She's A Badass - Tumblr Posts
Do You Know This Disabled Character?

Raven Reyes has nerve damage and wears a knee brace.

mr. robot side character week - day 1: favourite side character - trenton/shama biswas “I can’t leave my family. I did this for them.”

Kara Hui looks gorgeous here. I love her outfit and the hair looks really good on her

Just a lil something something I drew today :)
Another OC because I’m terrible :D, BUT the bad week of no art and no inspo is slowly fading so there should be more art coming haha :’)) hopefully ♥
As someone whose favorite female of the ghost band is cumulus... yeah
people who get weird fatphobic tunnel vision about cumulus and automatically assign her the mommy title weird me out!! she likes dancing with the rest of the pack she loves being held by aether and swiss she kisses aurora during rituals she gets made fun of for the typos she can’t stop making she makes fun of swiss’ and sunshine’s dumb flirting and still falls for it she’ll post rain’s most cursed looking meals to the groupchat with the caption ‘girl dinner’ she’s one of the goofiest ghoulettes and yall are cowards for not fleshing her out beyond hur hur fat = mom figure
No really tho. She my hero.

Lyanna Mormont, y’all.