my tears have been used up

They were nineteen again. Adora had left the Horde. Catra stares miserably into the mirror. Rage and pain roar ing in her gut. She sat down, and downed the glass of w

ater in her hand. ‘Life or death it is, Adora’

Oh another love, another love.

Adora feels the goddess of jealousy kindling a fire in her heart. Catra and Scorpia laugh and joke, merely a few feet away from her. Adora had never felt such a burning sense of envy. She hated feeling that way.

All my tears have been used up

Unknowingly paralleling each other, the magicat and the infamous She-ra slide down their respective doors. Why fate had torn them apart, they were unsure. They just hoped it was merely temporary.

Oh another love, another love

Catra's fingers trail over the old chalky drawing, recalling her previous argument with Adora. Her rage had subsided by now, and guilt in its place. How cruel was she? Yelling at her former best friend and current live interest?

All my tears have been used up

Adora's scream of despair was unbearable to hear. She was sad, as bow would put it. But that was simply an understatement. She was feeling an incredible sense of cordolium. She was heartbroken.

Oh another love, another love

Catra was an eccedentesiat.That was a rather clear fact to those who new her well. Yet that little fact was never spoken of during those moments of fury, guilt and regret. Not a word of her melancholic pain. It was too late.

all my tears have been used up

They once again faced each other. The circumstances were rather disturbing. A sense of nostalgic deja vu broke through the air surrounding them. Catra realises first, that this will never end. Never.

And if somebody hurts you, I wanna fight

Catra tries her best to hold her love back. Across from her, Bow is attempting to calm Adora down and protect his own girlfriend, Glimmer. ‘I'm sorry!’ The queen squeaks, hiding behind Bow once again. ‘No one hurts my Catra’

But my hands been broken, one too many times

Catra bandages her hand mindlessly. She was simply in a state of ataraxia. Her door opens, and she does not notice. She doesn't even notice when Adora sits beside her. ‘I’m here for you’ She finally notices, and she is glad.

so i'll use my voice, i'll be so f*cking rude

Adora and Catra face each other. The radiant glow of the morning sun cast down on them, their hearts do not comply. ‘Please Catra' Adora begs. ‘No' The magicats reply is simple. simply ignorant.

Words, they always win. But i know i'll lose

The familiar saudade feeling sunk in her chest. Catra recalled her entire childhood, adding on to her newfound alexithymia. Why was her life so terrible? Was she that bad that she deserved boundless trauma? Anger.

And i’d sing a song, that'd be just ours

They were fourteen years old. Sitting on the roof of the Horde. Their melodic voices singing quietly. Laughter rang out, and they each felt a burst of gunnen in their hearts as they sang. They would later forget this, to Catra's dismay.

But I sang ‘em all, to another heart

It was Adora's own forgetfulness which had caused the caraphernelia in Catra's gut. The magicat had simpy been out for a stroll, when she had heard Adora and another singing the same tune as once before. To her own despair.

And I wanna cry and I wanna learn to love

Catra threw herself to the floor. Not once, not twice, but three times had Adora betrayed her. The magicat cried out, as she noticed that she had landed on a pool of glass shards. Someone was attempting to kill her.

But all my tears have been used up

Shadow weaver storms out, leaving the two sixteen year olds alone. Laughter sprouts from the blonde, as the brunette offers a small smile. The latter understands the situation better, and the lack of true amusement it has.

Oh another love, another love.

All either remembered, was screaming, and the disturbing image of blood pooling on Catra. They had only been eight years old at the time of the incident. Catra had been scarred, while Adora remained blissfully ignorant. Unfair

all my tears have been used up

Adora wiped the tears forming in her sky blue eyes. She could not appear weak before the enemy. She heard Catra yelp in pain behind her, and it took all her might to hold back from saving her. She hated her, that was clear.

Another love, another love

Catra is confused. Who was this blonde girl? Why did Horde Prime want her dead? She did not know. Nor did she honestly care, as shown with her deadly actions, if brother Prime wanted her dead, then she shall do it.

All my tears have been used up

Parallel to each other, tears had long since drenched the faces of the princess and the magicat. The others were quick to realise that tears had been practically banned, within the Horde. Except, Adora could.

another love, another love

Adora leaned against the wall. Memories flooded her body as she stumbled to her knees. Memories of Catra, memories long forgotten. It was like a burning pain, spreading throughout her entire body. Yet it would help.

All my tears have been used up

Catra wipes her stinging eyes. She was not one to cry. Yet the tears believed she did, regardless of her inability to cry. That was, until Scorpia had left her. Since everyone had left her. Everyone…

(Oh, need a love, now, my heart is thinking of)

Laughter rings out around the room. Turning hysterical as it continued, and soon into sobs. Adora stared in horror. Never had she once thought that Glimmer would say something so…so cruel. And this was the result.

I wanna sing a song, that'd be just ours

They were twelve, sneaking around the Hordes base late at night. Young, young and naive, was Adora. Being so much of it, that she had merely dismissed the worry in Catras eyes. How she would later regret it, later.

But I sang em’ all to another heart

‘Your my best friends!’ Adora grins, pulling Bow and Glimmer into a hug. The two laugh. Unbeknownst to them, they were being watched. By Catra. The magicat was furious, beyond that even. Oh stars…

And I wanna cry, I wanna fall in love

Those words would be Catras. Those words were of things she was incapable of. Those words were on a constant roll in her mind. Those words were what stopped her from ending it. Those words guided her.

But all my tears have been used up

She finally gave up. Catra looks over at the peaceful Adora, sleeping in the magicats new alcove bed. Poor She-ra would never learn of her beloveds fate, the Magicat placed a singular kiss on the blonde. ‘Bye Adora'

On another love, another love

The silence echoed loudly over the forest, the sky was a light blue. Reminding the runaway of Adoras eyes. No!, she could not think of her! That would only make her feel bad. She had to run. She had to escape.

All my tears have been used up

Adora woke early. To her utter shock, Catra was nowhere to be seen! Where had she gone, The blonde thought o herself, unaware that the night before was possibly the very last time she would ever see her love.

On another love, another love

Heartbroken. It was an understatement to how both girls felt, staring into each others eyes. ‘No. You've already hurt me, Adora' Catra continued, the first of her words lost. ‘I'm sorry!’ Adora sobs. It will not work, not this time.

All my tears have been used up

Etheria was scary, atleast to Catra. The catgirl was feeling rather immerensis to Adora, as she pulled her through the wild crowds. The blonde was as hyperactive as Catea was panicked. Her little mistake.

On another love, another love

Adora snored, as Catra lay her head in the crook of She-ra's neck. The sound of the blondes heartbeat coming in a rather soothing motion. Despite what she said, Catra couldn't fathom how she was loved by Adora, at all.

All my tears have been used up

The next thing she knew, her vision was clouded with a now sickening green. Her stomach turned at the idea of fighting against her friends, how was Horde Prime so cruel? A weird sensation filled her chest. Uh oh.

Oh, oh.

In the end, this end. Adora could not save her love. And in the process, the blonde passed with her. Shortly followed by Bow. And then a heartbroken Glimmer. But atleast they were together in the afterlife, thats all that matters.

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5 months ago

So completely hypothetical, would anyone read a Catadora fanfic set in a universe I made

(it has basically no ties to She-Ra (aside from the charters placed in it) and would be very self indulgent to my sense of creativity)

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9 months ago

Catra for an au,the au focuses on Catra growing up on the isles of sonus,a land opposite Etheria,the draconian's that live there are responsible for the runestones though they aren't aware of the war going on on Etheria as they closed their borders long ago,feel free to ask questions about the au in my ask box.!!!

Catra gets raised by a loving couple called verse and siren!!

Also featuring velocity's hands.

Catra For An Au,the Au Focuses On Catra Growing Up On The Isles Of Sonus,a Land Opposite Etheria,the
Catra For An Au,the Au Focuses On Catra Growing Up On The Isles Of Sonus,a Land Opposite Etheria,the
Catra For An Au,the Au Focuses On Catra Growing Up On The Isles Of Sonus,a Land Opposite Etheria,the
Catra For An Au,the Au Focuses On Catra Growing Up On The Isles Of Sonus,a Land Opposite Etheria,the

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9 months ago

Catra's adoptive parents,Siren and Verse,they love Catra alot despite her not being a draconian,feel free to ask questions about the au.

Verse and siren are a bonded and mated pair of Draconian's,siren(purple) is a close friend of the queen and the crowns lyricist,Verse(blue) is a fisher,she taught Catra how to fish.

Catra's Adoptive Parents,Siren And Verse,they Love Catra Alot Despite Her Not Being A Draconian,feel
Catra's Adoptive Parents,Siren And Verse,they Love Catra Alot Despite Her Not Being A Draconian,feel

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9 months ago

Facts about the Sonus au

.Horde prime doesn't exist in the au

.Catra still has melog,Melog landed via a meteor.

.the draconian's are responsible for the runestones.

. Draconian society is aware of She-Ra and call her the golden one.

.Catra is shorter than the draconians are they are all quite tall.

Feel free to ask questions about the au :D

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